Trump is a rare phenomenon that is fun to watch.

Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.

Succeed? What's he succeeding at?
Getting the rest of the world including russia canada mexico germany france to either laugh at us and/or hate us The respect we once had the dump ruined

The world has been laughing at the sheeple of USA.INC long before Trump ever became CEO......we (as a collective) are the least informed citizenry on the planet by far.....
Like I said, you can't name the policy and don't give the GOP congress the credit it deserves.

Could you translate that into a sentence in english?
Hey, Rail Road, I'm a foreigner but I'm not complaining about their English as much as you do, but I am trying to understand them instead.

FYI, the word "English" begins with a capital letter.

Advise: first learn English well, then complain.
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Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.

Succeed? What's he succeeding at?
Getting the rest of the world including russia canada mexico germany france to either laugh at us and/or hate us The respect we once had the dump ruined

Well, they were laughing during Bush's regime and they're laughing now. What does it say about the Republicans when they haven't had a non-joke candidate win a presidential election since the early 1990s?
Please translate: you can't name the policy and don't give the GOP congress the credit it deserves
Obie's policies were job killers. Coal, gas, pipelines, regulations and taxes, etc. That's why Obama's legacy was rejected.

Obama created millions of jobs. Set a record for continuous private sector job growth, cut unemployment in half, cut deficits in half, ended the Bush recession, and restored our place as leader of the free world.
Because serving food at $9.00/hour is glamorous.
Do you serve food for a living?
Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.

Succeed? What's he succeeding at?
Getting the rest of the world including russia canada mexico germany france to either laugh at us and/or hate us The respect we once had the dump ruined

Well, they were laughing during Bush's regime and they're laughing now. What does it say about the Republicans when they haven't had a non-joke candidate win a presidential election since the early 1990s?
They're not laughing; they're freaking out that the US Check Book Free For All is over.
Well, then, instead of deflecting on this thread, you should start another one on how little Obama accomplished. i am sure that the 24-30 million people on ACA will get a kick out of it!

Yes but unfortunately, like unemployment figures, that too is mostly a false number--- ---most of those 24million, same as those now claimed lost to Trump's plan, were simply the young being forced into healthcare they neither needed nor wanted, as the hoped means of generating the revenue necessary to pay for the elderly and make Obamacare sustainable.
Lol, his first two years he had Congress.
Nothing done? Ended the Bush recession, started the longest sustined private sector job creation in history, picked up a nobel prize, and all those other accomplishments you cry about at night.

Picked up a Nobel for what? Exactly? The boosh recession was actually a long time coming, and was ultimately the fault of career politicians who refused to act on well known problems. And, obummer didn't end it. He merely prolonged it. If trump is able to get this country going you will see what a booming economy is like. You have no clue what a good economy is like because I doubt you've ever experienced one.

Please, by all means start a thread and list out all of obummers accomplishments. In detail if you please.

Please, by all means start a thread and list out all of obummers accomplishments. In detail if you please.

Oh, I can't wait. May be we all learn something new from that thread, ha?
You send us on a fools errand You're gonna bash 75 straight months of triple digit job gains the great markets under his reign so why give you a list when all you'll say false false false??

Sorry, Edds, I didn't see this tremendous "job gains" and I am not blaming the Barrypuppet....he simply did as he was instructed. The rate of economic growth was the lowest it had ever been since the Depression and the Stock Market was propped by the Quantitative Easing program by the Fed. Those that quit looking for a job were not counted in the stats and if you worked as little as ten hours a week, you were considered "employed". 51 percent of those that even have a job made less than 30K per year and 71 percent of those that have a job make less than 50K a year and 1 out 4 employed make less than 25K per year. The middle class is an endangered species and it's all by design.

Ludicrous Economic Numbers: 40% Of Americans Make Less Than The 1968 Minimum Wage
Tel us what Obama did to cause that, dupe. lol. He was totally obstructed, this is just Reaganist tax policy (low taxes on the rich, no money to invest in the middle class and America) rolling on...
Right. Post offices. Your a funny guy. The wall is coming, the healthcare is coming, the tax reform is coming.

Maybe you want Trump to stand on one leg with one arm behind his back while he reinvents the wheel that no one else got done in the past 60 years? Seems that if the Democrats really WANTED Trump to get these things done, they'd be WORKING WITH HIM, ALREADY DID IT THEMSELVES, or at least stop tying him up with empty, futile, baseless allegations 7 days a week.
You mean like Repubs did to Obama worked with him???

obummer had both Houses of Congress for the first two years of his Admin. What did he accomplish when he had TOTAL control?

Are you stupid? Did you fail Civics or never pass a Poli Sci survey course on the Constitution? Don't know much about Congress, their rules and current events either? It sure seems so, or else you're a liar.

The president never has "total control"; of course, wag the dog is available to him (or her, someday) and that is why we need a mentally stable person setting our course. Trump's wake goes in circles and the drift is taking us onto the rocks, and fools like you continue to dance to the ship's band.

The person who is provably stupid, and or untruthful about how the government works is you dude. It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done.

If nothing else trump was able to expose the "political class" and how they run the country through their choices of who gets to run for POTUS. Both the RNC and the DNC, but especially the DNC, control who gets to be the nominee, that is a clear debasement of our political process. They ARE the enemies, "domestic" who are trying to subvert this country.

Idiots, like you, ignore their propaganda because you too are either an enemy of the Republic, or just plain dumb.

"Idiots" like me are "provably stupid" and "an enemy of the state"? That's funny, Do you think .... um, of course not, you emote. I'll rephrase, do you believe your post is substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking? It ain't.

Do you really BELIEVE an ad hominem is the response an educated adult would write? I sure don't. What I THINK, given the emotion you attach to comments which challenge you and your opinions (which I find mostly thoughtless, but I digress), is you get angry and want to break something or someone.

I could be wrong, but you seem to be a bully and childish, much like others I consider to be easily led by demagogues and charlatans; you see Trump as something other than what he is, and what he is, is unfit and incompetent to be POTUS.

So, basically what you are saying as you rail against ad hominem attacks and speaking of intelligence is to reply to one with another ad hominem attack of your own. Brilliant.
Well, then, instead of deflecting on this thread, you should start another one on how little Obama accomplished. i am sure that the 24-30 million people on ACA will get a kick out of it!

Yes but unfortunately, like unemployment figures, that too is mostly a false number--- ---most of those 24million, same as those now claimed lost to Trump's plan, were simply the young being forced into healthcare they neither needed nor wanted, as the hoped means of generating the revenue necessary to pay for the elderly and make Obamacare sustainable.

Right, Freak! It is all a statistician conspiracy by the same people that counted the attendance at his inaugural and who deny Trump's claim that 3 to 5 million illegal aliens voted for Hillary! They were all indoctrinated at Yale and Harvard by communist professors!
Well, then, instead of deflecting on this thread, you should start another one on how little Obama accomplished. i am sure that the 24-30 million people on ACA will get a kick out of it!

Yes but unfortunately, like unemployment figures, that too is mostly a false number--- ---most of those 24million, same as those now claimed lost to Trump's plan, were simply the young being forced into healthcare they neither needed nor wanted, as the hoped means of generating the revenue necessary to pay for the elderly and make Obamacare sustainable.

Right, Freak! It is all a statistician conspiracy by the same people that counted the attendance at his inaugural and who deny Trump's claim that 3 to 5 million illegal aliens voted for Hillary! They were all indoctrinated at Yale and Harvard by communist professors!

The funny thing about the inauguration claims, and I don't remember all the details exactly now, but Photoshoped pictures aside made up to make Trump look bad, part of the reason for the seeming difference was that during Obama, they had taken down police barricades along the sides going back so that anyone could pour in from any direction, and they probably bused people in from all over, while at the Trump one, you only got in with a ticket. Just another attempt to distort facts and history ignoring the massive numbers that came to every one of Trump's rallies trying to now make it look like no one wanted to come to Trump's inauguration.

If nothing else, many of the people wishing to come to Trump's inauguration probably couldn't make it because they actually had jobs.
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Well, then, instead of deflecting on this thread, you should start another one on how little Obama accomplished. i am sure that the 24-30 million people on ACA will get a kick out of it!

Yes but unfortunately, like unemployment figures, that too is mostly a false number--- ---most of those 24million, same as those now claimed lost to Trump's plan, were simply the young being forced into healthcare they neither needed nor wanted, as the hoped means of generating the revenue necessary to pay for the elderly and make Obamacare sustainable.

Right, Freak! It is all a statistician conspiracy by the same people that counted the attendance at his inaugural and who deny Trump's claim that 3 to 5 million illegal aliens voted for Hillary! They were all indoctrinated at Yale and Harvard by communist professors!

The funny thing about the inauguration claims, and I don't remember all the details exactly now, but Photoshoped pictures aside made up to make Trump look bad, part of the reason for the seeming difference was that during Obama, they had taken down police barricades along the sides going back so that anyone could pour in from any direction, while at the Trump one, you only got in with a ticket. Just another attempt to distort facts and history ignoring the massive numbers that came to every one of Trump's rallies trying to now make it look like no one wanted to come to Trump's inauguration.

SJW snowflakes were guarding entrances into the Inauguration ceremony and even resorted to attacking little old ladies and the D.C police stood down. There was a big time obstruction operation going on. Fuck the lying leftard clown posse of sniveling pussies. Their mommas should have used the business end of a beer bottle and aborted their disgusting asses. I wish that I could have attended the Inauguration if for no other reason than to kick the ever loving shit out of some commie cowards.
Well, then, instead of deflecting on this thread, you should start another one on how little Obama accomplished. i am sure that the 24-30 million people on ACA will get a kick out of it!

Yes but unfortunately, like unemployment figures, that too is mostly a false number--- ---most of those 24million, same as those now claimed lost to Trump's plan, were simply the young being forced into healthcare they neither needed nor wanted, as the hoped means of generating the revenue necessary to pay for the elderly and make Obamacare sustainable.

Right, Freak! It is all a statistician conspiracy by the same people that counted the attendance at his inaugural and who deny Trump's claim that 3 to 5 million illegal aliens voted for Hillary! They were all indoctrinated at Yale and Harvard by communist professors!

The funny thing about the inauguration claims, and I don't remember all the details exactly now, but Photoshoped pictures aside made up to make Trump look bad, part of the reason for the seeming difference was that during Obama, they had taken down police barricades along the sides going back so that anyone could pour in from any direction, while at the Trump one, you only got in with a ticket. Just another attempt to distort facts and history ignoring the massive numbers that came to every one of Trump's rallies trying to now make it look like no one wanted to come to Trump's inauguration.

SJW snowflakes were guarding entrances into the Inauguration ceremony and even resorted to attacking little old ladies and the D.C police stood down. There was a big time obstruction operation going on. Fuck the lying leftard clown posse of sniveling pussies. Their mommas should have used the business end of a beer bottle and aborted their disgusting asses. I wish that I could have attended the Inauguration if for no other reason than to kick the ever loving shit out of some commie cowards.

It would not surprise me. As usual, the Left lies, cheats, covers their eyes, their ears, then say they see no evidence of the facts.
The funny thing about the inauguration claims, and I don't remember all the details exactly now, but Photoshoped pictures aside made up to make Trump look bad, .

You're right, you don't remember the details. The details being the Trump folks photoshopped (cropped and edited) the photo of the mall, in order to make Trump look credible. The photos released by the parks department showed what the national mall crowd looked like on January 20th, 8 years apart.
The funny thing about the inauguration claims, and I don't remember all the details exactly now, but Photoshoped pictures aside made up to make Trump look bad, .

You're right, you don't remember the details. The details being the Trump folks photoshopped (cropped and edited) the photo of the mall, in order to make Trump look credible. The photos released by the parks department showed what the national mall crowd looked like on January 20th, 8 years apart.
Most Trump voters were at work.
The funny thing about the inauguration claims, and I don't remember all the details exactly now, but Photoshoped pictures aside made up to make Trump look bad, .

You're right, you don't remember the details. The details being the Trump folks photoshopped (cropped and edited) the photo of the mall, in order to make Trump look credible. The photos released by the parks department showed what the national mall crowd looked like on January 20th, 8 years apart.

Your right. Trump cropped the pictures to make the crowds look smaller. Fine except that I still have the live TV broadcasts from both events. Pictures posted comparing Obama and Trump's inauguration were taken early on in the Trump event before it had even filled up yet.

Every rally Trump held during his campaign, the venue was over-packed to levels never before seen, even when big rock bands attended! Thousands waited outside that could not get in. People traveled hundreds of miles to attend. All the while, Hillary had to bus people in just to fill small auditoriums. But no one wanted to come to Trump's inauguration. Had Hillary won, they could have held it at the Bill's Big Burger joint down the road and had room to spare.

I know for a fact that Obama had barricades taken down and the story above that there were snowflakes trying to keep people out at Trump's would not surprise me at all. Democrats have done similar things before at election poles. I myself experienced such things personally.
The funny thing about the inauguration claims, and I don't remember all the details exactly now, but Photoshoped pictures aside made up to make Trump look bad, .

You're right, you don't remember the details. The details being the Trump folks photoshopped (cropped and edited) the photo of the mall, in order to make Trump look credible. The photos released by the parks department showed what the national mall crowd looked like on January 20th, 8 years apart.

Every rally Trump held during his campaign, the venue was over-packed to levels never before seen, even when big rock bands attended! Thousands waited outside that could not get in. People traveled hundreds of miles to attend. All the while, Hillary had to bus people in just to fill small auditoriums. But no one wanted to come to Trump's inauguration. Had Hillary won, they could have held it at the Bill's Big Burger joint down the road and had room to spare.

You're absolutely right about his rallies. Somebody I know have been to a Trump rally last summer and had to travel out of state because couldn't get in in their own state (the crowds were a lot larger than the buildings!). They say they enjoyed the rally a lot, the theater was completely full and all 25 hundred people were standing for over an hour during his speech.

At the end of the rally Trump said: "Please, sit down, nobody's making you stand!" However everybody kept standing till he finished his speech. And during that Trump's rally all the 25 hundred audience was repeatedly chanting: "Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! "
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