Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

For the United States, the answers are especially worrying because the government has intentionally rendered itself incapable. In 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command, including the White House management infrastructure. In numerous phone calls and emails with key agencies across the U.S. government, the only consistent response I encountered was distressed confusion. If the United States still has a clear chain of command for pandemic response, the White House urgently needs to clarify what it is, not just for the public but for the government itself, which largely finds itself in the dark.
As shitstain obama holdovers, the seditionists had to go.
There is no reason to believe he is not on top of it.
Right, except all the evidence I just showed you that the response team that would normally handle a crisis has been gutted.

You commies always claim, when the fat is trimmed out of a government department, it's been gutted. And you're always wrong.

You commies always claim, when the fat is trimmed out of a government department, it's been gutted. And you're always wrong.
If there is one thing that can be relied on from Trumpette's it's resorting to idiotic arguments when faced with the evidence of Don's idiocy.
When Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared the Wuhan coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern on Thursday, he praised China for taking “unprecedented” steps to control the deadly virus. “I have never seen for myself this kind of mobilization,” he noted. “China is actually setting a new standard for outbreak response.”

The epidemic control efforts unfolding today in China—including placing some 100 million citizens on lockdown, shutting down a national holiday, building enormous quarantine hospitals in days’ time, and ramping up 24-hour manufacturing of medical equipment—are indeed gargantuan. It’s impossible to watch them without wondering, “What would we do? How would my government respond if this virus spread across my country?”

For the United States, the answers are especially worrying because the government has intentionally rendered itself incapable. In 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command, including the White House management infrastructure. In numerous phone calls and emails with key agencies across the U.S. government, the only consistent response I encountered was distressed confusion. If the United States still has a clear chain of command for pandemic response, the White House urgently needs to clarify what it is, not just for the public but for the government itself, which largely finds itself in the dark.

When Ebola broke out in West Africa in 2014, President Barack Obama recognized that responding to the outbreak overseas, while also protecting Americans at home, involved multiple U.S. government departments and agencies, none of which were speaking to one another. Basically, the U.S. pandemic infrastructure was an enormous orchestra full of talented, egotistical players, each jockeying for solos and fame, refusing to rehearse, and demanding higher salaries—all without a conductor. To bring order and harmony to the chaos, rein in the agency egos, and create a coherent multiagency response overseas and on the homefront, Obama anointed a former vice presidential staffer, Ronald Klain, as a sort of “epidemic czar” inside the White House, clearly stipulated the roles and budgets of various agencies, and placed incident commanders in charge in each Ebola-hit country and inside the United States. The orchestra may have still had its off-key instruments, but it played the same tune.

Building on the Ebola experience, the Obama administration set up a permanent epidemic monitoring and command group inside the White House National Security Council (NSC) and another in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)—both of which followed the scientific and public health leads of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the diplomatic advice of the State Department.
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
So, the obvious question is why? Why dismantle the government's response chain of command to a potentially devastating health risk to the nation? Because it was Obama's initiative that created it. Perhaps that is why when Capt. Incompetence is asked about our preparedness he gives the kind of ignorant, vacuous answer he gives to so many complex issues, "we've got it under control." Really?

The headquarters of the nation’s intelligence apparatus roiled with the ouster of the acting director Joseph Maguire and his replacement by a sharp partisan amid a dispute over Russian election interference. The Justice Department remained on edge with whispers of further resignations, including perhaps even that of Attorney General William P. Barr, after the president’s intervention in a case involving one of his friends. Witnesses from the impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump have been summarily dismissed. Dozens of policy experts have been cleared out of the National Security Council staff as part of a restructuring that will mean fewer career professionals in range of the president. A deputy national security adviser dogged by innuendo about disloyalty was exiled to the Energy Department. A Trump appointee’s nomination for a top Treasury Department post was pulled. The No. 3 official at the Defense Department was shown the door.

And Johnny McEntee, a 29-year-old loyalist just installed to take over the Office of Presidential Personnel and reporting directly to Mr. Trump, has ordered a freeze on all political appointments across the government. He also convened a meeting to instruct departments to search for people not devoted to the president so they can be removed, according to people briefed about the session, and informed colleagues that he planned to tell cabinet secretaries that the White House would be choosing their deputies from now on.

But career professionals are not the only ones in the cross hairs. Also facing scrutiny are Republican political appointees considered insufficiently committed to the president or suspected of not aggressively advancing his agenda.
Allies of the president say he should be free to make personnel changes, even if it amounts to shedding people who are not seen as loyal to Mr. Trump.
“It is not unusual at all that these types of assessments are done and thereafter changes are made,” said Bradley A. Blakeman, a Republican strategist and former White House official under President George W. Bush.
Nonetheless, the tumult and anxiety come at a time when the Trump administration confronts enormous challenges, including the coronavirus outbreak, Iranian and North Korean nuclear development and Russian determination to play a role again in America’s next election. Democrats, for example, have expressed concerns about the administration’s ability to respond if there were a severe coronavirus outbreak in the United States, noting that a global health security expert position on the National Security Council has been left vacant for almost two years.
You Trump sock puppets realize one of the reasons the admin has been under stating the risk of an outbreak in the US is because they are afraid a stock market decline will hurt Big Fat Don's re-election chances, right?


You TDS afflicted Moon Bats are so full of hate that you are blaming Trump for a virus outbreak. I guess since that Russia Russia Russia bullshit fell through, he didn't get impeach and his approval is way up you have to come up with something else ridiculous.

You are not doing to die of the virus. Your 401K (if you have one) will recover. Trump will be reelected by a landslide. You Moon Bats will march around in your pink pussy hats and you will howl at the sky. America will prosper under Trump.
Well, at least he has his priorities straight (wink).

Trump is reportedly furious that the stock market is plunging on coronavirus fears

Trump is reportedly furious that the stock market is plunging on coronavirus fears

I am also pissed because it is affecting my 401K. If you are on welfare and don't have a 401K then you probably don't give a damn that the Commie Chinese don't have a good enough health care system to deal with a flu out break and it is affecting the markets.
When Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared the Wuhan coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern on Thursday, he praised China for taking “unprecedented” steps to control the deadly virus. “I have never seen for myself this kind of mobilization,” he noted. “China is actually setting a new standard for outbreak response.”

The epidemic control efforts unfolding today in China—including placing some 100 million citizens on lockdown, shutting down a national holiday, building enormous quarantine hospitals in days’ time, and ramping up 24-hour manufacturing of medical equipment—are indeed gargantuan. It’s impossible to watch them without wondering, “What would we do? How would my government respond if this virus spread across my country?”

For the United States, the answers are especially worrying because the government has intentionally rendered itself incapable. In 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command, including the White House management infrastructure. In numerous phone calls and emails with key agencies across the U.S. government, the only consistent response I encountered was distressed confusion. If the United States still has a clear chain of command for pandemic response, the White House urgently needs to clarify what it is, not just for the public but for the government itself, which largely finds itself in the dark.

When Ebola broke out in West Africa in 2014, President Barack Obama recognized that responding to the outbreak overseas, while also protecting Americans at home, involved multiple U.S. government departments and agencies, none of which were speaking to one another. Basically, the U.S. pandemic infrastructure was an enormous orchestra full of talented, egotistical players, each jockeying for solos and fame, refusing to rehearse, and demanding higher salaries—all without a conductor. To bring order and harmony to the chaos, rein in the agency egos, and create a coherent multiagency response overseas and on the homefront, Obama anointed a former vice presidential staffer, Ronald Klain, as a sort of “epidemic czar” inside the White House, clearly stipulated the roles and budgets of various agencies, and placed incident commanders in charge in each Ebola-hit country and inside the United States. The orchestra may have still had its off-key instruments, but it played the same tune.

Building on the Ebola experience, the Obama administration set up a permanent epidemic monitoring and command group inside the White House National Security Council (NSC) and another in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)—both of which followed the scientific and public health leads of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the diplomatic advice of the State Department.
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
So, the obvious question is why? Why dismantle the government's response chain of command to a potentially devastating health risk to the nation? Because it was Obama's initiative that created it. Perhaps that is why when Capt. Incompetence is asked about our preparedness he gives the kind of ignorant, vacuous answer he gives to so many complex issues, "we've got it under control." Really?

The headquarters of the nation’s intelligence apparatus roiled with the ouster of the acting director Joseph Maguire and his replacement by a sharp partisan amid a dispute over Russian election interference. The Justice Department remained on edge with whispers of further resignations, including perhaps even that of Attorney General William P. Barr, after the president’s intervention in a case involving one of his friends. Witnesses from the impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump have been summarily dismissed. Dozens of policy experts have been cleared out of the National Security Council staff as part of a restructuring that will mean fewer career professionals in range of the president. A deputy national security adviser dogged by innuendo about disloyalty was exiled to the Energy Department. A Trump appointee’s nomination for a top Treasury Department post was pulled. The No. 3 official at the Defense Department was shown the door.

And Johnny McEntee, a 29-year-old loyalist just installed to take over the Office of Presidential Personnel and reporting directly to Mr. Trump, has ordered a freeze on all political appointments across the government. He also convened a meeting to instruct departments to search for people not devoted to the president so they can be removed, according to people briefed about the session, and informed colleagues that he planned to tell cabinet secretaries that the White House would be choosing their deputies from now on.

But career professionals are not the only ones in the cross hairs. Also facing scrutiny are Republican political appointees considered insufficiently committed to the president or suspected of not aggressively advancing his agenda.
Allies of the president say he should be free to make personnel changes, even if it amounts to shedding people who are not seen as loyal to Mr. Trump.
“It is not unusual at all that these types of assessments are done and thereafter changes are made,” said Bradley A. Blakeman, a Republican strategist and former White House official under President George W. Bush.
Nonetheless, the tumult and anxiety come at a time when the Trump administration confronts enormous challenges, including the coronavirus outbreak, Iranian and North Korean nuclear development and Russian determination to play a role again in America’s next election. Democrats, for example, have expressed concerns about the administration’s ability to respond if there were a severe coronavirus outbreak in the United States, noting that a global health security expert position on the National Security Council has been left vacant for almost two years.
/——/ Hey you big dope, try and keep up with the news. Now let’s see if Piglosi allows a vote, or if she kills it.
Trump's $2.5B coronavirus spending request imminent | Fox ...
Trump's $2.5B coronavirus spending request imminent
The Trump administration is expected to ask Congress for $2.5 billion in supplemental spending to fend off the spreading coronavirus, a senior administration official told FOX Business on Monday
You TDS afflicted Moon Bats are so full of hate that you are blaming Trump for a virus outbreak.
Nowhere in this thread will you find a single post in which I blame the Bigot-in-Chief for the outbreak. However, there is indisputable evidence he has hurt the country's capacity to respond by slashing personnel and funding designed to address a viral outbreak. And, he has under stated the threat it poses rather than making realistic statements about the potential for what may come.
You TDS afflicted Moon Bats are so full of hate that you are blaming Trump for a virus outbreak.
Nowhere in this thread will you find a single post in which I blame the Bigot-in-Chief for the outbreak. However, there is indisputable evidence he has hurt the country's capacity to respond by slashing personnel and funding designed to address a viral outbreak. And, he has under stated the threat it poses rather than making realistic statements about the potential for what may come.

TDS is a serious mental health disease. You haz it!

The CDC has a budget of $7 billion dollars and Trump added an additional $2.5 billion and if that ain't enough to deal with a flu outbreak then no amount will be enough so just shut the fuck up with your Trump hate. It makes you look like a fool.
You TDS afflicted Moon Bats are so full of hate that you are blaming Trump for a virus outbreak.
Nowhere in this thread will you find a single post in which I blame the Bigot-in-Chief for the outbreak. However, there is indisputable evidence he has hurt the country's capacity to respond by slashing personnel and funding designed to address a viral outbreak. And, he has under stated the threat it poses rather than making realistic statements about the potential for what may come.

TDS is a serious mental health disease. You haz it!

The CDC has a budget of $7 billion dollars and Trump added an additional $2.5 billion and if that ain't enough to deal with a flu outbreak then no amount will be enough so just shut the fuck up with your Trump hate. It makes you look like a fool.
When Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared the Wuhan coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern on Thursday, he praised China for taking “unprecedented” steps to control the deadly virus. “I have never seen for myself this kind of mobilization,” he noted. “China is actually setting a new standard for outbreak response.”

The epidemic control efforts unfolding today in China—including placing some 100 million citizens on lockdown, shutting down a national holiday, building enormous quarantine hospitals in days’ time, and ramping up 24-hour manufacturing of medical equipment—are indeed gargantuan. It’s impossible to watch them without wondering, “What would we do? How would my government respond if this virus spread across my country?”

For the United States, the answers are especially worrying because the government has intentionally rendered itself incapable. In 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command, including the White House management infrastructure. In numerous phone calls and emails with key agencies across the U.S. government, the only consistent response I encountered was distressed confusion. If the United States still has a clear chain of command for pandemic response, the White House urgently needs to clarify what it is, not just for the public but for the government itself, which largely finds itself in the dark.

When Ebola broke out in West Africa in 2014, President Barack Obama recognized that responding to the outbreak overseas, while also protecting Americans at home, involved multiple U.S. government departments and agencies, none of which were speaking to one another. Basically, the U.S. pandemic infrastructure was an enormous orchestra full of talented, egotistical players, each jockeying for solos and fame, refusing to rehearse, and demanding higher salaries—all without a conductor. To bring order and harmony to the chaos, rein in the agency egos, and create a coherent multiagency response overseas and on the homefront, Obama anointed a former vice presidential staffer, Ronald Klain, as a sort of “epidemic czar” inside the White House, clearly stipulated the roles and budgets of various agencies, and placed incident commanders in charge in each Ebola-hit country and inside the United States. The orchestra may have still had its off-key instruments, but it played the same tune.

Building on the Ebola experience, the Obama administration set up a permanent epidemic monitoring and command group inside the White House National Security Council (NSC) and another in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)—both of which followed the scientific and public health leads of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the diplomatic advice of the State Department.
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
So, the obvious question is why? Why dismantle the government's response chain of command to a potentially devastating health risk to the nation? Because it was Obama's initiative that created it. Perhaps that is why when Capt. Incompetence is asked about our preparedness he gives the kind of ignorant, vacuous answer he gives to so many complex issues, "we've got it under control." Really?

The headquarters of the nation’s intelligence apparatus roiled with the ouster of the acting director Joseph Maguire and his replacement by a sharp partisan amid a dispute over Russian election interference. The Justice Department remained on edge with whispers of further resignations, including perhaps even that of Attorney General William P. Barr, after the president’s intervention in a case involving one of his friends. Witnesses from the impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump have been summarily dismissed. Dozens of policy experts have been cleared out of the National Security Council staff as part of a restructuring that will mean fewer career professionals in range of the president. A deputy national security adviser dogged by innuendo about disloyalty was exiled to the Energy Department. A Trump appointee’s nomination for a top Treasury Department post was pulled. The No. 3 official at the Defense Department was shown the door.

And Johnny McEntee, a 29-year-old loyalist just installed to take over the Office of Presidential Personnel and reporting directly to Mr. Trump, has ordered a freeze on all political appointments across the government. He also convened a meeting to instruct departments to search for people not devoted to the president so they can be removed, according to people briefed about the session, and informed colleagues that he planned to tell cabinet secretaries that the White House would be choosing their deputies from now on.

But career professionals are not the only ones in the cross hairs. Also facing scrutiny are Republican political appointees considered insufficiently committed to the president or suspected of not aggressively advancing his agenda.
Allies of the president say he should be free to make personnel changes, even if it amounts to shedding people who are not seen as loyal to Mr. Trump.
“It is not unusual at all that these types of assessments are done and thereafter changes are made,” said Bradley A. Blakeman, a Republican strategist and former White House official under President George W. Bush.
Nonetheless, the tumult and anxiety come at a time when the Trump administration confronts enormous challenges, including the coronavirus outbreak, Iranian and North Korean nuclear development and Russian determination to play a role again in America’s next election. Democrats, for example, have expressed concerns about the administration’s ability to respond if there were a severe coronavirus outbreak in the United States, noting that a global health security expert position on the National Security Council has been left vacant for almost two years.

So he's supposed to panic people?
No. But he ought fund and staff the appropriate agencies. You know, kind of like predecessors.

Please show me where the CDC is understaffed or underfunded. Maybe if they stop worrying about overweight people and guns and concentrate on their actual mission, infectious diseases, we wouldn't have this issue, if it exists at all.
No one is blaming Trump for the creation of the virus. But nice try at deflection.

Oh, this is coming at some point. Democratic politicians just haven't figured out a way to sell that yet. It doesn't take much to trick wackadoo Democrats in this country.
You Trump sock puppets realize one of the reasons the admin has been under stating the risk of an outbreak in the US is because they are afraid a stock market decline will hurt Big Fat Don's re-election chances, right?

You do realize that if the market continues to go down due to this virus, the Democrats will blame Trump's policies on the decline. Heck, JoeB is dumb enough to think the coronavirus is not the cause of the market decline. The ignorant Democrats will buy the story because they are that gullible and uninformed. The fundamentals of our economy are fantastic, but there is nothing that can be done to account for an event like this. Even if the virus doesn't spread to a significant extent to the US, global supply chains will be disrupted and global markets plummet, which negatively affects US markets. Thanks to Trump's policies, the market should be able to withstand this black swan event.
For the United States, the answers are especially worrying because the government has intentionally rendered itself incapable. In 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command, including the White House management infrastructure. In numerous phone calls and emails with key agencies across the U.S. government, the only consistent response I encountered was distressed confusion. If the United States still has a clear chain of command for pandemic response, the White House urgently needs to clarify what it is, not just for the public but for the government itself, which largely finds itself in the dark.

That's the core of it. This "chain of command" along with "the White House management infrastructure" was supposed to ensure that the administrative and medical capacity of the U.S., spread out over various parts of the Administration and government agencies, works in a closely coordinated fashion, marshaling resources, knowledge, expertise to meet the demand as it arises.

Once this coordination falls flat, it is patently nonsensical merely to throw a billion here or there at the problem, since one part doesn't know what the other does, resulting in redundancies or even agencies working at counter-purposes.

The coronavirus outbreak is probably the first major crisis Trump is facing which he hasn't entirely manufactured himself. What we're learning is four things. Trump has already cut the feet out from the government response, the cronies he installed in leadership positions aren't up to the job, he is concerned exclusively with how it all affects him (who guessed?), and Trumpletons are furious at work insisting that The Buck Stops Elsewhere - in China, or whatever.

Anyone remember Katrina, and Bush's bumbling response, the hundreds of lives this one cost? Louisiana Republicans found a way out of that quandary: They, seven out of ten of them, just knew - KNEW - that the catastrophic incompetence during the disaster response was to be blamed on President Obama.

Corona may well prove far more deadly.
You Trump sock puppets realize one of the reasons the admin has been under stating the risk of an outbreak in the US is because they are afraid a stock market decline will hurt Big Fat Don's re-election chances, right?

You do realize that if the market continues to go down due to this virus, the Democrats will blame Trump's policies on the decline. Heck, JoeB is dumb enough to think the coronavirus is not the cause of the market decline. The ignorant Democrats will buy the story because they are that gullible and uninformed. The fundamentals of our economy are fantastic, but there is nothing that can be done to account for an event like this. Even if the virus doesn't spread to a significant extent to the US, global supply chains will be disrupted and global markets plummet, which negatively affects US markets. Thanks to Trump's policies, the market should be able to withstand this black swan event.
That's quite a fantasy world you've constructed for yourself. Maybe you should worry less about your money (just like a Trumpist) and more about the human toll the virus is taking.
Anyone remember Katrina, and Bush's bumbling response, the hundreds of lives this one cost? Louisiana Republicans found a way out of that quandary: They, seven out of ten of them, just knew - KNEW - that the catastrophic incompetence during the disaster response was to be blamed on President Obama.
The Conman-in-Chief is giving a national address tonight. No doubt designed to make false claims about how well they prepared for the virus coming here (they didn't) and figuring out a way to lay the groundwork for deflecting blame should things get bad.

"Trump has already cut the feet out from the government response, the cronies he installed in leadership positions aren't up to the job, he is concerned exclusively with how it all affects him (who guessed?), and Trumpletons are furious at work insisting that The Buck Stops Elsewhere - in China, or whatever."

You know that is really pathetic?

It was amazing to see that idiot Commie Bernie and the other stupid Democrats last night advocating the same kind of socialized medicine system for the US that has fucked up managing the coronavirus in China.
When Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared the Wuhan coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern on Thursday, he praised China for taking “unprecedented” steps to control the deadly virus. “I have never seen for myself this kind of mobilization,” he noted. “China is actually setting a new standard for outbreak response.”

The epidemic control efforts unfolding today in China—including placing some 100 million citizens on lockdown, shutting down a national holiday, building enormous quarantine hospitals in days’ time, and ramping up 24-hour manufacturing of medical equipment—are indeed gargantuan. It’s impossible to watch them without wondering, “What would we do? How would my government respond if this virus spread across my country?”

For the United States, the answers are especially worrying because the government has intentionally rendered itself incapable. In 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command, including the White House management infrastructure. In numerous phone calls and emails with key agencies across the U.S. government, the only consistent response I encountered was distressed confusion. If the United States still has a clear chain of command for pandemic response, the White House urgently needs to clarify what it is, not just for the public but for the government itself, which largely finds itself in the dark.

When Ebola broke out in West Africa in 2014, President Barack Obama recognized that responding to the outbreak overseas, while also protecting Americans at home, involved multiple U.S. government departments and agencies, none of which were speaking to one another. Basically, the U.S. pandemic infrastructure was an enormous orchestra full of talented, egotistical players, each jockeying for solos and fame, refusing to rehearse, and demanding higher salaries—all without a conductor. To bring order and harmony to the chaos, rein in the agency egos, and create a coherent multiagency response overseas and on the homefront, Obama anointed a former vice presidential staffer, Ronald Klain, as a sort of “epidemic czar” inside the White House, clearly stipulated the roles and budgets of various agencies, and placed incident commanders in charge in each Ebola-hit country and inside the United States. The orchestra may have still had its off-key instruments, but it played the same tune.

Building on the Ebola experience, the Obama administration set up a permanent epidemic monitoring and command group inside the White House National Security Council (NSC) and another in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)—both of which followed the scientific and public health leads of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the diplomatic advice of the State Department.
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
So, the obvious question is why? Why dismantle the government's response chain of command to a potentially devastating health risk to the nation? Because it was Obama's initiative that created it. Perhaps that is why when Capt. Incompetence is asked about our preparedness he gives the kind of ignorant, vacuous answer he gives to so many complex issues, "we've got it under control." Really?

The headquarters of the nation’s intelligence apparatus roiled with the ouster of the acting director Joseph Maguire and his replacement by a sharp partisan amid a dispute over Russian election interference. The Justice Department remained on edge with whispers of further resignations, including perhaps even that of Attorney General William P. Barr, after the president’s intervention in a case involving one of his friends. Witnesses from the impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump have been summarily dismissed. Dozens of policy experts have been cleared out of the National Security Council staff as part of a restructuring that will mean fewer career professionals in range of the president. A deputy national security adviser dogged by innuendo about disloyalty was exiled to the Energy Department. A Trump appointee’s nomination for a top Treasury Department post was pulled. The No. 3 official at the Defense Department was shown the door.

And Johnny McEntee, a 29-year-old loyalist just installed to take over the Office of Presidential Personnel and reporting directly to Mr. Trump, has ordered a freeze on all political appointments across the government. He also convened a meeting to instruct departments to search for people not devoted to the president so they can be removed, according to people briefed about the session, and informed colleagues that he planned to tell cabinet secretaries that the White House would be choosing their deputies from now on.

But career professionals are not the only ones in the cross hairs. Also facing scrutiny are Republican political appointees considered insufficiently committed to the president or suspected of not aggressively advancing his agenda.
Allies of the president say he should be free to make personnel changes, even if it amounts to shedding people who are not seen as loyal to Mr. Trump.
“It is not unusual at all that these types of assessments are done and thereafter changes are made,” said Bradley A. Blakeman, a Republican strategist and former White House official under President George W. Bush.
Nonetheless, the tumult and anxiety come at a time when the Trump administration confronts enormous challenges, including the coronavirus outbreak, Iranian and North Korean nuclear development and Russian determination to play a role again in America’s next election. Democrats, for example, have expressed concerns about the administration’s ability to respond if there were a severe coronavirus outbreak in the United States, noting that a global health security expert position on the National Security Council has been left vacant for almost two years.
Ebola from africa is a pimple on the ass of china and its coronavirus

the chinese did not move quickly nor did they tell anyone what was going on

western contact with china is huge and the only real defense is a vaccination that has not been discovered yet

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