Trump Increases Lead to 25 Percent in New Reuters Poll

Trump is currently losing the general election by 20 points... Bernie Sanders.

Until the Republicans get the field narrowed down polls like that like that are mealiness.

The poll that the filthy ass Democrats should be most worried about nowadays is the one that shows that the great majority of Americans think that The Hildabeast is untrustworthy. Also the polls in the swing states that have The Hildabeast losing to almost any Republican.

I've opposed Hillary Clinton all the way, so I guess I'm the smartest guy in the room eh?

She is the front runner among in the party of Moon Bats.

The Moon Bats have a corrupt, lying stolen valor, incompetent bitch, a Looney Tune demented confused socialists and it looks like they will be adding Crazy Uncle Joe to the mix.

Unbelievable pathetic slate of candidates for the Moon bats to chose from.

They should be worried. After Obama's failed Presidency they will have a hard time come the General Election and none of the Moon Bat candidates are worth a shit.

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