Trump hits bottom over tax issues. Devalues property in order to get out of paying tax

Bullshit that "Trump is the only candidate in 40 years to not release tax returns" he isn't.
It is only May...
Secondly...all wealthy people have tax lawyers dutifully doing everything they can for their client to pay as little taxes as possible.

What person here voluntarily refuses available tax credits so they can pay more?
No one.
Valuing a property at $1.35 million when its worth over ten times that is not legit....I can claim personal deduction for dependents but having 20 dependents will draw scrutiny

I would lay my house down that there is a loophole that allows him to do it. There are literally 1,000's of loopholes diligently provided by a corrupt government to wealthy people to allow their true tax rates to be much lower than what is reported as the average.
This story is brand new - and I assure you when the loophole is stated - the left attack media will not change the story.
If his lawyers "devalued" the property how is that dishonesty on his part? Generally the assessor's office calls the tax shots, if the lawyers were successful it was a smart move. I realize the thought of monies esxcaping the hands of tax and spend liberals is sacrilegious but if you think Republicans are the only ones that make the best of tax laws you are very naive. Who do you think wrote those laws?
The liberals are in full panic mode and are trying to sway the election any way that they can. First is the that Trump wont release his tax returns, not because there is a law that says he must, but because ethically he should. "ETHICALLY" the liberals have no idea about ethics, which is why the US is in the toilet right now.
Hillary(the vagina candidate) just threw the Messiah(Barrack Hussein Obama) under the bus, with the following link.
Hillary Clinton says she'll put Bill 'in charge' of fixing economy
Hillary Clinton says she'll put Bill 'in charge' of fixing economy.
A little History on Bill Clinton's wife, who happens to have a vagina.
1. She is supposed to be the smartest woman on Earth, yet she didn't know her husband was cheating on her, or she just didn't do anything about it(Enabler).
2. She is supposed to be strong and independent and doesn't have to have any man do her job for her. This just in..... ROTFLMAO...

Well now, and to think that the first White Black President who just came out and said his economy is great, did Mrs. Clinton just throw the messiah under the bus? She was called a racist by Hussein Obama in the 2008 elections, does this confirm it? There are stupid people in the world, and they vote Dumbocrat.
Hillary Clinton has not released hers either.

The Clinton's have released 33 years of income tax returns.

Are members of the Crazy Right Wing all liars, or do they fear the truth so much their lies inoculate them from reality?
Lookie here, mirror boy pipes up.

Idiot-gram ^^^ As a card carrying member of the Crazy Right Wing, Iceweasel has the morals of a reptile, the education of a newt and the courage of a possum. Thus the idiot-gram is the genre in which he operates.
Hillary Clinton has not released hers either.

The Clinton's have released 33 years of income tax returns.

Are members of the Crazy Right Wing all liars, or do they fear the truth so much their lies inoculate them from reality?
Lookie here, mirror boy pipes up.

Idiot-gram ^^^ As a card carrying member of the Crazy Right Wing, Iceweasel has the morals of a reptile, the education of a newt and the courage of a possum. Thus the idiot-gram is the genre in which he operates.
See above.
I would lay my house down that there is a loophole that allows him to do it. There are literally 1,000's of loopholes diligently provided by a corrupt government to wealthy people to allow their true tax rates to be much lower than what is reported as the average.
This story is brand new - and I assure you when the loophole is stated - the left attack media will not change the story.

I recall the hysteria when Clinton made a profit on a commodity trade ....LOL Trump cheats on taxes
The liberals are in full panic mode and are trying to sway the election any way that they can. First is the that Trump wont release his tax returns, not because there is a law that says he must, but because ethically he should. "ETHICALLY" the liberals have no idea about ethics, which is why the US is in the toilet right now.
Hillary(the vagina candidate) just threw the Messiah(Barrack Hussein Obama) under the bus, with the following link.
Hillary Clinton says she'll put Bill 'in charge' of fixing economy
Hillary Clinton says she'll put Bill 'in charge' of fixing economy.
A little History on Bill Clinton's wife, who happens to have a vagina.
1. She is supposed to be the smartest woman on Earth, yet she didn't know her husband was cheating on her, or she just didn't do anything about it(Enabler).
2. She is supposed to be strong and independent and doesn't have to have any man do her job for her. This just in..... ROTFLMAO...

Well now, and to think that the first White Black President who just came out and said his economy is great, did Mrs. Clinton just throw the messiah under the bus? She was called a racist by Hussein Obama in the 2008 elections, does this confirm it? There are stupid people in the world, and they vote Dumbocrat.

A little history is about all you know, and most of what you believe is revised by partisan hacks. The truth is men cheat on their wives, and powerful men have more opportunity to cheat given a number of variables (power, money, temptations, influence, free time). Not all wives of cheaters seek a divorce, and cheaters, as any honest person knows, are Democrats, Republicans, liberals and conservatives, and some are women.

Being rather dim and very biddable your post is not unexpected nor unique. But don't expect anyone with at least common sense and an open mind to be changed by your posts, for their immediate response is to laugh, followed by pity for someone so foolish.
A little History on Bill Clinton's wife,
Our enemies will have seen the First Lady's buttocks if he is elected

Melania Trump's nude British GQ photo shoot
A little photographic History of Trump's wife....
Notice how quickly the liberals change the subject when you present damning information about their candidate?
Can you imagine what the vagina candidate's(Bill Clinton's wife) butt would look like in the same photo shoot? OMG, I would have to get a barf bag......

I would lay my house down that there is a loophole that allows him to do it. There are literally 1,000's of loopholes diligently provided by a corrupt government to wealthy people to allow their true tax rates to be much lower than what is reported as the average.
This story is brand new - and I assure you when the loophole is stated - the left attack media will not change the story.

I recall the hysteria when Clinton made a profit on a commodity trade ....LOL Trump cheats on taxes
Funny how when a liberal cheats on taxes , they are considered champions for the little guy, but when a republican uses the tax codes so they can keep their own money, they are cheaters? While I was in Saudi Arabia, I paid no income tax and was able to burn $10,000 a year in stock profits and pay no taxes on that either. That was the way the tax codes were written, if you don't want people "CHEATING" on taxes, then make a FAIR tax on spending, where the rich pay more for their exuberant spending, and the poor guys pays less because he buys less. You libidiots are the stupidest people on the planet.... Such morons who vote Dumbocrat.

EXCLUSIVE: Kerry, Heinz Family Have Millions Invested In Offshore Tax Havens
Secretary of State John Kerry and his wife Teresa Heinz have invested millions of U.S. dollars through family trusts in at least 11 offshore tax havens, according to an analysis by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
The guys a cheater...A crook.

The guys a cheater...A crook.

Don't be too hard on Trump. What he did is done everyday by large companies, and Trump is a large company.

And things didn't work out well when Halliburton was in charge of the Presidency, did it?

You are the victim of left wing propaganda. Halliburton does jobs that no other company is willing to do. High risk jobs, and they are paid well for what they do. Putting out Saddam's oil well fires was high risk. Building infrastructure during a war was high risk. No one else wanted those jobs.

If you think they were overpaid, your gripe is with the government procurement agencies and government contracting officers who negotiated and awarded the contracts.
The guys a cheater...A crook.

Nothing he did was illegal. Using the tax laws to your advantage is smart. Anyone who does not take full advantage of our stupid tax code is an idiot.
you do understand the loop holes are for the wealthy and not little folks..."taxes are for the Little people" D Trump and Leona Helmsley
YOu do realize that when stupid people have money, then stupid people do stupid things with it.
"A RICH MAN DOES NOT GET RICH, BY SPENDING HIS/HER MONEY STUPIDLY". As I posted before being in Saudi Arabia for 5 1/2 years I learned how to save a buck. A stupid liberal just bitches and moans about not having money, but smokes pot in their parents basement. Money well spent, dumbass.
BOTH Trump and Hillary have only released up to 2014.

That's bullshit........Trump hasn't released any tax returns.

His refusal, at least so far, to release his tax returns.
Here’s Why Delaying His Taxes Could Be Disastrous for Trump
Liar. I found it..


Stephen B. Morton/AP

Donald Trump, the tycoon now leading the GOP presidential pack, made more money selling mattresses last year than twice the total net worth of Marco Rubio.

Last week Trump announced he had filed the details of his personal finances, as all presidential candidates must, and was worth "in excess of TEN BILLION DOLLARS" (his emphasis). On Wednesday, his financial disclosure form was released by the Federal Election Commission, and it backs up his bluster. It also tells the complicated—and entertaining—story of Trump's financial life.
Donald Trump just released his personal finances—and, oh boy

He released them two months ago.
Donald Trump Still A Miser, Tax Return Shows

Trump has not released any tax returns.
Already posted the links where he did. Reagan never released his and I think Trump should refuse as well. Because its none of your G-d damn concern.

No, dumbass....he didn't release tax returns...he released his personal finances report....not the same. And, yes, it is our business....some of us do not want a crook for a President....maybe you do.

The public won't let him get away with not releasing them.....only his gullible supporters.
You don't want a "crook" to be President?
' Clinton Foundation' Hillary's amazing genius at playing the stock market ONCE and making over 100K in a single day!. Mena airport cocaine operation, Whitewater, stealing the fucking furniture from the White house which she had to return.
Trump played by the rules. Hillary has never played by any rules except her own all her life.

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