*Trump Hollywood Star Destroyed*

Is this an attack on the President?

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We dont like to have filthy names In our streets...he can have his filthy star in one of the shitholes that voted for him ...like Mosco's red square, or hillbillies boulevard in Mississippi for example.

“Our streets”....huh?
You’re just a guest here Raggy.
Nah , American hillbilly...I pay more taxes than your entire family combined and trump as well. ;p
We dont like to have filthy names In our streets...he can have his filthy star in one of the shitholes that voted for him ...like Mosco's red square, or hillbillies boulevard in Mississippi for example.

“Our streets”....huh?
You’re just a guest here Raggy.
Nah , American hillbilly...I pay more taxes than your entire family combined and trump as well. ;p

Sure you do Raggy. You barely speak English. I’ve been watching you.
Sorry bout that,

  1. But what if the liberals refuse to pay for it Patriot?
  2. Which knowing them they may resist.
  3. Lets see how this goes.
yes it is an attack on the President

it also an attack on common decency

this once again not only demonstrates that liberalism is a mental disorder

but a violent disorder as well

Odds are the person who did he damage was a paid agent provocateur, paid via a shell company set up by Trump's pettifogger Giuliani.
yes it is an attack on the President

it also an attack on common decency

this once again not only demonstrates that liberalism is a mental disorder

but a violent disorder as well

Odds are the person who did he damage was a paid agent provocateur, paid via a shell company set up by Trump's pettifogger Giuliani.

bullshit he is one of yours whats left of ya have all become nutjobs
Imagine the hoopla if Alec Baldwins star was vandalized. Or Cher's. Or Meryl Streeps.
Double standards and stupidity.
then there was that dumbass actor that was proudly pissing on the site

so unhinged they are becoming dangerous
We dont like to have filthy names In our streets...he can have his filthy star in one of the shitholes that voted for him ...like Mosco's red square, or hillbillies boulevard in Mississippi for example.

“Our streets”....huh?
You’re just a guest here Raggy.
Nah , American hillbilly...I pay more taxes than your entire family combined and trump as well. ;p

Sure you do Raggy. You barely speak English. I’ve been watching you.
I suggest you move to Mississippi...you'll find racists like you to party with :p...why we reggie drive nice cars down the PCH :p
Sorry bout that,

  1. Di8rGxEXcAAoCef.jpg

  2. What it looks like now.:1peleas:

I don't understand, why would the evildoers leave a perfectly good pickaxe behind at the crime scene?

..the nazis destroyed property/etc also-Kristallnacht
broken glass from the windows of synagogues, homes, and Jewish-owned businesses plundered and destroyed during the violence.
..they also DISRUPTED meetings of political rivals--just like BLM/Dems/leftis/libs did to Trump meetings/rallies--which I've linked many times already on USMB

Sorry bout that,

  1. Its an act of violence.
  2. Sure its a plaque in the street.
  3. But what it represents is the problem.
  4. President Trumps Star has been attacked.
  5. They have caught the guy but still its an attack.
It's an act of vandalism and the culprit should be charged or made to pay for its repair.

It is not an attack on Trump.
it's an attack on Trump/America/civility/etc
see post # 53
I guess you think nazis were ''''just''' vandals
they violently destroyed the legally, fairly elected POTUS Trump's symbol
they didn't destroy a tree/stoplight/toaster/
they didn't toilet paper someone's house
this is not your everyday vandalism
people don't destroy POTUS stars everyday
this is an act of hate--exactly like the KKK/nazis
...o--sorry- anti-Trumpers/blacks/etc could NEVER be like the KKK/nazis--they are not humans--they are perfect--they do not hate at all, do they?--because they are not like everyone else
..you do see the obvious idiocy of thinking they can do no wrong??
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Sorry bout that,

  1. Its an act of violence.
  2. Sure its a plaque in the street.
  3. But what it represents is the problem.
  4. President Trumps Star has been attacked.
  5. They have caught the guy but still its an attack.
It's an act of vandalism and the culprit should be charged or made to pay for its repair.

It is not an attack on Trump.
it's an attack on Trump/America/civility/etc
see post # 53
I guess you think nazis were ''''just''' vandals
they violently destroyed the legally, fairly elected POTUS Trump's symbol
they didn't destroy a tree/stoplight/toaster/
they didn't toilet paper someone's house
this is not your everyday vandalism
people don't destroy POTUS stars everyday
this is an act of hate--exactly like the KKK/nazis
...o--sorry- anti-Trumpers/blacks/etc could NEVER be like the KKK/nazis--they are not humans--they are perfect--they do not hate at all, do they?--because they are not like everyone else
..you do see the obvious idiocy of thinking they can do no wrong??

Considering the acts of symbolic hatred against other presidents, your protests that this is an attack on the POTUS seems a bit biased.
I voted that this was not an attack on the president and I support most of what the president has done. It was an attack on a piece of stone with his name on it, period. I I just don't understand how whoever the president is can affect someone's life so greatly that they would resort to something like this, because he certainly doesn't affect mine, nor did Obama, neither Bush, or Clinton. I believe this person (Austin) is nothing but a attention whore that needed his fix, that is why it was filmed, maybe he should run for political office?
Sorry bout that,

  1. So this isn't good, nutters in California are doing bad things to inanimate objects.
  2. Oh never mind its California.....lol!
  3. But really this kind of action is so uncalled for.
  4. And this star had better be replaced in no less than 48 hours!
  5. Trump’s Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame Destroyed With Pickaxe
  6. I think by doing this The President should make to whole state suffer, cut something off, what about you?
  7. What should be cut off?
  8. dtst_dq6cg9
Bill Board it................and use it to get out the votes........

Expose the hate of the left............They are their own worst enemies............
Better yet run it in an ad. Use the word unhinged then paste Maxine Waters face at the bottom.
Yeah, sure an attack on Trump's "star" is an attack on him. This post gets the snowflake of the year award.
Sounds to me like you got it instead. Only liberal scum would do something like this. And yes, it's an attack on the President.
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