Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

Where did I say it’s not consensual? And what cheater did I not call out for being a cheater?

How about the one who committed perjury and obstruction over what you folks said was a consensual affair, you folks claimed it wasn't really a crime.

What about him? I called him a piece of shit for cheating on his wife.

Did you support his removal for his admitted crimes?

Nope. I didn’t see where lying about an affair was that big of a deal and it had nothing to do with his presidency other than the humiliation he brought to it.

Perjury and obstruction are felonies, that made it a big deal, hypocrite.


Perjury and obstruction are felonies, that made it a big deal. You're talking about Trump, right?
Oddly, I believe he was more worried about Melania.

and considering her reaction to the news, he had reason

Of course you do.


Of course you do.

Comes from having a working brain.
Let me know when you find one. You realize, if trump cared about not hurting Melanie, he wouldn’t have cheated on her while she was carrying his child; or any other time.

Let me know when you find one.

Found it long ago...

Been using it for years.

Not seeing a lot of difference between his and Clinton, in the sexual advances area.

yet y'all gave him a pass

Was Clinton ever elected after all this came to light? No.

Did Trump's YES & you assfucks still voted for him.

THAT is the fucking difference you stupid shit.

Was Clinton ever elected after all this came to light? No.

Could he run, 'stupid shit'?
How do you know that? Did you talk to Trump?

And by the way, prosecutors will charge it as a campaign finance crime/felony/expense because of the obvious. He needed to hide an affair weeks before the election, the money was not reported, it exceeded $2700 dollars, and it was reported to have come from stolen money out of his charity. Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016. A $130,000 payment would far exceed that limit. Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from. So for you to say it is not a campaign expense, is the joke of the day. Since Trump was lying, how in the hell do you know if it was an expense or not? Lol!
how is it obvious?
Can you read? He needed to hide an affair weeks before the election, the money was not reported, it exceeded $2700 dollars, and it was reported to have come from stolen money out of his charity. Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016. A $130,000 payment would far exceed that limit. Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from. So for you to say it is not a campaign expense, is the joke of the day. Since Trump was lying, how in the hell do you know if it was an expense or not? Lol! Learn to read the obvious fool.

Which of those Seven Stages of Grief do you imagine Trump currently occupies?

The Michael Cohen Sentencing Memos Are Damning for Trump

"The Southern District of New York’s simultaneously released sentencing memo also has serious legal ramifications for the President.

"In describing how Cohen bought the silence of two women with whom Trump had affairs in order to help Trump win the Presidency, it makes clear that Cohen 'acted in coordination with and at the direction of Individual-1.'

"Three months ago, Cohen said in his guilty plea that this was true and that the President was implicated in a criminal scheme to sway the election.

"Now, though, federal prosecutors working under Robert Khuzami, the acting U.S. Attorney, feel confident enough in this assertion that they have tied themselves to it."

I'm guessing "Anger."

President was implicated in a criminal scheme to sway the election.

By saying he didn't have sex with that woman? Or paying off another girl almost a million dollars in a civil suit while he was president?

Quit embarrassing yourselves..

Anyone who voted for or supports Trump really shouldn't lecture about embarrassment:

Michael Cohen told Mueller's office about contacts between Trump aides and Russia

"After the filing from Mueller, Trump tweeted that it 'totally clears the President. Thank you!'

"But in fact there was nothing in either court filing that exonerated Trump, and one portion strongly suggested that Trump was personally involved in a campaign finance violation.

"The Manhattan prosecutors said Cohen had paid off two women to suppress their stories about affairs with Trump — a campaign expense that was improperly not reported — and said he did so "in coordination with and at the direction of" Trump."

Trump: get some money to Story for her silence
Cohen: But that is illegal
Trump Do it.

Who cares? It's a civil suit..

It's a felony. Just ask prosecutors.

We'll see how it plays out.

Victory is Near: SpyGate is Timed to Blow

"Remember, Trump knows everything and can prove it. This includes SpyGate, ObamaGate, The Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, Benghazi, Iran Deal. EVERYTHING.

He has all the evidence to nail Obama, Clinton and their cronies to the wall and has armed his cannons for firing, when the timing is right.

BUT he isn’t ready to fire, just yet.

Trump has had to prepare the terrain first.

Remember, since his inauguration, Trump has appointed loyalists to the key agencies that protect the Republic. The DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, SCOTUS, Senate (judiciary appointments) and other agencies are all led by Trump appointees.

The military establishment is also 100% behind Trump.

Trump knows that he is close to victory, but has not yet won the war. Why?

Robert Mueller’s SC and FakeNews, the last serious enemy holdouts, have yet to be defeated."


For example, right now Mueller is trying to frame the four individuals who will be revealed as targets of illegal FISAs - Manafort, Flynn, Papadopoulos and Page - as suspicious liars. This is for FakeNews to activate later.

Mueller is also (desperately) trying to create a false narrative that the Russians hacked the DNC and then leaked it to WikiLeaks, then waited for the green light by the Trump campaign to release them. FakeNews is pushing this lie, 24/7."

They need fresh meat, in the form of information, to keep up their assault on Trump.

In order to create narratives, Mueller needs access to fresh intelligence. For FakeNews to do the same, they need fresh leaks.

Trump isn’t going to give them either.

Mueller was probably hoping to try and keep his witch-hunt going until the new Congress is sworn in, on Jan 3, 2019.

That will now be very difficult.

Time is against him."


Mueller’s new strategy will likely be to release a damning report, that he hopes the House can use to impeach Trump. One problem : Whitaker has the power to block its release.

One thing seems certain. Mueller will be closed down, in my opinion, before the end of the year. If not sooner.

Victory is Near: SpyGate is Timed to Blow

If you think Trump doesn't have all the information and knows what he's doing, you're wrong. He holds all the cards. Just waiting for the right time to lay them on the table.
Scary stuff, Pilgrim
Your link:
"Trump & Sun Tzu - The Art of War"

The Art of (the) War Deal?

He read the book. Have you? General Tzu was a brilliant tactitian.

General Tso is better.
Maobama was fined 370,000 by the FEC, where was your impeachment talk then? Hypocrite.

Obama was fined for inadvertently not reporting campaign finances. We’ll see if the FEC finds the same for trump, who secretively paid off a porn star to keep her mouth shut.

It's all comes down to intent, did Trump intend to violate laws he had never been subject to just a year before? Candidates rely on lawyers to keep them straight, Trumps lawyer seems to have failed. That doesn't prove intent on Trump, if it was a violation at all, which is debatable. BTW failing to report is failing to report, where's the equal treatment under the law?

Impeachment doesn’t require intent.

It does in a trial in the senate. You're just not too smart, are ya?

Imbecile, if it goes to the Senate, that means he’s already been impeached.


Impeachment automatically triggers a trial dipshit.

How do you know that?

Because it's not a campaign expense.
Why do you feel it is?
I asked you two questions. Can't you answer?

Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016.
I agree, a donation that size to the campaign would be an issue. This wasn't. It isn't.
Under what guidelines do you draw your conclusion?

Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from.
Lol! Because that tells us everything you idiot. :21: He wasn't straight with the American people exposing his lies about the source of the money. If you don't know the source, how can you claim it is or isn't a campaign expense? Answer, you can't, which is why you are so full of shit.

So for you to say it is not a campaign expense,
Was a check cut to the campaign? From the campaign?
You tell me? You are the one who said it wasn't an expense. Lol!

Under what guidelines do you draw your conclusion?

Cohen didn't write a $130,000 payment to the campaign.
Daniels didn't receive a $130,000 payment from the campaign.

He wasn't straight with the American people exposing his lies about the source of the money.

Oh no! A politician wasn't straight with the American people. How unique.

You tell me?

No, neither occurred.

You are the one who said it wasn't an expense.

Only because it wasn't.
It doesn’t have to come from, or go to, the campaign. It only has to be of value to the campaign. And apparently, it was worth $130,000 of value to the campaign to avoid the public from hearing about a major scandal just 11 days before an election.

It doesn’t have to come from, or go to, the campaign. It only has to be of value to the campaign.

What was the value of Bernie's endorsement to Hillary's campaign? Must have been worth millions.
Really, you are claiming Hillary bribed Bernie??? Really??? You are that pathetic?

Really, you are claiming Hillary bribed Bernie???

Not at all.
He gave her a very valuable endorsement.
Where did she claim the value in her FEC filings?
It’s a violation because it wasn’t reported.

It wasn't a campaign expenditure, no reason to report it.
Of course it was. Keeping a porn star from going public just 11 days before an election with her account of an affair with Trump was certainly a benefit to his campaign.

And yet, not a campaign expense.

The New York Times published many, many articles which they thought were a benefit to the Hillary campaign, yet they didn't report a single one as a campaign contribution.
There’s no evidence Clinton paid them for it. So there’s no monetary value.

There’s no evidence Clinton paid them for it.

A bunch of positive stories in the New York monetary value?

You can't be serious.
Oh? How much is it worth in dollars?
Of course you do.


Of course you do.

Comes from having a working brain.
Let me know when you find one. You realize, if trump cared about not hurting Melanie, he wouldn’t have cheated on her while she was carrying his child; or any other time.

Let me know when you find one.

Found it long ago...

Been using it for years.

Not seeing a lot of difference between his and Clinton, in the sexual advances area.

yet y'all gave him a pass
Now WTF does that have to do with you idiotically saying trump hid Stormy for Melanie’s sake when it’s clear, he just doesn’t care that much about whether or not he hurts her?

He kept it from her for 10 years..

Think about it.
Then why pay off Stormy after so many years?
Trump was NOT implicated, I showed why here which has been completely ignored so far:

post 1162

Read the dam MEMO that fully outlines Cohens guilt.
It wasn't a campaign expenditure, no reason to report it.
Of course it was. Keeping a porn star from going public just 11 days before an election with her account of an affair with Trump was certainly a benefit to his campaign.

And yet, not a campaign expense.

The New York Times published many, many articles which they thought were a benefit to the Hillary campaign, yet they didn't report a single one as a campaign contribution.
There’s no evidence Clinton paid them for it. So there’s no monetary value.

There’s no evidence Clinton paid them for it.

A bunch of positive stories in the New York monetary value?

You can't be serious.
Oh? How much is it worth in dollars?

Yes. More than $2700?
Of course you do.


Of course you do.

Comes from having a working brain.
Let me know when you find one. You realize, if trump cared about not hurting Melanie, he wouldn’t have cheated on her while she was carrying his child; or any other time.

Let me know when you find one.

Found it long ago...

Been using it for years.

Not seeing a lot of difference between his and Clinton, in the sexual advances area.

yet y'all gave him a pass

Was Clinton ever elected after all this came to light? No.

Did Trump's YES & you assfucks still voted for him.

THAT is the fucking difference you stupid shit.

Was Clinton ever elected after all this came to light? No.

Could he run, 'stupid shit'?
Not the point assfuck.

The point is Clinton got votes without anyone knowng.

Trump got votes when you &everyone knew

So quit comparing Clinton to Trump & acting like Democrats supported Clinton.

YOU supported TRUMP after you knew hew was a piece of shit.
It’s a violation because it wasn’t reported.

It wasn't a campaign expenditure, no reason to report it.
Of course it was. Keeping a porn star from going public just 11 days before an election with her account of an affair with Trump was certainly a benefit to his campaign.

And yet, not a campaign expense.

The New York Times published many, many articles which they thought were a benefit to the Hillary campaign, yet they didn't report a single one as a campaign contribution.
There’s no evidence Clinton paid them for it. So there’s no monetary value.

There’s no evidence Clinton paid them for it.

A bunch of positive stories in the New York monetary value?

You can't be serious.

This is your problem.

Is there is a positive article it can't possibly be because that the subject person did something position.

When there is an article about something stupid Trump did, it is fake news .

How many times has this narrative been debunked?

Almost all of the donations from Giustra came before Hillary was Secretary of State and Bill collecting $500,000 for speech was in line with how much he was paid for other speeches, which went as high as $700,000.

Almost all of the donations from Giustra came before Hillary was Secretary of State

The Russians were bribing a sitting US Senator?
Who were the Russians bribing? Almost all of the money came from Canadians.

Who were the Russians bribing?

The junior Senator from New York.

Almost all of the money came from Canadians.

From business partners of Russians..
Why on Earth would Russians bribe a junior Senator who had no say in approving the Rosatom business deal?? You make no sense.

And no, the money did not come from business partners of Russia as it was donated years before Rosatom sought to purchase a share of Uranium One. And Giustra, the Canadian who donated most of the money to the Clinton Foundation, did so before he left Uranium One which was also prior to the Rosatom deal.

One would expect, if rightards had a brain, they would at some point learn that this shit has been so thoroughly debunked (even by Fox News), that they would give up on it and move on.

But no, no one ever accused a rightard if having a brain.

Why on Earth would Russians bribe a junior Senator

That is an excellent question. Maybe they were buying influence?

And no, the money did not come from business partners of Russia

Giustra didn't have business interests with Russia/Russians?
”That is an excellent question. Maybe they were buying influence?

Buy influence from whom?? According to nutcases like you, it was someone with absolutely no influence. :eusa_doh:

”Giustra didn't have business interests with Russia/Russians?”

Again, he sold off his interests years before the Rosatom deal.
Comes from having a working brain.
Let me know when you find one. You realize, if trump cared about not hurting Melanie, he wouldn’t have cheated on her while she was carrying his child; or any other time.

Let me know when you find one.

Found it long ago...

Been using it for years.

Not seeing a lot of difference between his and Clinton, in the sexual advances area.

yet y'all gave him a pass
Now WTF does that have to do with you idiotically saying trump hid Stormy for Melanie’s sake when it’s clear, he just doesn’t care that much about whether or not he hurts her?

He kept it from her for 10 years..

Think about it.
Then why pay off Stormy after so many years?

To keep HER mouth shut. Without collaberation, no proof.

Melania happy..
Comes from having a working brain.
Let me know when you find one. You realize, if trump cared about not hurting Melanie, he wouldn’t have cheated on her while she was carrying his child; or any other time.

Let me know when you find one.

Found it long ago...

Been using it for years.

Not seeing a lot of difference between his and Clinton, in the sexual advances area.

yet y'all gave him a pass

Was Clinton ever elected after all this came to light? No.

Did Trump's YES & you assfucks still voted for him.

THAT is the fucking difference you stupid shit.

Was Clinton ever elected after all this came to light? No.

Could he run, 'stupid shit'?
Not the point assfuck.

The point is Clinton got votes without anyone knowng.

Trump got votes when you &everyone knew

So quit comparing Clinton to Trump & acting like Democrats supported Clinton.

YOU supported TRUMP after you knew hew was a piece of shit.

YOU supported TRUMP after you knew hew was a piece of shit.

You might want to take a look at my posts on Trump over the last 3 years.

I stated LONG before he got the nomination, I would never vote for him

(I said the same about HIllary)
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime and Trump is going to be president for a long time. You need to come to terms with this.
Fool, Have you read the OP?

Your Trumpenfuhrer has been found to have committed crimes.

Are you OK w/a criminal President?

At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime and Trump is going to be president for a long time. You need to come to terms with this.
Trump is a felon. Lol! You live in an alternate universe chief.

Is this IT!!?

Oh yeah! He's really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really He's really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really fucking done now!

In around 2020, maybe.

View attachment 233417

And if not in 2020, will the dims all have synchronized seizures?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
People plea to lesser crimes all the time that they didn't commit. That's not proof they actually did it. The charge was nothing but a way to try to connect Trump to wrong doing. It's no where close to proof that Trump did anything improper.

Yeah, people plea guilty to lesser crimes when offered a deal. But they’re still guilty of the original charges. How stupid do you have to be to plead guilty to any crime, and face prison, when you’re completely innocent?

Stop trying to play word games fool. Pleading to a lesser charge for a prosecutors agreement to drop a more serious one happens all the time. And yeah, it's entirely possible you could be totally innocent of the lesser crime, that doesn't make you completely innocent, does it.

”Stop trying to play word games fool. Pleading to a lesser charge for a prosecutors agreement to drop a more serious one happens all the time.”

Is English your second language? I just said that.

People plea to lesser crimes all the time that they didn't commit.

Yet you claim Cohen committed everything he plead to, yet it has never been proven in court.

Quote me saying that......

No need you've been saying it all through this thread.

Asshole. All it takes is a CHANGE in DOJ regulations AS THEY DID FOR CLINTON, to indict a sitting president, it is up to the AMMENDABLE DOJ REGS......STUPID ASS!

What a moron you are, eh? Clinton was never indicted with any crime by the DoJ while he was president.

You idiots never learn. What a pity.

No, he plead out in a State court.

After he was president. And under the agreement he wouldn’t be indicted.

No indictment was necessary he plead to the crimes.

So what?

Your commies refused to do their constitutional duty and remove him, it's a different story when it's a republican, hypocrite.

How do you know that? Did you talk to Trump?

And by the way, prosecutors will charge it as a campaign finance crime/felony/expense because of the obvious. He needed to hide an affair weeks before the election, the money was not reported, it exceeded $2700 dollars, and it was reported to have come from stolen money out of his charity. Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016. A $130,000 payment would far exceed that limit. Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from. So for you to say it is not a campaign expense, is the joke of the day. Since Trump was lying, how in the hell do you know if it was an expense or not? Lol!

How do you know that?

Because it's not a campaign expense.
Why do you feel it is?
I asked you two questions. Can't you answer?

Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016.
I agree, a donation that size to the campaign would be an issue. This wasn't. It isn't.
Under what guidelines do you draw your conclusion?

Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from.
Lol! Because that tells us everything you idiot. :21: He wasn't straight with the American people exposing his lies about the source of the money. If you don't know the source, how can you claim it is or isn't a campaign expense? Answer, you can't, which is why you are so full of shit.

So for you to say it is not a campaign expense,
Was a check cut to the campaign? From the campaign?
You tell me? You are the one who said it wasn't an expense. Lol!

Under what guidelines do you draw your conclusion?

Cohen didn't write a $130,000 payment to the campaign.
Daniels didn't receive a $130,000 payment from the campaign.

He wasn't straight with the American people exposing his lies about the source of the money.

Oh no! A politician wasn't straight with the American people. How unique.

You tell me?

No, neither occurred.

You are the one who said it wasn't an expense.

Only because it wasn't.
It doesn’t have to come from, or go to, the campaign. It only has to be of value to the campaign. And apparently, it was worth $130,000 of value to the campaign to avoid the public from hearing about a major scandal just 11 days before an election.

It doesn’t have to come from, or go to, the campaign. It only has to be of value to the campaign.

What was the value of Bernie's endorsement to Hillary's campaign? Must have been worth millions.
Still no evidence of Hillary working with Bernie, or The NY Times, for their endorsement.

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