Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Good to see you've fully committed to your brand of hyper-partisan bigotry
Avert your eyes.

Why the Trump Administration’s Coronavirus Response Continues to Raise Concerns
Why Trump’s Coronavirus Response Continues to Cause Concerns

After new outbreaks of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus in South Korea, Italy, and Iran, many experts are now warning that the coronavirus is passing the pandemic tipping point. “When several countries have widespread transmission, then spillover to other countries is inevitable,” Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told Vox. “One cannot shut out the rest of the world.”

“Our window of opportunity [for containing the virus] is narrowing, so we need to act quickly before it closes completely,” World Health Organization director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Friday. Though there have been just over two dozen confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the U.S., and CDC officials say the risk of exposure for the American public remains low, there continue to be troubling signs that the Trump administration has been mismanaging the U.S. response and may not be adequately prepared for whatever happens next.

While some of the White House’s response has been praised, its approach has also included a mix of xenophobic policy, improvisation, and suddenly sharp turns in decision-making. And long before the first case of COVID-19 was discovered in mainland China, the administration had been putting off years of back-end work which may undermine the government’s ability to prepare for and handle a breakout of the scale that coronavirus may reach.
For the United States, the answers are especially worrying because the government has intentionally rendered itself incapable. In 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command, including the White House management infrastructure. In numerous phone calls and emails with key agencies across the U.S. government, the only consistent response I encountered was distressed confusion. If the United States still has a clear chain of command for pandemic response, the White House urgently needs to clarify what it is, not just for the public but for the government itself, which largely finds itself in the dark.
Backlash grows over Trump coronavirus response
Backlash grows over Trump coronavirus response

The closed-door briefing with more than a dozen senators came amid new fears of an outbreak in the United States, with a top Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official warning that spread of the respiratory illness in the country is now inevitable. Officials said a burst of new cases in countries like South Korea and Italy prompted the new, urgent warning.

increasingly concerned that a botched response could hurt the U.S. economy and put his reelection prospects at risk. Public health and other administration officials fielded questions from more than a dozen senators for about an hour while HHS Secretary Alex Azar and acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf faced sharp criticism at a pair of Senate budget hearings.

Trump faces ‘black swan’ threat to the economy and reelection
Trump faces ‘black swan’ threat to the economy and reelection
I know you want to blame Trump by establishing/supposing that 'maybe it wouldn't be so bad' or some other nebulous supposition to pin something on the guy, while health experts are beginning to think there is little that can actually stop this due to reasons I thought I made pretty clear. They could be wrong I suppose, but their thinking seems fairly logical to me.[...]

It is beginning to look like in the same way they can't stop the flu, they can't stop this- and for virtually the same reasons.

You know, dummy, if you don't understand what you are talking about, why don't you read up on the matter?

Yes, Trump significantly underfunded the CDC, and destroyed the infrastructure for pandemic preparedness built up by President Obama. That is crucial, not because there's a way to stop a pandemic. There likely is not, but a well-prepared, long-term effort is both enormously important for the development of a vaccine, and slowing down the spread. That latter saves lives in and of itself, and gives researchers time to understand the virus better and find not cures, but therapies, again, significantly increasing survival rates.

Rest assured, in any at least moderately complex issue, what you think you understand is very, very likely false, horrendously under-complex, and further distorted by Trump sycophancy syndrome. But then, dummy, there is a little test you could have applied: is it better to face a dire situation well prepared, with competent staff at the ready, and funding sufficient to pay for it, as well as solid plans to scale it all up as the need arises? Or is it better to proceed, as Trump did, and dismantle and diminish preparedness? For you came up with the brilliant idea, it doesn't matter, because it's coming anyway. Dullard.
I know you want to blame Trump by establishing/supposing that 'maybe it wouldn't be so bad' or some other nebulous supposition to pin something on the guy, while health experts are beginning to think there is little that can actually stop this due to reasons I thought I made pretty clear. They could be wrong I suppose, but their thinking seems fairly logical to me.[...]

It is beginning to look like in the same way they can't stop the flu, they can't stop this- and for virtually the same reasons.

You know, dummy, if you don't understand what you are talking about, why don't you read up on the matter?

Yes, Trump significantly underfunded the CDC, and destroyed the infrastructure for pandemic preparedness built up by President Obama. That is crucial, not because there's a way to stop a pandemic. There likely is not, but a well-prepared, long-term effort is both enormously important for the development of a vaccine, and slowing down the spread. That latter saves lives in and of itself, and gives researchers time to understand the virus better and find not cures, but therapies, again, significantly increasing survival rates.

Rest assured, in any at least moderately complex issue, what you think you understand is very, very likely false, horrendously under-complex, and further distorted by Trump sycophancy syndrome. But then, dummy, there is a little test you could have applied: is it better to face a dire situation well prepared, with competent staff at the ready, and funding sufficient to pay for it, as well as solid plans to scale it all up as the need arises? Or is it better to proceed, as Trump did, and dismantle and diminish preparedness? For you came up with the brilliant idea, it doesn't matter, because it's coming anyway. Dullard.

Well, my, my genius, the CDC is saying some of the same stuff at this point in terms of how this is going to go, so maybe you should give them a buzz and inform them of how they can stop it. lol.

in addition, moron, this isn't my opinion, this is the opinion of a Harvard epidemiologist and increasingly the opinion of the medical community that this isn't something that is going to be stopped, due to a variety of factors having to do with the virus itself.

maybe you can actually read and bother your brain cells to do something in determining if there is any logic in what you are reading or what you are presenting before spouting your #Orangemanbad nonsense. now kindly fuck off.
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This thread is emblematic of TDS- LOL

From the Book of Trump:
Though shalt not criticize the Leader. Critics shall bear the mark of the Beast, TDS, and cast out into the wilderness (some commie country"

So sayeth the Cult of Trump.

So anything to say about Trumps gutting of important groups that deal with this or you gonna chalk it all up to TDS?
He isn't criticizing, he's whining about pointless shit. This shit is 1000000000% on CHINA and no one else. isn’t.

It is not limited to China, and to sit and say China has to take of it is foolish.
This thread is emblematic of TDS- LOL

From the Book of Trump:
Though shalt not criticize the Leader. Critics shall bear the mark of the Beast, TDS, and cast out into the wilderness (some commie country"

So sayeth the Cult of Trump.

So anything to say about Trumps gutting of important groups that deal with this or you gonna chalk it all up to TDS?
since everything triggers TDS, pretty much.
It certainly does with you guys. One word against Trump and you are spinning, gyrating and genuflecting all over the place. Deranged.
This thread is emblematic of TDS- LOL

From the Book of Trump:
Though shalt not criticize the Leader. Critics shall bear the mark of the Beast, TDS, and cast out into the wilderness (some commie country"

So sayeth the Cult of Trump.

So anything to say about Trumps gutting of important groups that deal with this or you gonna chalk it all up to TDS?
He isn't criticizing, he's whining about pointless shit. This shit is 1000000000% on CHINA and no one else. isn’t.

It is not limited to China, and to sit and say China has to take of it is foolish.
Nice boogeyman argument lol

I never said China has to fix it. I said this mess is ON THEM as in they, and THEY ALONE, created.

Move along
This thread is emblematic of TDS- LOL

From the Book of Trump:
Though shalt not criticize the Leader. Critics shall bear the mark of the Beast, TDS, and cast out into the wilderness (some commie country"

So sayeth the Cult of Trump.

So anything to say about Trumps gutting of important groups that deal with this or you gonna chalk it all up to TDS?
He isn't criticizing, he's whining about pointless shit. This shit is 1000000000% on CHINA and no one else. isn’t.

It is not limited to China, and to sit and say China has to take of it is foolish.
Nice boogeyman argument lol

I never said China has to fix it. I said this mess is ON THEM as in they, and THEY ALONE, created.

Move along
What you said doesn’t make sense. No one created it.
You Trump sock puppets realize one of the reasons the admin has been under stating the risk of an outbreak in the US is because they are afraid a stock market decline will hurt Big Fat Don's re-election chances, right?
Trump supporter know no bounds.
They will lick his ASS no matter what.

A truly Pathetic Group.

From the Book of Trump:
Though shalt not criticize the Leader. Critics shall bear the mark of the Beast, TDS, and cast out into the wilderness (some commie country"

So sayeth the Cult of Trump.

So anything to say about Trumps gutting of important groups that deal with this or you gonna chalk it all up to TDS?
He isn't criticizing, he's whining about pointless shit. This shit is 1000000000% on CHINA and no one else. isn’t.

It is not limited to China, and to sit and say China has to take of it is foolish.
Nice boogeyman argument lol

I never said China has to fix it. I said this mess is ON THEM as in they, and THEY ALONE, created.

Move along
What you said doesn’t make sense. No one created it.
One of many viruses that magically all appear in the same place
From the Book of Trump:
Though shalt not criticize the Leader. Critics shall bear the mark of the Beast, TDS, and cast out into the wilderness (some commie country"

So sayeth the Cult of Trump.

So anything to say about Trumps gutting of important groups that deal with this or you gonna chalk it all up to TDS?
He isn't criticizing, he's whining about pointless shit. This shit is 1000000000% on CHINA and no one else. isn’t.

It is not limited to China, and to sit and say China has to take of it is foolish.
Nice boogeyman argument lol

I never said China has to fix it. I said this mess is ON THEM as in they, and THEY ALONE, created.

Move along
What you said doesn’t make sense. No one created it.
One of many viruses that magically all appear in the same place


Because it says so it must be true.

I will wait on more evidence. Like real evidence.
I listened to the CDC press conference and there are therapies being tested and vaccines being developed but they are about 18-months out. Until we have treatment options we need to be careful. As the CDC said "...this could be bad". So the whiners better shut the fuck up and prep for shortages and isolation if this gets ugly. I hope it doesn't, but its better to be prepared.

Watch: US health officials hold news briefing on coronavirus outbreak
“We are asking the American public to work with us to prepare for the expectation that this could be bad,” a top CDC official told reporters in a conference call outlining what schools and businesses will likely need to do if the COVID-19 virus starts to spread throughout the U.S.
Schools should consider dividing students into smaller groups or close and use “internet-based teleschooling,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said.
One of many viruses that magically all appear in the same place
Take your lunatic conspiracy theories elsewhere.

Bat cave solves mystery of deadly SARS virus — and suggests new outbreak could occur
Chinese scientists find all the genetic building blocks of SARS in a single population of horseshoe bats.
Bat cave solves mystery of deadly SARS virus — and suggests new outbreak could occur
And you believe the Chinese lol.

This is what I mean by morons who can't think for themselves.

One of the most corrupt and dishonest countries in the world and this fool buys their media propaganda lol
He isn't criticizing, he's whining about pointless shit. This shit is 1000000000% on CHINA and no one else. isn’t.

It is not limited to China, and to sit and say China has to take of it is foolish.
Nice boogeyman argument lol

I never said China has to fix it. I said this mess is ON THEM as in they, and THEY ALONE, created.

Move along
What you said doesn’t make sense. No one created it.
One of many viruses that magically all appear in the same place


Because it says so it must be true.

I will wait on more evidence. Like real evidence.
I'm sure lol. You will wait for the official state run Chinese media release....


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