Trump-haters making democracy impossible

Donald Trump was elected by the people of the United States to a four year term. He is the person we chose to execute the laws of our Republic. We chose him according to the method as provided in our Constitution--the supreme law of the land. You Trump-haters have opposed him from his first day in office--not his policies, but him. You have attacked him like a pack of vicious dogs every minute of every day of his administration--not his policies, but him. In other words, you have spent every day since he took office attacking our democracy itself.

You seek to bring him down. That means you seek to overturn the election. That means you seek to bring down our system of government. That means you and your thug allies think you should replace the democratic will of the people as the supreme power in this land. That means you seek to overturn the Constitution; you seek to subvert the rule of law. That means you are dangerous traitors.

Consider this from today's Washington Post: Sessions discussed Trump campaign with Russian ambassador, per intel intercepts. Do you know what that is? That is a big fat nothing. So what if Sessions discussed the campaign with the Russian ambassador. So fucking what? Jeff Sessions could have made it his mission to discuss the campaign with every leader on earth plus Satan every single day from Iowa through November 8 and no laws would have been broken.

Trump should have federal agents raid the Washington Post on Monday morning and have every person there arrested on charges of treason. He should keep them in jail until the end of his term.

Trump has done this to himself. Stop crying. It is republicans who have called these investigations and hearings. It was his own Justice Department that chose to bring in a special counsel. In America you don't get to raid and imprison political opposition That's fascism. So learn the facts before you whine chump.
You Trump-haters have opposed him from his first day in office--not his policies, but him.
Where you have been? Trump has been assailed because he is a reprobate and because his policy proposals are ill considered.
When it comes to criticism of his public policy, when an organization does not proffer fawning approbation of them, they are declared an opponent or a liberal, or both, and, at least here on USMB. Such declarations are nearly never accompanied by an on-point rebuttal that directly and with portfolio takes on the specific policy proposal criticized. Instead, what one gets is aspersions such as "you're an idiot," "you're full of sh*t," "fake news," "more liberal XYZ," etc. The problem, mind you, isn't the vulgar aspersion; it's that the aspersion isn't accompanied by sound, rigorous, and well developed and founded content that gives it "adult teeth." (Sure, one can have plenty of adolescent-grade discussions here; indeed, they are on USMB ubiquitous....Were we teens, there'd be nothing bizarre or disconcerting about that....)

In short, one way or another, conservatives and Trumpkin members of USMB just don't engage in substantive and sound debate on points of policy. Accordingly, on USMB, it's nigh impossible to have a serious policy or current events discussion/debate. To wit:
Those are some of my posts/threads -- I listed them as examples because I know of their existence -- I'm sure others have made similar entreaties for substantive debate/discussion. The point is that we, as you put it, "Trump haters" (I don't hate Trump; I abhor that he is POTUS.) have presented plenty of opportunities for substantive discussion/debate about his policies. Few, if any, Trump advocates exhibit the will to step up and present hard-hitting arguments, counterarguments and rebuttals that refrain from puerile epithets, or at least that accompany the vulgar aspersions with strong cases that show them to be preponderantly merited.
I could write the same about the Trump-haters on this board. My point in the OP included this, which you did not address: The attacks on Donald Trump were immediate, extreme, unrelenting, and remain that way up to the present moment. That means the attacks were on him, not on his policies. If, along the way to Golgotha, various bystanders toss in some critiques of his policies, it doesn't allow the Pharisees then to claim he was crucified for his views on health care.
My point in the OP included this, which you did not address: The attacks on Donald Trump were immediate, extreme, unrelenting, and remain that way up to the present moment. That means the attacks were on him, not on his policies. If, along the way to Golgotha, various bystanders toss in some critiques of his policies, it doesn't allow the Pharisees then to claim he was crucified for his views on health care.

Excuse me? I most certainly did. Did you not look at the dates of the first six policy critiques I provided. The most substantive criticism of Trump policy I listed dates from June 2016, which predates Trump's garnering the GOP nomination. There are plenty more. Individuals having short memories need only Google for them.

My point in the OP included this, which you did not address: The attacks on Donald Trump were immediate, extreme, unrelenting, and remain that way up to the present moment. That means the attacks were on him, not on his policies. If, along the way to Golgotha, various bystanders toss in some critiques of his policies, it doesn't allow the Pharisees then to claim he was crucified for his views on health care.

He has most certainly been the object of character attacks. That he has been does not at all mean policy specific criticism also has not been levied. You may have forgotten about it or ignored it, but it existed. I provided links to six instances of it and if you look at the content in those USMB posts/threads I referenced, you'll find many more.

My point in the OP included this, which you did not address: The attacks on Donald Trump were immediate, extreme, unrelenting, and remain that way up to the present moment. That means the attacks were on him, not on his policies. If, along the way to Golgotha, various bystanders toss in some critiques of his policies, it doesn't allow the Pharisees then to claim he was crucified for his views on health care.
Don't forget, one of the early and long standing criticisms of Trump was that he didn't issue much or any actual policy detail. In some areas, that hasn't changed. For the better part of a year, all we knew with any specificity was that he wanted to build a wall. One cannot offer substantive criticism of policy that wasn't proposed.
Then there was the issue of his policy stances, as incoherently, vaguely and/or ambiguously articulated as they were, changing like the weather.
Who the hell is going to put any time into analyzing a nebulous position that has little likelihood of being the same position the man has a week later?
In any election, there will be sore losers who will cast stones from day one. But, in a functioning, stable democracy, the adults in the room accept the results and carry on. In our country it was standard procedure for the losing candidate to call the winner and offer congratulations. That is the high-minded ideal that served as the example for his or her supporters yo follow. And there would be, typically, a hundred-day honeymoon period to give the winner time to settle into office before attacking. That is a necessity to a mature, well-functioning democracy. Not only did the Jewish-owned media fail to observe any such standard, it led the attacks. Moreover, it led it on specious grounds with the intent to bring the new president down. If you deny that, you only make my point more valid as to the impossibility of democracy in the USA.
Trump has done this to himself. Stop crying. It is republicans who have called these investigations and hearings. It was his own Justice Department that chose to bring in a special counsel. In America you don't get to raid and imprison political opposition That's fascism. So learn the facts before you whine chump.
I said nothing about Republicans. Learn to read, chimp.
Russia is doing what all nations do looking out for them self 1st. my problem is Putin choices on how to advance. Israel that's a whole different story
Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
― Albert Einstein​

And then there's the fact that character matters. The OP-er rails against the personal attacks that have assailed Trump. They are no less legitimate than are the policy attacks.
There's also the fact that Donald "who knew healthcare is so complicated" Trump is no policy wonk, not even close. He and his allies should consider themselves lucky that a fair amount of criticism he must endure falls on the political and not policy side of things.

The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back.
― Abigail Van Buren​
when no one had shown a shred of evidence that there has been any ?

try reading the USA intelligence testimony for comprehension, dumbo. :rolleyes:
Oh really?
immediate because perhaps he lied about and bashed all 17 presidential candidates then admitted to being a pussy grabbing pervert ,,,the man is unfit as anyone has ever been and a large % of you repub idiots don't care
That's not why you opposed him, and you know it.
I love tax cuts Don't want criminal illegals in our country.....I just think he's a slimebag taking advantage of all those he could He has a history of it How much do you think he paid his exes to not talk about him?? and all those women he molested were liars??
You Trump-haters have opposed him from his first day in office--not his policies, but him.
Where you have been? Trump has been assailed because he is a reprobate and because his policy proposals are ill considered.
When it comes to criticism of his public policy, when an organization does not proffer fawning approbation of them, they are declared an opponent or a liberal, or both, and, at least here on USMB. Such declarations are nearly never accompanied by an on-point rebuttal that directly and with portfolio takes on the specific policy proposal criticized. Instead, what one gets is aspersions such as "you're an idiot," "you're full of sh*t," "fake news," "more liberal XYZ," etc. The problem, mind you, isn't the vulgar aspersion; it's that the aspersion isn't accompanied by sound, rigorous, and well developed and founded content that gives it "adult teeth." (Sure, one can have plenty of adolescent-grade discussions here; indeed, they are on USMB ubiquitous....Were we teens, there'd be nothing bizarre or disconcerting about that....)

In short, one way or another, conservatives and Trumpkin members of USMB just don't engage in substantive and sound debate on points of policy. Accordingly, on USMB, it's nigh impossible to have a serious policy or current events discussion/debate. To wit:
Those are some of my posts/threads -- I listed them as examples because I know of their existence -- I'm sure others have made similar entreaties for substantive debate/discussion. The point is that we, as you put it, "Trump haters" (I don't hate Trump; I abhor that he is POTUS.) have presented plenty of opportunities for substantive discussion/debate about his policies. Few, if any, Trump advocates exhibit the will to step up and present hard-hitting arguments, counterarguments and rebuttals that refrain from puerile epithets, or at least that accompany the vulgar aspersions with strong cases that show them to be preponderantly merited.
I could write the same about the Trump-haters on this board. My point in the OP included this, which you did not address: The attacks on Donald Trump were immediate, extreme, unrelenting, and remain that way up to the present moment. That means the attacks were on him, not on his policies. If, along the way to Golgotha, various bystanders toss in some critiques of his policies, it doesn't allow the Pharisees then to claim he was crucified for his views on health care.
My point in the OP included this, which you did not address: The attacks on Donald Trump were immediate, extreme, unrelenting, and remain that way up to the present moment. That means the attacks were on him, not on his policies. If, along the way to Golgotha, various bystanders toss in some critiques of his policies, it doesn't allow the Pharisees then to claim he was crucified for his views on health care.

Excuse me? I most certainly did. Did you not look at the dates of the first six policy critiques I provided. The most substantive criticism of Trump policy I listed dates from June 2016, which predates Trump's garnering the GOP nomination. There are plenty more. Individuals having short memories need only Google for them.

My point in the OP included this, which you did not address: The attacks on Donald Trump were immediate, extreme, unrelenting, and remain that way up to the present moment. That means the attacks were on him, not on his policies. If, along the way to Golgotha, various bystanders toss in some critiques of his policies, it doesn't allow the Pharisees then to claim he was crucified for his views on health care.

He has most certainly been the object of character attacks. That he has been does not at all mean policy specific criticism also has not been levied. You may have forgotten about it or ignored it, but it existed. I provided links to six instances of it and if you look at the content in those USMB posts/threads I referenced, you'll find many more.

My point in the OP included this, which you did not address: The attacks on Donald Trump were immediate, extreme, unrelenting, and remain that way up to the present moment. That means the attacks were on him, not on his policies. If, along the way to Golgotha, various bystanders toss in some critiques of his policies, it doesn't allow the Pharisees then to claim he was crucified for his views on health care.
Don't forget, one of the early and long standing criticisms of Trump was that he didn't issue much or any actual policy detail. In some areas, that hasn't changed. For the better part of a year, all we knew with any specificity was that he wanted to build a wall. One cannot offer substantive criticism of policy that wasn't proposed.
Then there was the issue of his policy stances, as incoherently, vaguely and/or ambiguously articulated as they were, changing like the weather.
Who the hell is going to put any time into analyzing a nebulous position that has little likelihood of being the same position the man has a week later?
In any election, there will be sore losers who will cast stones from day one. But, in a functioning, stable democracy, the adults in the room accept the results and carry on. In our country it was standard procedure for the losing candidate to call the winner and offer congratulations. That is the high-minded ideal that served as the example for his or her supporters yo follow. And there would be, typically, a hundred-day honeymoon period to give the winner time to settle into office before attacking. That is a necessity to a mature, well-functioning democracy. Not only did the Jewish-owned media fail to observe any such standard, it led the attacks. Moreover, it led it on specious grounds with the intent to bring the new president down. If you deny that, you only make my point more valid as to the impossibility of democracy in the USA.
In our country it was standard procedure for the losing candidate to call the winner and offer congratulations.

And that happened for Trump.

there would be, typically, a hundred-day honeymoon period to give the winner time to settle into office before attacking.

Perhaps in your mind there "would be" a honeymoon of sorts. I bid you review the press coverage of Bill Clinton's and other recent(-ish) past presidents' first hundred days.
Just how much good or neutral press does Trump deserve? Given his deplorable character, nonexistent relationship with the truth -- on matters great and small -- and utter failure to complete his own stated goals, my answer is "little to none."

The POTUS' duties begin immediately after his taking the oath of office. Being POTUS, the office of the president, is varsity league. There is no honeymoon.

If any recent presidents had a honeymoon of sorts, it was Reagan. Why did he get one? Because he got shot and nearly died.

Not only did the Jewish-owned media fail to observe any such standard, it led the attacks.

I don't know why you feel the need to bring anyone's ethnicity into this discussion. That's just an ad hominem type of remark that has no bearing on the fact that, as shown above, there is no such standard.
...the free press the founders envisioned is long gone. At lease 1965, when Jews in Congress and the lying Jewish owned press colluded to inflict the 1965 Immigration Act on us. Squawk all you want about Nazis under the bed, but it's the truth. Jews betrayed us, and they used their media power to do it. It needs to stop because, clearly, they don't seem to be able to stop themselves. It just keeps getting worse, and their behavior since Trump announced his candidacy has been shockingly treasonous.

And there is this: overt and explicit interference by the Jewish owner of Univision and Israeli-American dual citizen to push Hillary Clinton,"our candidate" , as Friedman, the coChair of the Motion Pictures Assn calls her. And the lapdogs in Congress are investigating RUSSIAN interference? Jews are just proving once again they are an enemy...

My nomination for anti-American, fascist-leaning KKK Klansman and Nazi Brownshirt of the Year...


"Your Honor... the Prosecution rests."
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when no one had shown a shred of evidence that there has been any ?

try reading the USA intelligence testimony for comprehension, dumbo. :rolleyes:
Oh really?
immediate because perhaps he lied about and bashed all 17 presidential candidates then admitted to being a pussy grabbing pervert ,,,the man is unfit as anyone has ever been and a large % of you repub idiots don't care
That's not why you opposed him, and you know it.
I love tax cuts Don't want criminal illegals in our country.....I just think he's a slimebag taking advantage of all those he could He has a history of it How much do you think he paid his exes to not talk about him?? and all those women he molested were liars??
But "non-criminal illegals" can stay?
And who even makes their political choices according to a candidate's slimebaggishness, anyway? Maybe that's the difference between conservatives and liberals. Conservatives vote for a president. Liberals vote for a roommate.
Just how much good or neutral press does Trump deserve? Given his deplorable character, nonexistent relationship with the truth -- on matters great and small -- and utter failure to complete his own stated goals, my answer is "little to none."
There has never been a full-throttle, out-of-the-gate, naked attempt by the press to bring down a president like we are witnessing here. It puts the nation in an impossible position.
Just how much good or neutral press does Trump deserve? Given his deplorable character, nonexistent relationship with the truth -- on matters great and small -- and utter failure to complete his own stated goals, my answer is "little to none."
There has never been a full-throttle, out-of-the-gate, naked attempt by the press to bring down a president like we are witnessing here. It puts the nation in an impossible position.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... where do they find these Losers?


"...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances..."
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Making Democracy impossible? The GOP controls everything. The federal government, the Supreme Court, most state legislatures, most governorships..... but everything is the Democrat's fault? LOL
Yup. Just about everything. And the more they obstruct the work of government, >> infrastructure repair, military strengthening, deportations (AKA jobs for AMERICANS), stopping terrorism, etc. the more they make the democracy of the 2016 election impossible.

When you really look at it objectively, Democrats are some of America's worst enemies.

aww........... really? did your dad vlad teach you think that way?? :itsok:


now let's see if you can back up that bullshizer with a link to these imaginary bills introduced since trump. :eusa_liar:
Donald Trump was elected by the people of the United States to a four year term. He is the person we chose to execute the laws of our Republic. We chose him according to the method as provided in our Constitution--the supreme law of the land. You Trump-haters have opposed him from his first day in office--not his policies, but him. You have attacked him like a pack of vicious dogs every minute of every day of his administration--not his policies, but him. In other words, you have spent every day since he took office attacking our democracy itself.

You seek to bring him down. That means you seek to overturn the election. That means you seek to bring down our system of government. That means you and your thug allies think you should replace the democratic will of the people as the supreme power in this land. That means you seek to overturn the Constitution; you seek to subvert the rule of law. That means you are dangerous traitors.

Consider this from today's Washington Post: Sessions discussed Trump campaign with Russian ambassador, per intel intercepts. Do you know what that is? That is a big fat nothing. So what if Sessions discussed the campaign with the Russian ambassador. So fucking what? Jeff Sessions could have made it his mission to discuss the campaign with every leader on earth plus Satan every single day from Iowa through November 8 and no laws would have been broken.

Trump should have federal agents raid the Washington Post on Monday morning and have every person there arrested on charges of treason. He should keep them in jail until the end of his term.

Trump lost the election by nearly 3 million votes so he's not my president.

Although I'm grudgingly having to own up to the reality that trump has done a couple of things I like.

. He finally admitted that the Iran deal is working as advertised; and signed off on it.

Second; imposing travel restrictions on North Korea so the religious right in this country can no longer send their children into that hellhole as warriors for god.

Thank you Trump.

View attachment 140017

.. Trump counties in red, nut cases likely in blue..
There's a lot of empty space in the red part of that map, mostly it's inside the heads of the people who enthusiastically voted for Trump.

"Trump lost the election by nearly 3 million votes so he's not my president."

True story...HRC won Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.
Hilarious that the people who claim they want America AMERICAN again are the least American of anyone. They think being more like Russia is how to be an American. They are a danger to the country and the free world.

View attachment 140264
At least they "find" them. Republicans are flat out "given" theirs.
Republicans are angry Democrats refuse to ruin the lives of millions of American families.

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