Trump: Ignore all facts, backgrounds, business dealings in cabinet. Replace with hope, no change

Trump is asking that you ignore his former Advisor Paul Manafort and his ties working for the Ukraine because there is no connection to Russia

You should also ignore his other former advisor Carter Page who also had ties to Russia because there is no ties to Russia...except maybe he held a conference there.

But dont pay attention to that. Its not what it looks like.

You should also ignore that Trump's son said they have significant business dealings with Russia because he's just a kid who's going to run Trumps company and what does he know, right?

Dont pay attention to Rex Tillersons medal from the Kremlin. Who hasnt gotten a medal from Vlad before?


Optics mean nothing. Dont even pay it any mind because there is no connection there.

The CIA said Russia hacked us so in response Trump attacks the CIA, not Russia. Weird move here but again dont put these things together to mean anything because that wouldnt be fair.

Trump defended Putin several times during his campaign. But to say he defended him as meaning there is something there is crazy talk. Its just a coincidence.

So, if you look at the things Trump has done and said you might come to a conclusion that shows he's connected with Russia. But you should ignore what hes said, done and will do because he's told us that faith in humanity is better than someones personal history.

And the Rubes eat it up.
Trump hasn't asked me anything. You lie again.

Sorry, I meant he tells you and you go forth with the message. Thanks for the correction

Still trolling the leftist losing position, eh CC? Try something new. Even Barry said your clap trap was bogus and that came from the Liar in Chief himself. Afraid of Trump's success making your party even more obsolete and irrelevant?

Dont use Barry as your human shield. You guys found more connections between a Pizza place and child sex with less. Now your Batman skills dont work when you have actual pictures and people? Funny shit

Stickin' with the shit theme, eh CC? Are you stuck on repeat?

2 attempts and you still lose.
Trump hasn't asked me anything. You lie again.

Sorry, I meant he tells you and you go forth with the message. Thanks for the correction

Still trolling the leftist losing position, eh CC? Try something new. Even Barry said your clap trap was bogus and that came from the Liar in Chief himself. Afraid of Trump's success making your party even more obsolete and irrelevant?

Dont use Barry as your human shield. You guys found more connections between a Pizza place and child sex with less. Now your Batman skills dont work when you have actual pictures and people? Funny shit

Stickin' with the shit theme, eh CC? Are you stuck on repeat?

2 attempts and you still lose.
Nah, you've got nothing but hot air. Address the issue.
Sorry, I meant he tells you and you go forth with the message. Thanks for the correction

Still trolling the leftist losing position, eh CC? Try something new. Even Barry said your clap trap was bogus and that came from the Liar in Chief himself. Afraid of Trump's success making your party even more obsolete and irrelevant?

Dont use Barry as your human shield. You guys found more connections between a Pizza place and child sex with less. Now your Batman skills dont work when you have actual pictures and people? Funny shit

Stickin' with the shit theme, eh CC? Are you stuck on repeat?

2 attempts and you still lose.
Nah, you've got nothing but hot air. Address the issue.

I made the issue. Go re-read the OP and try your best to address it. You cant tho so you just have zingers to share. 3 posts and nothing yet
Pupps is addressing your fascination with feces. You hijacked your own thread onto that subject. Now, have you received counseling or do you just fondle unsupervised?
Pupps is addressing your fascination with feces. You hijacked your own thread onto that subject. Now, have you received counseling or do you just fondle unsupervised?

But thats not the topic nor does your assertion make it true. Now do you want to address the topic now or try the same bs again? I bet I know which one you'll choose
Ignore all posts that show Russia and Trumps ties. Use Zingers instead. Do not address the topic because there isnt a defense
Your OP is just leftist horseshit, which we all know now that you admittedly like to fondle.
The Incredible Shrinking Presidency

Remember when Mitt Romney said that Russia was our greatest geopolitical foe? I remember how the media trashed him for stating the obvious. Obama had been caught talking about increased flexibility after he was re-elected, and everyone was saying that things had changed to the point that Russia wasn't our enemy anymore. The trust was so great that Obama practically turned over our manned space program to the Russians. Well, now we discover that Russia isn't the friend Obama and the left tried to make us believe and that Mitt Romney was spot on.

Good grief! Russia is a member of the G8 and G20. Of course most business people have had relations with Russia. And communist China. And.....and.....and.....

You left wing loons are truly going over the edge and I love it!


Another conspiracy theory they'll deny.

Too funny.
Good grief! Russia is a member of the G8 and G20. Of course most business people have had relations with Russia. And communist China. And.....and.....and.....

You left wing loons are truly going over the edge and I love it!


You're right, you just cant find help anymore that doesnt have Russian ties. And just because a half dozen of them have ties to Russia doesnt mean they have ties to Russia.

Everyone has been awarded by Kremlin a medal. Those are like Cracker Jack prizes am I right?

Another conspiracy theory they'll deny.

Too funny.

Pictures arent worth a thousand words



ITS A CONSPIRACY! Those are Dem shape shifters!




If we become Russians, do I have to wear red?

I don't look good in red.
You are the shit eater. your dear little dicky"thedonald" has you kneeling before him so you are eating much more than his shit.

If liberals like you hate what Trump is doing, then Trump must be doing the right things.

"If someone dont like it it must be good!" Well, I guess your favorite food are shit sandwiches, I hate them. Bon Appetite!
I had to eat 8 years of shit from the bi racial president who caused more diversity since the civil war. I think you fuckers deserve to eat shit, but as usual, when Republicans get in office, then everyone, even you , end up doing better. But again, if you don't like what Trump is going to do, leave for CUBA, please do US all a favor. Little fucking baby.

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