Trump: I think Obama's Tears are for real~

But the seed has been planted. They forget they were lied to, but the "Obama violated the Constitution" sticks because of their bias and low intelligence.

They invariably forget they were lied to, and they invariably get back in line to get their piss cups refilled by the very same propaganda outlets which have lied to them over and over and over and over.

And that is why I say these rubes DESERVE to be lied to.


They get lied to and lash out at Dems for seeing or talking about them being lied to
Well, here's the thing. For as long as I can remember, and that's a VERY long time, the Dems have been drinking piss and getting back in line for refills. This is why I have been frequently saying the Gnu Right reminds me so much of the 70s liberals. They have much in common, particularly the massive urine guzzling.

There was a time that conservatism was pure oxygen. It was fueled by truth. Now, this thing they call conservatism these days is toxic waste.
Someone calling you names determines if you're a failure? I'd hate to be someone who's worth is determined by what someone else thinks of me
I disagree. For once, you might actually be worth something... it might be negative but its something
my tears are real .. puter crashed yesterday .. got a new one.. windows 10 will make anyone cry.

Its Obamas fault

Windows 10 is so much better than windows 8......I hated it because it was Obama's fault


But the seed has been planted. They forget they were lied to, but the "Obama violated the Constitution" sticks because of their bias and low intelligence.

They invariably forget they were lied to, and they invariably get back in line to get their piss cups refilled by the very same propaganda outlets which have lied to them over and over and over and over.

And that is why I say these rubes DESERVE to be lied to.


They get lied to and lash out at Dems for seeing or talking about them being lied to
Well, here's the thing. For as long as I can remember, and that's a VERY long time, the Dems have been drinking piss and getting back in line for refills. This is why I have been frequently saying the Gnu Right reminds me so much of the 70s liberals. They have much in common, particularly the massive urine guzzling.

There was a time that conservatism was pure oxygen. It was fueled by truth. Now, this thing they call conservatism these days is toxic waste.

my tears are real .. puter crashed yesterday .. got a new one.. windows 10 will make anyone cry.

Its Obamas fault
I feel your pain and am sitting here weeping for you.
I had to buy a new puter about 6 months ago, although it had to have win 10 on it, I was able to get 7 loaded and leave 10 uninstalled.
10 sucks.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I don't know why software companies (not just Microsoft, but all of them) feel they have to completely change their user interface at least once a year so that you have to relearn how to use their shit all over again.

I fucking hate these assholes with a passion.
and you know when they released 10, they already have 15 completed and waiting for the money to come in from 11 12 13 and 14.

I am running windows 7 and will not upgrade, screw em!
This is why I like Trump , he doesn't just say shit to make points with people~

"During a conversation with Fox News, Trump said he believed Obama's tears were genuine.

"I actually think he was sincere. I'll probably go down about 5 points in the polls by saying that," the Republican presidential front-runner joked. "But I think he was sincere."

Tears rolled down Obama's face on Tuesday when he discussed the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, which left 20 young children dead. Obama was giving a speech announcing his new executive action that, among other things, aims to expand background checks on gun buyers.

Some of Obama's conservative critics pointed out that Obama did not cry in response to other tragedies. Just before Trump's "Fox & Friends" interview Wednesday, one of the hosts noted that Obama didn't tear up while discussing the December terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California."

TRUMP: I'll go down 5 points in the polls by saying this, but I think Obama's tears were real
Nope. You can see him rubbing something in his eyes before the cry fest. Fake fake fake fake.

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