Trump: I think Obama's Tears are for real~

This is the sad thing about rubes. They hear from their favorite propaganda outlet that Obama is doing something unconstitutional. Usually an EO. Then when they are asked for that EO, they come up empty. Most of the EO's they hear about are imaginary. But the seed has been planted. They forget they were lied to, but the "Obama violated the Constitution" sticks because of their bias and low intelligence.

They invariably forget they were lied to, and they invariably get back in line to get their piss cups refilled by the very same propaganda outlets which have lied to them over and over and over and over.

And that is why I say these rubes DESERVE to be lied to.
Seriously, TN? This is the best you can do to "prove" Obama's EO is unconstitutional? The ATF?

Um. The ATF is not formed by the EO. It's been around a while. Since 1968 under that name.

Thought you should know.
No shit shirlock. THEY are setting the "guidelines". Them being a part of the DHS is in FACT a question of unconstitutionality.
Please show me where in the COTUS the federal govt has that authority?
Have you never read any legislation in your life? Ever?

This must be the case. It has to be, or you wouldn't ask such an incredibly ignorant question.

You have no idea how our government works, do you.
This is the sad thing about rubes. They hear from their favorite propaganda outlet that Obama is doing something unconstitutional. Usually an EO. Then when they are asked for that EO, they come up empty. Most of the EO's they hear about are imaginary. But the seed has been planted. They forget they were lied to, but the "Obama violated the Constitution" sticks because of their bias and low intelligence.

They invariably forget they were lied to, and they invariably get back in line to get their piss cups refilled by the very same propaganda outlets which have lied to them over and over and over and over.

And that is why I say these rubes DESERVE to be lied to.

LMAO---best rationalization of the year.
Does that make Russia better than us?

Does that make Putin a better man?

Take Putin's cock out of your mouth.
1. No one said it did.
2. No one said it did.
3. You are confusing me with pedophile Slick Willey or his 'cigar buddy' Lewinski.
Congress writes a law. The law provides a framework. A scaffold, if you will. The law then directs the Executive branch to write the regulations which satisfy the framework of the law.

The framework allows for some latitude in regulations. There hasn't been a modern President who has not tightened or relaxed regulations. Only an ignorant rube would not know how this is done or that it is the normal course of business.

In fact, just yesterday I provided evidence to a rube that Bush relaxed SEC regulations for the five biggest Wall Street broker-dealers. A decision which ultimately led to their crash. I didn't hear Fox News playing doom music and screaming about the Constitution when he did that. Nope.

The rubes are excited by their propaganda ministries with fire alarm warning that "the President is bypassing Congress!!!" Their ignorance of the normal process of things is being taken advantage of.

Does a President sometimes overstep their authority when changing regulations? Yes, but rarely.

But just a couple week ago, the rubes were being told the President was going to unilaterally close the "gunshow loophole" with an EO. The President does not have that authority. I've read the applicable law which contains that loophole, and only Congress can completely close it. And Obama knows this, and he even said so, but the propaganda outlets didn't pass that tidbit on to their rubes.

Everything hinges on "licensed gun dealers". So here's the deal: Obama cannot write an EO which forces unlicensed gun sellers to perform background checks. However, he can fiddle with the regulations which determine who is required to get a license to sell guns.

See how that works?

So if you are a guy who owns a gun and sell it to someone on your front porch as a one time deal, you will not be affected by Obama's EO. At all.

If you buy and sell guns for fun and profit, though, you might be.
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You were implying it did. Don't pretend you weren't.
No, I wasn't.
** You still haven't learned that you should stick to speaking for yourself because you SUCK at trying to speak for others. Just because YOU say someone else is saying something does not make it true, oh narcissistic Liberal one....
Seriously, TN? This is the best you can do to "prove" Obama's EO is unconstitutional? The ATF?

Um. The ATF is not formed by the EO. It's been around a while. Since 1968 under that name.

Thought you should know.
No shit shirlock. THEY are setting the "guidelines". Them being a part of the DHS is in FACT a question of unconstitutionality.
Please show me where in the COTUS the federal govt has that authority?
Have you never read any legislation in your life? Ever?

This must be the case. It has to be, or you wouldn't ask such an incredibly ignorant question.

You have no idea how our government works, do you.
posse comitatus ring a bell? And that's just legislation from the 1800s. How many of their actions have been ruled unconstitutional?
Are you going to show me where the federal govt has the constitutional authority to establish the DHS with all of its "authority"?
This is why I like Trump , he doesn't just say shit to make points with people~

"During a conversation with Fox News, Trump said he believed Obama's tears were genuine.

"I actually think he was sincere. I'll probably go down about 5 points in the polls by saying that," the Republican presidential front-runner joked. "But I think he was sincere."

Tears rolled down Obama's face on Tuesday when he discussed the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, which left 20 young children dead. Obama was giving a speech announcing his new executive action that, among other things, aims to expand background checks on gun buyers.

Some of Obama's conservative critics pointed out that Obama did not cry in response to other tragedies. Just before Trump's "Fox & Friends" interview Wednesday, one of the hosts noted that Obama didn't tear up while discussing the December terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California."

TRUMP: I'll go down 5 points in the polls by saying this, but I think Obama's tears were real

Good to know that..

Hmmm, Lets see the power hustle develops....

Meanwhile, get your latest gists here, a break from the norm Welcome To Ajayi's Blog
my tears are real .. puter crashed yesterday .. got a new one.. windows 10 will make anyone cry.

Its Obamas fault
Seriously, TN? This is the best you can do to "prove" Obama's EO is unconstitutional? The ATF?

Um. The ATF is not formed by the EO. It's been around a while. Since 1968 under that name.

Thought you should know.
No shit shirlock. THEY are setting the "guidelines". Them being a part of the DHS is in FACT a question of unconstitutionality.
Please show me where in the COTUS the federal govt has that authority?
Have you never read any legislation in your life? Ever?

This must be the case. It has to be, or you wouldn't ask such an incredibly ignorant question.

You have no idea how our government works, do you.
posse comitatus ring a bell? And that's just legislation from the 1800s. How many of their actions have been ruled unconstitutional?
Are you going to show me where the federal govt has the constitutional authority to establish the DHS with all of its "authority"?
Now here's a funny thing. I actually have been talking about DHS for over a year. And that IS a fact. Want some examples?

I am very much opposed to the DHS, and have been since Day One.
my tears are real .. puter crashed yesterday .. got a new one.. windows 10 will make anyone cry.

Its Obamas fault
I feel your pain and am sitting here weeping for you.
I had to buy a new puter about 6 months ago, although it had to have win 10 on it, I was able to get 7 loaded and leave 10 uninstalled.
10 sucks.
my tears are real .. puter crashed yesterday .. got a new one.. windows 10 will make anyone cry.

Its Obamas fault
I feel your pain and am sitting here weeping for you.
I had to buy a new puter about 6 months ago, although it had to have win 10 on it, I was able to get 7 loaded and leave 10 uninstalled.
10 sucks.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I don't know why software companies (not just Microsoft, but all of them) feel they have to completely change their user interface at least once a year so that you have to relearn how to use their shit all over again.

I fucking hate these assholes with a passion.
But the seed has been planted. They forget they were lied to, but the "Obama violated the Constitution" sticks because of their bias and low intelligence.

They invariably forget they were lied to, and they invariably get back in line to get their piss cups refilled by the very same propaganda outlets which have lied to them over and over and over and over.

And that is why I say these rubes DESERVE to be lied to.


They get lied to and lash out at Dems for seeing or talking about them being lied to
I'll tell you something, TN. Donald Trump would loooooove to take ownership of DHS. That man's got a totalitarian streak a mile wide. As does Ted Cruz.
the issue is whether the tears are sincere. We already know that Obama is a pussy.

Doesnt matter...She said crying itself is gender based. Thats what happens when you say stupid shit that can be used against you.
Why would putin crying affect me one way or the other?
Just because someone doesn't like our vagina-in-chief doesnt mean they like putin dumbass

You're right Obama crying and you calling it girly affects you so much. How do you go on?

You said crying was a girl thing, until Putin is crying then suddenly you dont care...and keep responding to show how much you dont care! You're going to respond again to show you continuing to not care lol
Has one of Putin's military men called him a pussy?
Does that make Russia better than us?

Does that make Putin a better man?

Take Putin's cock out of your mouth.
Obama is the first president to be called a pussy on national TV. Backed down from the red line he drew. Told by a representatives he lies in one of his speechess. Lol what a failure as a man. Oh and he stated his daughters were a burden. I guess why I can see why he is your man.
my tears are real .. puter crashed yesterday .. got a new one.. windows 10 will make anyone cry.

Its Obamas fault
I feel your pain and am sitting here weeping for you.
I had to buy a new puter about 6 months ago, although it had to have win 10 on it, I was able to get 7 loaded and leave 10 uninstalled.
10 sucks.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I don't know why software companies (not just Microsoft, but all of them) feel they have to completely change their user interface at least once a year so that you have to relearn how to use their shit all over again.

I fucking hate these assholes with a passion.
and you know when they released 10, they already have 15 completed and waiting for the money to come in from 11 12 13 and 14.
Someone calling you names determines if you're a failure? I'd hate to be someone who's worth is determined by what someone else thinks of me

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