Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton.

If we elected the president by popular vote you might have a point, but since we don't, you don't.

And, of course, you ignored everything else I wrote. No surprise from an intellectually dishonest lightweight such as yourself.

Most of your posts are meaningless partisan filler. NO offense.

Pointing out that Hillary Clinton won by 3 million votes and that Trump is a lap dog for Putin is "partisan"?

Got it, lightweight.

The fist part is meaningless and the second is a complete moronic lie.

Sifting though crap like that to find a sort of point to respond to, is not "ignoring everything else", it's the result of everything else being crap.

Soon Trump will be President and you will have real issues to complain about.

I hope when that time comes, that you are able to clearly communicate something about what you feel other than vague resentment.

Ain't vague at all, lightweight. I explained clearly why Trump is an illegitimate President.

Sadly, you just ain't got the facts on your side so you cry like a little bitch about "partisanship".
On Jan 20 who again is sworn in?

The lap dog traitor for Vladimir Putin? Does that make you proud, traitor?

Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

We're not the traitor you commie Marxist liberal bastards are.

On Jan 20 who again is sworn in?

The lap dog traitor for Vladimir Putin? Does that make you proud, traitor?

Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

I know more than you....obviously. You can't even attempt to answer my very salient question as to what Putin and Russia has done that justifies a war...because that is exactly what the Barrypuppet is pushing for and stupid fucks like you are blaming him for passing on e-mails to Julian Assange (that has plainly stated that wasn't the case) that shows the leftard clown posse conspiring to cheat and steal the election? You are like a guy that gets pissed because his wife found out he was texting another woman and you are pissed that she didn't trust you....seriously, this is too fucking funny.....
On Jan 20 who again is sworn in?

The lap dog traitor for Vladimir Putin? Does that make you proud, traitor?

Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

We're not the traitor you commie Marxist liberal bastards are.

View attachment 104638

Yet, you're the one who shamelessly praises a murderer like Putin.

The only traitor is you. You are truly a worthless piece of Repug shit. A truly unremarkable, ignorant, unsophisticated goober lame ass.
If we elected the president by popular vote you might have a point, but since we don't, you don't.

And, of course, you ignored everything else I wrote. No surprise from an intellectually dishonest lightweight such as yourself.

Most of your posts are meaningless partisan filler. NO offense.

Pointing out that Hillary Clinton won by 3 million votes and that Trump is a lap dog for Putin is "partisan"?

Got it, lightweight.

The fist part is meaningless and the second is a complete moronic lie.

Sifting though crap like that to find a sort of point to respond to, is not "ignoring everything else", it's the result of everything else being crap.

Soon Trump will be President and you will have real issues to complain about.

I hope when that time comes, that you are able to clearly communicate something about what you feel other than vague resentment.

Ain't vague at all, lightweight. I explained clearly why Trump is an illegitimate President.

Sadly, you just ain't got the facts on your side so you cry like a little bitch about "partisanship".

The only thing you explained is you failed the American constitution in the 8th grade

If we elected the president by popular vote you might have a point, but since we don't, you don't.

And, of course, you ignored everything else I wrote. No surprise from an intellectually dishonest lightweight such as yourself.

Most of your posts are meaningless partisan filler. NO offense.

Pointing out that Hillary Clinton won by 3 million votes and that Trump is a lap dog for Putin is "partisan"?

Got it, lightweight.

The fist part is meaningless and the second is a complete moronic lie.

Sifting though crap like that to find a sort of point to respond to, is not "ignoring everything else", it's the result of everything else being crap.

Soon Trump will be President and you will have real issues to complain about.

I hope when that time comes, that you are able to clearly communicate something about what you feel other than vague resentment.

Ain't vague at all, lightweight. I explained clearly why Trump is an illegitimate President.

Sadly, you just ain't got the facts on your side so you cry like a little bitch about "partisanship".
Cry me a river fuckin loser.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president.
Again, it's much easier to change you silly name. It's no one's fault but your own.

Changing my name isn't necessary. Trump is not the legitimate president and the majority of Americans know it.
Your name just proves what we already knew; you're a loser.
On Jan 20 who again is sworn in?

The lap dog traitor for Vladimir Putin? Does that make you proud, traitor?

Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

I know more than you....obviously. You can't even attempt to answer my very salient question as to what Putin and Russia has done that justifies a war...because that is exactly what the Barrypuppet is pushing for and stupid fucks like you are blaming him for passing on e-mails to Julian Assange (that has plainly stated that wasn't the case) that shows the leftard clown posse conspiring to cheat and steal the election? You are like a guy that gets pissed because his wife found out he was texting another woman and you are pissed that she didn't trust you....seriously, this is too fucking funny.....

Obama is not pushing for a war with Russia, so your whole argument is meaningless, partisan horse shit. Sanctions are not war. Got it, lightweight?

Nice attempt to change the subject, fucktard. You obviously don't want to talk about Trump's illegitimate presidency.
On Jan 20 who again is sworn in?

The lap dog traitor for Vladimir Putin? Does that make you proud, traitor?

Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

We're not the traitor you commie Marxist liberal bastards are.

View attachment 104638

Yet, you're the one who shamelessly praises a murderer like Putin.

The only traitor is you. You are truly a worthless piece of Repug shit. A truly unremarkable, ignorant, unsophisticated goober lame ass.

We're not the one who kneels before the National Anthem commie pinko bastard traitor.


If we elected the president by popular vote you might have a point, but since we don't, you don't.

And, of course, you ignored everything else I wrote. No surprise from an intellectually dishonest lightweight such as yourself.

Most of your posts are meaningless partisan filler. NO offense.

Pointing out that Hillary Clinton won by 3 million votes and that Trump is a lap dog for Putin is "partisan"?

Got it, lightweight.

The fist part is meaningless and the second is a complete moronic lie.

Sifting though crap like that to find a sort of point to respond to, is not "ignoring everything else", it's the result of everything else being crap.

Soon Trump will be President and you will have real issues to complain about.

I hope when that time comes, that you are able to clearly communicate something about what you feel other than vague resentment.

Ain't vague at all, lightweight. I explained clearly why Trump is an illegitimate President.

Sadly, you just ain't got the facts on your side so you cry like a little bitch about "partisanship".

NOpe. I look at your posts, and there is nothing there to respond TO.

Your explanation as to why you feel Trump is illegitimate could be debunked by a 2 cd history class.

Other than that, vague resentment and nonsense.

You need to shake off the panic mongering bullshit that your leaders told you and realize that none of your fears of whatever is actually going to happen.

Trump is gong to be a normal president MAYBE with some fresh and completely reasonable policies.

If you want to fight him, you are going to start addressing reality or become irrelevant.

More irrelevant.
I'm just happy we'll have an actual Citizen as our President again. And he loves America to boot. A Win-Win. Go Trump!
On Jan 20 who again is sworn in?

The lap dog traitor for Vladimir Putin? Does that make you proud, traitor?

Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

I know more than you....obviously. You can't even attempt to answer my very salient question as to what Putin and Russia has done that justifies a war...because that is exactly what the Barrypuppet is pushing for and stupid fucks like you are blaming him for passing on e-mails to Julian Assange (that has plainly stated that wasn't the case) that shows the leftard clown posse conspiring to cheat and steal the election? You are like a guy that gets pissed because his wife found out he was texting another woman and you are pissed that she didn't trust you....seriously, this is too fucking funny.....

Obama is not pushing for a war with Russia, so your whole argument is meaningless, partisan horse shit. Sanctions are not war. Got it, lightweight?

Nice attempt to change the subject, fucktard. You obviously don't want to talk about Trump's illegitimate presidency.

It's funny how you and your liberals shit on cop cars, kills cops, stand on the flag, takes a piss on the American flag...

Calls trump and us the traitor...

I wouldn't doubt tranny you are posting this from a little girls bathroom.

On Jan 20 who again is sworn in?

The lap dog traitor for Vladimir Putin? Does that make you proud, traitor?

Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

We're not the traitor you commie Marxist liberal bastards are.

View attachment 104638

Yet, you're the one who shamelessly praises a murderer like Putin.

The only traitor is you. You are truly a worthless piece of Repug shit. A truly unremarkable, ignorant, unsophisticated goober lame ass.

USA.INC and it's NATO pals have killed millions since this fake war on terror started and then they raped and pillaged those countries...there is no high road for us to take. Russia and Putin hasn't illegally invaded a country since Afghanistan in what was that you were saying????
The lap dog traitor for Vladimir Putin? Does that make you proud, traitor?

Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

We're not the traitor you commie Marxist liberal bastards are.

View attachment 104638

Yet, you're the one who shamelessly praises a murderer like Putin.

The only traitor is you. You are truly a worthless piece of Repug shit. A truly unremarkable, ignorant, unsophisticated goober lame ass.

We're not the one who kneels before the National Anthem commie pinko bastard traitor.



It's called freedom of expression, unremarkable one.

They are not praising a murderer like Putin who interferes in our elections. That would be you, Repug traitor mother fucker.
The lap dog traitor for Vladimir Putin? Does that make you proud, traitor?

Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

We're not the traitor you commie Marxist liberal bastards are.

View attachment 104638

Yet, you're the one who shamelessly praises a murderer like Putin.

The only traitor is you. You are truly a worthless piece of Repug shit. A truly unremarkable, ignorant, unsophisticated goober lame ass.

We're not the one who kneels before the National Anthem commie pinko bastard traitor.


Dub kneels for a great many other things too, no doubt.
Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

We're not the traitor you commie Marxist liberal bastards are.

View attachment 104638

Yet, you're the one who shamelessly praises a murderer like Putin.

The only traitor is you. You are truly a worthless piece of Repug shit. A truly unremarkable, ignorant, unsophisticated goober lame ass.

We're not the one who kneels before the National Anthem commie pinko bastard traitor.



It's called freedom of expression, unremarkable one.

They are not praising a murderer like Putin who interferes in our elections. That would be you, Repug traitor mother fucker.

They are anti-american pieces of shit, and the Cold War is over.
Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

We're not the traitor you commie Marxist liberal bastards are.

View attachment 104638

Yet, you're the one who shamelessly praises a murderer like Putin.

The only traitor is you. You are truly a worthless piece of Repug shit. A truly unremarkable, ignorant, unsophisticated goober lame ass.

We're not the one who kneels before the National Anthem commie pinko bastard traitor.



It's called freedom of expression, unremarkable one.

They are not praising a murderer like Putin who interferes in our elections. That would be you, Repug traitor mother fucker.

Kaepernick praised back it up

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