Trump insults a war hero

Where was all this faux outrage when McCain threw the Vets under the bus??

Were you people out here stunpin for McCain then or the vet??

You fucking tards crucified McCain in Mother Jones. isn't that a a left leaning slander machine??

WATCH: John McCain Does a 180 on Jobless Vets
On exclusive audio last month, the hawkish senator called jobs for vets priority No. 1. Wait till you see what he said this month.
—By Adam Weinstein

| Fri Sep. 21, 2012 6:00 AM EDT

Will Seberger/

Sen. John McCain—Naval Academy class of 1958, Vietnam prisoner of war—has long enjoyed a reputation as a straight-talking protector of the troops. But yesterday, he joined 39 Republican colleagues in blocking a bipartisan bill that would have provided federal jobs for up to 20,000 out-of-work ex-service members—and in doing so, he went back on a verbal promise he made to a veteran weeks ago.

Mother Jones has obtained exclusive audio of an interview McCain conducted with military vet and citizen journalist Meg Lanker-Simons at the Republican National Convention in Tampa last month. In the exchange, McCain said getting vets back to work was job No. 1. (The jobless rate for former service members is up to 31 percent higher than for civilians.) "The fact is, it's a national disgrace that veterans' unemployment is 14 percent," McCain said. "That's a national disgrace. And we've got to try to find more ways and better ways to hire veterans. And that has got to be our highest priority."

Listen for yourself:

But last week, in floor remarks criticizing the now-dead Veterans Job Corps bill, McCain took a dramatically different stance. He declared that fiscal austerity trumped joblessness among former soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. "We already have six veterans job-training programs, but what the heck? Let's, ah, let's have another one," he said in a sarcastic tone:

McCain went to attack the bill as "a piece of legislation that somehow will enhance the majority leader's ability to maintain his position as majority leader." Perhaps that's because few bills this congressional session had been as popular as this measure. It would have set up a corps "to match veterans with available jobs based on the skills the veterans acquired as members of the Armed Forces," from homeland security to law enforcement to national parks. Not only that, it would have been cost-neutral: It was to be funded over the next decade with $1 billion of new revenue in the Department of Veterans Affairs—and of that, at least 95 percent had to go directly to the vets' benefits, rather than administration.

Besides the entire Democratic caucus, the bill got votes from five Republican senators: Scott Brown (Mass.), Susan Collins (Maine), Dean Heller (Nev.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), and Olympia Snowe (Maine). But 58 senators out of 100 were not enough to overcome McCain and his colleagues, who filibustered and argued that the bill was election season politicking that still didn't meet their budget standards.

Lanker-Simons, a Navy veteran and freelance reporter based in Laramie, Wyoming, provided Mother Jones with the tape of her interview with McCain after hearing his justification for blocking the Veterans Jobs Act. She'd corralled the senator at a GOP convention party for Got Your Six, a nonprofit campaign to help vets transition into civilian life. "Honestly, I'd just interviewed him as kind of a softball thing," she says. But this week, she adds, "I saw that he had voted against [the bill], and then I replayed the interview, and I was like, 'Holy shit!'" In the complete two minute clip (embedded below), McCain expressed faith that all senators could reach bipartisan agreement on caring for troubled former service members. Says Lanker-Simons: "It's the exact opposite of his vote, basically."

A spokesman for McCain sent Mother Jones a statement by the senator, noting, "While I support many of the items within this bill, and I am firmly committed to eliminating the unemployment crisis faced by our veterans, we cannot continue to add to our debt and deficit." The statement continued:

Successful, common sense legislation requires bi-partisanship and compromise. Our returning heroes deserve nothing less. I am committed to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure that America’s veterans have every opportunity for a happy and successful life.

Mother Jones followed up, asking whether McCain now considers the deficit a higher priority than veterans unemployment, and what sort of compromise he'd support on joblessness, if not this one. The senator's office did not respond.
WATCH John McCain Does a 180 on Jobless Vets Mother Jones
You and all the other Trump supporting dummies should just be taken out with the rest of the trash.
How about you take a long walk off a short pier.

You would have to be a very stupid person to think Trump is smart.
You would have to be an idiot to make the statement that only very stupid people think Trump is smart.
You really have to be a shallow dim wit to find anything Trump says compelling or convincing.
I see so conservative view points are only for shallow dim wits. How long have you been such a moron?
You and all the other Trump supporting dummies should just be taken out with the rest of the trash.
How about you take a long walk off a short pier.

You would have to be a very stupid person to think Trump is smart.
You would have to be an idiot to make the statement that only very stupid people think Trump is smart.
You really have to be a shallow dim wit to find anything Trump says compelling or convincing.
I see so conservative view points are only for shallow dim wits. How long have you been such a moron?
You don't have a conservative viewpoint and neither does Trump, you both have completely ignorant viewpoints.
Trump attacks McCain as if McCain has anything to do with this election. Why is Trump fighting McCain? To win reality TV points???

McCain is not running for POTUS, why did he start the mud slinging by calling Trump and 30,000 rally goers crazies??

McCain is a voter, you'd assume. He's allowed to make comments.

You're looking for someone to be the next president. Clearly Trump is showing on a daily basis he's not fit to do the job.
That didn't stop you from voting for the Magic Negro.

"Magic Negro".... what are you on about? Let's guess, you're just a racist who can't quite believe there's a black person who's done well for themselves.

Oh, and you think you know my voting record huh?

You don't.

Never voted Republican, never voted Democrat. Hate them both.
I can see why some people like Trump. He makes them feel comfortable with being chickenshit assholes who never served their country.....but were perfectly happy to let others do their fighting for them.
Where was all this faux outrage when McCain threw the Vets under the bus??

Were you people out here stunpin for McCain then or the vet??

You fucking tards crucified McCain in Mother Jones. isn't that a a left leaning slander machine??

WATCH: John McCain Does a 180 on Jobless Vets
On exclusive audio last month, the hawkish senator called jobs for vets priority No. 1. Wait till you see what he said this month.
—By Adam Weinstein

| Fri Sep. 21, 2012 6:00 AM EDT

Will Seberger/

Sen. John McCain—Naval Academy class of 1958, Vietnam prisoner of war—has long enjoyed a reputation as a straight-talking protector of the troops. But yesterday, he joined 39 Republican colleagues in blocking a bipartisan bill that would have provided federal jobs for up to 20,000 out-of-work ex-service members—and in doing so, he went back on a verbal promise he made to a veteran weeks ago.

Mother Jones has obtained exclusive audio of an interview McCain conducted with military vet and citizen journalist Meg Lanker-Simons at the Republican National Convention in Tampa last month. In the exchange, McCain said getting vets back to work was job No. 1. (The jobless rate for former service members is up to 31 percent higher than for civilians.) "The fact is, it's a national disgrace that veterans' unemployment is 14 percent," McCain said. "That's a national disgrace. And we've got to try to find more ways and better ways to hire veterans. And that has got to be our highest priority."

Listen for yourself:

But last week, in floor remarks criticizing the now-dead Veterans Job Corps bill, McCain took a dramatically different stance. He declared that fiscal austerity trumped joblessness among former soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. "We already have six veterans job-training programs, but what the heck? Let's, ah, let's have another one," he said in a sarcastic tone:

McCain went to attack the bill as "a piece of legislation that somehow will enhance the majority leader's ability to maintain his position as majority leader." Perhaps that's because few bills this congressional session had been as popular as this measure. It would have set up a corps "to match veterans with available jobs based on the skills the veterans acquired as members of the Armed Forces," from homeland security to law enforcement to national parks. Not only that, it would have been cost-neutral: It was to be funded over the next decade with $1 billion of new revenue in the Department of Veterans Affairs—and of that, at least 95 percent had to go directly to the vets' benefits, rather than administration.

Besides the entire Democratic caucus, the bill got votes from five Republican senators: Scott Brown (Mass.), Susan Collins (Maine), Dean Heller (Nev.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), and Olympia Snowe (Maine). But 58 senators out of 100 were not enough to overcome McCain and his colleagues, who filibustered and argued that the bill was election season politicking that still didn't meet their budget standards.

Lanker-Simons, a Navy veteran and freelance reporter based in Laramie, Wyoming, provided Mother Jones with the tape of her interview with McCain after hearing his justification for blocking the Veterans Jobs Act. She'd corralled the senator at a GOP convention party for Got Your Six, a nonprofit campaign to help vets transition into civilian life. "Honestly, I'd just interviewed him as kind of a softball thing," she says. But this week, she adds, "I saw that he had voted against [the bill], and then I replayed the interview, and I was like, 'Holy shit!'" In the complete two minute clip (embedded below), McCain expressed faith that all senators could reach bipartisan agreement on caring for troubled former service members. Says Lanker-Simons: "It's the exact opposite of his vote, basically."

A spokesman for McCain sent Mother Jones a statement by the senator, noting, "While I support many of the items within this bill, and I am firmly committed to eliminating the unemployment crisis faced by our veterans, we cannot continue to add to our debt and deficit." The statement continued:

Successful, common sense legislation requires bi-partisanship and compromise. Our returning heroes deserve nothing less. I am committed to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure that America’s veterans have every opportunity for a happy and successful life.

Mother Jones followed up, asking whether McCain now considers the deficit a higher priority than veterans unemployment, and what sort of compromise he'd support on joblessness, if not this one. The senator's office did not respond.
WATCH John McCain Does a 180 on Jobless Vets Mother Jones
You and all the other Trump supporting dummies should just be taken out with the rest of the trash.

Why so angry? No one falling for your crap? LOL
Trump attacks McCain as if McCain has anything to do with this election. Why is Trump fighting McCain? To win reality TV points???

McCain is not running for POTUS, why did he start the mud slinging by calling Trump and 30,000 rally goers crazies??

McCain is a voter, you'd assume. He's allowed to make comments.

You're looking for someone to be the next president. Clearly Trump is showing on a daily basis he's not fit to do the job.
That didn't stop you from voting for the Magic Negro.

"Magic Negro".... what are you on about? Let's guess, you're just a racist who can't quite believe there's a black person who's done well for themselves.

Oh, and you think you know my voting record huh?

You don't.

Never voted Republican, never voted Democrat. Hate them both.

Magic Negro is a liberal term.
Where was all this faux outrage when McCain threw the Vets under the bus??

Were you people out here stunpin for McCain then or the vet??

You fucking tards crucified McCain in Mother Jones. isn't that a a left leaning slander machine??

WATCH: John McCain Does a 180 on Jobless Vets
On exclusive audio last month, the hawkish senator called jobs for vets priority No. 1. Wait till you see what he said this month.
—By Adam Weinstein

| Fri Sep. 21, 2012 6:00 AM EDT

Will Seberger/

Sen. John McCain—Naval Academy class of 1958, Vietnam prisoner of war—has long enjoyed a reputation as a straight-talking protector of the troops. But yesterday, he joined 39 Republican colleagues in blocking a bipartisan bill that would have provided federal jobs for up to 20,000 out-of-work ex-service members—and in doing so, he went back on a verbal promise he made to a veteran weeks ago.

Mother Jones has obtained exclusive audio of an interview McCain conducted with military vet and citizen journalist Meg Lanker-Simons at the Republican National Convention in Tampa last month. In the exchange, McCain said getting vets back to work was job No. 1. (The jobless rate for former service members is up to 31 percent higher than for civilians.) "The fact is, it's a national disgrace that veterans' unemployment is 14 percent," McCain said. "That's a national disgrace. And we've got to try to find more ways and better ways to hire veterans. And that has got to be our highest priority."

Listen for yourself:

But last week, in floor remarks criticizing the now-dead Veterans Job Corps bill, McCain took a dramatically different stance. He declared that fiscal austerity trumped joblessness among former soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. "We already have six veterans job-training programs, but what the heck? Let's, ah, let's have another one," he said in a sarcastic tone:

McCain went to attack the bill as "a piece of legislation that somehow will enhance the majority leader's ability to maintain his position as majority leader." Perhaps that's because few bills this congressional session had been as popular as this measure. It would have set up a corps "to match veterans with available jobs based on the skills the veterans acquired as members of the Armed Forces," from homeland security to law enforcement to national parks. Not only that, it would have been cost-neutral: It was to be funded over the next decade with $1 billion of new revenue in the Department of Veterans Affairs—and of that, at least 95 percent had to go directly to the vets' benefits, rather than administration.

Besides the entire Democratic caucus, the bill got votes from five Republican senators: Scott Brown (Mass.), Susan Collins (Maine), Dean Heller (Nev.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), and Olympia Snowe (Maine). But 58 senators out of 100 were not enough to overcome McCain and his colleagues, who filibustered and argued that the bill was election season politicking that still didn't meet their budget standards.

Lanker-Simons, a Navy veteran and freelance reporter based in Laramie, Wyoming, provided Mother Jones with the tape of her interview with McCain after hearing his justification for blocking the Veterans Jobs Act. She'd corralled the senator at a GOP convention party for Got Your Six, a nonprofit campaign to help vets transition into civilian life. "Honestly, I'd just interviewed him as kind of a softball thing," she says. But this week, she adds, "I saw that he had voted against [the bill], and then I replayed the interview, and I was like, 'Holy shit!'" In the complete two minute clip (embedded below), McCain expressed faith that all senators could reach bipartisan agreement on caring for troubled former service members. Says Lanker-Simons: "It's the exact opposite of his vote, basically."

A spokesman for McCain sent Mother Jones a statement by the senator, noting, "While I support many of the items within this bill, and I am firmly committed to eliminating the unemployment crisis faced by our veterans, we cannot continue to add to our debt and deficit." The statement continued:

Successful, common sense legislation requires bi-partisanship and compromise. Our returning heroes deserve nothing less. I am committed to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure that America’s veterans have every opportunity for a happy and successful life.

Mother Jones followed up, asking whether McCain now considers the deficit a higher priority than veterans unemployment, and what sort of compromise he'd support on joblessness, if not this one. The senator's office did not respond.
WATCH John McCain Does a 180 on Jobless Vets Mother Jones
You and all the other Trump supporting dummies should just be taken out with the rest of the trash.

Why so angry? No one falling for your crap? LOL
Trumps comments make him unfit to be commander in chief.
If his crass commentary about Mexicans wasn't enough, the conceited piece of shit has to disparage his fellow GOP comrades as well!

Hey Donald, unless/until you survived getting ass-f**cked by the Viet Cong for half a decade and lived to tell the tale, shut your yap.
If his crass commentary about Mexicans wasn't enough, the conceited piece of shit has to disparage his fellow GOP comrades as well!

Hey Donald, unless/until you survived getting ass-f**cked by the Viet Cong for half a decade and lived to tell the tale, shut your yap.
It's really amazing that Trump supporters would attack McCain's service ignoring the fact that Trump has never served his country in any way.

Turn the clock back to 1968.
Trump was 21 years old and handsome with a full head of hair. He avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women and outrageous clubs. Most important, he had a job in his father’s real estate company and a brain bursting with money-making ideas that would make him a billionaire.

“When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000,” he said in his 1987 autobiography “Trump: The Art of the Deal,” written with Tony Schwartz. (That’s about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) “I had my eye on Manhattan.”

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot’s body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations and months of torture.

As Trump was preparing to take Manhattan, McCain was trying to relearn how to walk.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief Saturday when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa.


What Donald Trump was up to while John McCain was a prisoner of war - The Washington Post
If his crass commentary about Mexicans wasn't enough, the conceited piece of shit has to disparage his fellow GOP comrades as well!

Hey Donald, unless/until you survived getting ass-f**cked by the Viet Cong for half a decade and lived to tell the tale, shut your yap.
It's really amazing that Trump supporters would attack McCain's service ignoring the fact that Trump has never served his country in any way.

Turn the clock back to 1968.
Trump was 21 years old and handsome with a full head of hair. He avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women and outrageous clubs. Most important, he had a job in his father’s real estate company and a brain bursting with money-making ideas that would make him a billionaire.

“When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000,” he said in his 1987 autobiography “Trump: The Art of the Deal,” written with Tony Schwartz. (That’s about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) “I had my eye on Manhattan.”

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot’s body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations and months of torture.

As Trump was preparing to take Manhattan, McCain was trying to relearn how to walk.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief Saturday when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa.


What Donald Trump was up to while John McCain was a prisoner of war - The Washington Post

Trump is like a little boxer trying to punch above his weight.
If his crass commentary about Mexicans wasn't enough, the conceited piece of shit has to disparage his fellow GOP comrades as well!

Hey Donald, unless/until you survived getting ass-f**cked by the Viet Cong for half a decade and lived to tell the tale, shut your yap.

Trump is the one and only possible Republican candidate who could convince me to vote for Hilary Clinton.
How about you take a long walk off a short pier.

You would have to be a very stupid person to think Trump is smart.
You would have to be an idiot to make the statement that only very stupid people think Trump is smart.
You really have to be a shallow dim wit to find anything Trump says compelling or convincing.
I see so conservative view points are only for shallow dim wits. How long have you been such a moron?
You don't have a conservative viewpoint and neither does Trump, you both have completely ignorant viewpoints.
ROFL keep telling yourself that. You'll go far comrade.
Where was all this faux outrage when McCain threw the Vets under the bus??

Were you people out here stunpin for McCain then or the vet??

You fucking tards crucified McCain in Mother Jones. isn't that a a left leaning slander machine??

WATCH: John McCain Does a 180 on Jobless Vets
On exclusive audio last month, the hawkish senator called jobs for vets priority No. 1. Wait till you see what he said this month.
—By Adam Weinstein

| Fri Sep. 21, 2012 6:00 AM EDT

Will Seberger/

Sen. John McCain—Naval Academy class of 1958, Vietnam prisoner of war—has long enjoyed a reputation as a straight-talking protector of the troops. But yesterday, he joined 39 Republican colleagues in blocking a bipartisan bill that would have provided federal jobs for up to 20,000 out-of-work ex-service members—and in doing so, he went back on a verbal promise he made to a veteran weeks ago.

Mother Jones has obtained exclusive audio of an interview McCain conducted with military vet and citizen journalist Meg Lanker-Simons at the Republican National Convention in Tampa last month. In the exchange, McCain said getting vets back to work was job No. 1. (The jobless rate for former service members is up to 31 percent higher than for civilians.) "The fact is, it's a national disgrace that veterans' unemployment is 14 percent," McCain said. "That's a national disgrace. And we've got to try to find more ways and better ways to hire veterans. And that has got to be our highest priority."

Listen for yourself:

But last week, in floor remarks criticizing the now-dead Veterans Job Corps bill, McCain took a dramatically different stance. He declared that fiscal austerity trumped joblessness among former soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. "We already have six veterans job-training programs, but what the heck? Let's, ah, let's have another one," he said in a sarcastic tone:

McCain went to attack the bill as "a piece of legislation that somehow will enhance the majority leader's ability to maintain his position as majority leader." Perhaps that's because few bills this congressional session had been as popular as this measure. It would have set up a corps "to match veterans with available jobs based on the skills the veterans acquired as members of the Armed Forces," from homeland security to law enforcement to national parks. Not only that, it would have been cost-neutral: It was to be funded over the next decade with $1 billion of new revenue in the Department of Veterans Affairs—and of that, at least 95 percent had to go directly to the vets' benefits, rather than administration.

Besides the entire Democratic caucus, the bill got votes from five Republican senators: Scott Brown (Mass.), Susan Collins (Maine), Dean Heller (Nev.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), and Olympia Snowe (Maine). But 58 senators out of 100 were not enough to overcome McCain and his colleagues, who filibustered and argued that the bill was election season politicking that still didn't meet their budget standards.

Lanker-Simons, a Navy veteran and freelance reporter based in Laramie, Wyoming, provided Mother Jones with the tape of her interview with McCain after hearing his justification for blocking the Veterans Jobs Act. She'd corralled the senator at a GOP convention party for Got Your Six, a nonprofit campaign to help vets transition into civilian life. "Honestly, I'd just interviewed him as kind of a softball thing," she says. But this week, she adds, "I saw that he had voted against [the bill], and then I replayed the interview, and I was like, 'Holy shit!'" In the complete two minute clip (embedded below), McCain expressed faith that all senators could reach bipartisan agreement on caring for troubled former service members. Says Lanker-Simons: "It's the exact opposite of his vote, basically."

A spokesman for McCain sent Mother Jones a statement by the senator, noting, "While I support many of the items within this bill, and I am firmly committed to eliminating the unemployment crisis faced by our veterans, we cannot continue to add to our debt and deficit." The statement continued:

Successful, common sense legislation requires bi-partisanship and compromise. Our returning heroes deserve nothing less. I am committed to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure that America’s veterans have every opportunity for a happy and successful life.

Mother Jones followed up, asking whether McCain now considers the deficit a higher priority than veterans unemployment, and what sort of compromise he'd support on joblessness, if not this one. The senator's office did not respond.
WATCH John McCain Does a 180 on Jobless Vets Mother Jones
You and all the other Trump supporting dummies should just be taken out with the rest of the trash.

Why so angry? No one falling for your crap? LOL
Trumps comments make him unfit to be commander in chief.
What a dumb ass. Get off your knees bitch.
The best thing about this thread is watching normally Republican supporting posters tearing each other apart. God bless Donald Trump.
If his crass commentary about Mexicans wasn't enough, the conceited piece of shit has to disparage his fellow GOP comrades as well!

Hey Donald, unless/until you survived getting ass-f**cked by the Viet Cong for half a decade and lived to tell the tale, shut your yap.

Trump is the one and only possible Republican candidate who could convince me to vote for Hilary Clinton.
And there we have it.. evidence that you're nothing but a political shill here to advertise for establishment republicans. How much are you being paid and by which candidate?
The best thing about this thread is watching normally Republican supporting posters tearing each other apart. God bless Donald Trump.
It's primary season. The republicans who are owned by establishment lobbyists are out in force attempting weed out anyone that is not "controllable."
If his crass commentary about Mexicans wasn't enough, the conceited piece of shit has to disparage his fellow GOP comrades as well!

Hey Donald, unless/until you survived getting ass-f**cked by the Viet Cong for half a decade and lived to tell the tale, shut your yap.

Trump is the one and only possible Republican candidate who could convince me to vote for Hilary Clinton.
And there we have it.. evidence that you're nothing but a political shill here to advertise for establishment republicans. How much are you being paid and by which candidate?
And there we have it....the last stand of chickenhawk assholes who could never be bothered to make any kind of sacrifice for their country.

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