Trump is a Wrecking Ball

Why’d you have to cheat then?

It's in the Democrats' collective "blood" to cheat...

One need look no further than various urban ( i.e., Chicago, Boston, etc. ) Democratic Machines to know the truth of that observation...

However... the REAL question is... did they cheat enough to change the outcome of the election?

And the answer to that is a resounding "No".

The Republicans brought sixty-two (62) cases before the law-courts.

Many of the presiding judges being Republicans, with a number of Rump appointees amongst them.

Sixty-one of those sixty-two were tossed out; some for lack of standing; most for lack of merit.

And the single case that made it past into the courtroom did not involve a measure of "cheating" sufficient to over turn the election in that jurisdiction.

You - and your fellow Rumpians - have been sold a bill-of-goods with as much integrity and validity and value as a diploma from Trump University...

You know better, fer Crissakes...

Snap out of it.
Yes trump is a wrecking ball and a bulldozer.

That's what we need now is someone to clear the site of all the rubble. To knock shit down and sweep it away.

Then we need someone like desantis to come in behind him to rebuild and maintain.
Japan's Abe, he got assassinated.
Same as that POS trump.

because you said Abe was assassinated…”just like trump” it’s obviously clear what your intent was.
Nope, but nice try. Quit fucking lying and misquoting me. You POS.

Abe was assassinated, but he had the same stance, in this photo, that someone claimed that idiot Thunk posted
Just look at the BALLS on this man!
Which man, I suggested that Abe and POS trump had the same stance.
Nope, but nice try. Quit fucking lying and misquoting me. You POS.

Abe was assassinated, but he had the same stance, in this photo, that someone claimed that idiot Thunk posted

Which man, I suggested that Abe and POS trump had the same stance.
take your calls for violence somewhere else…sick stuff
It is? how so? Show me the results of the paper forensics and machine scanners?
You saw those results the morning after the election.

Since then, each-and-every serious challenge to vote-count accuracy has been audited (usually in a bipartisan manner) and reverified as accurate and true.

Stop it.

Grow up.
"Proud Boys, stand back and stand by"
"We are going to March to the Capitol, and I'll be there with you."

Fuck Your stance.
trump incited ALL of THIS.
sorry you feel so triggered to threaten murder. but you are clearly a. clear and present danger to our republic
Just look at the BALLS on this man!

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