Trump: "I Don't Take Responsibility At All"

as of this posting italy has over 1800 dead.

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
And America has 60

you think that is gonna magically gonna stop? silly nilly. i want the numbers to stop, but since we are so behind, all the lost time not testing = contagious but asymptomatic people walking around freely infecting others that are walking around freely infecting even more. but all have people around them that include the elderly & those with underlying medical conditions who have been exposed. they are just learning now that the virus can actively last several days on surfaces. so those untested but compromised will have symptoms & get sick.

We are so behind?

We are way ahead of Europe, which is the epicenter of the crisis. In Italy they already decided to let old people die.

Fuck you, anti-American bigot.
I was referring to our death rate being lower than europe, and italy in particular

thanks for helping clarify that

We are so much behind!!


He is already living in the Biden utopia of open borders.
Only liberals worry about how many communists in china die from the commie virus
And what is the subject the word testing is referring to? There isn't one, hence the educated reader assumes that this applies to general public, because any other alternative would be off the charts retarded.

You think that Trump is the best POTUS ever, which is off the charts retarded, so why would I assume you were not being off the charts retarded again with this lie of a post?

Identifying Trump as the best president ever is of course shocking to a gamma, since Trump is a mega-alpha but the gamma was supposed to be the king!

One of the reasons he is so effective as leader, is his big balls.
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies

Misinforming the public? I’m sorry but you need to take your trump colored glasses off. 370 dead in Italy yesterday. That means we may have 10000 dead in 1 day here in the USA if people don’t stop spreading it around. And people like you will spread it around!
Hysterical libs keep making the most reckless predictions

why does tiny italy have so many dead and yet so few in America which is much larger?

I dont know the complete answer to that

but clearly we are doing something right
Because we were late with testing and the worst is yet to come Hopefully we can have a China like recovery rather than the Italian one
as of this posting italy has over 1800 dead.

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
And America has 60

you think that is gonna magically gonna stop? silly nilly. i want the numbers to stop, but since we are so behind, all the lost time not testing = contagious but asymptomatic people walking around freely infecting others that are walking around freely infecting even more. but all have people around them that include the elderly & those with underlying medical conditions who have been exposed. they are just learning now that the virus can actively last several days on surfaces. so those untested but compromised will have symptoms & get sick.

We are so behind?

We are way ahead of Europe, which is the epicenter of the crisis. In Italy they already decided to let old people die.

Fuck you, anti-American bigot.
I was referring to our death rate being lower than europe, and italy in particular

thanks for helping clarify that

We are so much behind!!


He is already living in the Biden utopia of open borders.

you think those numbers are real - based on actual cases? hopefully the death rate will not spike - but confirmed cases are gonna skyrocket & sympoms don't even show up for 5days - 2 weeks.

A) i am female & have been from the day i was born

B) go fetch a credible link that states biden saying he is for open borders.

speaking of which - canada needs to close its border to protect themselves from US.
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The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies

Misinforming the public? I’m sorry but you need to take your trump colored glasses off. 370 dead in Italy yesterday. That means we may have 10000 dead in 1 day here in the USA if people don’t stop spreading it around. And people like you will spread it around!
Hysterical libs keep making the most reckless predictions

why does tiny italy have so many dead and yet so few in America which is much larger?

I dont know the complete answer to that

but clearly we are doing something right
Because we were late with testing and the worst is yet to come Hopefully we can have a China like recovery rather than the Italian one

We were late with the testing because the disease was not here.

Furthermore, are you pretending that testing is the cure? The testing does almost nothing, it's mostly useful for statistical purposes. If you are sick you stay home...
And what is the subject the word testing is referring to? There isn't one, hence the educated reader assumes that this applies to general public, because any other alternative would be off the charts retarded.

You think that Trump is the best POTUS ever, which is off the charts retarded, so why would I assume you were not being off the charts retarded again with this lie of a post?

Identifying Trump as the best president ever is of course shocking to a gamma, since Trump is a mega-alpha but the gamma was supposed to be the king!

One of the reasons he is so effective as leader, is his big balls.
Al Capone had big balls too
And America has 60

you think that is gonna magically gonna stop? silly nilly. i want the numbers to stop, but since we are so behind, all the lost time not testing = contagious but asymptomatic people walking around freely infecting others that are walking around freely infecting even more. but all have people around them that include the elderly & those with underlying medical conditions who have been exposed. they are just learning now that the virus can actively last several days on surfaces. so those untested but compromised will have symptoms & get sick.

We are so behind?

We are way ahead of Europe, which is the epicenter of the crisis. In Italy they already decided to let old people die.

Fuck you, anti-American bigot.
I was referring to our death rate being lower than europe, and italy in particular

thanks for helping clarify that

We are so much behind!!


He is already living in the Biden utopia of open borders.

you think those numbers are gonna real - based on actual cases? hopefully the death rate will not spike - but confirmed cases are gonna skyrocket & sympoms don't even show up for 5days - 2 weeks.

A) i am female & have been from the day i was born

B) go fetch a credible link that states biden saying he is for open borders.

speaking of which - canada needs to close its border to protect themselves from US.

I have an entire thread here based on Biden's retarded notion of president Trump being a xenophobe for closing the border in the midst of the death virus.

Are you saying there is something in identifying you as male? That's very sexist and genderist... hope you make it to Canada so we won't need to tolerate your toxic masculinity.
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as of this posting italy has over 1800 dead.

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
And America has 60

you think that is gonna magically gonna stop? silly nilly. i want the numbers to stop, but since we are so behind, all the lost time not testing = contagious but asymptomatic people walking around freely infecting others that are walking around freely infecting even more. but all have people around them that include the elderly & those with underlying medical conditions who have been exposed. they are just learning now that the virus can actively last several days on surfaces. so those untested but compromised will have symptoms & get sick.

We are so behind?

We are way ahead of Europe, which is the epicenter of the crisis. In Italy they already decided to let old people die.

Fuck you, anti-American bigot.

i'll listen to the experts. not a basket dwelling poorly educated deplorable.
“Experts” in liberish meaning screaming blowhards on CNN or at the NYT

no - the head of NIAID since 1984, anthony fauci.

you know who isn't an expert?

the dude that donny appointed to HHS. azar is bigpharma - not even an MD.
as of this posting italy has over 1800 dead.

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
And America has 60

you think that is gonna magically gonna stop? silly nilly. i want the numbers to stop, but since we are so behind, all the lost time not testing = contagious but asymptomatic people walking around freely infecting others that are walking around freely infecting even more. but all have people around them that include the elderly & those with underlying medical conditions who have been exposed. they are just learning now that the virus can actively last several days on surfaces. so those untested but compromised will have symptoms & get sick.
We have far fewer deaths than italy

obviously America is doing something right

Is a cut-and-paste cartoon the most adult answer you can come up with?

it is when dealing with poorly educated deplorables like you.
you think that is gonna magically gonna stop? silly nilly. i want the numbers to stop, but since we are so behind, all the lost time not testing = contagious but asymptomatic people walking around freely infecting others that are walking around freely infecting even more. but all have people around them that include the elderly & those with underlying medical conditions who have been exposed. they are just learning now that the virus can actively last several days on surfaces. so those untested but compromised will have symptoms & get sick.

We are so behind?

We are way ahead of Europe, which is the epicenter of the crisis. In Italy they already decided to let old people die.

Fuck you, anti-American bigot.
I was referring to our death rate being lower than europe, and italy in particular

thanks for helping clarify that

We are so much behind!!


He is already living in the Biden utopia of open borders.

you think those numbers are gonna real - based on actual cases? hopefully the death rate will not spike - but confirmed cases are gonna skyrocket & sympoms don't even show up for 5days - 2 weeks.

A) i am female & have been from the day i was born

B) go fetch a credible link that states biden saying he is for open borders.

speaking of which - canada needs to close its border to protect themselves from US.

I have an entire thread here based on Biden's retarded notion of Trump being a xenophobe for closing the border in the midst of the death virus.

Are you saying there is something in identifying you as male? That's very sexist and genderist... hope you make it to Canada so we won't need to tolerate your toxic masculinity.

biden didn't say he was for open borders - so you lied again.

i learned that saying i am female ( when someone who is too lazy to click & find out to make sure first thinks i am male ) i got the obligatory response by y'all that i'm really either pre op or post op - so it's a preemptive strike. you won't CONvince me that wouldn't have been your go to reply if i didn't; given the ending to your stupid reply.
Identifying Trump as the best president ever is of course shocking to a gamma, since Trump is a mega-alpha but the gamma was supposed to be the king!

One of the reasons he is so effective as leader, is his big balls.

Putting aside your fantasies about Trump's genitals, he has done nothing of note and his one claim to fame, the economy, is proving to be a paper tiger.
Identifying Trump as the best president ever is of course shocking to a gamma, since Trump is a mega-alpha but the gamma was supposed to be the king!

One of the reasons he is so effective as leader, is his big balls.

Putting aside your fantasies about Trump's genitals, he has done nothing of note and his one claim to fame, the economy, is proving to be a paper tiger.

Spoken like a true low status male.

Everyone knows Trump has massive balls. Some just choose to not accept it.
Well of course all his lackeys and yes men around him told him so. "It's all Obama's fault" they said.

"God Damn it! Told you never to mention that name to me, ever!"

"Sorry Sir, It's the 'Magic Negro's' fault! and your response has been perfect. Best ever, in history."
I must admit he had big balls telling the world he believes Putin before he believes our 17 agencies The question is ,,,was it complete ignorance or balls ,or a mixture of both
I must admit he had big balls telling the world he believes Putin before he believes our 17 agencies The question is ,,,was it complete ignorance or balls ,or a mixture of both

it was full tilt ankle grabbing.

donny is beta to vlad. bigley.
And what is the subject the word testing is referring to? There isn't one, hence the educated reader assumes that this applies to general public, because any other alternative would be off the charts retarded.

You think that Trump is the best POTUS ever, which is off the charts retarded, so why would I assume you were not being off the charts retarded again with this lie of a post?

Identifying Trump as the best president ever is of course shocking to a gamma, since Trump is a mega-alpha but the gamma was supposed to be the king!

One of the reasons he is so effective as leader, is his big balls.
Al Capone had big balls too

Everybody thinks they have the biggest.....

I must admit he had big balls telling the world he believes Putin before he believes our 17 agencies The question is ,,,was it complete ignorance or balls ,or a mixture of both

It would be easier to trust the agencies if they had not blatantly lied to American public about WMDs, causing death and costing trillions.

Putin didn't do that.
And America has 60

you think that is gonna magically gonna stop? silly nilly. i want the numbers to stop, but since we are so behind, all the lost time not testing = contagious but asymptomatic people walking around freely infecting others that are walking around freely infecting even more. but all have people around them that include the elderly & those with underlying medical conditions who have been exposed. they are just learning now that the virus can actively last several days on surfaces. so those untested but compromised will have symptoms & get sick.

We are so behind?

We are way ahead of Europe, which is the epicenter of the crisis. In Italy they already decided to let old people die.

Fuck you, anti-American bigot.
I was referring to our death rate being lower than europe, and italy in particular

thanks for helping clarify that

We are so much behind!!


He is already living in the Biden utopia of open borders.
Only liberals worry about how many communists in china die from the commie virus
Actually assfuck, real human beings care.

Christians care.

Evidently stupid Trump ass suckers don't care.
Identifying Trump as the best president ever is of course shocking to a gamma, since Trump is a mega-alpha but the gamma was supposed to be the king!

One of the reasons he is so effective as leader, is his big balls.

Putting aside your fantasies about Trump's genitals, he has done nothing of note and his one claim to fame, the economy, is proving to be a paper tiger.

Spoken like a true low status male.

Everyone knows Trump has massive balls. Some just choose to not accept it.

Why are you fascinated with the genitals of another male?

Is there something you need to get off your chest?

A closet you need to come out of maybe?
I wonder if Trump is sending an autographed picture of the Dow's crash this morning to Lou Dobbs.

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