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Trump Implies George Bush responsible for 9/11

BB, you still haven't shown me that had Bush carried on with Clinton's own EXACT SAME anti-terrorist programs how he would have been able to prevent 9/11. Wasn't going to happen because the great Clinton anti-terrorism program you just cited FAILED to detect and stop the planning of 9/11, an event no one had ever conceived of.

Here is a clip from Condoleezza Rice's testimony before the 9/11 commission:

"On an operational level, we decided immediately to continue pursuing the Clinton administration's covert action authorities and other efforts to fight the network. President Bush retained George Tenet as director of central intelligence, and Louis Freeh remained the director of the FBI. I took the unusual step of retaining Dick Clarke and the entire Clinton administration's counterterrorism team on the NSC staff.

I knew Dick to be an expert in his field, as well as an experienced crisis manager. Our goal was to ensure continuity of operations while we developed new and more aggressive policies.

At the beginning of the administration, President Bush revived the practice of meeting with the director of central intelligence almost every day in the Oval Office -- meetings which I attended, along with the vice president and the chief of staff. At these meetings, the president received up-to-date intelligence and asked questions of his most senior intelligence officials.

From January 20 through September 10, the president received at these daily meetings more than 40 briefing items on al Qaeda, and 13 of these were in response to questions he or his top advisers had posed. In addition to seeing DCI Tenet almost every morning, I generally spoke by telephone every morning at 7:15 with Secretaries Powell and Rumsfeld. I also met and spoke regularly with the DCI about al Qaeda and terrorism.

Of course, we also had other responsibilities. President Bush had set a broad foreign policy agenda. We were determined to confront the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. We were improving America's relations with the world's great powers.

We had to change an Iraq policy that was making no progress against a hostile regime which regularly shot at U.S. planes enforcing U.N. Security Council resolutions. And we had to deal with the occasional crisis, for instance, when the crew of a Navy plane was detained in China for 11 days.

We also moved to develop a new and comprehensive strategy to eliminate the al Qaeda terrorist network. President Bush understood the threat, and he understood its importance. He made clear to us that he did not want to respond to al Qaeda one attack at a time. He told me he was "tired of swatting flies."

I highlighted where Rice indicated that Iraq had become the priority and the administration was tired of "swatting flies"
CNN.com - Transcript of Rice's 9/11 commission statement - Apr 8, 2004

BB, you still haven't shown me that had Bush carried on with Clinton's own EXACT SAME anti-terrorist programs how he would have been able to prevent 9/11. Wasn't going to happen because the great Clinton anti-terrorism program you just cited FAILED to detect and stop the planning of 9/11, an event no one had ever conceived of.

Here is a clip from Condoleezza Rice's testimony before the 9/11 commission:

"On an operational level, we decided immediately to continue pursuing the Clinton administration's covert action authorities and other efforts to fight the network. President Bush retained George Tenet as director of central intelligence, and Louis Freeh remained the director of the FBI. I took the unusual step of retaining Dick Clarke and the entire Clinton administration's counterterrorism team on the NSC staff.

I knew Dick to be an expert in his field, as well as an experienced crisis manager. Our goal was to ensure continuity of operations while we developed new and more aggressive policies.

At the beginning of the administration, President Bush revived the practice of meeting with the director of central intelligence almost every day in the Oval Office -- meetings which I attended, along with the vice president and the chief of staff. At these meetings, the president received up-to-date intelligence and asked questions of his most senior intelligence officials.

From January 20 through September 10, the president received at these daily meetings more than 40 briefing items on al Qaeda, and 13 of these were in response to questions he or his top advisers had posed. In addition to seeing DCI Tenet almost every morning, I generally spoke by telephone every morning at 7:15 with Secretaries Powell and Rumsfeld. I also met and spoke regularly with the DCI about al Qaeda and terrorism.

Of course, we also had other responsibilities. President Bush had set a broad foreign policy agenda. We were determined to confront the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. We were improving America's relations with the world's great powers.

We had to change an Iraq policy that was making no progress against a hostile regime which regularly shot at U.S. planes enforcing U.N. Security Council resolutions. And we had to deal with the occasional crisis, for instance, when the crew of a Navy plane was detained in China for 11 days.

We also moved to develop a new and comprehensive strategy to eliminate the al Qaeda terrorist network. President Bush understood the threat, and he understood its importance. He made clear to us that he did not want to respond to al Qaeda one attack at a time. He told me he was "tired of swatting flies."

I highlighted where Rice indicated that Iraq had become the priority and the administration was tired of "swatting flies"
CNN.com - Transcript of Rice's 9/11 commission statement - Apr 8, 2004

of course, Iraq was the wrong target for that... but what the heck....
I highlighted where Rice indicated that Iraq had become the priority and the administration was tired of "swatting flies"
I wondered when Tweedle Dee would show up. Some die-hard partisan Libs still keep pointing fingers at W but, as I poined out a minute ago, if Bush would have adopted Clinton's security policy - WHICH FAILED TO DETECT AND STOP THE TRAINING FOR 9/11, the same thing would have happened.

Just as I don't fault W for 9/11 I don't fault Obama for the Fort hood Shooting or the Navy Recruiting Station shooting....however....

No one ever told Clinton and W that on 9/11/01 these SPECIFIC GUYS are going to execute a terrorist attack on America. An Al Qaeida leader, however, called for the assassination of Ambassador Stevens on 9/11/12...and not only did Hillary and Obama NOT doing anything about it to ensure his security, they even REDUCED the number of Americans on his Security detail...AFTER the threat they ignored AND after the 2 terrorist attacks on his compound in the weeks before 9/11/12!

Clinton and Bush weren't told in advance I am going to kill THESE people on THIS day like Obama was.

Clinton and W weren't given the names / identities of the terrorists that were going to execute a terrorist attack on the US LIKE OBAMA WAS! Russian Intel and Putin told the Obama administration exactly who the Tsarnaev brothers were, that they had attended a terrorist training camp, and that they were a threat...and the Obama administration still ALLOWED the Boston Terror attack happen. And AFTER it happened, they plastered the TV with pictures of their faces and pleaded with the public to help them find these two AS IF THEY DID NOT KNOW WHO THEY WERE....WHEN THEY KNEW EXACTLY WHO THEY WERE!

UNLIKE CLINTON AND W, Obama was SPOON-FED the names of these 2 in plenty of time to prevent the attack, but HE had higher priorities / better things to do.
I highlighted where Rice indicated that Iraq had become the priority and the administration was tired of "swatting flies"
I wondered when Tweedle Dee would show up. Some die-hard partisan Libs still keep pointing fingers at W but, as I poined out a minute ago, if Bush would have adopted Clinton's security policy - WHICH FAILED TO DETECT AND STOP THE TRAINING FOR 9/11, the same thing would have happened.

Just as I don't fault W for 9/11 I don't fault Obama for the Fort hood Shooting or the Navy Recruiting Station shooting....however....

No one ever told Clinton and W that on 9/11/01 these SPECIFIC GUYS are going to execute a terrorist attack on America. An Al Qaeida leader, however, called for the assassination of Ambassador Stevens on 9/11/12...and not only did Hillary and Obama NOT doing anything about it to ensure his security, they even REDUCED the number of Americans on his Security detail...AFTER the threat they ignored AND after the 2 terrorist attacks on his compound in the weeks before 9/11/12!

Clinton and Bush weren't told in advance I am going to kill THESE people on THIS day like Obama was.

Clinton and W weren't given the names / identities of the terrorists that were going to execute a terrorist attack on the US LIKE OBAMA WAS! Russian Intel and Putin told the Obama administration exactly who the Tsarnaev brothers were, that they had attended a terrorist training camp, and that they were a threat...and the Obama administration still ALLOWED the Boston Terror attack happen. And AFTER it happened, they plastered the TV with pictures of their faces and pleaded with the public to help them find these two AS IF THEY DID NOT KNOW WHO THEY WERE....WHEN THEY KNEW EXACTLY WHO THEY WERE!

UNLIKE CLINTON AND W, Obama was SPOON-FED the names of these 2 in plenty of time to prevent the attack, but HE had higher priorities / better things to do.

Bush had multiple warnings that harm was coming to the United States, he failed to keep us safe on 9/11. He failed to keep us safe from anthrax attacks, He failed to keep us safe from Katrina, he failed to keep us safe from a financial meltdown, he failed to keep us safe by securing the border which after 9/11 Democrats would have been happy to support, In the matter of the Boston Marathon, Russia refused to give any additional information about Tsarnaev, so what we had was essentially useless. Could more have been done? you bet, just like on 9/11.
Donald Trump blames George W Bush for 9/11
'Say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time'
Donald Trump is still Donald Trump.

During an interview on Bloomberg TV on Friday, Mr Trump was asked how he would make Americans safe and proud while dealing with potential crisis.

“I think I have a bigger heart than all of them. I think I’m much more competent than all of them. When you talk about George Bush — I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time.”

Yes, the Republican front-runner said that former President George W Bush is somewhat responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks that took the lives of 2,977 people in New York City, Washington DC and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Bloomberg anchor Stephanie Ruhle immediately interjected telling him: "Hold on, you can't blame George Bush for that."

However, it was too late, Mr Trump continued to air out his feelings toward the Republican establishment: "He was president, okay? Blame him or don't blame him but he was president. The World Trade Center came down during his reign."

He would then criticise the government's response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that left 20 children and six staff members dead in 2012.

"If you look at Sandy Hook, those people are still begging for help. It's a disaster, and it's a disaster all over the place," he said. "Government has proven to be a disaster during the Obama administration. What we need is a leader, we don't have a leader."

Jeb Bush, who's currently polling fourth behind Mr Trump, Ben Carson and Marco Rubio, would unsurprisingly come to the defense of his older brother by releasing a statement on Twitter.
Just last week, Mr Trump took a shot at former President Bush onCNN by calling the war in Iraq a "terrible mistake."

"We made a terrible mistake getting involved there in the first place. It's a mess, it's a mess and at this point we probably have to [leave soldiers in Afghanistan] because that thing will collapse in about two seconds after they leave."

Watch the full segment below:

Actually, Trump explicitly said he didn't blame Bush. But he was tempering the notion that he "kept us safe." So, you basically made an entire thread based on a lie.

Maybe next time, you'll get it right, rookie.

The title to the thread is Trump implies that George Bush is responsible for 911. Trump says he doesn't believe Bush keep the country safe. He says the attack might have been avoided had Bush been tougher on immigration. He leaves it up the viewer to conclude that Bush bears responsibility for 911. Then he says Bush is not responsible. This is typically Trump. Lead the viewer to an inescapable conclusion, then back off and let the viewer reach his own conclusion. Good showmanship. This is a most effective propaganda tool.
Donald Trump blames George W Bush for 9/11
'Say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time'
Donald Trump is still Donald Trump.

During an interview on Bloomberg TV on Friday, Mr Trump was asked how he would make Americans safe and proud while dealing with potential crisis.

“I think I have a bigger heart than all of them. I think I’m much more competent than all of them. When you talk about George Bush — I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time.”

Yes, the Republican front-runner said that former President George W Bush is somewhat responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks that took the lives of 2,977 people in New York City, Washington DC and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Bloomberg anchor Stephanie Ruhle immediately interjected telling him: "Hold on, you can't blame George Bush for that."

However, it was too late, Mr Trump continued to air out his feelings toward the Republican establishment: "He was president, okay? Blame him or don't blame him but he was president. The World Trade Center came down during his reign."

He would then criticise the government's response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that left 20 children and six staff members dead in 2012.

"If you look at Sandy Hook, those people are still begging for help. It's a disaster, and it's a disaster all over the place," he said. "Government has proven to be a disaster during the Obama administration. What we need is a leader, we don't have a leader."

Jeb Bush, who's currently polling fourth behind Mr Trump, Ben Carson and Marco Rubio, would unsurprisingly come to the defense of his older brother by releasing a statement on Twitter.
Just last week, Mr Trump took a shot at former President Bush onCNN by calling the war in Iraq a "terrible mistake."

"We made a terrible mistake getting involved there in the first place. It's a mess, it's a mess and at this point we probably have to [leave soldiers in Afghanistan] because that thing will collapse in about two seconds after they leave."

Watch the full segment below:

Actually, Trump explicitly said he didn't blame Bush. But he was tempering the notion that he "kept us safe." So, you basically made an entire thread based on a lie.

Maybe next time, you'll get it right, rookie.

And Trump is wrong. Bush is to blame. Not for the attack, Al-qaeda is responsible for that; but for not protecting America. Despite warnings that Al-qaeda was planning attack, Bush did absolutely nothing to prevent the attack.

Clinton got those same warnings. Guess he didn't need to protect America either.

Wonder if you can tell us just what he did about those same warnings??

The whole thing was planned on his watch or did you think those dirtbags planned, trained and carried it out in the eight months Bush was in office??

Hope you have an answer for Clinton's total disregard of those warnings.

Of course I have an answer... You're right, Clinton did receive some of those same warnings.

But unlike Bush, who did absolutely nothing in response to the warnings, Clinton had security raised at some airports in the northeast.

Result? No attack. No one killed. No planes hijacked. No buildings bombed.

Compared to Bush who did nothing.

Result? Worst terrorist attack in the U.S. in history. 3,000 people killed. 4 planes hijacked in a single morning. Pentagon bombed and the World Trade Center obliterated.

Thanks, you made a good point for once. :thup:
"Somewhat responsible"... maybe. If Bush made any mistakes in his first eight months in office it was not firing every lazy SOB hired by Clinton and indicting Clinton/s A.G. for threatening to arrest any FBI agent who shared information with the CIA. That's the extent of his responsibility.
Ya mean the few folks in Bush's administration who were actually trying to warn him?
  • Jeb Bush agrees that 9/11 happened due to Bush/Clinton immigration policies!!!!
    American Thinker ^ | Ed Straker
    Donald Trump took a lot of heat for implying that George W. Bush was responsible for failing to prevent 9/11. (He didn't say it outright, saying merely that it happened on Bush's watch.) He said that our porous immigration system was partially responsible for the attacks. And as it turns out, Jeb Bush agrees: ....a review Jeb Bush’s 2013 book Immigration Wars reveals that Jeb Bush himself agreed with Trump’s argument and admitted that our “leaky” immigration policy was responsible for the attack. Bush wrote: In addition to the Mexican drug cartels, the...
I highlighted where Rice indicated that Iraq had become the priority and the administration was tired of "swatting flies"
I wondered when Tweedle Dee would show up. Some die-hard partisan Libs still keep pointing fingers at W but, as I poined out a minute ago, if Bush would have adopted Clinton's security policy - WHICH FAILED TO DETECT AND STOP THE TRAINING FOR 9/11, the same thing would have happened.

Just as I don't fault W for 9/11 I don't fault Obama for the Fort hood Shooting or the Navy Recruiting Station shooting....however....

No one ever told Clinton and W that on 9/11/01 these SPECIFIC GUYS are going to execute a terrorist attack on America. An Al Qaeida leader, however, called for the assassination of Ambassador Stevens on 9/11/12...and not only did Hillary and Obama NOT doing anything about it to ensure his security, they even REDUCED the number of Americans on his Security detail...AFTER the threat they ignored AND after the 2 terrorist attacks on his compound in the weeks before 9/11/12!

Clinton and Bush weren't told in advance I am going to kill THESE people on THIS day like Obama was.

Clinton and W weren't given the names / identities of the terrorists that were going to execute a terrorist attack on the US LIKE OBAMA WAS! Russian Intel and Putin told the Obama administration exactly who the Tsarnaev brothers were, that they had attended a terrorist training camp, and that they were a threat...and the Obama administration still ALLOWED the Boston Terror attack happen. And AFTER it happened, they plastered the TV with pictures of their faces and pleaded with the public to help them find these two AS IF THEY DID NOT KNOW WHO THEY WERE....WHEN THEY KNEW EXACTLY WHO THEY WERE!

UNLIKE CLINTON AND W, Obama was SPOON-FED the names of these 2 in plenty of time to prevent the attack, but HE had higher priorities / better things to do.
What warning did Obama have about Fort Hood?
Donald Trump blames George W Bush for 9/11
'Say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time'
Donald Trump is still Donald Trump.

During an interview on Bloomberg TV on Friday, Mr Trump was asked how he would make Americans safe and proud while dealing with potential crisis.

“I think I have a bigger heart than all of them. I think I’m much more competent than all of them. When you talk about George Bush — I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time.”

Yes, the Republican front-runner said that former President George W Bush is somewhat responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks that took the lives of 2,977 people in New York City, Washington DC and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Bloomberg anchor Stephanie Ruhle immediately interjected telling him: "Hold on, you can't blame George Bush for that."

However, it was too late, Mr Trump continued to air out his feelings toward the Republican establishment: "He was president, okay? Blame him or don't blame him but he was president. The World Trade Center came down during his reign."

He would then criticise the government's response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that left 20 children and six staff members dead in 2012.

"If you look at Sandy Hook, those people are still begging for help. It's a disaster, and it's a disaster all over the place," he said. "Government has proven to be a disaster during the Obama administration. What we need is a leader, we don't have a leader."

Jeb Bush, who's currently polling fourth behind Mr Trump, Ben Carson and Marco Rubio, would unsurprisingly come to the defense of his older brother by releasing a statement on Twitter.
Just last week, Mr Trump took a shot at former President Bush onCNN by calling the war in Iraq a "terrible mistake."

"We made a terrible mistake getting involved there in the first place. It's a mess, it's a mess and at this point we probably have to [leave soldiers in Afghanistan] because that thing will collapse in about two seconds after they leave."

Watch the full segment below:

Actually, Trump explicitly said he didn't blame Bush. But he was tempering the notion that he "kept us safe." So, you basically made an entire thread based on a lie.

Maybe next time, you'll get it right, rookie.

And Trump is wrong. Bush is to blame. Not for the attack, Al-qaeda is responsible for that; but for not protecting America. Despite warnings that Al-qaeda was planning attack, Bush did absolutely nothing to prevent the attack.

Clinton got those same warnings. Guess he didn't need to protect America either.

Wonder if you can tell us just what he did about those same warnings??

The whole thing was planned on his watch or did you think those dirtbags planned, trained and carried it out in the eight months Bush was in office??

Hope you have an answer for Clinton's total disregard of those warnings.

Of course I have an answer... You're right, Clinton did receive some of those same warnings.

But unlike Bush, who did absolutely nothing in response to the warnings, Clinton had security raised at some airports in the northeast.

Result? No attack. No one killed. No planes hijacked. No buildings bombed.

Compared to Bush who did nothing.

Result? Worst terrorist attack in the U.S. in history. 3,000 people killed. 4 planes hijacked in a single morning. Pentagon bombed and the World Trade Center obliterated.

Thanks, you made a good point for once. :thup:

Nope. They weren't ready to attack until 9-11. Not hard to figure out. You don't attack until everything is in place. You can bet your ass Clinton is on his knees every night thanking God they waited those eight months.

Clinton went through the motions according to you but I'd bet he made no real effort to find out who, what or where. He did virtually nothing.

Its easy to blame Bush because he was in office when the attack occurred and he will always get the blame.

Me?? I blame the dirtbag Muslims piloting those planes and a Govt. that did virtually nothing even though FBI agent John O'Neil knew something was going to happen, just not when or where. No one listened to him, his bosses thought he was nuts.

That's the Govt. we are stuck with. Too little to late or nothing at all.
Donald Trump blames George W Bush for 9/11
'Say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time'
Donald Trump is still Donald Trump.

During an interview on Bloomberg TV on Friday, Mr Trump was asked how he would make Americans safe and proud while dealing with potential crisis.

“I think I have a bigger heart than all of them. I think I’m much more competent than all of them. When you talk about George Bush — I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time.”

Yes, the Republican front-runner said that former President George W Bush is somewhat responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks that took the lives of 2,977 people in New York City, Washington DC and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Bloomberg anchor Stephanie Ruhle immediately interjected telling him: "Hold on, you can't blame George Bush for that."

However, it was too late, Mr Trump continued to air out his feelings toward the Republican establishment: "He was president, okay? Blame him or don't blame him but he was president. The World Trade Center came down during his reign."

He would then criticise the government's response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that left 20 children and six staff members dead in 2012.

"If you look at Sandy Hook, those people are still begging for help. It's a disaster, and it's a disaster all over the place," he said. "Government has proven to be a disaster during the Obama administration. What we need is a leader, we don't have a leader."

Jeb Bush, who's currently polling fourth behind Mr Trump, Ben Carson and Marco Rubio, would unsurprisingly come to the defense of his older brother by releasing a statement on Twitter.
Just last week, Mr Trump took a shot at former President Bush onCNN by calling the war in Iraq a "terrible mistake."

"We made a terrible mistake getting involved there in the first place. It's a mess, it's a mess and at this point we probably have to [leave soldiers in Afghanistan] because that thing will collapse in about two seconds after they leave."

Watch the full segment below:

Actually, Trump explicitly said he didn't blame Bush. But he was tempering the notion that he "kept us safe." So, you basically made an entire thread based on a lie.

Maybe next time, you'll get it right, rookie.

And Trump is wrong. Bush is to blame. Not for the attack, Al-qaeda is responsible for that; but for not protecting America. Despite warnings that Al-qaeda was planning attack, Bush did absolutely nothing to prevent the attack.

Clinton got those same warnings. Guess he didn't need to protect America either.

Wonder if you can tell us just what he did about those same warnings??

The whole thing was planned on his watch or did you think those dirtbags planned, trained and carried it out in the eight months Bush was in office??

Hope you have an answer for Clinton's total disregard of those warnings.

Of course I have an answer... You're right, Clinton did receive some of those same warnings.

But unlike Bush, who did absolutely nothing in response to the warnings, Clinton had security raised at some airports in the northeast.

Result? No attack. No one killed. No planes hijacked. No buildings bombed.

Compared to Bush who did nothing.

Result? Worst terrorist attack in the U.S. in history. 3,000 people killed. 4 planes hijacked in a single morning. Pentagon bombed and the World Trade Center obliterated.

Thanks, you made a good point for once. :thup:

Nope. They weren't ready to attack until 9-11. Not hard to figure out. You don't attack until everything is in place. You can bet your ass Clinton is on his knees every night thanking God they waited those eight months.

Clinton went through the motions according to you but I'd bet he made no real effort to find out who, what or where. He did virtually nothing.

Its easy to blame Bush because he was in office when the attack occurred and he will always get the blame.

Me?? I blame the dirtbag Muslims piloting those planes and a Govt. that did virtually nothing even though FBI agent John O'Neil knew something was going to happen, just not when or where. No one listened to him, his bosses thought he was nuts.

That's the Govt. we are stuck with. Too little to late or nothing at all.

That's odd? You said, "Clinton got the same warnings." How could he get the same warnings if there was no threat?

You didn't think this through, did you? And where's your proof they weren't ready? Sounds like you're making up a claim you can't prove.
um leftard. clinton DID get the same warnings and not only the same ones but ALL THE WAY BACK IN HIS FIRST YEAR, you know the FIRST TIME ISLAMIC TERRORISTS TRIED TO TAKE DOWN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER???

yes loon in an after-action review of the 1993 truck bomb attack on the WTC Clinton was advised the next attempt might involve airplanes
Chapter 11 “Foresight — and Hindsight,” pp. 339-360
It warned that the 1993 World Trade Center bombing had been intended to kill a lot of ... mentioned a possible plot to fly an explosives-laden aircraft into a U.S. city. ... Command [NORAD] imagined the possible use of aircraft as weapons, too… ... agency capabilities came in 2000, as part of a millennium after-action review
um leftard. clinton DID get the same warnings and not only the same ones but ALL THE WAY BACK IN HIS FIRST YEAR, you know the FIRST TIME ISLAMIC TERRORISTS TRIED TO TAKE DOWN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER???

yes loon in an after-action review of the 1993 truck bomb attack on the WTC Clinton was advised the next attempt might involve airplanes
Clinton and Bush get the dame warning .... terrorists are determined to strike in the U.S. and hijackings are suspected.

Clinton responds by increasing security at some NE airports.

Result? No planes hijacked. No attack. Nobody killed. No buildings bombed.

Bush gets that warning and goes on vacation.

Result? 4 planes hijacked in a single morning. Worst terrorist attack in U.S. history. 3000 people killed. Pentagon bombed and the World Trade Center obliterated.
um leftard. clinton DID get the same warnings and not only the same ones but ALL THE WAY BACK IN HIS FIRST YEAR, you know the FIRST TIME ISLAMIC TERRORISTS TRIED TO TAKE DOWN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER???

yes loon in an after-action review of the 1993 truck bomb attack on the WTC Clinton was advised the next attempt might involve airplanes
Clinton and Bush get the dame warning .... terrorists are determined to strike in the U.S. and hijackings are suspected.

Clinton responds by increasing security at some NE airports.

Result? No planes hijacked. No attack. Nobody killed. No buildings bombed.

Bush gets that warning and goes on vacation.

Result? 4 planes hijacked in a single morning. Worst terrorist attack in U.S. history. 3000 people killed. Pentagon bombed and the World Trade Center obliterated.

the result was 9-11 you self-deceiving loser

clinton handed over the country never knowing the next crew WAS ALREADY HERE; even though he had HIS WHOLE TIME IN OFFICE, EIGHT YEARS. to be on the lookout for the guys trying to finish the job

or DID he know they were already here and didnt say anything?

which is it/
um leftard. clinton DID get the same warnings and not only the same ones but ALL THE WAY BACK IN HIS FIRST YEAR, you know the FIRST TIME ISLAMIC TERRORISTS TRIED TO TAKE DOWN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER???

yes loon in an after-action review of the 1993 truck bomb attack on the WTC Clinton was advised the next attempt might involve airplanes
Clinton and Bush get the dame warning .... terrorists are determined to strike in the U.S. and hijackings are suspected.

Clinton responds by increasing security at some NE airports.

Result? No planes hijacked. No attack. Nobody killed. No buildings bombed.

Bush gets that warning and goes on vacation.

Result? 4 planes hijacked in a single morning. Worst terrorist attack in U.S. history. 3000 people killed. Pentagon bombed and the World Trade Center obliterated.

the result was 9-11 you self-deceiving loser

clinton handed over the country never knowing the next crew WAS ALREADY HERE; even though he had HIS WHOLE TIME IN OFFICE, EIGHT YEARS. to be on the lookout for the guys trying to finish the job

or DID he know they were already here and didnt say anything?

which is it/
Terrorists failed to pull off 9/11 on Clinton's watch after he raised airport security. The terrorists had to wait until America elected a rube like Bush to pull it off.

Clinton even warned America of the threat. The American rightwing nuts said he was using that as an "excuse" to spend more money on ... get this ... counter-terrorism.

Clinton's Post-Impeachment Push for Power

Clinton predicted on January 22 that it is "highly likely" that a terrorist group will attack on American soil within the next few years. He is using this risk as the excuse to create a Domestic Terrorism Team headed by a military "commander in chief," with a $2.8 billion budget. We should not underestimate the deceit and deviousness of Clinton's plans to use aggressive presidential actions to wipe out public memory of his impeachment trial.
um leftard. clinton DID get the same warnings and not only the same ones but ALL THE WAY BACK IN HIS FIRST YEAR, you know the FIRST TIME ISLAMIC TERRORISTS TRIED TO TAKE DOWN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER???

yes loon in an after-action review of the 1993 truck bomb attack on the WTC Clinton was advised the next attempt might involve airplanes
Clinton and Bush get the dame warning .... terrorists are determined to strike in the U.S. and hijackings are suspected.

Clinton responds by increasing security at some NE airports.

Result? No planes hijacked. No attack. Nobody killed. No buildings bombed.

Bush gets that warning and goes on vacation.

Result? 4 planes hijacked in a single morning. Worst terrorist attack in U.S. history. 3000 people killed. Pentagon bombed and the World Trade Center obliterated.

the result was 9-11 you self-deceiving loser

clinton handed over the country never knowing the next crew WAS ALREADY HERE; even though he had HIS WHOLE TIME IN OFFICE, EIGHT YEARS. to be on the lookout for the guys trying to finish the job

or DID he know they were already here and didnt say anything?

which is it/
Terrorists failed to pull off 9/11 on Clinton's watch after he raised airport security. The terrorists had to wait until America elected a rube like Bush to pull it off.

Clinton even warned America of the threat. The American rightwing nuts said he was using that as an "excuse" to spend more money on ... get this ... counter-terrorism.

Clinton's Post-Impeachment Push for Power

Clinton predicted on January 22 that it is "highly likely" that a terrorist group will attack on American soil within the next few years. He is using this risk as the excuse to create a Domestic Terrorism Team headed by a military "commander in chief," with a $2.8 billion budget. We should not underestimate the deceit and deviousness of Clinton's plans to use aggressive presidential actions to wipe out public memory of his impeachment trial.

again you're lying to YOURSELF.

clinton's people MADE IT HARDER TO DETECT TERRORISTS by forbidding intelligence-sharing between agencies

keep trying though

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