Trump: I think Obama's Tears are for real~


Putin was crying for the bear
he had just wrestled to death...

I'd hate to imagine the wrestling going on in this pic

G, the AP, among many, just assessed that NONE of Obama's 'edicts' would have stopped any of the shootings nor made the nation safer. It's smoke, mirrors, and the advance of seizing power.

Liberals don't really want to fix anything.
They pass legislation.
They refuse to enforce the law.
They complain about how the existing law doesn't work.
They clamor for new / more restrictive, oppressive laws.
They PASS new / more restrictive, oppressive laws.
They don't enforce the laws.
They complain about how the existing law doesn't work.
They..... (Repeat)

Rights of Law-Abiding citizens continue to dwindle while the un-Constitutional / non-existent 'rights' of non US citizens continue to expand.


Immigration Law Exists.

Immigration Law Ignored.

Deportations diminish.

Obama sets up housing to give to Illegals (instead of sending them back)

Obama allocates housing, food, money, and transports illegals all over the country, dropping them into local neighborhoods without even letting local / state agencies know they are coming.

Criminal / Illegal Sanctuary Cities crop up - no effort to force this to stop as Federal Law is Broken

Obama orders DOJ to NOT detain, arrest, charge, or jail any illegal committing crimes less than a felony - a 'right' not even afforded to US citizens.

Illegal to work in US ignored.
Crimes ignored / 'forgiven'
They get SS, welfare, food stamps, Obamaphones, etc though not citizens and citizens are 'given the blessing' of paying for all of it, just so people who have no respect for our Constitution, Rule of Law, history, heritage, culture, or citizens can personally benefit...who were so selfish and lazy that they refused to adhere to the existing system of legal immigration.

Americans, meanwhile, (again) have to pay for all of the ILLEGAL's 'free stuff'. Citizens are attacked, raped, and murdered. (No Obama Tears seen....)

Despite being promised for decades that if we just agreed to let the politicians give them 'THIS' next batch of perks / bennies / amnesty, they continue to promise they will build that gosh-darn wall RIGHT AFTER they give all of this NEW stuff to them...and it never happens.
- Proof politicians are working more/harder for ILLEGALS / CRIMINALS than they are for the American people.

Oh the lives of the illegals who broke and break our laws are getting much the expense of that of the American people...

Enforcing any laws only works to interfere with their agenda.
The Constitution is a road-block to their agenda.
The march to tyranny / socialism continues with each passing benefit, perk, right lost
Dude, I have been talking about Turkey for over a year!


Here is the first time you ever mentioned Turkey on this forum. A little over two months ago:

Turkey legalized toilets a few months ago :lol:
I have been absent for a year or two...
Nonetheless, you have never mentioned Turkey on this forum until a couple months ago. Right at the same time Putin began trashing that faithful US ally, so did you, useful idiot.
Dude, I have been talking about Turkey for over a year!


Here is the first time you ever mentioned Turkey on this forum. A little over two months ago:

Turkey legalized toilets a few months ago :lol:
I have been absent for a year or two...

The ownage doesnt stop....she got caught red handed again :rofl:
I wasn't even here dumbfuck. Just how desperate can one be? :lol:
Dude, I have been talking about Turkey for over a year!


Here is the first time you ever mentioned Turkey on this forum. A little over two months ago:

Turkey legalized toilets a few months ago :lol:
I have been absent for a year or two...
Nonetheless, you have never mentioned Turkey on this forum until last October. Right at the same time Putin began trashing that faithful US ally.
AGAIN, I wasn't even here.
I posted a link from FOX from 2014.
And I am also waiting on your rebuttal for my post about the ATF
Dude, I have been talking about Turkey for over a year!


Here is the first time you ever mentioned Turkey on this forum. A little over two months ago:

Turkey legalized toilets a few months ago :lol:
I have been absent for a year or two...

The ownage doesnt stop....she got caught red handed again :rofl:
I wasn't even here dumbfuck. Just how desperate can one be? :lol:

Suure havent been here and when you came back after a year of "talking about Turkey" youre "first post" was about legalized toilets!

does that make you feel better cupcake?

Just wondering why you're not calling Putin a pussy. Yanno, tears and all that.

You crying is gender based is what you said...

the issue is whether the tears are sincere. We already know that Obama is a pussy.

Doesnt matter...She said crying itself is gender based. Thats what happens when you say stupid shit that can be used against you.
Why would putin crying affect me one way or the other?
Just because someone doesn't like our vagina-in-chief doesnt mean they like putin dumbass

You're right Obama crying and you calling it girly affects you so much. How do you go on?

You said crying was a girl thing, until Putin is crying then suddenly you dont care...and keep responding to show how much you dont care! You're going to respond again to show you continuing to not care lol
Has one of Putin's military men called him a pussy?
Dude, I have been talking about Turkey for over a year!


Here is the first time you ever mentioned Turkey on this forum. A little over two months ago:

Turkey legalized toilets a few months ago :lol:
I have been absent for a year or two...
Nonetheless, you have never mentioned Turkey on this forum until last October. Right at the same time Putin began trashing that faithful US ally.
AGAIN, I wasn't even here.
I posted a link from FOX from 2014.
You claimed YOU have been talking about Turkey "for over a year". Nope. False. You didn't start trashing Turkey until Putin did. Posting a link that is dated prior to when you started doesn't not change that truth.

You started trashing Turkey exactly when Putin did, and you went out and sought propaganda to support Putin.

FOX NEWS? I rest my case, useful idiot.
Just wondering why you're not calling Putin a pussy. Yanno, tears and all that.

You crying is gender based is what you said...

the issue is whether the tears are sincere. We already know that Obama is a pussy.

Doesnt matter...She said crying itself is gender based. Thats what happens when you say stupid shit that can be used against you.
Why would putin crying affect me one way or the other?
Just because someone doesn't like our vagina-in-chief doesnt mean they like putin dumbass

You're right Obama crying and you calling it girly affects you so much. How do you go on?

You said crying was a girl thing, until Putin is crying then suddenly you dont care...and keep responding to show how much you dont care! You're going to respond again to show you continuing to not care lol
Has one of Putin's military men called him a pussy?
Does that make Russia better than us?

Does that make Putin a better man?

Take Putin's cock out of your mouth.
Dayem, if I had know the kenyan faggot was going to pull this shit I would have bought Ruger and S&W stock last week. Fuck.
Yep. The "Obamaz cummin fer yer gunz" marketing strategy by the gun lobby has been a financial boon.

The rubes keep falling for that hoax over and over and over and over.
Was his EO constitutional, G?
Link to it. Then quote me the part that isn't. And quote me the part where he is cummin fer yer gunz.

The ATF has no constitutional authority to ban/infringe on gun ownership.
In fact, the present ATF itself is of questionable constitutionality..
The ATF is sanctioned by Congress as part of the Department of the Treasury and is tasked with writing regulations.

You fail. Again.
Seriously, TN? This is the best you can do to "prove" Obama's EO is unconstitutional? The ATF?

Um. The ATF is not formed by the EO. It's been around a while. Since 1968 under that name.

Thought you should know.
Dude, I have been talking about Turkey for over a year!


Here is the first time you ever mentioned Turkey on this forum. A little over two months ago:

Turkey legalized toilets a few months ago :lol:
I have been absent for a year or two...

The ownage doesnt stop....she got caught red handed again :rofl:
I wasn't even here dumbfuck. Just how desperate can one be? :lol:

Suure havent been here and when you came back after a year of "talking about Turkey" youre "first post" was about legalized toilets!

Dayem, if I had know the kenyan faggot was going to pull this shit I would have bought Ruger and S&W stock last week. Fuck.
Yep. The "Obamaz cummin fer yer gunz" marketing strategy by the gun lobby has been a financial boon.

The rubes keep falling for that hoax over and over and over and over.
Was his EO constitutional, G?
Link to it. Then quote me the part that isn't. And quote me the part where he is cummin fer yer gunz.

The ATF has no constitutional authority to ban/infringe on gun ownership.
In fact, the present ATF itself is of questionable constitutionality..
The ATF is sanctioned by Congress as part of the Department of the Treasury and is tasked with writing regulations.

You fail. Again.
Bush switched it to the DHS during his tenure.
You fail. Try again?
Notice I said "present" :)
Seriously, TN? This is the best you can do to "prove" Obama's EO is unconstitutional? The ATF?

Um. The ATF is not formed by the EO. It's been around a while. Since 1968 under that name.

Thought you should know.
No shit shirlock. THEY are setting the "guidelines". Them being a part of the DHS is in FACT a question of unconstitutionality.
Please show me where in the COTUS the federal govt has that authority?

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