Trump: "I never asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn"...Really??

Trumps one and only crime is defeating the Progressive Jihad on America. They were one SCOTUS vote away from eliminating the Second Amendment; the last line of defense against our already Orwellian government

WOW, Frankie, you're onto us.....after all, NO democrat ever owned a gun, and its rather "cute" your using the term "Jihad" kind of divulges your tacit racial bias a bit, however.... don't you "think"???
What's the crime? Defeating Hillary?

NO, moron, Hillary lost and we readily accept that.....trump is an incompetent, lying, megalomaniac.....and THIS thread is about one of his many lies...and NOT about Hillary as much as you're trying to make it.........Really, go rest.....
What's the crime? Defeating Hillary?

NO, moron, Hillary lost and we readily accept that.....trump is an incompetent, lying, megalomaniac.....and THIS thread is about one of his many lies...and NOT about Hillary as much as you're trying to make it.........Really, go rest.....
Flynn lied to the FBI ,, Trump knew it and tried to protect him???? Throw Dump in jail
Who believes the Liar in Chief, other than his own crime family?

Comey made detailed notes that will show the Comrade is a liar.
Who believes the Liar in Chief, other than his own crime family?

Comey made detailed notes that will show the Comrade is a liar.
Jimmy the problem is these repubs aren't that stupid They know trump is a scumbag BUT he's their scumbag and they're sticking with him
Who believes the Liar in Chief, other than his own crime family?

Comey made detailed notes that will show the Comrade is a liar.

Even BETTER........there are recordings between Flynn and the Russians.....LOL

"I have a message from the Orange Comrade. You need to get Wikileaks to release some more of Hillary's stolen emails. Oh, and the Orange Comrade sends his love to Vlad. He says, 'Hug and Kisses.' The shower he got at the hotel was great, maybe a little crowded with all the peeing girls. But it was great!"
Who believes the Liar in Chief, other than his own crime family?

Comey made detailed notes that will show the Comrade is a liar.
Jimmy the problem is these repubs aren't that stupid They know trump is a scumbag BUT he's their scumbag and they're sticking with him

They will stick with him until he becomes too much of a liability and then they will let him go. The Dems will win back the House next year and the Comrade will be Impeached. He won't be removed from office, but he will be a toothless orange paper tiger until he either loses in 2020 or he resigns. I predict that the charges against his family members will either lead him to pardon them, thereby sealing obstruction of justice or he will resign and make a deal with the FBI.

Just think, the original statement from the Comrade and his criminal administration was "WE HAD NO CONTACT WITH THE RUSSIANS!" They have been lying since before January 20th.

Soon, the Trumpettes will be whining, 'YEAH, HE MAY HAVE DIRECTED THE RELEASE OF STOLEN HILLARY EMAILS, BUT IS THAT ILLEGAL?" Yes, it is. But I think Mueller is going in a different direction. He is building a strong obstruction of justice case along with charges of money laundering on the part of several of the members of the crime family and his criminal administration.
Who believes the Liar in Chief, other than his own crime family?

Comey made detailed notes that will show the Comrade is a liar.

Even BETTER........there are recordings between Flynn and the Russians' conversations.....LOL


Sure there are, that's why Trump's impeached.


Give Mueller time Grasshopper....give him time. I doubt the Comrade lets it get to the Impeachment level. He will resign and declare himself a "WINNER!"

And you idiots will gobble up his lies. You are really the stupidest cult members that the world has ever seen.
Last October, Jeff Sessions had applauded Comey’s handling of that [Hillary] investigation. But then, the attorney general had also recused himself from the Russia investigation — and this did not stop him from advising the president to fire the man leading that inquiry.

"In his tweet, Trump says he was “told” to fire Comey"
Trump Contradicts His Own Account of Comey Firing

But the bizarre nature of Comey’s ouster was far less significant than the reasons behind it. By all accounts — including, to some extent, his own — Trump seemed to view the FBI director as his private detective and/or PR representative. When the president accused Barack Obama of wiretapping his phone — an allegation made on the basis of news articles that he had misread — Trump was reportedly furious that Comey wouldn’t publicly vouch for his baseless felony accusation.

According to accounts from Comey and his associates, Trump asked the FBI director to drop an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn; redirect the bureau’s resources toward combating leaks to the press; and consider imprisoning journalists who report on classified information.

According to the president himself, Comey’s firing was the direct result of the FBI director’s handling of the investigation into his campaign.

“When I decided to just do it, I said to myself, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story,” Trump told NBC News, contradicting the White House’s narrative — and, arguably, confessing to obstruction of justice.

"Tried to intimidate his former FBI director into silence by threatening to release secret recordings of their conversations."

After Comey’s associates told the New York Times that Trump had demanded a loyalty pledge, the president sought to prove that he wasn’t an amateur authoritarian, by tweeting this:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!

7:26 AM - May 12, 2017

Every Terrifying Thing That Donald Trump Did Lately
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What's the crime? Defeating Hillary?

NO, moron, Hillary lost and we readily accept that.....trump is an incompetent, lying, megalomaniac.....and THIS thread is about one of his many lies...and NOT about Hillary as much as you're trying to make it.........Really, go rest.....
Flynn lied to the FBI ,, Trump knew it and tried to protect him???? Throw Dump in jail
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!


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