Trump inherits Obama boom

so many stopped looking for work
Back that up with facts and data.

Your bullshit talking points don't work when we're at full employment: 4.6%.

Labor participation is historically low, clearly employment is not good. Only Democrats would celebrate people not even wanting a job

of course...everytime someone gets on government welfare the democrats cheer....another democrat voter for life....
Say it, Right-Wingers!


Trump inherits Obama boom .

The president is handing his successor an economy that’s now the envy of the world.

NEW YORK — On the campaign trail, Donald Trump repeatedly described the U.S. economy as a hollowed-out disaster of high unemployment and stagnant growth.

But the latest numbers show the president-elect will in fact inherit a fairly robust economy with the lowest jobless rate in nearly a decade, record home and stock prices and a healthy growth rate.

Weakest recovery since WWII, yeah, that rocks
81 consecutive months of economic growth.

Suck it, loser!

Doesn't contradict what I said. It's been a historically horrible economic recovery. The last President with as bad an economic record as him was Hoover.

As for sucking it, you just did, big time. The butt hurt is really bothering you, huh? Preparation H has a new Democrat butt hurt formula. Give it a try. Maybe it'll make life for the people around you a lot better
Obama Boom?

The only things that Boomed on Obama's watch are Regulations, Wall Street Wealth, and Terrorism.
so many stopped looking for work
Back that up with facts and data.

Your bullshit talking points don't work when we're at full employment: 4.6%.


What 'are so many of them doing?' 95 million not in US labor force

The November jobs report looked pretty good on the surface except for one number that popped off the page: 95 million.

That's the number of Americans now counted as not in the labor force, a historic high that has confounded economists and policymakers. The total — 95.06 million to be more exact — has been rising consistently but surged by a gaudy 446,000 last month.


For example, the level of those enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — food stamps — has remained elevated even with an economic expansion that is nearly 7 ½ years old.

SNAP recipients totaled 33.5 million in 2009, the year the recession ended. In 2016, the number is at 45.3 million. The government shelled out $74 billion in benefits last year, about double the level of 2008.

the real obama's America....

Taken together, the numbers show that there's more to meets the eye than a headline unemployment rate of 4.6 percent, the lowest since August 2007. Because that number ignores those not in the labor force, as well as workers at part-time jobs for economic reasons, it doesn't tell the whole story. A broader jobless measure is at 9.3 percent.

"I have a problem with people saying we're at full employment," said Dan North, chief economist at Euler Hermes North America, a trade credit insurance company. "We have a record 95 million people sitting on the sidelines. To me, that's hardly full employment."
Nowhere does it say why they are not in the jobs market.

Many have retired, been laid off with no skills to get another job, taken time off to care for parents, been sick themselves, or are teenagers or college students going to school full time.

No doubt a lot of them are just lazy Republican White trash, content to collect their gummint checks and eat cheetos in their mobile homes.
Say it, Right-Wingers!


Trump inherits Obama boom .

The president is handing his successor an economy that’s now the envy of the world.

NEW YORK — On the campaign trail, Donald Trump repeatedly described the U.S. economy as a hollowed-out disaster of high unemployment and stagnant growth.

But the latest numbers show the president-elect will in fact inherit a fairly robust economy with the lowest jobless rate in nearly a decade, record home and stock prices and a healthy growth rate.

The economy is in such a boom that the American people didn't even notice and elected a weirdo like Trump from the opposite party.
It wasn't an economic election. It was a fear election. And a false promise election.

It was all three. Not sure how you're going to claim it wasn't economics when the entire Rust Belt went his way.
Say it, Right-Wingers!


Trump inherits Obama boom .

The president is handing his successor an economy that’s now the envy of the world.

NEW YORK — On the campaign trail, Donald Trump repeatedly described the U.S. economy as a hollowed-out disaster of high unemployment and stagnant growth.

But the latest numbers show the president-elect will in fact inherit a fairly robust economy with the lowest jobless rate in nearly a decade, record home and stock prices and a healthy growth rate.

Lies to try and shore up the legacy of the first half black president. The Jeffersons are leaving a bigger mess then any past president. At best Bammer will only be noticed in the feature because his face will be on those little rulers you buy at zoo gift shops. Will be awesome to see them go.
Say it, Right-Wingers!


Trump inherits Obama boom .

The president is handing his successor an economy that’s now the envy of the world.

NEW YORK — On the campaign trail, Donald Trump repeatedly described the U.S. economy as a hollowed-out disaster of high unemployment and stagnant growth.

But the latest numbers show the president-elect will in fact inherit a fairly robust economy with the lowest jobless rate in nearly a decade, record home and stock prices and a healthy growth rate.

Amen! I wonder how long before Trump and merry band of misfits fuck it up?

I give it 18 months. Could be sooner if Trump and his clique follow through with every nonsense they said they were going to do.
so many stopped looking for work
Back that up with facts and data.

Your bullshit talking points don't work when we're at full employment: 4.6%.


What 'are so many of them doing?' 95 million not in US labor force

The November jobs report looked pretty good on the surface except for one number that popped off the page: 95 million.

That's the number of Americans now counted as not in the labor force, a historic high that has confounded economists and policymakers. The total — 95.06 million to be more exact — has been rising consistently but surged by a gaudy 446,000 last month.


For example, the level of those enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — food stamps — has remained elevated even with an economic expansion that is nearly 7 ½ years old.

SNAP recipients totaled 33.5 million in 2009, the year the recession ended. In 2016, the number is at 45.3 million. The government shelled out $74 billion in benefits last year, about double the level of 2008.

the real obama's America....

Taken together, the numbers show that there's more to meets the eye than a headline unemployment rate of 4.6 percent, the lowest since August 2007. Because that number ignores those not in the labor force, as well as workers at part-time jobs for economic reasons, it doesn't tell the whole story. A broader jobless measure is at 9.3 percent.

"I have a problem with people saying we're at full employment," said Dan North, chief economist at Euler Hermes North America, a trade credit insurance company. "We have a record 95 million people sitting on the sidelines. To me, that's hardly full employment."
Nowhere does it say why they are not in the jobs market.

Many have retired, been laid off with no skills to get another job, taken time off to care for parents, been sick themselves, or are teenagers or college students going to school full time.

No doubt a lot of them are just lazy Republican White trash, content to collect their gummint checks and eat cheetos in their mobile homes.

Name some good reasons that a higher percentage of Americans aren't even looking for a job
The same clowns who claimed Hillary was going to win in a landslide are the same one's claiming Obama is leaving Trump a 'boom'.

They are doing so for 2 reasons:
1) They are trying to manufacture a positive Obama legacy. Which includes the most debt added ever - more than every other President combined...

2) They are setting Trump up - They want us to believe all of that/Obama's debt will not have any impact on the economy in the future / moving forward AND are trying to put themselves in the position to try to claim Obama left Trump with an 'awesome' economy, which is not the case, so if things get worse they can blame Trump.

The longest recovery...The 1st President without ever having 3% growth...95 million out of the workforce...twice as many blacks than whites out of work, 20+ Trillion in debt...

Obama is not leaving Trump with a nation in 'great' shape...
This is the dumbest most laughable OP I have seen here. It is so funny that it is dangerous. Some people may have heart attacks from laughing.
Say it, Right-Wingers!


Trump inherits Obama boom .

The president is handing his successor an economy that’s now the envy of the world.

NEW YORK — On the campaign trail, Donald Trump repeatedly described the U.S. economy as a hollowed-out disaster of high unemployment and stagnant growth.

But the latest numbers show the president-elect will in fact inherit a fairly robust economy with the lowest jobless rate in nearly a decade, record home and stock prices and a healthy growth rate.

The economy is in such a boom that the American people didn't even notice and elected a weirdo like Trump from the opposite party.
It wasn't an economic election. It was a fear election. And a false promise election.

It was all three. Not sure how you're going to claim it wasn't economics when the entire Rust Belt went his way.
That was the false promise part.
Say it, Right-Wingers!


Trump inherits Obama boom .

The president is handing his successor an economy that’s now the envy of the world.

NEW YORK — On the campaign trail, Donald Trump repeatedly described the U.S. economy as a hollowed-out disaster of high unemployment and stagnant growth.

But the latest numbers show the president-elect will in fact inherit a fairly robust economy with the lowest jobless rate in nearly a decade, record home and stock prices and a healthy growth rate.

The economy is in such a boom that the American people didn't even notice and elected a weirdo like Trump from the opposite party.
It wasn't an economic election. It was a fear election. And a false promise election.

It was all three. Not sure how you're going to claim it wasn't economics when the entire Rust Belt went his way.
That was the false promise part.

Maybe, but we don't know that yet.

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