Trump, is basically president of ONLY his "loyal"base.

So you agree with the President that they are fake news?

Go have another drink of kool-aid and go to bed.....

The president said fake news is the enemy of the state. You’re equating fake news with the entirety of the press. The only rational preclude is that subconsciously you believe the press is fake news
if you don't want people following you around, stop with the trainwrecks.

The only people that take you seriously, are fools as partisan as you are

Glad to know that right wing, Trump ass kissers don't like my posts,,,,,,
My job of holding up a mirror to your sorry faces is then done.......LOL

Go on, move the thread as your little brain desires......
Here we go again, they're ALL against you. What a whiny ass.

Actually, NO, moron........the paranoia is all with the orange clown and his blind followers (like you)........I just know that those monitoring this forum are a bit to the right of Pol Pot.........Have some more kool-aid, Duckie..........LOL
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Be it because of rabid hatred for Clinton.....or be it for one's reluctance to admit he or she voted for an idiot in 2016.....or (in the case of elected republicans) be it for dowright fear of Trump's tweets, Trump's base remains somewhat loyal to this charlatan.

However, this "base" is starting to dwindle a bit...Sure, his rallies are still well attended by screaming and ever-smiling sycophants....but they will NOT be enough as saner republicans will either not vote....or in some increasing cases, choose to vote for a moderate democrat candidate.

If we look at Trump's rallies, we simply see a low self-esteemed, buffoon searching for approval by empty, rhetorical bullying of all his perceived enemies.....At rallies, Trump mostly speaks of HIMSELF regardless whether the rally was to support some republican candidate.

Given his constant attack of what he perceived the "enemy of the people"....the would NOT be a surprise that some Trump cult member and NRA nut-case may show up and shoot at a journalist....It would not be the first time that Trump would encourage violence against his perceived foes.

In a nutshell, Trump encourages his base to believe ONLY his lies, and not what media and opponents may state......regardless if those accusatory statements are well-documented, supported and often just a recap of Trump's OWN flip-flops.

I would simply ask the many Trump supporters on here (a majority of posters, by the way) if they really and objectively agree with Trump's policies on:

Foreign affairs......(Trump's approval ratings are high ONLY in Russia and Israel...besides his domestic base.)

Tariffs.........(one wonders how long the mantra of "short-term pain for long-term gains" will last for farmers and U.S. exporters.)

Tax cuts........(objectively, only an idiot would deny that the 83% of tax cuts were skewed toward the 2% of wealthy Americans......and the "gains' in middle class voters' wages have proven miniscule.)

Deficit spending.........(to finance the tax cuts WITHOUT any substantial reduction of government programs,has caused a massive increase in our debt which....given how the tax cut law was written.......will have to be eventually paid by the middle class.)

Immigration and border security........(Trump's policies on this issue are downright shameful...just ask his own daughter.)

Support and efficacy of our Intelligence agencies.......(basically, we have patriotic republicans in charge of our intelligence, defying Trump's rhetoric to his ignorant base.)

All in all, a personal storm of legal and ethical issues is about to hit Trump squarely in his orange forehead, and his base will have to decide whether "loyalty" to a charlatan will be enough to reject reality.

Incorrect. If you're an American He is your President as well. Like it or not. Be thankful.
don't care what the laws/rules say...Trump is not my President. No one rules another so long as one rejects that rule. They can physically force me to do something. But they cannot force my respect or my acknowledgement of his authority.

And I will follow nothing he orders...unless to do so is too problematic to be worth it.

His directives I will not follow, his requests I will ignore and his orders I will laugh at.

And if he was standing right in front of me - I would probably spit in his face.

He is NOT my POTUS.

THANK YOU....and right on target.........

Not ONE line of my O/P was quoted and responded to by these right wing sheep.

All they could do was to attack the messenger (and move the post away.)

Perfectly fine, however......since I got my message across to saner posters.

If I'm gone for a while from here,i ts all due to you know who on this right wing forum who cannot stomach an opposite
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Better idea, gnat

Learn to read what you wrote Flash's post and tell us how fucking "political" your buddies' posts are and adhering to your rules..........and, I already have a puppy, so I don't really need a bunch of Trump ass lickers following me around (as they do on this forum.)
Flash is a white supremacist and openly brags about it. If trump was a black man, then nothing he would say would be accepted by him.
ncorrect. If you're an American He is your President as well. Like it or not. Be thankful.

i do not bow down to ANY, two-bit, wanna be orange despot.....But, yes...we will survive this scourge in the oval office (and fumigate it after he's gone.)
Be it because of rabid hatred for Clinton.....or be it for one's reluctance to admit he or she voted for an idiot in 2016.....or (in the case of elected republicans) be it for dowright fear of Trump's tweets, Trump's base remains somewhat loyal to this charlatan.

However, this "base" is starting to dwindle a bit...Sure, his rallies are still well attended by screaming and ever-smiling sycophants....but they will NOT be enough as saner republicans will either not vote....or in some increasing cases, choose to vote for a moderate democrat candidate.

If we look at Trump's rallies, we simply see a low self-esteemed, buffoon searching for approval by empty, rhetorical bullying of all his perceived enemies.....At rallies, Trump mostly speaks of HIMSELF regardless whether the rally was to support some republican candidate.

Given his constant attack of what he perceived the "enemy of the people"....the would NOT be a surprise that some Trump cult member and NRA nut-case may show up and shoot at a journalist....It would not be the first time that Trump would encourage violence against his perceived foes.

In a nutshell, Trump encourages his base to believe ONLY his lies, and not what media and opponents may state......regardless if those accusatory statements are well-documented, supported and often just a recap of Trump's OWN flip-flops.

I would simply ask the many Trump supporters on here (a majority of posters, by the way) if they really and objectively agree with Trump's policies on:

Foreign affairs......(Trump's approval ratings are high ONLY in Russia and Israel...besides his domestic base.)

Tariffs.........(one wonders how long the mantra of "short-term pain for long-term gains" will last for farmers and U.S. exporters.)

Tax cuts........(objectively, only an idiot would deny that the 83% of tax cuts were skewed toward the 2% of wealthy Americans......and the "gains' in middle class voters' wages have proven miniscule.)

Deficit spending.........(to finance the tax cuts WITHOUT any substantial reduction of government programs,has caused a massive increase in our debt which....given how the tax cut law was written.......will have to be eventually paid by the middle class.)

Immigration and border security........(Trump's policies on this issue are downright shameful...just ask his own daughter.)

Support and efficacy of our Intelligence agencies.......(basically, we have patriotic republicans in charge of our intelligence, defying Trump's rhetoric to his ignorant base.)

All in all, a personal storm of legal and ethical issues is about to hit Trump squarely in his orange forehead, and his base will have to decide whether "loyalty" to a charlatan will be enough to reject reality.

The USA has one president. So he is your president.
Unless you are revoking your citizenship and leaving the county.
If so, why are you still here?
Do you need help getting to Sicily? Let me know...

I don't care what the laws/rules say...Trump is not my President. No one rules another so long as one rejects that rule. They can physically force me to do something. But they cannot force my respect or my acknowledgement of his authority.

And I will follow nothing he orders...unless to do so is too problematic to be worth it.

His directives I will not follow, his requests I will ignore and his orders I will laugh at.

And if he was standing right in front of me - I would probably spit in his face.

He is NOT my POTUS.

He is NOT my POTUS.

Was Obama your president?

Was GW Bush your president?

Was Clinton your president?

Was GHW Bush your president?

Was Reagan your president?

(please copy and paste, and respond for each individual)
if you don't want people following you around, stop with the trainwrecks.

The only people that take you seriously, are fools as partisan as you are

Glad to know that right wing, Trump ass kissers don't like my posts,,,,,,
My job of holding up a mirror to your sorry faces is then done.......LOL

Go on, move the thread as your little brain desires......

Don’t like your posts? We absolutely love them. They are a source of hours of entertainment and intrigue. Not to mention a psychological study into how people can be so blind and obtuse to reality
ncorrect. If you're an American He is your President as well. Like it or not. Be thankful.

i do not bow down to ANY, two-bit, wanna be orange despot.....But, yes...we will survive this scourge in the oval office (and fumigate it after he's gone.)

This is the United States of America. No one has to bow to anyone.

Course that doesn’t mean you get to ignore reality
ncorrect. If you're an American He is your President as well. Like it or not. Be thankful.

i do not bow down to ANY, two-bit, wanna be orange despot.....But, yes...we will survive this scourge in the oval office (and fumigate it after he's gone.)

I wouldn’t bow down to any world leader, none, which has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.
into how people can be so blind and obtuse to reality

Sure....ask a a grown up if YOUR "reality" is not part of a cult mentality.....

In YOUR world......Trump is your messiah......The entire planet loves the moronic clown.......The economy is fantastic because of his charming personality.....North Korea gave up its nukes in exchange of a red MAGA hat......Russia's THUGS are really sweethearts and love to give Trump money strings attached.......Should I go on, fuck head????.
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