Trump, is basically president of ONLY his "loyal"base.

You are blind and present this as if it was the first time a President was loyal to his base

Was the majority of Obama's cabinet as defiant, as they are to the current idiot-in-chief's rhetoric???
What is Hillary President of?

As usual among fucked up Trump ass kissers.......The ONLY retort and "defense" on a thread about, BRING UP CLINTON !!!....LOL

(those monitoring this forum must be on vacation.)

no, just giving you plenty of rope before I make the decision to move it to Conspiracy Theories....

(or Rubber Room)

If the thread were about Obama, you'd demand it be moved.
Do you ever tire of being wrong? He is the President. Like him or not that is the fact. I got news for you skippy. FDR hated the press as did Truman and LBJ. You clowns act like this is new!

Moron........has ANY previous president labeled (400 or so times) the press and all media...THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE???
This one is seriously ill with Trump Derangement Syndrome. lol fucking "original" to bring up TDS.......Did you come up with that all by yourself or did your mommy help you?
The loyal base would be... AMERICANS!

Reading comprehension issues, Trump ass licker???.......Judging how AMERICANS voted, you have a problem.

Clinton's final tally came in at 65,844,610, compared to Donald Trump's 62,979,636, with a difference of 2,864,974.
how many of those 2.8 million voted for the so called "lessor" of 2 evils?....many of them hated clinton but hated trump more...
When you whine that Trump received fewer votes than Hillary, what are we supposed to bring up?

Fuckhead....I was responding to your fellow fuckhead who "boasted" that AMERICANS wanted the orange clown in the
Do you ever tire of being wrong? He is the President. Like him or not that is the fact. I got news for you skippy. FDR hated the press as did Truman and LBJ. You clowns act like this is new!

Moron........has ANY previous president labeled (400 or so times) the press and all media...THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE???
Hey there numnuts. FDR said the press couldn’t be trusted to tell the truth which is why he selected reporters and the topics. Any one in the press who lies is an enemy of the American people. Get your head out of your ass.
no, just giving you plenty of rope before I make the decision to move it to Conspiracy Theories....

(or Rubber Room)

Showing your right leaning biases again, Willi.......As stated before, were it not for a few of us on the left.....this forum would be a circle jerk of Trump cult members.

You want to keep this forum popular???......Apply some measure of FAIRNESS.
Last time I checked he was president of everyone in the United States
and Obama was only president of his loyal base..

Obama's base included over 50% of American voters.
Trump's base is at best 15% of American voters and that number continues to shrink.

If it wasn't for Russia's help Trump would not be in office today.

in my view of things.
Do you ever tire of being wrong? He is the President. Like him or not that is the fact. I got news for you skippy. FDR hated the press as did Truman and LBJ. You clowns act like this is new!

Moron........has ANY previous president labeled (400 or so times) the press and all media...THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE???

So you agree with the President that they are fake news?
no, just giving you plenty of rope before I make the decision to move it to Conspiracy Theories....

(or Rubber Room)

Showing your right leaning biases again, Willi.......As stated before, were it not for a few of us on the left.....this forum would be a circle jerk of Trump cult members.

You want to keep this forum popular???......Apply some measure of FAIRNESS.


you should look it up in the one of the dictionary sites.

You keep starting threads that stink of either conspiracy, or insanity.

and expect to keep them in Politics.

(tried to explain it to you before, just because it concerns Trump, it's not always political.)

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