Trump: I Won't Attend White House Correspondents Dinner

I've never approved of correspondents dinners. They're very cheezy and reek of corruption. The Government and Press should maintain an adversarial relationship.

All the schmoozing and lame jokes, is actually kinda disturbing. Government and the Press should stay separate. And i'm sure Trump has important work to do anyway. He should skip it.

Sure, like going to Florida to play golf, or meeting with Kanye.
I can't really blame him. It would be awkward to say the least. The journalists would just lay it on so thick it wouldn't be funny as intended.

He has work to do. Finally a president who is trying to keep his promises.
You're so nieve.....really you are. Trump spends more time on the gold course than worrying about idiots like you, why can't you see that? The reason this joke will not attend, is because everyone in that room, including FOX news knows bullshit when they see it, smell it and reads its tweets......and Trump can not no matter how hard he tweets to you nuts get away from FACTS......, thus the reason he will never attend a dinner.
Obama is giving pick up the soap lessons to you lesser liberals I hear.....
Always hinting around with gay stuff....don't you think its time to emerge from that closet?
At the end of these dinners, the president gets a toast...that's why a lot of these journalist, until Trump pulled out, refuse to attend. Trump is toast, nobody likes this for the few idiots that support his lying ass.
Who will be the comedian that speaks? I think they should hire a group of them.
$1000 per plate. 1000 attendees. $1mil dollars wasted, flat out wasted. Nothing gained. I don't want to buy Wolf Forking Blitzer Filet Mignon. Get these sleazy bastards out of my site forever. They have assisted putting USA into the debt toilet. I want them punished. Cost with security could run as high as $10mil, IMVHO. Valet parking my ASS! Lock them out.

You people don't get it. It has to be a wave event. It cannot be business as usual. This is why Trump still has 500+ openings. I pray to God he is NOT planning to fill them.
Some people are saying the real Donald will appear:

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I like his style, as he chooses to skip the elitist MSM-Hollywood circle jerk.............:clap2::clap2:

All he is doing is continuing his embarrassing behavior, and dividing the country... And you applaud him... grow up.

So grown-ups like you expect Trump to spend the evening with scumbags hitting him with cheap shots in the name of humor. Now, I get it! :popcorn:
I think he should say that there won't be a WH Correspondents dinner because he has decided to cancel it until they do their jobs. The bible says if you don't work, you don't eat. That ought to get them moving!

I disagree! BTW, your so-called Bible is a work of fiction written by a bunch of superstitious old men.
Ya, some of us have to work for a living. We all don't get stypens like you do.

2500 messages a year you aren't working all that hard.
2500 per yr. My goodness.
I think he should say that there won't be a WH Correspondents dinner because he has decided to cancel it until they do their jobs. The bible says if you don't work, you don't eat. That ought to get them moving!

I disagree! BTW, your so-called Bible is a work of fiction written by a bunch of superstitious old men.
Ya, some of us have to work for a living. We all don't get stypens like you do.

2500 messages a year you aren't working all that hard.
2500 per yr. My goodness.
I think he should say that there won't be a WH Correspondents dinner because he has decided to cancel it until they do their jobs. The bible says if you don't work, you don't eat. That ought to get them moving!

I disagree! BTW, your so-called Bible is a work of fiction written by a bunch of superstitious old men.
Ya, some of us have to work for a living. We all don't get stypens like you do.

2500 messages a year you aren't working all that hard.
2500 per yr. My goodness.
It probably took you a half hour to come up with your last response.
At the end of these dinners, the president gets a toast...that's why a lot of these journalist, until Trump pulled out, refuse to attend. Trump is toast, nobody likes this for the few idiots that support his lying ass.

Nobody likes this guy??? IIRC, he won the election, had more people come out in his rallies that Hillary or Bernie combined, and you think nobody likes him? You lack credibility in your posts.
I think he should say that there won't be a WH Correspondents dinner because he has decided to cancel it until they do their jobs. The bible says if you don't work, you don't eat. That ought to get them moving!

Come again, "The bible says if you don't work, you don't eat."

2 Thessalonians 3:10-12
King James Version (KJV)

10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.

12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

Looks like that never came outta Jesus' mouth, thanks pard.
Thinking Error: Hopover.
I think he should say that there won't be a WH Correspondents dinner because he has decided to cancel it until they do their jobs. The bible says if you don't work, you don't eat. That ought to get them moving!

I disagree! BTW, your so-called Bible is a work of fiction written by a bunch of superstitious old men.
Ya, some of us have to work for a living. We all don't get stypens like you do.

2500 messages a year you aren't working all that hard.
2500 per yr. My goodness.
I think he should say that there won't be a WH Correspondents dinner because he has decided to cancel it until they do their jobs. The bible says if you don't work, you don't eat. That ought to get them moving!

I disagree! BTW, your so-called Bible is a work of fiction written by a bunch of superstitious old men.
Ya, some of us have to work for a living. We all don't get stypens like you do.

2500 messages a year you aren't working all that hard.
2500 per yr. My goodness.
It probably took you a half hour to come up with your last response.
Thinking Error: Assuming

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