Trump: I Would Intentionally Kill Families To Defeat ISIS

Trump is calling for powers which the US govt doesn't have.

You're innocent until proven guilty, AS AN INDIVIDUAL.

Who'd want a president who doesn't understand the laws?

Well, judging from the polls today, I'd say a whole lot of Americans do. LOL!!

Well yeah, and I'd bet almost all of them don't understand the US Constitution or find it inconvenient.

Well, apparently your President doesn't respect the Constitution while Ted Cruz has argued and won before the Supreme Court.

Er... why doesn't he respect the Constitution and so what about Ted Cruz? Arguing in front of the Supreme Court doesn't mean he respects the Constitution.

Obama has appointed Supreme Court justices, so what?

seek medical help. It sounds like your paxil has failed and destroyed a majority of your brain cells.

Great advice, I'll tell the doctor your problems and see what he says.
Trump: I Would Intentionally Kill Families To Defeat ISIS
Trump: I Would Intentionally Kill Families To Defeat ISIS
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump defended his proposal to kill the family members of ISIS terrorists on Tuesday, saying the policy would be warranted because family members “know what is going on” with their relatives.

“We have to be much tougher and much stronger than we’ve been,” Trump said at the fifth Republican debate hosted by CNN in Las Vegas. The answer came in response to a question from Josh Jacob, a student at Georgia Tech, who asked, “How would intentionally killing innocent civilians set us apart from ISIS?”

“You look at the attack in California the other day — numerous people, including the mother that knew what was going on,” Trump responded. “They saw a pipe bomb sitting all over the floor. They saw ammunition all over the place. They knew exactly what was going on.”

“I would be very, very firm with families,” he added. “Frankly, that will make people think, because they may not care much about their lives, but they do care, believe it or not, about their families’ lives.”

What do you think???

That's not what he said. He said he would hold family members responsible for the acts of their family members if it was proven that the family knew what the murderer was going to do and either helped them or did not try to stop them.

We know that you libs hate and fear Trump. But lying does not help your case. Aiding and abetting is already against the law. Trump said that those laws would be enforced. BFD
Bull crap. He said what he said and his supporters are backpedaling or outright lying to defend him. Interestingly, he tells the same lie over and over to explain and defend himself. The nonsense about the 9/11 terrorist sending family and friends home from America before they launched the attack. Note, family, and friends before the attack took place. 100% LIE. He has been called a liar for his comments but continues to tell the lie.
Barry Hussein already did it and the target was a freaking American citizen. Yeah, the president authorized a drone strike on an American who was considered to be an enemy while he was driving down a road in a foreign country. When his son and his son's friend was also killed in the drone missile attack liberals snickered at the administration's snide remark "the kid should have picked a better father". Killing civilians was an acknowledged strategy in winning WW2. Don't you remember Allied bombers unleashing fire bombs on Dresden, Germany which wasn't even a military target? We incinerated Japanese in two A Bomb attacks to force the maniac leaders to surrender. Bill Clinton authorized American bombers to carpet bomb the Yugoslavian countryside and the city of Belgrade to force one man to surrender.
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Barry Hussein already did it and the target was a freaking American citizen. Yeah, the president authorized a drone strike on an American who was considered to be an enemy while he was driving down a road in a foreign country. When his son and his son's friend was also killed in the drone missile attack liberals snickered at the administration's snide remark "the kid should have picked a better father". Killing civilians was an acknowledged strategy in winning WW2. Don't you remember Allied bombers unleashing fire bombs on Dresden, Germany which wasn't even a military target? We incinerated Japanese in two A Bomb attacks to force the maniac leaders to surrender. Bill Clinton authorized American bombers to carpet bomb the Yugoslavian countryside and the city of Belgrade to force one man to surrender.
The American that got droned was a high value al Qaeda target. He was a traitor that made English language propaganda and recruitment video's. His son was killed for hanging out with the chief of al Qaeda's chief of media. I just posted the story a few comments back. Germany bombed the UK and London in particularly. It was how wars were fought 80 years ago.
The best piece of crap, however, is your claim that the US carpet bombed the Yugoslavian countryside and Belgrade.
Barry Hussein already did it and the target was a freaking American citizen. Yeah, the president authorized a drone strike on an American who was considered to be an enemy while he was driving down a road in a foreign country. When his son and his son's friend was also killed in the drone missile attack liberals snickered at the administration's snide remark "the kid should have picked a better father". Killing civilians was an acknowledged strategy in winning WW2. Don't you remember Allied bombers unleashing fire bombs on Dresden, Germany which wasn't even a military target? We incinerated Japanese in two A Bomb attacks to force the maniac leaders to surrender. Bill Clinton authorized American bombers to carpet bomb the Yugoslavian countryside and the city of Belgrade to force one man to surrender.

So you would have left alone an American traitor who became the leading terrorist recruiter for al Qaeda to recruit more Jihadist? Whose side are you on anyway.

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