*Trump Hollywood Star Destroyed*

Is this an attack on the President?

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Sorry bout that,

  1. So this isn't good, nutters in California are doing bad things to inanimate objects.
  2. Oh never mind its California.....lol!
  3. But really this kind of action is so uncalled for.
  4. And this star had better be replaced in no less than 48 hours!
  5. Trump’s Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame Destroyed With Pickaxe
  6. I think by doing this The President should make to whole state suffer, cut something off, what about you?
  7. What should be cut off?
  8. dtst_dq6cg9

Pretty classless thing to do for sure.
Sorry bout that,

it isnt like this derangement is isolated

leftists set up go fund me account for this criminal

Click here to support Bail for Austin Mikel Clay organized by Carina Hull

although it probably has been reported since the site

does not raise money criminal activity

  1. So this insurrectionist, now has followers willing to chip in and defend his actions?
  2. I see where this is going.
  3. John Smart
  4. 32 mins ago

    This Man Is A Hero. Boston Tea Party , circa 2018. God Bless Austin Clay.

  5. This is a post /comment I brought over from this link Jon-berzerk posted.
  6. This Austin Clay guy will be looked as a Hero in the Democratic Party, and will lead California into ruin, even faster then their present day leaders.
  7. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Shit happens

Remember that when a similar Obama commemorative object is defaced it destroyed.

I remember when Obama was lynched in effigy.

And GWB and Trump never were/are?

My previous statement stated that other presidents had worse things happen than having a star pickaxed. I didn’t say no other presidents were lynched in effigy.

How is being hung in effigy (basically someone fucking with something they made themselves) worse than destroying someone else's property?
That Trump would have a Hollywood ‘star’ to begin with is ridiculous.

Destroying the ‘star’ was inappropriate, inexcusable, and likely criminal – but Trump cultists need to at least acknowledge the fact that Trump is very unpopular with a majority of Americans, that a majority of Americans disapprove of Trump, and that a majority of Americans don’t want Trump to be president.

Mexifornia isn’t populated with REAL Americans...Trump hopes to be hated by illegals, barely legals, lowlifes, weirdos, pole puffers and bottom feeders. The more he’s hated by said whacks the better we know he’s doing. Simple shit.
Mexifornia isn’t populated with REAL Americans..
so you live there are you including yourself in that description?...

The illegal/barely legal filth here far outnumber good, quality, real Americans...You know this.
I’m Caucasian with British descent, I speak English, pay taxes, don’t beg for free shit from fellow countrymen, I’m prideful, patriotic, I take great pride in family, self and country....YEP, I’m a real American.
maybe you should learn how to talk then....you said no real Americans live there...
Sorry bout that,

Yeah, sure an attack on his "star" is an attack on him. This post gets the snowflake of the year award.

Just wait... this guy is whack job...
sorry about that.....
1.but you may be right....

  1. Could be I'm right.
  2. Don't bet against me is my advise.
  3. The Presidency of the United States is under attack, be diligent, is further advise.
the president was under attack when Obama was president and when Bush was in....we are still here and will still be when trump is done....i know...sorry about that...
Sorry bout that,

  1. So this isn't good, nutters in California are doing bad things to inanimate objects.
  2. Oh never mind its California.....lol!
  3. But really this kind of action is so uncalled for.
  4. And this star had better be replaced in no less than 48 hours!
  5. Trump’s Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame Destroyed With Pickaxe
  6. I think by doing this The President should make to whole state suffer, cut something off, what about you?
  7. What should be cut off?
  8. dtst_dq6cg9


LET's not bust up Harvey Weinstein nooooo why he's the God of Hollywood

They prove all on their own who the unhinged lunatics really are.

Shit happens

Remember that when a similar Obama commemorative object is defaced it destroyed.

I remember when Obama was lynched in effigy.

And GWB and Trump never were/are?

My previous statement stated that other presidents had worse things happen than having a star pickaxed. I didn’t say no other presidents were lynched in effigy.

How is being hung in effigy (basically someone fucking with something they made themselves) worse than destroying someone else's property?

The question the OP asked is whether or not the POTUS was attacked. On the one hand a star in a sidewalk was smashed. The lynching in effigy is a threat or fantasy of violence.
That Trump would have a Hollywood ‘star’ to begin with is ridiculous.

Destroying the ‘star’ was inappropriate, inexcusable, and likely criminal – but Trump cultists need to at least acknowledge the fact that Trump is very unpopular with a majority of Americans, that a majority of Americans disapprove of Trump, and that a majority of Americans don’t want Trump to be president.
Republicans would do the same thing to Obama’s Nobel Prize if they had the chance
I voted no but I’m kind of on the fence about this. If these bozos could get their hands on Trump would they beat the shit outta him like they did his star? Do they feel like they’re actually harming him by harming his star or are they just immature and want attention? I don’t see it as an attack but it kind of depends what the vandal’s mindset is.
Sorry bout that,

  1. So this isn't good, nutters in California are doing bad things to inanimate objects.
  2. Oh never mind its California.....lol!
  3. But really this kind of action is so uncalled for.
  4. And this star had better be replaced in no less than 48 hours!
  5. Trump’s Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame Destroyed With Pickaxe
  6. I think by doing this The President should make to whole state suffer, cut something off, what about you?
  7. What should be cut off?
  8. dtst_dq6cg9

Hey dumb shit, the walk of fame is a tourist spot; most Californians spent their vacation days at Yosemite, Tahoe or one of many beaches, parks, museums, golf courses and at fairs (wine, religious & cultural). More than likely it was some fool from a Red State who thought it would be funny to deface Trump's star, so some dumb shit would blame Californians.
Article says he was a Brit, actually.
I voted no but I’m kind of on the fence about this. If these bozos could get their hands on Trump would they beat the shit outta him like they did his star? Do they feel like they’re actually harming him by harming his star or are they just immature and want attention? I don’t see it as an attack but it kind of depends what the vandal’s mindset is.
He immediately called the cops and turned himself in. Does that give you any clue as to his mindset? It was a symbolic stunt.
No but it is a criminal act.
find who did it if you can, (there should be several cameras on this by now) and make them pay for a new one. that should stop a lot of this stuff.

fyi - that would be a $30k penalty for your emo-anger. bet it's not worth it to those people anymore.
I voted no but I’m kind of on the fence about this. If these bozos could get their hands on Trump would they beat the shit outta him like they did his star? Do they feel like they’re actually harming him by harming his star or are they just immature and want attention? I don’t see it as an attack but it kind of depends what the vandal’s mindset is.
He immediately called the cops and turned himself in. Does that give you any clue as to his mindset? It was a symbolic stunt.
good. we know who to send the $30k bill to.

not an attack on trump - not at all. stretch to think so and just forcing something that isn't there. stupid, childish and in this case, it should be expensive to make them pay for the replacement of it.
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