Trump: I Would Intentionally Kill Families To Defeat ISIS

What about the military families that live overseas? And about those international laws, we are signatories of the Geneva Convention. I wish experts like you could just spend one-day sterilizing a collateral damage site. Even one hour. Even just walking through one and seeing the results.

I don't believe those families shojld be overseas. I don't believe the US should have diplomatic or military facilities overseas. The ONLY Americans who should be overseas are US Military personnel ACTIVELY involved in combat operations against enemies of the United States.

We should remove our nsme from ALL foreign treaties and organizations.

I don't have a heart so thise sites would nit likely bother me.
What about the military families that live overseas? And about those international laws, we are signatories of the Geneva Convention. I wish experts like you could just spend one-day sterilizing a collateral damage site. Even one hour. Even just walking through one and seeing the results.

I don't believe those families shojld be overseas. I don't believe the US should have diplomatic or military facilities overseas. The ONLY Americans who should be overseas are US Military personnel ACTIVELY involved in combat operations against enemies of the United States.

We should remove our nsme from ALL foreign treaties and organizations.

I don't have a heart so thise sites would nit likely bother me.
Bullcrap. You would puke your guts up the first time and the vision would be with you forever just like everyone else. Your make believed tough guy act doesn't fool anyone except other make believe tough guys.
I see no valudity in Internayional Law or Morals. I answer to AMERICAN Laws based on the US Constitution

The constitution binds the US to those treaties which it has entered in, which constitute international law. Therefore, if you answer to the constitution, you must uphold the agreements made in those treaties.
Bullcrap. You would puke your guts up the first time and the vision would be with you forever just like everyone else. Your make believed tough guy act doesn't fool anyone except other make believe tough guys.

I work in the ekectric utility industry. Our accidents look and snell like napalm attacks. Already been on 2 accident sites. 69kV will do that to a human body.
Obama has been whacking family members and family friends for years with the drone program against "suspected" terrorists.

Well, air power has been killing families for about 100 years. Why blame drones?

what trump is talking about is knowly aiming at families for the hell of it Not just families getting in the way.
I love it. About time.
Well, at least it'd be an impeachable offense, which would be a step up. LOL
Trump is calling for powers which the US govt doesn't have.

You're innocent until proven guilty, AS AN INDIVIDUAL.

Who'd want a president who doesn't understand the laws?

Well, judging from the polls today, I'd say a whole lot of Americans do. LOL!!
Trump: I Would Intentionally Kill Families To Defeat ISIS
Trump: I Would Intentionally Kill Families To Defeat ISIS
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump defended his proposal to kill the family members of ISIS terrorists on Tuesday, saying the policy would be warranted because family members “know what is going on” with their relatives.

“We have to be much tougher and much stronger than we’ve been,” Trump said at the fifth Republican debate hosted by CNN in Las Vegas. The answer came in response to a question from Josh Jacob, a student at Georgia Tech, who asked, “How would intentionally killing innocent civilians set us apart from ISIS?”

“You look at the attack in California the other day — numerous people, including the mother that knew what was going on,” Trump responded. “They saw a pipe bomb sitting all over the floor. They saw ammunition all over the place. They knew exactly what was going on.”

“I would be very, very firm with families,” he added. “Frankly, that will make people think, because they may not care much about their lives, but they do care, believe it or not, about their families’ lives.”

What do you think???
I think Trump is a dangerous man who does not belong at the head of our military

You are entitled to your opinion as also is the over 40% now who do support Trump
Trump: I Would Intentionally Kill Families To Defeat ISIS
Trump: I Would Intentionally Kill Families To Defeat ISIS
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump defended his proposal to kill the family members of ISIS terrorists on Tuesday, saying the policy would be warranted because family members “know what is going on” with their relatives.

“We have to be much tougher and much stronger than we’ve been,” Trump said at the fifth Republican debate hosted by CNN in Las Vegas. The answer came in response to a question from Josh Jacob, a student at Georgia Tech, who asked, “How would intentionally killing innocent civilians set us apart from ISIS?”

“You look at the attack in California the other day — numerous people, including the mother that knew what was going on,” Trump responded. “They saw a pipe bomb sitting all over the floor. They saw ammunition all over the place. They knew exactly what was going on.”

“I would be very, very firm with families,” he added. “Frankly, that will make people think, because they may not care much about their lives, but they do care, believe it or not, about their families’ lives.”

What do you think???

Saying that you'd kill families is pretty damn ghastly.

Carpet bombing might have that effect. So we now MODIFY carpet bombing with the preface "selective."

Selective carpet bombing?


Let's put PC aside for just a brief moment. Let me ask the question in the most blunt and rude way it can be posed for the moment:

Is it or is it not true that the objective in war is to kill people and break things?

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