Trump-haters making democracy impossible

Haven't you heard? We're not a democracy.

That's what I thought when I read the thread title . "'Trump haters making democracy impossible' ... ahh.. a bit of good news for a change."
How about this,l then: Trump-haters making a continued existence as the United States impossible.

I disrespectfully disagree. Trump is the greatest threat we are currently facing.
try reading the USA intelligence testimony for comprehension, dumbo. :rolleyes:
That Is OBAMA ADMINISTRATION intelligence testimony, and if your intellect was higher than what you called me, you'd know that you just committed a FELONY (Florida Statute 825.102) You try reading THAT.

Again I say, there hasn't been a shred of evidence presented for the fake news scam of Russian collusion.
Trump should have federal agents raid the Washington Post on Monday morning and have every person there arrested on charges of treason. He should keep them in jail until the end of his term.

Not a surprise that a Trump supporter also despises the First Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights.
No, Twinky, I despise those who have defiled the 1A and traitorously co-opted it to serve alien interests.

Okay- so you despise Trump.

Why didn't you say so.

Of course you clearly despise the Constitution and the Bill of Rights- since you advocated pissing on both by proposing that President Trump
a) have federal agents raid the Washington Post(the President does not have the Constitutional authority to order federal agents to raid anything)
b) have the U.S. government arrest the press for reporting(violating the First Amendment very specific guarantees of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press from Federal Government interference
c) Arrest them for treason- when the Constitution very specifically spells out what Treason is- and freedom of speech is not Treason
d) Keep them in jail until the end of this term (violating the 5th Amendment)

Why do you want to piss on the Constitution?
I love tax cuts Don't want criminal illegals in our country.....I just think he's a slimebag taking advantage of all those he could He has a history of it How much do you think he paid his exes to not talk about him?? and all those women he molested were liars??
Sounds like you're talking about Bill Clinton.

Of course those Trump accusers were liars, and they probably got paid hefty sums to make those lies. Obviously they were lying, not a one of them ever came out decades ago, when these dopey accusations were to have occured, but suddenly a few weeks before the presidential election here they are, right ? Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

In contrast, the REAL molestations and rapes (from Bill Clinton) were all accused in the 90s, WHEN THEY OCCURED.
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Donald Trump was elected by the people of the United States to a four year term. He is the person we chose to execute the laws of our Republic. We chose him according to the method as provided in our Constitution--the supreme law of the land. You Trump-haters have opposed him from his first day in office--not his policies, but him. You have attacked him like a pack of vicious dogs every minute of every day of his administration--not his policies, but him. In other words, you have spent every day since he took office attacking our democracy itself.

You seek to bring him down. That means you seek to overturn the election. That means you seek to bring down our system of government. .

Wow- that sounds just like how Trump acted towards President Obama.

President Obama was elected by the people of the United for 2 four year terms.

Trump spent 5 years trying to make Americans think that President Obama was not our legally elected President.

Where was your outrage then?
My outrage at the treasonous media as it concerns its member, Trump? Didn't have any.

Of course you had no outrage when Donald Trump sought to bring down President Obama, when Trump sought to overturn the election, when Trump meant to bring down our system of government(using your own words to express what you call 'treason' when done towards President Snowflake).

For 5 years Donald Trump actually did everything against President Obama that you suddenly find 'treasonous' when anyone dares criticize President Snowflake.

And you were fine with that.

Just another Trumpster with your nose buried firmly up Trump's ass.
And who is our OP who wants to piss on our Constitution?

A white supremacist, anti-semite- and Trump supporter:

Unlike the weak women of Europe, Putin is the one white leader who had the intelligence, honor, and strength to stand up to the Jews

For all of your rushing to agree with cnelson- this is the 'man' you are agreeing with.

Is he a typical Trumpster? You tell me.
Okay- so you despise Trump.

Why didn't you say so.

Of course you clearly despise the Constitution and the Bill of Rights- since you advocated pissing on both by proposing that President Trump
a) have federal agents raid the Washington Post(the President does not have the Constitutional authority to order federal agents to raid anything)
b) have the U.S. government arrest the press for reporting(violating the First Amendment very specific guarantees of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press from Federal Government interference
c) Arrest them for treason- when the Constitution very specifically spells out what Treason is- and freedom of speech is not Treason
d) Keep them in jail until the end of this term (violating the 5th Amendment)

Why do you want to piss on the Constitution?
:link: :link: :link: :link: ......and not from the fake news Washington Post or New York Times.
Haven't you heard? We're not a democracy.

That's what I thought when I read the thread title . "'Trump haters making democracy impossible' ... ahh.. a bit of good news for a change."
How about this,l then: Trump-haters making a continued existence as the United States impossible.

How about this: Trumpsters hating the United States so much that they are willing to piss on the Constitution in order to support Donald Trump.
Okay- so you despise Trump.

Why didn't you say so.

Of course you clearly despise the Constitution and the Bill of Rights- since you advocated pissing on both by proposing that President Trump
a) have federal agents raid the Washington Post(the President does not have the Constitutional authority to order federal agents to raid anything)
b) have the U.S. government arrest the press for reporting(violating the First Amendment very specific guarantees of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press from Federal Government interference
c) Arrest them for treason- when the Constitution very specifically spells out what Treason is- and freedom of speech is not Treason
d) Keep them in jail until the end of this term (violating the 5th Amendment)

Why do you want to piss on the Constitution?
..and not from the fake news Washington Post or New York Times.

Sure- here is the link to the United States Constitution

Fifth Amendment

I know you despise the First Amendment and advocate pissing on the Constitution- you have more in common with cnelson.
try reading the USA intelligence testimony for comprehension, dumbo. :rolleyes:
That Is OBAMA ADMINISTRATION intelligence testimony, and if your intellect was higher than what you called me, you'd know that you just committed a FELONY (Florida Statute 825.102) You try reading THAT.

Again I say, there hasn't been a shred of evidence presented for the fake news scam of Russian collusion.

:laugh: well, shiver me timbers... :bs1:
I love tax cuts Don't want criminal illegals in our country.....I just think he's a slimebag taking advantage of all those he could He has a history of it How much do you think he paid his exes to not talk about him?? and all those women he molested were liars??

Of course those Trump accusers were liars,

Because you desperately need to believe that they are liars.

Emilia @PoliticalEmilia

This was being sold at the Trump rally in Youngstown today.
But apparently, liberals are the violent ones who are a danger to this country.

7:23 PM - 25 Jul 2017
Yes, sic. You're not wrong about the hyphen rule. That particular phrase as you used it, however, doesn't need hyphens because contextually there's no different meaning of the phrase with or without them.
  • Right Out of the Gate - Phrase Meaning and the Idiom's Origins
  • The Mastery Of The Hyphen
    The general rule for compounding is simple enough. Do not use the hyphen unless a difference in meaning is required. A poor-farm is not necessarily a poor farm. A glass house is different from a glass-house, a green house from a green-house. And out in the country, says a humorist, people distinguish between a near neighbor and a near-neighbor.
The reader is well aware that Trump did not literally come out of the gate itself. Also, the reader knows you do not mean that Trump literally came through (out of) a gate. Thus the idiomatic interpretation is the only rational one to apply to the phrase as you used it.

I think it's bad form to correct someone on grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or typos on something as informal as a message board with emoticons of dancing guys and smiley faces flipping each other off. It makes it worse if it is something so petty as whether I should have hyphenated "out-of-the-gate". Plus, you are wrong on top of that. "Out of the gate" with no hyphens is a prepositional phrase. I used it as an adjective: "a full-throttle, out-of-the-gate, naked attempt by the press to bring down a president". Both "full throttle" and "out of the gate" take hyphens there and for the same reasons.
I think it's bad form to correct someone on grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or typos on something as informal as a message board

"[Sic]" is not used to expressly correct someone. It's used to indicate that the writer quoting another's remarks is aware that there is something errant in the way the original author presented the remark and that the error is not the current writer's. I used it because I quoted your writing in my sentence rather than outside of it, such as by using a "quote box."

But for your challenging my use of "[sic]," I'd not have expounded upon my having used [sic], and I certainly wouldn't have bothered to explicitly note what was amiss that led me to use it. Had your point of contention been justified/accurate, I'd have simply "owned" my mistake and moved on, perhaps also offering a clarification of my meaning if such were warranted. (I've done so on more than one occasion. I'm well aware that my USMB posts often contain typos, sometimes a lot of them. Some I discover in time to correct them. Some I do not timely find. Of others, indeed many, I just don't give a damn because nothing I write for USMB has a bearing on how I'm judged by people whose opinion of me I value.)

Plus, you are wrong on top of that. "Out of the gate" with no hyphens is a prepositional phrase. I used it as an adjective: "a full-throttle, out-of-the-gate, naked attempt by the press to bring down a president". Both "full throttle" and "out of the gate" take hyphens there and for the same reasons.

I really didn't think you'd genuinely want to go down that road; apparently, however, you do...

You'd be correct about the hyphenation but for "out of the gate" existing in English as an idiom. Were it not idiomatically understood to and accepted as having the temporal denotation you note you intended, I would agree with you. (In which case I'd also not have used "[sic].") I provided the first reference link in post 298 to illustrate the phrase's acceptance as an idiom unto itself.

BTW, "out of the gate" is strictly speaking an adverbial prepositional phrase, although some might call it an adverbial phrase. The "adverbial" aspect accrues from the phrase's temporal quality, "when" being a piece of meaning adverbs convey. "Out of the gate" identifies when an action took place, which not a function of adjectives. Thus, though you think you used the phrase as an adjective, you did not because adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. Adverbs, thus adverbial phrases, can modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.

  • Why am I indulging this discussion line? Because I suspect that 300+ posts in, there's little or nothing of note to add to the substance of the thread topic, so I'm willing to engage on this marginally amusing line. If you think there is, however, thematically relevant ground left uncovered with regard to your thread topic, I'll drop this line of chit chat.
Your error, I believe, comes from your misunderstanding of what was modified. You thought it was referring to Trump. It was not. It was describing the attempt by the press to bring Trump down, i.e., a noun, though, of course, Trump is a noun as well. There was no verb modified and thus no action about which to convey temporal information.

What was the press' attempt like? It was full-throttle, it was out-of-the-gate (meaning immediately on day one), it was naked.
By reporting the news? How much "fake news" was actually reported and not retracted; where is wikileaks now?
where is wikileaks now?

I don't know, but I know nobody's imploring Assange to find stuff on Trump and his cronies. I don't know that it'd do any good were they to do so, but the point is that nobody's asking, not whether asking would yield results.
Should we wait for the "paid campaigning season" to start?

Trump Could Trigger Political and Legal Backlash if He Escalates Against Sessions

President Donald Trump could trigger a political and legal backlash if he escalates his attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions into an attempted purge of U.S. law enforcement officials, lawmakers and legal experts said on Tuesday.…

By Reuters on Tue, Jul 25th, 2017 at 11:02 pm

Democrats Ready to Shut Down Any Attempt by Trump to Replace Sessions with Recess Appointment
The top Democrat in the U.S. Senate warned President Donald Trump on Tuesday against any attempt to bypass Congress to appoint a new attorney general and undermine special counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing probe into alleged Russian meddling in the U.S. election.…
Just how much good or neutral press does Trump deserve? Given his deplorable character, nonexistent relationship with the truth -- on matters great and small -- and utter failure to complete his own stated goals, my answer is "little to none.".

As the elected POTUS he, (and the majority of Americans who elected him), deserves good and neutral press. Your character is "deplorable" for 3 reasons >>

1. Calling him "deplorable"
2. His relationship with the truth exists just fine
3. He HAS completed stated goals >>

1. $54 billion increase in defense spending, (a 9 percent jump)
2. 7 percent increase to Homeland Security
3. more money on law enforcement
4. Obama did not submit a budget in 8 years. We got one now.
5. cut the State Department's budget by 28 percent,
6. cut Agriculture and Labor by 21 percent,
7. Muslim terrorist immigration/travel ban
8. Increase in deportations of illegal aliens (canceled "catch & release")
9. Increased aid to Iraqi forces fighting ISIS
10. deep cuts for foreign aid
11. deep reductions public broadcasting (AKA fake news) :clap:
12. $1.5 billion in 2017 and $2.6 billion in 2018 for Trump's promised wall on the border with Mexico.
13. boost infrastructure spending
14. Abolished US involvement in TPP and WTO
15. Renegotiating NAFTA

(just for starters) :biggrin:
And he has failed in almost every category, protectionist.

Trump hates the press, hates democracy, hates American values and liberties.
The most popular license in America now?

A license to hate.

And one of the most popular targets is President Obama, the country’s first African American commander-in-chief.

It’s no secret that America’s first family has received an unprecedented number of threats over the past seven years.

But the fever pitch of hate and bile toward the president and his family have taken an even sharper tone thanks to the primordial swamp that is the current presidential campaign.

It’s impossible to utter a single word about the White House, the first family or the president without a blast from the fire hose of haterade.

I can see it in my email inbox.

A column about the White House Easter egg roll?

[A bittersweet farewell to the Obamas at their last Easter egg roll]

“Go back to Kenya,” a reader (one of scores who said similar things) spat in response.

“So when is Obama to be killed?” another emailer wondered.

This was in response to Easter eggs, remember.

But that doesn’t matter. It can be school lunches, children’s books, dresses or kids going off to college. The trolls are there, ripping everything Obama to shreds.

A USA Today story about plans for their younger daughter’s school days prompted this gem:

“The first thing that Trump needs to do is call an exterminator and someone to cleanse the Whitehouse of their presence,” spewed a citizen of Hateville.

Ah, there’s the name. Donald Trump.

The front-runner for the GOP nomination may have something to do with the ramping up of the hate-o-meter.

His drumbeat as a birther from way back — demanding the president’s birth certificate long after the issue had been settled and re-settled — and his racially charged, violence-tinged rallies have given a strain of Americans license to hate out loud.

Disagree with Obama’s politics and policies, sure. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

But there is a viciousness, a racist edge to the hate-speak that echoes the darkest days of American history.

And as Trump publicly mulls punishing women who have abortions, prattles on about his hand size and stages a nasty fight with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) over who has the hotter wife, he’s reminding a lot of Americans of what they admire about Obama.

The Obamas: Refusing to give in to the haters after years of threats and abuse
Hilarious that the people who claim they want America AMERICAN again are the least American of anyone. They think being more like Russia is how to be an American. They are a danger to the country and the free world.

That's exactly what DEMOCRATS are. And THEY are the least American. In fact, they are not "AMERICAN" at all. They, like Obama and Hillary, are >>> GLOBALISTS/OUTSOURCERS, who support TPP, WTO, NAFTA, and belong to such globalist outsourcing orgs as Council on Foreign Relations and the Trialteral Commission (Hillary belongs to both)

As for Obama, all we need to look at his his support of the the things I just mentioned, plus his work on the TISA agreement abomination.

"American" ? These Democrats don't know what a national border is. They tried to eliminate our border. Look up TISA.

TiSA: A Secret Trade Agreement That Will Usurp America’s Authority to Make Immigration Policy

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