Trump: "I Thought It Would Be Easier"

I doubt this article in totality. However it is quite likely that Trump did not expect the level of hostility directed against him, especially since democrats were so concerned about the necessity of accepting election results.

Trump is the end. The results of all elections from now on will be rejected. What the hate Trumpers can't accept is that Trump has lived up to the expectations of those who support him. He hasn't been blamed for any failures. The democrats have been blamed instead.

Democrats have never been able to cure the reasons for their failure. They have doubled down on all their hatreds of Americans who disagree with them. This means an easy Trump sail to victory in 2020.

What will democrats do then? Their insanity now comes from the certainty that hillary would win. What will they do when the certainty that Trump will lose is just as wrong?

watched the interview, the article is authentic ... his own words.

IMO he had no idea he would actually get elected. What he really misses is being able to talk as much shit as he wants to without having to answer to anyone. His board room in Trump Tower was his safe place. He could grab all the pussy he wanted to. Now he's the dart board on the mail room wall at Trump Tower, and the world is watching.

Fuck Trump.
Trump is like I said Rocky 2

I heard you the first time. He's more like Duane Bobick.

No Tramp is more like the Bayone Bleeder, Chuck Wepner, who after scoring a ninth round knockdown, which Ali claimed had occurred because Wepner was stepping on his foot, went to his corner and said to his manager, "Al, start the car. We're going to the bank. We are millionaires." To which Wepner's manager replied, "You better turn around. He's getting up and he looks pissed off."

In the remaining rounds, Ali decisively outboxed Wepner and opened up cuts above both Wepner's eyes and broke his nose. Wepner was far behind on the scorecards when Ali knocked him down with 19 seconds left in the 15th round. The referee counted to seven before calling a technical knockout.

I'm glad you find comfort in your fantasies.
I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -

How hard can it be? He did it.

I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -

Well after watching Obama for 8 years it easy to conclude that a president does nothing but play golf and do fund raisers!
Can't he just NOT say something now and then?

You know, think it through first and just don't let it out?

I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -
Everyone is completely unprepared to be president, but some of them, like Obama, lack the character to acknowledge it.
I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -

Wow, what a bizarre interview, if I didn't know that Donald was a tea tottler I'd suspect he was drunk.

"Now, I have to tell you, it's an unbelievably complex subject," he added. "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated."
Yeah Donnie, nobody except anybody that had studied the issue for more than 5 minutes.

"I actually, this is more work than my previous life. I thought it would be easier."
You didn't know that being the chief executive of a nation of 325 million people with an $18.5 trillion economy and the preeminent superpower on the planet was a bigger and more demanding job than running your own $9.5 billion company? . :eek:

Dear Mr. President,

Please stop giving these types of interviews, you're scaring the shit out of everybody.


The Human Race
I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -

How hard can it be? He did it.


Yeah he did it and just look at how badly he fucked it up...... maybe we need to raise the bar a bit, you know put a mentally stable, grown up in the job, just for a change of pace?
I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -

Wow, what a bizarre interview, if I didn't know that Donald was a tea tottler I'd suspect he was drunk.

"Now, I have to tell you, it's an unbelievably complex subject," he added. "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated."
Yeah Donnie, nobody except anybody that had studied the issue for more than 5 minutes.

"I actually, this is more work than my previous life. I thought it would be easier."
You didn't know that being the chief executive of a nation of 325 million people with an $18.5 trillion economy and the preeminent superpower on the planet was a bigger and more demanding job than running your own $9.5 billion company? . :eek:

Dear Mr. President,

Please stop giving these types of interviews, you're scaring the shit out of everybody.


The Human Race
lol I like it when he gives candid interviews; it lets me know he is aware of his vulnerabilities and limitations. It is he guys who pretend to have everything under control when they don't that scare me.
I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -
At least President Trump has come to grips about it, while Obama didn't do shit but screw over America in his Fundamental Transformation, it is easier to destroy a country than try to rebuild it after 8 years of failed policies.

I really have no idea what to make of this interview.

That is because, apparently, you are stupid and uneducated. Where did you go to high school? The Donald is simply commenting about the mess the homosexual Barry The Butthurt Obama made that he has to clean up.
I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -

Gee, a rich guy surrounded by the sycophant and yes men cocoon all his life didn't think being president would be hard.

I really have no idea what to make of this interview.

That is because, apparently, you are stupid and uneducated. Where did you go to high school? The Donald is simply commenting about the mess the homosexual Barry The Butthurt Obama made that he has to clean up.

The above post, from the brains of the conservative operation in America, is a good example of why liberals should never fear the right taking over this country.
I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -

Gee, a rich guy surrounded by the sycophant and yes men cocoon all his life didn't think being president would be hard.

I think almost every president is shocked by how hard the job is, and I like the fact that President Trump is candid about it.
I really have no idea what to make of this interview. It really seems to be an admission that he was completely ill-prepared to be President and that he made a YUGE mistake.

And our country made a YUGE mistake in hiring him.

Trump: 'I thought it would be easier' -
The fact that little snivelbutt libs like you are still crying is proof that it was no mistake. Your OP is pathetic, he says he thought it would be easier and you run to your computer like a hurt schoolgirl? LOL I'm sure EVERY president has felt the same.
I really have no idea what to make of this interview.

That is because, apparently, you are stupid and uneducated. Where did you go to high school? The Donald is simply commenting about the mess the homosexual Barry The Butthurt Obama made that he has to clean up.

The above post, from the brains of the conservative operation in America, is a good example of why liberals should never fear the right taking over this country.
Change your tampon, you lefties are a joke and don't see all your sniveling is counter productive. Look at a political map sometime and get back to us.

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