Trump holds event with Rand Paul at White House to announce executive order repealing Obamacare

How many fake repeals have we had this year so far? Add this one to the list.
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"Donald Trump's health care executive order is corrupt, unconstituonal, and genocidal against the American people." - Crazy Bernie

the meltdown begins...
"Donald Trump's health care executive order is corrupt, unconstituonal, and genocidal against the American people." - Crazy Bernie

the meltdown begins...
unconstitutional? What does he think govt regulated healthcare is?
This will arouse the idiocracy to a fever pitch. Washington and Jefferson monuments being firebombed may become a real possibility.
Good to see Rand Paul being allowed more say in Party issues. It's about time. I'm sure it's angering the Swamp Creatures, but that's a good thing. Go Rand! :thup:
“I have no patience for injustice, no tolerance for government incompetence of which there is so much.” ~ Donald J. Trump

this executive order allows insurers to sell across state lines->first step toward a "freer" market for health care. Competition = lower premiums
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Obama signed executive order FORCING you to purchase private insurance. Trump signed one allowing you to choose your plan.
"After failing to convince the American people & the majority of Senators, Trump is now forcing Trumpcare via executive order. It's sabotage." - Cryin Chuck Schumer
Good....I hope he sticks it to insurance companies too.....because we all know how crooked and corrupt and anti American they can be. Any and all claims that are legit MUST be covered now. And I am not talking about plastic surgery or contraception...time they step up and become pro life...NO matter the cost....for it you imbeciles...being it

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