Trump Insurrectionists — The Scum of America

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
I do NOT say the 74 million voters for Trump in the last election are scum or “deplorable.” Nor do I speak of Republicans in general, nor even of Republican politicians — some of whom were also the target of the mob that broke into the U.S. Capitol Building, the heart of our Republic, while in formal session.

The scum I speak of are the ones who would destroy what is left of our Republican institutions, what is left of our formal electoral “democracy,” on behalf of Donald Trump. Repudiated not merely by the voters (in a fairly close election), but also by the overwhelming majority of responsible corporate leaders and other powerful elites of society, a tiny minority riled up by Trump’s demagoguery are trying to keep this ever more isolated man in power through violence.

That some of these pathetic but dangerous insurrectionists “believed” they were patriots and that the election was “stolen” is unimportant. That “elites” follow their own economic interests is equally obvious and unimportant. Our Republic was born as a slave republic. Today it is a corporate-dominated republic. If the scum have another plan for a “People’s Republic” — they need to tell us what that is ... and how it differs from fascism or communism.

If these insurrectionists just wanted to keep Trump in power they have lost that battle decisively — Trump is finished. In truth, the scum fighting with police and violently breaking into Congress had no grand plan, just vague fantasies of stringing up, or making citizen arrests of, politicians they dislike. They came pretty close to realizing their fantasies. But within their ranks were real insipient fascists. Also ex-soldiers with combat experience, mad Q-Anons, aggrieved white supremacists and simple Trump lunatics.

The Republican Party must repudiate its leader and presidential candidate and the scum who violently broke into the nation’s Capitol. Justice must be done to those who can be identified. They are like typical looters — scum and criminals — but they target and loot our Republic itself. Politicians who enflamed this mob and fed into its fantasies are themselves scum. Most will run from and escape their responsibility.

Both political parties, our elites and our people themselves share responsibility for the failures that led us to this point, where we are a divided country and toddering world empire. But there is no way forward without first dealing harshly with the tiny minority of troublemakers who openly wish to incite Civil War, who have now arrogantly violated our most basic democratic and republican principles of government.


Please note that the title of this OP may seem similar, but the content is not at all similar (or a mirror image) of the thread “Democrats: Scum of America.” I hope any discussion this provokes will center on characterizing the violent intruders into the Capitol, and why it is necessary to defend basic republican institutions of government from such elements.
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They should get a parade and medal, so brave of them to fight against fascism by the left.
That's as pathetically stupido as calling 'Antifa'(scist) .... fascist,
dutifully dizzy, criminality embracing fascist moron to nation and humanity
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