Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?
Trump is a shill, a plant by Clinton to disrupt the republicans. Maybe, don't know. but the LIB/Dems underestimated the angry white male vote. Big time. Sorry kids...
well he's been pounded everyday by all the rags, Republicans , Democrat. etc.

is it any damn wonder? they did this same thing to Palin, but this is the worst I've ever seen from the Republicans. degusted with them
well he's been pounded everyday by all the rags, Republicans , Democrat. etc.

is it any damn wonder? they did this same thing to Palin, but this is the worst I've ever seen from the Republicans. degusted with them

And Donald never makes stupid statements that he has to walk back or try to explain away? After he gets the nomination, or runs third party, his blunders will get even worse.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

The GOP has shit twice and now they get fall back in it.
well he's been pounded everyday by all the rags, Republicans , Democrat. etc.

is it any damn wonder? they did this same thing to Palin, but this is the worst I've ever seen from the Republicans. degusted with them

They are trying to kill their own Frankenstein monster.
well he's been pounded everyday by all the rags, Republicans , Democrat. etc.

is it any damn wonder? they did this same thing to Palin, but this is the worst I've ever seen from the Republicans. degusted with them

They are trying to kill their own Frankenstein monster.

They can only blame themselves...Hillary was very beatable, until the party was hijacked by a lunatic.
I have written it before, and will write it again that if Trump win the nomination he will lose the General Election and the GOP will lose the Senate but not the House.

I can see Trump losing in a Minority-Majority State like Texas because of the fact he will not carry the Hispanic\Latino\Tejano vote, and will never carry the Black or female vote, so it leave him the white vote which is less than the minority vote.

Now his supporters will argue against me and will educate me how he will carry this state, but I do not see it, and if Johnson is the Libertarian candidate then Trump loses the Libertarian vote, and might lose some swing voters that might vote for Gary Johnson instead of Trump.

Then you have New Mexico and it Native American\ Latino\Hispanic population that could also go blue against Trump, and Florida is not a lock either...

If the GOP voter were as smart as they believe they are they would have backed Kasich while positioning Rubio for VP, and with that combination the GOP would sweep the election, but they are not, so let see what happen at the brokered convention because no one will get the needed amount of delegates to be the clear winner...
Wow Bruce. I'll pass the message along, maybe it isn't too late and you saved the party from certain destruction! Why aren't you running the RNC, did you even send them your resume?
well he's been pounded everyday by all the rags, Republicans , Democrat. etc.

is it any damn wonder? they did this same thing to Palin, but this is the worst I've ever seen from the Republicans. degusted with them

They are trying to kill their own Frankenstein monster.

They can only blame themselves...Hillary was very beatable, until the party was hijacked by a lunatic.
Anyone can defeat the two idiots on the other team. It's WHY there were so many candidates.
I have written it before, and will write it again that if Trump win the nomination he will lose the General Election and the GOP will lose the Senate but not the House.

I can see Trump losing in a Minority-Majority State like Texas because of the fact he will not carry the Hispanic\Latino\Tejano vote, and will never carry the Black or female vote, so it leave him the white vote which is less than the minority vote.

Now his supporters will argue against me and will educate me how he will carry this state, but I do not see it, and if Johnson is the Libertarian candidate then Trump loses the Libertarian vote, and might lose some swing voters that might vote for Gary Johnson instead of Trump.

Then you have New Mexico and it Native American\ Latino\Hispanic population that could also go blue against Trump, and Florida is not a lock either...

If the GOP voter were as smart as they believe they are they would have backed Kasich while positioning Rubio for VP, and with that combination the GOP would sweep the election, but they are not, so let see what happen at the brokered convention because no one will get the needed amount of delegates to be the clear winner...
Wow Bruce. I'll pass the message along, maybe it isn't too late and you saved the party from certain destruction! Why aren't you running the RNC, did you even send them your resume?

It was too late in June 2015 when Donald announced he would run. The GOP is soooooo screwed.
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?

That's what is so frustrating.

Hillary is a weak candidate.

But because the Republican base has decided to go Full Retard and is throwing a temper tantrum at its leaders, it is throwing away a golden opportunity to win the Presidency and shape the SCOTUS for years to come.

Yeah, some things are WORTH LOSING over! We patriot's will sit back and watch as the country is dragged further and further into debt, and recession, and will pick up all the piece in 4 or 8 years, depending upon just how stupid the American people are!

So you've decided to nominate the candidate who not only has the least chance of beating the Democats, but if you believe that he will do what he says he will do, he will plunge this country much further into debt.

Trump’s Tax Plan Would Add More Debt Than Obama

This is why people call Trump supporters "low-information voters."

Yes, I believe your article as much as you believe that During President Reagan's first term, Kudlow was the associate director for economics and planning, Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office.

  1. Larry Kudlow: Trump Tax Plan Will Bring...
    Larry Kudlow: Trump Tax Plan Will Bring 'Tremendous Movement of Capital and Labor Back to the United States' - Breitbartkudlow-trump-tax-plan-will-bring-tremendous-movement-of-capital-and-labor-back-to-us/
    Mar 4, 2016 ... Economist, radio host, and CNBC senior contributor Larry Kudlow appeared on Breitbart News Daily Friday morning to discuss economic ...
Just never stop being an :ahole-1:, bullshitter!

You said the deficit.

That's not the deficit.

"Low-information voter."
well he's been pounded everyday by all the rags, Republicans , Democrat. etc.

is it any damn wonder? they did this same thing to Palin, but this is the worst I've ever seen from the Republicans. degusted with them

And Donald never makes stupid statements that he has to walk back or try to explain away? After he gets the nomination, or runs third party, his blunders will get even worse.

It's everyone else's fault but Trump's.

I bet he'd like to punch them all in the face.
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?
talk to the party people about long as the person says they are from their party,its ok.....even if they dont like or agree with that person.....the reason the 2 parties are destroying this country,the sub-par people they go with and their members vote for,no matter what.......
I am GOP and it's not ok. Unfortunately I'm in the minority it seams.
Actually you are not. Trump is only winning because Kasich is in and Rubio stayed in far to long.
I predicted this about a month ago when I created a thread about people staying in the race too long & not joining forces. Everyone said I was wrong and that it was too early.

I was right. They all put their own ambition over the country. We will now reap the rewards, if you want to call them that.
Citizen's United.

There was simply too much money floating around the GOP race. Normally Rubio and Jeb would have been laughed right out of the race by the donor class after New Hampshire. The field would have ended up with Kasich, Trump and Cruz well prior to South Carolina, and then likely Trump and Cruz by Super Tuesday. Cruz would have the race locked now. There's a small chance Jeb would have lasted longer thanks to his hold on the donor class, but it isn't that likely.

And there's the irony: Citizen's United likely crippled the donor class of the GOP that usually forced the election to narrow early. More money ironically meant less ability to control the results and ended up putting us here, now, with the mess the GOP is currently facing.
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?
talk to the party people about long as the person says they are from their party,its ok.....even if they dont like or agree with that person.....the reason the 2 parties are destroying this country,the sub-par people they go with and their members vote for,no matter what.......
I am GOP and it's not ok. Unfortunately I'm in the minority it seams.
Actually you are not. Trump is only winning because Kasich is in and Rubio stayed in far to long.
I predicted this about a month ago when I created a thread about people staying in the race too long & not joining forces. Everyone said I was wrong and that it was too early.

I was right. They all put their own ambition over the country. We will now reap the rewards, if you want to call them that.
Citizen's United.

There was simply too much money floating around the GOP race. Normally Rubio and Jeb would have been laughed right out of the race by the donor class after New Hampshire. The field would have ended up with Kasich, Trump and Cruz well prior to South Carolina, and then likely Trump and Cruz by Super Tuesday. Cruz would have the race locked now. There's a small chance Jeb would have lasted longer thanks to his hold on the donor class, but it isn't that likely.

And there's the irony: Citizen's United likely crippled the donor class of the GOP that usually forced the election to narrow early. More money ironically meant less ability to control the results and ended up putting us here, now, with the mess the GOP is currently facing.
The GOP has a massive bankroll for the general election. BUT your hatred for the constitution is your problem, not the GOP's or anyone elses. There is nothing, nor should there be, in the Constitution to prevent people from pooling their resources for a cause. The unions pad the pockets of the Democrats but I never hear libbabies complain about it, they just can't stand the private sector (those who feed the public sector) having a say.
Reagan had big negatives. In fact, most predicted he would lose badly to Jimmy Carter. And of course he went on to win by way of the biggest Landslide in history.
Reagan had big negatives. In fact, most predicted he would lose badly to Jimmy Carter. And of course he went on to win by way of the biggest Landslide in history.

Others who were predicted to lose - Goldwater, McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Dole, Kerry, McCain and Romney.

Trump's not a corrupt Globalist. He's talkin about 'America First.' And of course that truly pisses off the usual Globalist suspects. So he is fighting a Mt. Everest-sized uphill battle. But you know, people are reaching the top of Mt. Everest. It can be done.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?'s all bullshit and propaganda.

If Trump is the nominee it will be one of the closest's elections in history and it could go either way. Hillary will not beat him out in a landslide or vice versa. This will be a war like no other.

Anyone saying their candidate will wipe the floor with the opposing candidate is boasting out of 'fear'. All the Clinton supporters saying they hope Trump wins the nomination because it will be a shoe in for her, have no idea whats coming.

She can't even handily beat Sanders and her being exposed as an establishment candidate is one of many things that will hurt her in the general election.

I predict Trump will barely eek out the win.

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