Trump " I have not conceded"

No,.. but votes magically turned up in the middle of the night when we were all sleeping.
nope. Didn't happen.
You're a squirrely dude. You really think that leftist judges said they hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil are getting into the merits of the case? I suppose you do
Are you seriously so stupid that you don't know that there were Republican appointed judges and TRUMP appointed judges who ruled the same way?
Biden won Pennsylvania by nearly 82,000 votes but led Trump among mail-in ballots by about 733,000. According to The Associated Press, fewer than 10,000 mail-in ballots were received within the three days between Election Day and the deadline established by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Can you also tell me something else? If this was a fair election then why won't the democrats do an audit to prove it? You would think they would want to prove their innocence. Hmmm.... sounds just a bit fishy to me. :/
Where's your evidence audits are warranted?
We need a constitutional convention to take back control of the voting process, which has so far been held hostage under the administration of city hall democrats, and to reinstate Donald Trump as President.

SCOTUS would have to entirely dissolved as well, in order to remove the judiciary branch of government from democrat control.
We haven't had an honest election since Kennedy sprayed his brains all over Jackie's nice pink dress

Dude - That ^ was SO uncool :rolleyes:
Mail in votes does not explain how in six Democrat cities voting continued until Biden won the state by a statistically insignificant margin.

He's fucking crazy. :cuckoo:
He is indeed. NO votes were cast after the polls closed on election day
In cases of long lines where districts had few polling stations or problems with machines, hours were legally extended. People in line at closing time have always been allowed to vote too. No one was casting illegal votes until Biden won. Biden wasn't declare the winner till days later.

As an agitator, he lacks credibility. He's Kaz.
The issue is not the direction of the swing. It was that six solid Trump wins turned to six statistically insignificant Biden wins.
Are you talking about states?

You mean six states that were favoring trump went to Biden once ALL THE VOTES WERE COUNTED?

Yea...that'll happen...especially when one side (Dems) are concerned about the pandemic and vote largely by mail and the other (Repubs) doesn't give a shit and votes in person...and GOP legislators mandate that mail in votes can't be counted until election day or later.

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

Trump tried showing proof of election fraud but nobody would listen to him because people hate the TRUTH. That's been happening since Christ has walked the earth so that's nothing new.

When did you lose faith in our Constitution?

I haven't. I've just lost faith in the people that are supposed to be defending it.

You left off the other part of my signature that clearly states I don't care what you think. :rolleyes:

By my count, his team got over 70 chances at the local level and 3 at the Supreme Court to do so, with only ONE being dismissed for lack of standing.

At no time did courts rule on the merits of the case. There was no evaluation of the evidence
Biden won Pennsylvania by nearly 82,000 votes but led Trump among mail-in ballots by about 733,000. According to The Associated Press, fewer than 10,000 mail-in ballots were received within the three days between Election Day and the deadline established by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Yes, they were counting votes that arrived before the election. And counting them, and counting them, until they got the predetermined result. Hail Joe!

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

Trump tried showing proof of election fraud but nobody would listen to him because people hate the TRUTH. That's been happening since Christ has walked the earth so that's nothing new.

When did you lose faith in our Constitution?

I haven't. I've just lost faith in the people that are supposed to be defending it.

You left off the other part of my signature that clearly states I don't care what you think. :rolleyes:

Trumpyberra was pre-blaming his lost in 2016 prior to the election to democrat fraud just like he pre-blamed it in 2020. He intentionally sows distrust in our state run elections and state election officials from both sides of the isle, when they don't agree with him.

Putin smiles broadly on that one.

Did you ever have faith in our Constitution?

What does faith in the Constitution have anything to do with Democrat fraud? You didn't win by following the election, you won by cheating. What a stupid post, your normal fare

Your allegations of fraud and cheating are nothing more than the allegations that were the basis for all the cases Trumpybear lost when the election results in swing states were challenged, before the Constitutionally mandated EC vote.

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

Trump tried showing proof of election fraud but nobody would listen to him because people hate the TRUTH. That's been happening since Christ has walked the earth so that's nothing new.

When did you lose faith in our Constitution?

I haven't. I've just lost faith in the people that are supposed to be defending it.

Did you ever have faith in our Constitution?

You completely missed it.

View attachment 504413

Yes, BlindBoob is pretending the point is they were counting fairly and only extra votes were sent in. They did everything, new ballots appeared, they recounted votes (adding the results), whatever it took.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me SIX times? Democrats committed fraud. BlindBoob knows that, he is just for it because he wanted his party to win at all costs. Lying about it now is just part of that fraud

I just explained this. Try reading it again. You're not bright.

The issue is not the direction of the swing. It was that six solid Trump wins turned to six statistically insignificant Biden wins.

You and your five neighbors drive to the local market station at the same time. What are the odds that if we checked your gas gauges before you left that all six of you were above half before you left and were just barely below half when you got back? No one is questioning that driving to the market uses gas. The point is the frankly incredible break ... all for Biden ...

You still don't get it, do you? Be honest, you aren't smart. I am not the first person to point that out, am I?

Dude, it's all about the numbers at the end. Not statistics or statistical probabilities. At the end of the count, Biden had more votes.
Trump lost. Simple. Over and out. Nothing more to understand.

Democrats are math deniers, LOL.

Did you not go to college or were you a liberal arts major?

Math. It's simple. Who has the most votes at the end of counting? Whoever has the most votes..wins.
What am I missing here?..other than the fact you really don't have anything to come at me with. :auiqs.jpg:

You didn't answer. You didn't go to college or you were a liberal arts major? Psychology? English? Woman's studies? Lesbian Dance Theory?

Why do you keep deflecting? There's no need. You are giving me statistical hypothetical situations and calling me a math denier. Did I read this wrong?
Who's denying math? It's simple. I asked you a simple question. Please tell me, at the end of counting votes in PA, WI, NV, GA, MI, and AZ..who had the most votes?

Your point was literally that math doesn't matter. There was no place to go from there other than to ask if you were liberal arts in college or if you didn't go at all.

I have one bachelor of science degree and two master of science degrees and I can tell you that yes in fact, math does matter

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

Trump tried showing proof of election fraud but nobody would listen to him because people hate the TRUTH. That's been happening since Christ has walked the earth so that's nothing new.

When did you lose faith in our Constitution?

I haven't. I've just lost faith in the people that are supposed to be defending it.

You left off the other part of my signature that clearly states I don't care what you think. :rolleyes:

By my count, his team got over 70 chances at the local level and 3 at the Supreme Court to do so, with only ONE being dismissed for lack of standing.

At no time did courts rule on the merits of the case. There was no evaluation of the evidence
Biden won Pennsylvania by nearly 82,000 votes but led Trump among mail-in ballots by about 733,000. According to The Associated Press, fewer than 10,000 mail-in ballots were received within the three days between Election Day and the deadline established by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Yes, they were counting votes that arrived before the election. And counting them, and counting them, until they got the predetermined result. Hail Joe!
That's not what you said before, kazzer. Earlier, you falsely stated that voting continued until Biden won.

Mail in votes does not explain how in six Democrat cities voting continued until Biden won the state by a statistically insignificant margin.

Biden won Pennsylvania by nearly 82,000 votes but led Trump among mail-in ballots by about 733,000. According to The Associated Press, fewer than 10,000 mail-in ballots were received within the three days between Election Day and the deadline established by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Can you also tell me something else? If this was a fair election then why won't the democrats do an audit to prove it? You would think they would want to prove their innocence. Hmmm.... sounds just a bit fishy to me. :/

Yep, exactly. Democrats are fighting to the death to make sure no one looks at the election. They don't know they didn't cheat, they know they did

You never showed any evidence anyone denied Trump said to go to the capital and demonstrate,

Your quote. I never once said people denied he said go to the Capital. I said they tried and argue he wasn't responsible for what happened after they went there.

No, you said they denied Trump had anything to do with January 6. You didn't say after they went there.

You aren't woman enough to just say OK, you didn't mean what you said.

We also already covered this. I asked you what you are blaming Trump for specifically and what your evidence is. You decided to ignore that and go back and reargue that you never said what you said.

After they went there, a lot of things happened. Mostly people stayed outside and demonstrated peacefully. Remember how you Democrats all said that most people demonstrating peacefully is all fine? Well, while Democrats were doing it.

So be specific, what did Trump do

This isn't even being discussed any more if people had simply went and protested. People argued endlessly that Trump bore no responsibility for what happened that day. He does.

1) That has nothing to do with your stupid claim anyone says Trump had nothing to do with January 6

2) That doesn't say what Trump actually DID that you're claiming.

You are an empty headed chick. I hope you're hot so you can find a man to support you.

Simple questions:



That you keep repeating that Trump did something but you don't know what and you don't know what the evidence for that says what's in your head. Nothing

You disagree, the fur flies, but you can't answer the questions:



Do you have another nobody in Pittsburgh who claims to read minds you can cite?
No,.. but votes magically turned up in the middle of the night when we were all sleeping.
nope. Didn't happen.
You're a squirrely dude. You really think that leftist judges said they hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil are getting into the merits of the case? I suppose you do
Are you seriously so stupid that you don't know that there were Republican appointed judges and TRUMP appointed judges who ruled the same way?

And there were Republican appointed judges proves what exactly? Trump appointed hundreds of judges. And? And what?

God you're stupid

I just explained this. Try reading it again. You're not bright.

The issue is not the direction of the swing. It was that six solid Trump wins turned to six statistically insignificant Biden wins.

You and your five neighbors drive to the local market station at the same time. What are the odds that if we checked your gas gauges before you left that all six of you were above half before you left and were just barely below half when you got back? No one is questioning that driving to the market uses gas. The point is the frankly incredible break ... all for Biden ...

You still don't get it, do you? Be honest, you aren't smart. I am not the first person to point that out, am I?

Dude, it's all about the numbers at the end. Not statistics or statistical probabilities. At the end of the count, Biden had more votes.
Trump lost. Simple. Over and out. Nothing more to understand.

Democrats are math deniers, LOL.

Did you not go to college or were you a liberal arts major?

Math. It's simple. Who has the most votes at the end of counting? Whoever has the most votes..wins.
What am I missing here?..other than the fact you really don't have anything to come at me with. :auiqs.jpg:

You didn't answer. You didn't go to college or you were a liberal arts major? Psychology? English? Woman's studies? Lesbian Dance Theory?

Why do you keep deflecting? There's no need. You are giving me statistical hypothetical situations and calling me a math denier. Did I read this wrong?
Who's denying math? It's simple. I asked you a simple question. Please tell me, at the end of counting votes in PA, WI, NV, GA, MI, and AZ..who had the most votes?

Your point was literally that math doesn't matter. There was no place to go from there other than to ask if you were liberal arts in college or if you didn't go at all.

I have one bachelor of science degree and two master of science degrees and I can tell you that yes in fact, math does matter

Point out where I said this. I said statistics don't matter. Spinning probabilities doesn't matter. It's math. Who has the most votes? In this case, it was Biden.
You are the king of misdirection. :)
Biden won Pennsylvania by nearly 82,000 votes but led Trump among mail-in ballots by about 733,000. According to The Associated Press, fewer than 10,000 mail-in ballots were received within the three days between Election Day and the deadline established by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Can you also tell me something else? If this was a fair election then why won't the democrats do an audit to prove it? You would think they would want to prove their innocence. Hmmm.... sounds just a bit fishy to me. :/

Each state has it own election laws that govern those thing. The laws were followed, challenges were made, the elections were certified by all 50 states and each ones elector were sent to DC in December to case the all important EC votes.
Mail in votes does not explain how in six Democrat cities voting continued until Biden won the state by a statistically insignificant margin.

He's fucking crazy. :cuckoo:
He is indeed. NO votes were cast after the polls closed on election day

Not by actual people, no. Funny how it was specifically six corrupt Democrats cities where more oh, my God, we just found more ballots kept happening. Then when Biden was ahead, they have found them all!

No one is as stupid as you think they are

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

Trump tried showing proof of election fraud but nobody would listen to him because people hate the TRUTH. That's been happening since Christ has walked the earth so that's nothing new.

When did you lose faith in our Constitution?

I haven't. I've just lost faith in the people that are supposed to be defending it.

You left off the other part of my signature that clearly states I don't care what you think. :rolleyes:

By my count, his team got over 70 chances at the local level and 3 at the Supreme Court to do so, with only ONE being dismissed for lack of standing.

At no time did courts rule on the merits of the case. There was no evaluation of the evidence
Biden won Pennsylvania by nearly 82,000 votes but led Trump among mail-in ballots by about 733,000. According to The Associated Press, fewer than 10,000 mail-in ballots were received within the three days between Election Day and the deadline established by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Yes, they were counting votes that arrived before the election. And counting them, and counting them, until they got the predetermined result. Hail Joe!

They were not allowed to count ANY votes before the election. At least in the six states that turned out to be swing states.
Republicans made sure of that.

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