Trump haters - you helped create him...yes you did!

It is (almost) amusing to watch how obsessed some folks are (not just here either) with Trump. Some of you have like 5 threads going at once about what an evil racist prick he is, which is ironic since your candidate and the DNC took out probably the most genuine candidate (albeit misguided) in Sanders, and settled for Hillary Clinton for fucks sake.

Yes, as much as you scream about him, most of you are part of the reason he is where he is. You are apart of our society which would rather be entertained than told the truth, would rather hear about the negative or sensational as opposed to anything positive, our reality TV addicted asshat society that looks the other way when their "side" fucks the pooch up royally, and screams bloody murder when the other "side" makes the slightest comment that you choose to be offended by.

Yes, no matter how much you complain about him, you helped create him. He is giving the American public and media exactly what they want. Reality TV.
Trump is the consequence of a Republican Party that seeks to divide the American people and pursue an agenda of fear, hate, and bigotry.
It is (almost) amusing to watch how obsessed some folks are (not just here either) with Trump. Some of you have like 5 threads going at once about what an evil racist prick he is, which is ironic since your candidate and the DNC took out probably the most genuine candidate (albeit misguided) in Sanders, and settled for Hillary Clinton for fucks sake.

Yes, as much as you scream about him, most of you are part of the reason he is where he is. You are apart of our society which would rather be entertained than told the truth, would rather hear about the negative or sensational as opposed to anything positive, our reality TV addicted asshat society that looks the other way when their "side" fucks the pooch up royally, and screams bloody murder when the other "side" makes the slightest comment that you choose to be offended by.

Yes, no matter how much you complain about him, you helped create him. He is giving the American public and media exactly what they want. Reality TV.
Yep! Trump is a DIRECT RESPONSE to the last 8 years of America hating and corruption by the Obama/Clinton regime.

Again, using that logic, 8 years of corruption, bogus war, and economic plundering under Bush gave us Obama. And the power structure is fine with just swinging back and forth, it's all busness asper usual for the substantial people, no prollem, let the masses sneer at each other.
A simple look at the poll results shows that the very Democrats complaining about him are the ones that helped select him as the Republican nominee. They've now given us a Democrat to run against the other Democrat the last few elections, and then proceeded to loudly complain about said Democrat they gave the Republican voters.

Indeed, I recall seeing all those democrats voting in the republican nominee.
You probably think you're being funny, but Trump consistently did better in open polls. Democrats knew Bernie Sanders didn't have a snowball's chance in hell, so they were either voting for Trump instead or voting for Hillary, THEN voting for Trump in the Republican primaries.

Why would I want to be a "conservative" if you people allow the democrats to pick your nominee?
You don't want to be a Conservative, that requires thought. As for your question, it's not a matter of "allowing" so much as a matter of being unable to stop it.

Sure, that must be it. I rather think that's why we all come here, so you can tell us who we are.
I don't need to tell you what you are, you already know, you just aren't willing to admit it. On the other hand, regardless of what you are, you contribute nothing to forum discussions, so it hardly matters what you choose to call yourself. Anyone could put you on ignore and not notice a difference in the flow of conversation.
Trump is the wet dream of alt right
You say that at the same time you are polishing Obama's knob.

So you don't refute the concept.
I have never seen people that will still stick up for someone that has stated he relied on their ignorance to get Obama care through. So liberals own the concept.

Your entire system floats on blindass partianshit, the personalities are irrelevant.
It is (almost) amusing to watch how obsessed some folks are (not just here either) with Trump. Some of you have like 5 threads going at once about what an evil racist prick he is, which is ironic since your candidate and the DNC took out probably the most genuine candidate (albeit misguided) in Sanders, and settled for Hillary Clinton for fucks sake.

Yes, as much as you scream about him, most of you are part of the reason he is where he is. You are apart of our society which would rather be entertained than told the truth, would rather hear about the negative or sensational as opposed to anything positive, our reality TV addicted asshat society that looks the other way when their "side" fucks the pooch up royally, and screams bloody murder when the other "side" makes the slightest comment that you choose to be offended by.

Yes, no matter how much you complain about him, you helped create him. He is giving the American public and media exactly what they want. Reality TV.
Trump is the consequence of a Republican Party that seeks to divide the American people and pursue an agenda of fear, hate, and bigotry.
If only I had a penny for each time you substituted debate with screaming "Bigot" at everyone you disagree with. I'd probably have around 40,313 pennies.
Trump is the wet dream of alt right
You say that at the same time you are polishing Obama's knob.

So you don't refute the concept.
I have never seen people that will still stick up for someone that has stated he relied on their ignorance to get Obama care through. So liberals own the concept.

Your entire system floats on blindass partianshit, the personalities are irrelevant.
I see Gruber teabagged you too.
Indeed, I recall seeing all those democrats voting in the republican nominee.
You probably think you're being funny, but Trump consistently did better in open polls. Democrats knew Bernie Sanders didn't have a snowball's chance in hell, so they were either voting for Trump instead or voting for Hillary, THEN voting for Trump in the Republican primaries.

Why would I want to be a "conservative" if you people allow the democrats to pick your nominee?
You don't want to be a Conservative, that requires thought. As for your question, it's not a matter of "allowing" so much as a matter of being unable to stop it.

Sure, that must be it. I rather think that's why we all come here, so you can tell us who we are.
I don't need to tell you what you are, you already know, you just aren't willing to admit it. On the other hand, regardless of what you are, you contribute nothing to forum discussions, so it hardly matters what you choose to call yourself. Anyone could put you on ignore and not notice a difference in the flow of conversation.

And really now, isn't that what we're all after, our own cocoon to exist in where we're never challenged? If your belief system cannot stand the scrutiny, go hide.
It is (almost) amusing to watch how obsessed some folks are (not just here either) with Trump. Some of you have like 5 threads going at once about what an evil racist prick he is, which is ironic since your candidate and the DNC took out probably the most genuine candidate (albeit misguided) in Sanders, and settled for Hillary Clinton for fucks sake.

Yes, as much as you scream about him, most of you are part of the reason he is where he is. You are apart of our society which would rather be entertained than told the truth, would rather hear about the negative or sensational as opposed to anything positive, our reality TV addicted asshat society that looks the other way when their "side" fucks the pooch up royally, and screams bloody murder when the other "side" makes the slightest comment that you choose to be offended by.

Yes, no matter how much you complain about him, you helped create him. He is giving the American public and media exactly what they want. Reality TV.
Trump is the consequence of a Republican Party that seeks to divide the American people and pursue an agenda of fear, hate, and bigotry.
If only I had a penny for each time you substituted debate with screaming "Bigot" at everyone you disagree with. I'd probably have around 40,313 pennies.

If only there were no truth in any of it.
Trump is the wet dream of alt right
You say that at the same time you are polishing Obama's knob.

So you don't refute the concept.
I have never seen people that will still stick up for someone that has stated he relied on their ignorance to get Obama care through. So liberals own the concept.

Your entire system floats on blindass partianshit, the personalities are irrelevant.
I see Gruber teabagged you too.

Ok, ideas or too much for you, you want to do this crap. Have a nice day.
You probably think you're being funny, but Trump consistently did better in open polls. Democrats knew Bernie Sanders didn't have a snowball's chance in hell, so they were either voting for Trump instead or voting for Hillary, THEN voting for Trump in the Republican primaries.

Why would I want to be a "conservative" if you people allow the democrats to pick your nominee?
You don't want to be a Conservative, that requires thought. As for your question, it's not a matter of "allowing" so much as a matter of being unable to stop it.

Sure, that must be it. I rather think that's why we all come here, so you can tell us who we are.
I don't need to tell you what you are, you already know, you just aren't willing to admit it. On the other hand, regardless of what you are, you contribute nothing to forum discussions, so it hardly matters what you choose to call yourself. Anyone could put you on ignore and not notice a difference in the flow of conversation.

And really now, isn't that what we're all after, our own cocoon to exist in where we're never challenged? If your belief system cannot stand the scrutiny, go hide.
Calling names and making no contributions to a discussion are completely different from challenging beliefs. You don't actually challenge anything.
Why would I want to be a "conservative" if you people allow the democrats to pick your nominee?
You don't want to be a Conservative, that requires thought. As for your question, it's not a matter of "allowing" so much as a matter of being unable to stop it.

Sure, that must be it. I rather think that's why we all come here, so you can tell us who we are.
I don't need to tell you what you are, you already know, you just aren't willing to admit it. On the other hand, regardless of what you are, you contribute nothing to forum discussions, so it hardly matters what you choose to call yourself. Anyone could put you on ignore and not notice a difference in the flow of conversation.

And really now, isn't that what we're all after, our own cocoon to exist in where we're never challenged? If your belief system cannot stand the scrutiny, go hide.
Calling names and making no contributions to a discussion are completely different from challenging beliefs. You don't actually challenge anything.

Calling names and making no contribution? Oh my, you're against that now? Really?
It is (almost) amusing to watch how obsessed some folks are (not just here either) with Trump. Some of you have like 5 threads going at once about what an evil racist prick he is, which is ironic since your candidate and the DNC took out probably the most genuine candidate (albeit misguided) in Sanders, and settled for Hillary Clinton for fucks sake.

Yes, as much as you scream about him, most of you are part of the reason he is where he is. You are apart of our society which would rather be entertained than told the truth, would rather hear about the negative or sensational as opposed to anything positive, our reality TV addicted asshat society that looks the other way when their "side" fucks the pooch up royally, and screams bloody murder when the other "side" makes the slightest comment that you choose to be offended by.

Yes, no matter how much you complain about him, you helped create him. He is giving the American public and media exactly what they want. Reality TV.
Trump is the consequence of a Republican Party that seeks to divide the American people and pursue an agenda of fear, hate, and bigotry.
If only I had a penny for each time you substituted debate with screaming "Bigot" at everyone you disagree with. I'd probably have around 40,313 pennies.

If only there were no truth in any of it.
He has no basis for the accusation, so no, there's no truth to it. In the previous thread he posted in, it was because people want to keep illegals out. Somehow enforcing the law is somehow bigoted and racist.
You don't want to be a Conservative, that requires thought. As for your question, it's not a matter of "allowing" so much as a matter of being unable to stop it.

Sure, that must be it. I rather think that's why we all come here, so you can tell us who we are.
I don't need to tell you what you are, you already know, you just aren't willing to admit it. On the other hand, regardless of what you are, you contribute nothing to forum discussions, so it hardly matters what you choose to call yourself. Anyone could put you on ignore and not notice a difference in the flow of conversation.

And really now, isn't that what we're all after, our own cocoon to exist in where we're never challenged? If your belief system cannot stand the scrutiny, go hide.
Calling names and making no contributions to a discussion are completely different from challenging beliefs. You don't actually challenge anything.

Calling names and making no contribution? Oh my, you're against that now? Really?
Sounds like you'd be more at home in the Flame Zone.
You say that at the same time you are polishing Obama's knob.

So you don't refute the concept.
I have never seen people that will still stick up for someone that has stated he relied on their ignorance to get Obama care through. So liberals own the concept.

Your entire system floats on blindass partianshit, the personalities are irrelevant.
I see Gruber teabagged you too.

Ok, ideas or too much for you, you want to do this crap. Have a nice day.
I don't know any republicans that blindly follow their leader to the extent that Obama's supporters do. Never.
It is (almost) amusing to watch how obsessed some folks are (not just here either) with Trump. Some of you have like 5 threads going at once about what an evil racist prick he is, which is ironic since your candidate and the DNC took out probably the most genuine candidate (albeit misguided) in Sanders, and settled for Hillary Clinton for fucks sake.

Yes, as much as you scream about him, most of you are part of the reason he is where he is. You are apart of our society which would rather be entertained than told the truth, would rather hear about the negative or sensational as opposed to anything positive, our reality TV addicted asshat society that looks the other way when their "side" fucks the pooch up royally, and screams bloody murder when the other "side" makes the slightest comment that you choose to be offended by.

Yes, no matter how much you complain about him, you helped create him. He is giving the American public and media exactly what they want. Reality TV.
Trump is the consequence of a Republican Party that seeks to divide the American people and pursue an agenda of fear, hate, and bigotry.
If only I had a penny for each time you substituted debate with screaming "Bigot" at everyone you disagree with. I'd probably have around 40,313 pennies.

If only there were no truth in any of it.
He has no basis for the accusation, so no, there's no truth to it. In the previous thread he posted in, it was because people want to keep illegals out. Somehow enforcing the law is somehow bigoted and racist.

If you actually believe Trump has not engaged in race baiting, as has Hilary - a long rich bipartisan history in america going back to the aftermath of Bacon's rebellion by the way - then I don't see how e're having a conversation consistent with abject reality.
It is (almost) amusing to watch how obsessed some folks are (not just here either) with Trump. Some of you have like 5 threads going at once about what an evil racist prick he is, which is ironic since your candidate and the DNC took out probably the most genuine candidate (albeit misguided) in Sanders, and settled for Hillary Clinton for fucks sake.

Yes, as much as you scream about him, most of you are part of the reason he is where he is. You are apart of our society which would rather be entertained than told the truth, would rather hear about the negative or sensational as opposed to anything positive, our reality TV addicted asshat society that looks the other way when their "side" fucks the pooch up royally, and screams bloody murder when the other "side" makes the slightest comment that you choose to be offended by.

Yes, no matter how much you complain about him, you helped create him. He is giving the American public and media exactly what they want. Reality TV.
Yep! Trump is a DIRECT RESPONSE to the last 8 years of America hating and corruption by the Obama/Clinton regime.

Again, using that logic, 8 years of corruption, bogus war, and economic plundering under Bush gave us Obama. And the power structure is fine with just swinging back and forth, it's all busness asper usual for the substantial people, no prollem, let the masses sneer at each other.
Pretty much. But as with most things that swing back and forth this time its swung back so hard its going to break the GOP up. I am fine with that! Hopefully this is the election where Trump gets elected and its the last election we have for a LONG time as The Great One Trump fixes America
So you don't refute the concept.
I have never seen people that will still stick up for someone that has stated he relied on their ignorance to get Obama care through. So liberals own the concept.

Your entire system floats on blindass partianshit, the personalities are irrelevant.
I see Gruber teabagged you too.

Ok, ideas or too much for you, you want to do this crap. Have a nice day.
I don't know any republicans that blindly follow their leader to the extent that Obama's supporters do. Never.

Partisanshit son, there's your prollem right there, you're blinded by it and I can't help you..
It is (almost) amusing to watch how obsessed some folks are (not just here either) with Trump. Some of you have like 5 threads going at once about what an evil racist prick he is, which is ironic since your candidate and the DNC took out probably the most genuine candidate (albeit misguided) in Sanders, and settled for Hillary Clinton for fucks sake.

Yes, as much as you scream about him, most of you are part of the reason he is where he is. You are apart of our society which would rather be entertained than told the truth, would rather hear about the negative or sensational as opposed to anything positive, our reality TV addicted asshat society that looks the other way when their "side" fucks the pooch up royally, and screams bloody murder when the other "side" makes the slightest comment that you choose to be offended by.

Yes, no matter how much you complain about him, you helped create him. He is giving the American public and media exactly what they want. Reality TV.
Trump is the consequence of a Republican Party that seeks to divide the American people and pursue an agenda of fear, hate, and bigotry.
If only I had a penny for each time you substituted debate with screaming "Bigot" at everyone you disagree with. I'd probably have around 40,313 pennies.

If only there were no truth in any of it.
He has no basis for the accusation, so no, there's no truth to it. In the previous thread he posted in, it was because people want to keep illegals out. Somehow enforcing the law is somehow bigoted and racist.

If you actually believe Trump has not engaged in race baiting, as has Hilary - a long rich bipartisan history in america going back to the aftermath of Bacon's rebellion by the way - then I don't see how e're having a conversation consistent with abject reality.
Give me one time Trump has race-baited, and it has to be video evidence so I can clearly hear it.

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