Trump holding onto documents, nullifies any claim of executive privilege.

You can't make this up.

One of Trump's "lawyers" just admitted that he "frequently has guests" in the office where the documents were found in his desk.

Where in the FUCK does he GET these people -- Lawyers R Us?

The Willard Hotel...
Tip: When trying to over throw the government, no pictures

The Willard Hotel...
Tip: When trying to over throw the government, no pictures

View attachment 689950
I checked out that Luelsdorff character:

  • Philip Luelsdorff
Luelsdorff is the director of Business Development for 1st Amendment Praetorian (1AP), a fascist paramilitary security group that has provided “security” for far-right politicians and fascist rallies, including a QAnon convention this past May in Dallas.

I wonder why Giuliani, Bobb and Eastman would be in the same planning room as a leader of a paramilitary group the night before the insurrection.
You can't make this up.

One of Trump's "lawyers" just admitted that he "frequently has guests" in the office where the documents were found in his desk.

Where in the FUCK does he GET these people -- Lawyers R Us?

Oooooo Mac so mad he does the F word in all caps. BIG mad.

Who cares? The govt can type TOP SECRET on anything, and they do. Here's a big question, Big Mac. If those docs are so TOP SECRET why did the fed bois take pics of them?

Oh. Right.
Oooooo Mac so mad he does the F word in all caps. BIG mad.

Who cares? The govt can type TOP SECRET on anything, and they do. Here's a big question, Big Mac. If those docs are so TOP SECRET why did the fed bois take pics of them?

Oh. Right.
They took pictures of the Cover Sheets, they are no classified..

You are getting desperate... So many laws broken and you carrying water for all of them...

Lets be very clear, anyone else caught doing this would be requesting for a lawyer in handcuffs..
They took pictures of the Cover Sheets, they are no classified..

You are getting desperate... So many laws broken and you carrying water for all of them...

Lets be very clear, anyone else caught doing this would be requesting for a lawyer in handcuffs..
Yep. They're having to stretch so far to protect their demigod that they're gonna need physical therapy pretty soon.

It's always a good sign, and very instructive, when they do that.
Oooooo Mac so mad he does the F word in all caps. BIG mad.

Who cares? The govt can type TOP SECRET on anything, and they do. Here's a big question, Big Mac. If those docs are so TOP SECRET why did the fed bois take pics of them?

Oh. Right.

The pictures are of the cover sheets.
Trump also forfeit his ability to claim executive privilege over any of those documents.
Pardon the correction, but you can't forfeit what you never had. Trump has zero claim to possession of any official documents since they all belong to the National Archives.
The pictures are of the cover sheets.
The fact the documents are so easy to identify because of the cover sheets makes the excuse Trump's attorney made that they missed some docs in their internal search completely implausible. The FBI found twice as many docs as Trump's attorney said were there in as short a time as one hour.
The pictures are of the cover sheets.

I don't care. The govt classifies everything and they are capitalizing on your panic over it.

I refuse to panic over what they say to panic over. So far, that has worked out for me with 100% accuracy.
I don't care. The govt classifies everything and they are capitalizing on your panic over it.

I refuse to panic over what they say to panic over. So far, that has worked out for me with 100% accuracy.

Are you privy to the documents? How do you decide what should be classified?
The fact the documents are so easy to identify because of the cover sheets makes the excuse Trump's attorney made that they missed some docs in their internal search completely implausible. The FBI found twice as many docs as Trump's attorney said were there in as short a time as one hour.

Some were in Trump's desk drawer with his passports.
SCI documents, geniuses. Covert information specifically derived from intelligence sources. I know you're not told about this in your insulated little world. Tucker and Hannity and Levin and Fox somehow forget to bring it up. What are they telling you this stuff is, comic books?


Yes, I know, I know, "fake news". Commie. Nazi. Satan. Evil.

The FBI warrant and inventory allege that 11 sets of sensitive information were recovered during the Mar-a-Lago search -- including confidential, secret and top-secret documents. There was even top-secret, sensitive compartmented information (SCI) material. This classification of materials sometimes involves nuclear secrets and terrorism operations based on a Director of National Intelligence (DNI) overview of security protocols, which ABC News has reviewed.

The top-secret SCI documents are classified as national intelligence and involve intel "concerning or derived from intelligence sources," according to a (DNI) document reviewed for this reporting. This material may come from allies, spying, eavesdropping or informants.

Top-secret SCI should only be handled under the strictest of conditions in secure-designated locations. Such locations are supposed to be impervious to eavesdropping and no electronic devices are allowed. Only a select few are ever allowed to view SCI -- for example, a "need to know appropriately cleared recipient."

First off you lying fuckwad - nothing Trump had was classified - per the United States Supreme Court.

Now I realize you Nazis don't recognize the authority of the SCOTUS, nor of the Constitution, you ONLY follow your Reich. But with Egan v Dept. Navy this is settled law. Again, acknowledging that you don't follow the rule of law, only the dictates of your Reich.

But the lie you told was about "names of spies and operatives."

The shit you posted from the Reich stenographers in no way supports your blatant lie.

You can slither off now and pretend you didn't get caught red handed, as you always do....
First off you lying fuckwad - nothing Trump had was classified - per the United States Supreme Court.

Now I realize you Nazis don't recognize the authority of the SCOTUS, nor of the Constitution, you ONLY follow your Reich. But with Egan v Dept. Navy this is settled law. Again, acknowledging that you don't follow the rule of law, only the dictates of your Reich.

But the lie you told was about "names of spies and operatives."

The shit you posted from the Reich stenographers in no way supports your blatant lie.

You can slither off now and pretend you didn't get caught red handed, as you always do....
Another Trumpster who isn't aware of the Nixon Rule.

Tough shit, child. I just shoved your ignorance down your throat.

Now, swallow. Good boy.
Oooooo Mac so mad he does the F word in all caps. BIG mad.

Who cares? The govt can type TOP SECRET on anything, and they do. Here's a big question, Big Mac. If those docs are so TOP SECRET why did the fed bois take pics of them?

Oh. Right.
They took pictures of the covers, which contain no classified material, not even the title.

But also notice that many of the other documents are censored, with sheets of paper, or slips of paper covering the classified parts of those documents.
They're still stuck on the "he declassified everything" excuse because that's what MAGA media keeps saying.

Actually, because that's what the Supreme Court said. Decent people still cling to the "Rule of Law." I know you have the rule of your Reich instead. Whatever the Reich says at any given second.

What is true today may not be true tomorrow. You will swear to it today and denounce any who believe it tomorrow. Then it may be true again next week and you will say it was always true.

You are a creature of your Reich - CNN programs you and you believe without doubt.

They're not told about the Nixon (R) rule.

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