Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

That's what is so frustrating.

Hillary is a weak candidate.

But because the Republican base has decided to go Full Retard and is throwing a temper tantrum at its leaders, it is throwing away a golden opportunity to win the Presidency and shape the SCOTUS for years to come.

Yeah, some things are WORTH LOSING over! We patriot's will sit back and watch as the country is dragged further and further into debt, and recession, and will pick up all the piece in 4 or 8 years, depending upon just how stupid the American people are!
You write two falsehoods.

You are not a patriot.

You will not pick up any 'pieces'.

And when you have subversive left wing cock sucker like RightWing agreeing with you, YOU are NO REPUBLICAN!

One, you are the one supporting the most progressive GOP candidate in this primary season.

Two, John Kasich is far more conservative than the Donald.

Three, you are in this for the thirty cents you get per post, nothing more.
Neither will Trump.
Only a strong minority in the GOP, td.

How is that going to reconcile with the millions who hate the hillarys, mcconnells, boehners, romneys, Ryan's, etc. Let's not fool ourselves here. This current group of elitists who feel they're entitled to king status are reviled.
The numbers show that your perception is off.

So you're saying that the people will still vote for elites who hate and despise the electorate.

If the alternative is Donald Trump and/or Hillary Clinton?

Some will vote for anyone else who appears to be a rational adult; some will just say, "A pox on all your houses" and stay home.
Oh so why don't you run Romney again? It worked out so well last time.


I know. Run Jeb. Who is as exciting as a Boy Scout leader giving saftey instructions on how to roast a marshmallow.\

Yeah, yeah that's the ticket!!!!

The thing is --- a Chief Executive is supposed to be an Executive --- not "exciting".

Frankly, if people are having to notice the federal government more than a couple of times a month, then the government is doing it wrong.
I use to think the Paulbots supported Paul because they were potheads but now seeing they sell all their values to worship the mighty Trump I see they were just stupid.
Only a strong minority in the GOP, td.

How is that going to reconcile with the millions who hate the hillarys, mcconnells, boehners, romneys, Ryan's, etc. Let's not fool ourselves here. This current group of elitists who feel they're entitled to king status are reviled.
The numbers show that your perception is off.

So you're saying that the people will still vote for elites who hate and despise the electorate.
Obviously they will seeing as 30% of the republicans are voting for Trump

So we should all vote for the honest and clean hillary?

Or maybe not be a bunch of dumb shits who stick the nation with that lose/lose scenario.
I use to think the Paulbots supported Paul because they were potheads but now seeing they sell all their values to worship the mighty Trump I see they were just stupid.
The numbers show that your perception is off.

So you're saying that the people will still vote for elites who hate and despise the electorate.
Obviously they will seeing as 30% of the republicans are voting for Trump

So we should all vote for the honest and clean hillary?
No you should vote for the true conservative Ted Cruz.
I voted for Cruz but I don't think it matters. The GOP is in complete disarray & set to give away yet another election. And there's no blaming this shit on the Elites this time. This mess is 100% on the voters0

Republicans as a party have always seemed to have a talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
No one needs to offer an alternative because Cruz and Kasich et al are already there, jwoodie.

Yeah two of the same old inside the beltway establishment elitists. How exciting.

If you want excitement, go to Vegas. Or turn on a rerun of "Celebrity Apprentice". Whatever blows your skirt up. Elections are not about "exciting" you or entertaining you. They're about choosing an informed, rational adult with self-control to lead the nation. Donald Trump isn't any of those things. And quite possibly not capable of spelling most of them.
Oh so why don't you run Romney again? It worked out so well last time.


I know. Run Jeb. Who is as exciting as a Boy Scout leader giving saftey instructions on how to roast a marshmallow.\

Yeah, yeah that's the ticket!!!!

The thing is --- a Chief Executive is supposed to be an Executive --- not "exciting".

Exciting. Breath of fresh air. Speaking his mind without PC. That's the draw. He's positive.

You need to look up the word "positive", because it doesn't mean what you think it does.

Furthermore, grownups understand the difference between "honest and politically incorrect" and "shockingly, childishly offensive".

Here's the difference.

A woman asks her husband, "Do these pants make my ass look fat?"

The PC answer: "No, honey, you look amazing."

The non-PC answer: "Those pants aren't as flattering as they should be. You should wear this style instead."

The Trump answer: "No, it's those last five cheeseburgers that make your ass look fat, Jumbo."

You can say what honestly needs to be said without sounding like a graceless baboon.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?


Don't you think it's a little questionable/suspicious that they almost never include their sample size?

And where was this poll taken, a college campus?
How old is "young"?
Was their selection process truly random, or were they trying to prove a conclusion they wanted?
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

A serious terrorist attack or economic collapse could do it.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

He is dead in the water. The GOP is so totally screwed, it is embarrassing. And if "Lying Ted" steals the nomination, the real war begins.

"Steal"? For that to be the case, it would have to belong to Trump, and it doesn't, however entitled you and he feel.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?


Don't you think it's a little questionable/suspicious that they almost never include their sample size?

And where was this poll taken, a college campus?
How old is "young"?
Was their selection process truly random, or were they trying to prove a conclusion they wanted?

Are your feet wet? Can you see the pyramids?

Donald Trump isn't even carrying the majority of the Republican Party.
I have written it before, and will write it again that if Trump win the nomination he will lose the General Election and the GOP will lose the Senate but not the House.

I can see Trump losing in a Minority-Majority State like Texas because of the fact he will not carry the Hispanic\Latino\Tejano vote, and will never carry the Black or female vote, so it leave him the white vote which is less than the minority vote.

Now his supporters will argue against me and will educate me how he will carry this state, but I do not see it, and if Johnson is the Libertarian candidate then Trump loses the Libertarian vote, and might lose some swing voters that might vote for Gary Johnson instead of Trump.

Then you have New Mexico and it Native American\ Latino\Hispanic population that could also go blue against Trump, and Florida is not a lock either...

If the GOP voter were as smart as they believe they are they would have backed Kasich while positioning Rubio for VP, and with that combination the GOP would sweep the election, but they are not, so let see what happen at the brokered convention because no one will get the needed amount of delegates to be the clear winner...
When Trump does well it is in open Primaries. He is getting votes from people crossing over because they know Hillary will win their state and they want to have fun at the republicans expense.

In closed primaries he does relatively badly. Trumpkins are hyper pissed of republicans and democratic shills
'Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history'

Does Raul Castro qualify as modern history?

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