Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

talk to the party people about long as the person says they are from their party,its ok.....even if they dont like or agree with that person.....the reason the 2 parties are destroying this country,the sub-par people they go with and their members vote for,no matter what.......
I am GOP and it's not ok. Unfortunately I'm in the minority it seams.
Actually you are not. Trump is only winning because Kasich is in and Rubio stayed in far to long.
I predicted this about a month ago when I created a thread about people staying in the race too long & not joining forces. Everyone said I was wrong and that it was too early.

I was right. They all put their own ambition over the country. We will now reap the rewards, if you want to call them that.
Citizen's United.

There was simply too much money floating around the GOP race. Normally Rubio and Jeb would have been laughed right out of the race by the donor class after New Hampshire. The field would have ended up with Kasich, Trump and Cruz well prior to South Carolina, and then likely Trump and Cruz by Super Tuesday. Cruz would have the race locked now. There's a small chance Jeb would have lasted longer thanks to his hold on the donor class, but it isn't that likely.

And there's the irony: Citizen's United likely crippled the donor class of the GOP that usually forced the election to narrow early. More money ironically meant less ability to control the results and ended up putting us here, now, with the mess the GOP is currently facing.
The GOP has a massive bankroll for the general election. BUT your hatred for the constitution is your problem, not the GOP's or anyone elses. There is nothing, nor should there be, in the Constitution to prevent people from pooling their resources for a cause. The unions pad the pockets of the Democrats but I never hear libbabies complain about it, they just can't stand the private sector (those who feed the public sector) having a say.

Well, we still agree on that. Only a liberal thinks it's a good idea for ONLY the media to have the freedom to disseminate their political opinions. Funny how people who champion unions are incensed by people coming together for political purposes rather than contract negotiations.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?'s all bullshit and propaganda.

If Trump is the nominee it will be one of the closest's elections in history and it could go either way. Hillary will not beat him out in a landslide or vice versa. This will be a war like no other.

Anyone saying their candidate will wipe the floor with the opposing candidate is boasting out of 'fear'. All the Clinton supporters saying they hope Trump wins the nomination because it will be a shoe in for her, have no idea whats coming.

She can't even handily beat Sanders and her being exposed as an establishment candidate is one of many things that will hurt her in the general election.

I predict Trump will barely eek out the win.

He's got the corrupt Globalists on the run. I mean he's actually daring to declare 'America First.' And of course that's blasphemy for the Globalists. But the People are hopping on board. They're not giving up.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?'s all bullshit and propaganda.

If Trump is the nominee it will be one of the closest's elections in history and it could go either way. Hillary will not beat him out in a landslide or vice versa. This will be a war like no other.

Anyone saying their candidate will wipe the floor with the opposing candidate is boasting out of 'fear'. All the Clinton supporters saying they hope Trump wins the nomination because it will be a shoe in for her, have no idea whats coming.

She can't even handily beat Sanders and her being exposed as an establishment candidate is one of many things that will hurt her in the general election.

I predict Trump will barely eek out the win.
If those numbers were bullshit Trump wouldn't suddenly be parading around his new wife. He knows he's in trouble so here she comes. Not that it matters, whatever she has to say is as irrelevant as what Michelle Obama says.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?'s all bullshit and propaganda.

If Trump is the nominee it will be one of the closest's elections in history and it could go either way. Hillary will not beat him out in a landslide or vice versa. This will be a war like no other.

Anyone saying their candidate will wipe the floor with the opposing candidate is boasting out of 'fear'. All the Clinton supporters saying they hope Trump wins the nomination because it will be a shoe in for her, have no idea whats coming.

She can't even handily beat Sanders and her being exposed as an establishment candidate is one of many things that will hurt her in the general election.

I predict Trump will barely eek out the win.

He's got the corrupt Globalists on the run. I mean he's actually daring to declare 'America First.' And of course that's blasphemy for the Globalists. The People are hopping on board. They're not giving up.
America First is a very powerful and dangerous message. Putting America first fucks up EVERYTHING for a lot of people with the exception of one group....the American people.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?'s all bullshit and propaganda.

If Trump is the nominee it will be one of the closest's elections in history and it could go either way. Hillary will not beat him out in a landslide or vice versa. This will be a war like no other.

Anyone saying their candidate will wipe the floor with the opposing candidate is boasting out of 'fear'. All the Clinton supporters saying they hope Trump wins the nomination because it will be a shoe in for her, have no idea whats coming.

She can't even handily beat Sanders and her being exposed as an establishment candidate is one of many things that will hurt her in the general election.

I predict Trump will barely eek out the win.

He's got the corrupt Globalists on the run. I mean he's actually daring to declare 'America First.' And of course that's blasphemy for the Globalists. The People are hopping on board. They're not giving up.
America First is a very powerful and dangerous message. Putting America first fucks up EVERYTHING for a lot of people with the exception of one group....the American people.

I hear ya, but i truly believe the man cares about the American People. I don't trust the same ole same ole career Globalist Politicians. I'm ready for change.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?'s all bullshit and propaganda.

If Trump is the nominee it will be one of the closest's elections in history and it could go either way. Hillary will not beat him out in a landslide or vice versa. This will be a war like no other.

Anyone saying their candidate will wipe the floor with the opposing candidate is boasting out of 'fear'. All the Clinton supporters saying they hope Trump wins the nomination because it will be a shoe in for her, have no idea whats coming.

She can't even handily beat Sanders and her being exposed as an establishment candidate is one of many things that will hurt her in the general election.

I predict Trump will barely eek out the win.

He's got the corrupt Globalists on the run. I mean he's actually daring to declare 'America First.' And of course that's blasphemy for the Globalists. The People are hopping on board. They're not giving up.
America First is a very powerful and dangerous message. Putting America first fucks up EVERYTHING for a lot of people with the exception of one group....the American people.

I hear ya, but i truly believe the man cares about the American People. I don't trust the same ole same ole career Globalist Politicians. I'm ready for change.
Trump's compassion for others is predicated on you not being in any way offensive to him. The man is the most self centered American alive
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?'s all bullshit and propaganda.

If Trump is the nominee it will be one of the closest's elections in history and it could go either way. Hillary will not beat him out in a landslide or vice versa. This will be a war like no other.

Anyone saying their candidate will wipe the floor with the opposing candidate is boasting out of 'fear'. All the Clinton supporters saying they hope Trump wins the nomination because it will be a shoe in for her, have no idea whats coming.

She can't even handily beat Sanders and her being exposed as an establishment candidate is one of many things that will hurt her in the general election.

I predict Trump will barely eek out the win.

He's got the corrupt Globalists on the run. I mean he's actually daring to declare 'America First.' And of course that's blasphemy for the Globalists. The People are hopping on board. They're not giving up.
America First is a very powerful and dangerous message. Putting America first fucks up EVERYTHING for a lot of people with the exception of one group....the American people.

I hear ya, but i truly believe the man cares about the American People. I don't trust the same ole same ole career Globalist Politicians. I'm ready for change.

So do I man. Rightly or wrongly, I trust him because he comes from the private sector and has no agenda than to do whats right for America and American's. Hell most of his policies (foreign and domestic) are centered around "America first" and I have absolutely no issue with that.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?'s all bullshit and propaganda.

If Trump is the nominee it will be one of the closest's elections in history and it could go either way. Hillary will not beat him out in a landslide or vice versa. This will be a war like no other.

Anyone saying their candidate will wipe the floor with the opposing candidate is boasting out of 'fear'. All the Clinton supporters saying they hope Trump wins the nomination because it will be a shoe in for her, have no idea whats coming.

She can't even handily beat Sanders and her being exposed as an establishment candidate is one of many things that will hurt her in the general election.

I predict Trump will barely eek out the win.

He's got the corrupt Globalists on the run. I mean he's actually daring to declare 'America First.' And of course that's blasphemy for the Globalists. The People are hopping on board. They're not giving up.
America First is a very powerful and dangerous message. Putting America first fucks up EVERYTHING for a lot of people with the exception of one group....the American people.

I hear ya, but i truly believe the man cares about the American People. I don't trust the same ole same ole career Globalist Politicians. I'm ready for change.
Trump's compassion for others is predicated on you not being in any way offensive to him. The man is the most self centered American alive

He's speaking up for Americans. And that's very rare these days. Sadly, most Americans are now accustomed to the corrupt Globalists screwing em. Just look at all the awful Trade Deals and Trade Deficits. The Globalists don't care about American Citzens. That's pretty obvious. I'm ready for big change.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?'s all bullshit and propaganda.

If Trump is the nominee it will be one of the closest's elections in history and it could go either way. Hillary will not beat him out in a landslide or vice versa. This will be a war like no other.

Anyone saying their candidate will wipe the floor with the opposing candidate is boasting out of 'fear'. All the Clinton supporters saying they hope Trump wins the nomination because it will be a shoe in for her, have no idea whats coming.

She can't even handily beat Sanders and her being exposed as an establishment candidate is one of many things that will hurt her in the general election.

I predict Trump will barely eek out the win.

He's got the corrupt Globalists on the run. I mean he's actually daring to declare 'America First.' And of course that's blasphemy for the Globalists. The People are hopping on board. They're not giving up.
America First is a very powerful and dangerous message. Putting America first fucks up EVERYTHING for a lot of people with the exception of one group....the American people.

I hear ya, but i truly believe the man cares about the American People. I don't trust the same ole same ole career Globalist Politicians. I'm ready for change.

So do I man. Rightly or wrongly, I trust him because he comes from the private sector and has no agenda than to do whats right for America and American's. Hell most of his policies (foreign and domestic) are centered around "America first" and I have absolutely no issue with that.

It's time. The corrupt Globalists have done enough damage. Go Trump!
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

We need a Moderate like Juan McCain or Mitt Romney! ZOMG!! Kasich! Kasich/Rubio! They poll ta-riffic!
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

We need a Moderate like Juan McCain or Mitt Romney! ZOMG!! Kasich! Kasich/Rubio! They poll ta-riffic!
Chill out Frankie Avalon. I don't like Trump & that's OK. As such I will use every opportunity I can to sway voters. Of course it's pointless on here but it's still fun to spar
So how the fuck is he winning so big?


everyone supposedly hates him but thousands upon thousands are voting for him.
Amongst Republican voters, which is akin to a portion of a portion of a portion.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
"Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history."


1. He has never served in government. These days that is a PLUS.

2. He knows business and is a successful businessman (unlike our current President whose business background consists of being an Ex-Community Organizer').

3. Unlike the current President or the Liberals' top nominees, so far, for President, Trump actually LIKES this country and his wife always has (as far as we know - she hasn't come ut and declared openly, like Michelle, that at some point - or most of her life - she never did).

4. Trump actually LISTENS to people and speaks for the majority. The Liberals and WE-GOP created this anti-establishment by setting themselves up as self-appointed Oligarchist 'Rulers', no longer 'Servants of the People. People are tired of that B$. Hillary is just another one of the Oligarchists who has no intention of listening to what the people want. She only wants what Hillary wants, and - as the elitist she is - has already declared, "It's my turn'.

5. He sure as hell doesn't have 1/5th the baggage Hillary brings to the include an on-going FBI investigation for potential crimes under the Espionage act.
"Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history."


1. He has never served in government. These days that is a PLUS.

2. He knows business and is a successful businessman (unlike our current President whose business background consists of being an Ex-Community Organizer').

3. Unlike the current President or the Liberals' top nominees, so far, for President, Trump actually LIKES this country and his wife always has (as far as we know - she hasn't come ut and declared openly, like Michelle, that at some point - or most of her life - she never did).

4. Trump actually LISTENS to people and speaks for the majority. The Liberals and WE-GOP created this anti-establishment by setting themselves up as self-appointed Oligarchist 'Rulers', no longer 'Servants of the People. People are tired of that B$. Hillary is just another one of the Oligarchists who has no intention of listening to what the people want. She only wants what Hillary wants, and - as the elitist she is - has already declared, "It's my turn'.

5. He sure as hell doesn't have 1/5th the baggage Hillary brings to the include an on-going FBI investigation for potential crimes under the Espionage act.
70% of women have a negative view of Trump

Can't get more negative than that
The Senate is long gone anyway. Whether the Democrats end up with a super majority is the only question. Trump has no bearing on this; the last 12-20 months of total RNC inaction since taking both houses of the Congress has guaranteed that. He certainly isn’t helping matters any.

You're delusional
70% of women have a negative view of Trump. Can't get more negative than that


Hillary’s Woman Problem: Most Women Don’t Like Her, by John McLaughlin, Jim McLaughlin, National Review

"Our just-released poll shows that Donald Trump has a 68 percent unfavorable rating among women. But 58 percent of women say they view Hillary Clinton unfavorably. In fact, Hillary’s unfavorable rating was two points higher among women than it was among men.

There are, in fact, very few segments of the female electorate who have an overall favorable view of Clinton, and she still has significant negatives in her narrow base"

Yes, Trump's 'Unfavorable' rating is higher among women than Hillary's, but her unfavorable rating among women is more important / impactful than Trump's. In most elections women favor Democrats more. Women loved Slick Willy (and he loved them and/or tried to love them back, too, which sometimes got him in trouble). They loved Barry. Hillary? Not so much.

Couple that with another historically LOW Liberal turn-out rate so far, reportedly 40% lower than in 2014 - when Dems were handed an historic record-setting ass-kicking - and Hillary's potentially in BIG trouble.
70% of women have a negative view of Trump. Can't get more negative than that


Hillary’s Woman Problem: Most Women Don’t Like Her, by John McLaughlin, Jim McLaughlin, National Review

"Our just-released poll shows that Donald Trump has a 68 percent unfavorable rating among women. But 58 percent of women say they view Hillary Clinton unfavorably. In fact, Hillary’s unfavorable rating was two points higher among women than it was among men.

There are, in fact, very few segments of the female electorate who have an overall favorable view of Clinton, and she still has significant negatives in her narrow base"

Yes, Trump's 'Unfavorable' rating is higher among women than Hillary's, but her unfavorable rating among women is more important / impactful than Trump's. In most elections women favor Democrats more. Women loved Slick Willy (and he loved them and/or tried to love them back, too, which sometimes got him in trouble). They loved Barry. Hillary? Not so much.

Couple that with another historically LOW Liberal turn-out rate so far, reportedly 40% lower than in 2014 - when Dems were handed an historic record-setting ass-kicking - and Hillary's potentially in BIG trouble.
Trumps poling among women is at record lows

Who do you think those votes go to?
70% of women have a negative view of Trump. Can't get more negative than that


Hillary’s Woman Problem: Most Women Don’t Like Her, by John McLaughlin, Jim McLaughlin, National Review

"Our just-released poll shows that Donald Trump has a 68 percent unfavorable rating among women. But 58 percent of women say they view Hillary Clinton unfavorably. In fact, Hillary’s unfavorable rating was two points higher among women than it was among men.

There are, in fact, very few segments of the female electorate who have an overall favorable view of Clinton, and she still has significant negatives in her narrow base"

Yes, Trump's 'Unfavorable' rating is higher among women than Hillary's, but her unfavorable rating among women is more important / impactful than Trump's. In most elections women favor Democrats more. Women loved Slick Willy (and he loved them and/or tried to love them back, too, which sometimes got him in trouble). They loved Barry. Hillary? Not so much.

Couple that with another historically LOW Liberal turn-out rate so far, reportedly 40% lower than in 2014 - when Dems were handed an historic record-setting ass-kicking - and Hillary's potentially in BIG trouble.
Trumps poling among women is at record lows

Who do you think those votes go to?
Did you get that from the TV? :lol:

Gotta love talking points and polls that poll 178 women. Exit polls from several primaries show Trump doing better with women than any other GOP candidate, but that don't let get in the way of you swallowing the propaganda
70% of women have a negative view of Trump. Can't get more negative than that


Hillary’s Woman Problem: Most Women Don’t Like Her, by John McLaughlin, Jim McLaughlin, National Review

"Our just-released poll shows that Donald Trump has a 68 percent unfavorable rating among women. But 58 percent of women say they view Hillary Clinton unfavorably. In fact, Hillary’s unfavorable rating was two points higher among women than it was among men.

There are, in fact, very few segments of the female electorate who have an overall favorable view of Clinton, and she still has significant negatives in her narrow base"

Yes, Trump's 'Unfavorable' rating is higher among women than Hillary's, but her unfavorable rating among women is more important / impactful than Trump's. In most elections women favor Democrats more. Women loved Slick Willy (and he loved them and/or tried to love them back, too, which sometimes got him in trouble). They loved Barry. Hillary? Not so much.

Couple that with another historically LOW Liberal turn-out rate so far, reportedly 40% lower than in 2014 - when Dems were handed an historic record-setting ass-kicking - and Hillary's potentially in BIG trouble.
Trumps poling among women is at record lows

Who do you think those votes go to?
Did you get that from the TV? :lol:

Gotta love talking points and polls that poll 178 women. Exit polls from several primaries show Trump doing better with women than any other GOP candidate, but that don't let get in the way of you swallowing the propaganda

Not exit polls.


Which continuously show Trump's negatives the highest in polling history.

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