Trump Is a Political Genius

Hey they can all find another job there are plenty out there.

Oh and if they stay in the Fed job they will get their pay.

Nice gig since we the tax payer pay for it all.

You realize you're going to pay for 400,000 federal workers to go on a weeks or months long holiday.

There are ten Federal Holidays recognized by the United States Government. On these days, all non-essential government offices are closed (including post offices) and many federal employees receive a paid day off.

You are going to pay (so far) for three years worth of holidays and counting.
Pay raises? Trump cancelled pay raises for federal workers in 2019.

And then he cancelled 800,000 of their jobs.
Trump should have cut their salaries 50%. Im talking about working Americans, not the porn surfing morons of DC.

We're talking about people like IRS workers in Texas and Kentucky, and three other IRS regional offices. Federal workers aren't only in Washington DC.
Hey they can all find another job there are plenty out there.

Oh and if they stay in the Fed job they will get their pay.

Nice gig since we the tax payer pay for it all.

You realize you're going to pay for 400,000 federal workers to go on a weeks or months long holiday.

There are ten Federal Holidays recognized by the United States Government. On these days, all non-essential government offices are closed (including post offices) and many federal employees receive a paid day off.

You are going to pay (so far) for three years worth of holidays and counting.

You really should not torture the brain dead with such truth; they won't comprehend.
If Trump was a "political genius" then he would have ALREADY had his 'wall' & Mexico would have already 'paid' for the wall.

A "political genius" does not back one's own self into a corner of political FAIL.

Trumps political genius is that he's proving again and again that he could actually shoot somebody in the middle of 5th avenue, and he wouldn't lose any votes.

Trumps supporters seem to be caught up in the "cult of personality" because they know him from TV.
Trump is a political genius.
2020 campaign is kicking off, so -

Phase I: Get Democrats to scream for open borders and defund ICE.
Phase II: Get Democrats to scream for higher taxes.
Phase III: Get Democrats to scream for your guns.
Phase IV: Get Democrats to scream for a plethora of environmental regulations that will impact the economy
Phase V: Get Democrats to scream for investigation after investigation then investigations of the investigations.

Phase I may be drawing to a close.

Trump has effectively drown out Mueller with the wall thingy.

If Trump was a "political genius" then he would have ALREADY had his 'wall' & Mexico would have already 'paid' for the wall.

A "political genius" does not back one's own self into a corner of political FAIL.

Trumps political genius is that he's proving again and again that he could actually shoot somebody in the middle of 5th avenue, and he wouldn't lose any votes.

Trumps supporters seem to be caught up in the "cult of personality" because they know him from TV.

We KNOW why Trump was voted into office, plain & simple:
~63 million Americans were receptive to the most negative & base animal instincts offered to them.
These voters voted based on emotional response due to their own feelings of self loathing.
These voters see (their) America as a dying & hopeless place, and their savior (Trump) played them all like a finely tuned fiddle.
Trump is a manipulator of persons, Trump recognized a demographic of hopelessness, he tapped into that, and the people bit the hook just like a mess of fish that were eventually gutted & cleaned.
Now, just look at our nation; Trump's base are happy to see their own nation they claimed to be so concerned about be metaphorically burned to the ground.
Again, this demonstrates that Trump's base are a people without any hope, debased, self loathing, spineless, and they hate America.
Hey they can all find another job there are plenty out there.

Oh and if they stay in the Fed job they will get their pay.

Nice gig since we the tax payer pay for it all.

You realize you're going to pay for 400,000 federal workers to go on a weeks or months long holiday.

There are ten Federal Holidays recognized by the United States Government. On these days, all non-essential government offices are closed (including post offices) and many federal employees receive a paid day off.

You are going to pay (so far) for three years worth of holidays and counting.
The real privileged people.
The border is already fenced and it is open only in places a fence couldn't be built.

The parts that they show on the video are the parts which can't be fenced?

Ok... maybe if you got an F in engineering that's true.
I take it you're not a tax payer.

I take it you're a progressive.

You don't seem interested in getting a tax refund. I don't know if wanting a tax refund is a progressive idea or not. But I pay my fair share of taxes, and want a remittance of my overpayment.

You don't seem interested. So you either don't pay taxes, or owe a balance to the federal government.
Trump has effectively drown out Mueller with the wall thingy.


Michael Cohen is coming to a congressional hearing near you. Expect it to be carried live by every news channel

Gee won't that be riveting television, a prevaricating scumbag taking on an entire gang of prevaricating scumbags in an epic bullshitting contest.

Can't wait. :cool:
USMB experts: GOP will keep the House
USMB experts: Trump is a political genius .
fourteen seats turned over by mysterious ballots showing up at precincts. I don't know, seems fraudulent to me.

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