Trump, is basically president of ONLY his "loyal"base.

Be it because of rabid hatred for Clinton.....or be it for one's reluctance to admit he or she voted for an idiot in 2016.....or (in the case of elected republicans) be it for dowright fear of Trump's tweets, Trump's base remains somewhat loyal to this charlatan.

However, this "base" is starting to dwindle a bit...Sure, his rallies are still well attended by screaming and ever-smiling sycophants....but they will NOT be enough as saner republicans will either not vote....or in some increasing cases, choose to vote for a moderate democrat candidate.

If we look at Trump's rallies, we simply see a low self-esteemed, buffoon searching for approval by empty, rhetorical bullying of all his perceived enemies.....At rallies, Trump mostly speaks of HIMSELF regardless whether the rally was to support some republican candidate.

Given his constant attack of what he perceived the "enemy of the people"....the would NOT be a surprise that some Trump cult member and NRA nut-case may show up and shoot at a journalist....It would not be the first time that Trump would encourage violence against his perceived foes.

In a nutshell, Trump encourages his base to believe ONLY his lies, and not what media and opponents may state......regardless if those accusatory statements are well-documented, supported and often just a recap of Trump's OWN flip-flops.

I would simply ask the many Trump supporters on here (a majority of posters, by the way) if they really and objectively agree with Trump's policies on:

Foreign affairs......(Trump's approval ratings are high ONLY in Russia and Israel...besides his domestic base.)

Tariffs.........(one wonders how long the mantra of "short-term pain for long-term gains" will last for farmers and U.S. exporters.)

Tax cuts........(objectively, only an idiot would deny that the 83% of tax cuts were skewed toward the 2% of wealthy Americans......and the "gains' in middle class voters' wages have proven miniscule.)

Deficit spending.........(to finance the tax cuts WITHOUT any substantial reduction of government programs,has caused a massive increase in our debt which....given how the tax cut law was written.......will have to be eventually paid by the middle class.)

Immigration and border security........(Trump's policies on this issue are downright shameful...just ask his own daughter.)

Support and efficacy of our Intelligence agencies.......(basically, we have patriotic republicans in charge of our intelligence, defying Trump's rhetoric to his ignorant base.)

All in all, a personal storm of legal and ethical issues is about to hit Trump squarely in his orange forehead, and his base will have to decide whether "loyalty" to a charlatan will be enough to reject reality.
Oh shut up. Go be with her and stronger together a little less whinnier
hey, fuckhead....given your moronic "logic" the Trump is an "enemy of the American people"............LOL

President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims ...
Aww poor little idiot. You got caught yet again making false and stupid statements like trump is only president of his base. Your history of posts prove that you are of the ignorant selective outrage group that thinks trump is Satan and that he and he alone lies. Pablum eating upstarts like you are truly hilarious. Itā€™s fun to watch you stomp your little feet and scream then when reality hits you in the face, you either change the subject, donā€™t answer the question or just call someone a name. Keep up your little rants, hold your breath and demand you be taken seriously. Grown ups with brains that actually run things find people like you funny.
Hate, lies and name calling is all he has, that is why the troll is so entertaining. His daily stupidity gives me a daily dose of laughs and I real life isnā€™t bad at all.
He is a funny little toad. Itā€™s fun to watch everyone kick th crap out of him and then he disappears. Either his mother calls him up from the basement or the attendants in the facility make him get off the computer.

He is a paid Republican operative, people after reading his posts realize Democrats are batshit crazy and leave the Democratic Party. Pretty ingenious.
If only he were that smart.

Come on, do you know anyone as dumb as he is and can still figure out how to breathe? I think not! :)
Aww poor little idiot. You got caught yet again making false and stupid statements like trump is only president of his base. Your history of posts prove that you are of the ignorant selective outrage group that thinks trump is Satan and that he and he alone lies. Pablum eating upstarts like you are truly hilarious. Itā€™s fun to watch you stomp your little feet and scream then when reality hits you in the face, you either change the subject, donā€™t answer the question or just call someone a name. Keep up your little rants, hold your breath and demand you be taken seriously. Grown ups with brains that actually run things find people like you funny.
Hate, lies and name calling is all he has, that is why the troll is so entertaining. His daily stupidity gives me a daily dose of laughs and I real life isnā€™t bad at all.
He is a funny little toad. Itā€™s fun to watch everyone kick th crap out of him and then he disappears. Either his mother calls him up from the basement or the attendants in the facility make him get off the computer.

He is a paid Republican operative, people after reading his posts realize Democrats are batshit crazy and leave the Democratic Party. Pretty ingenious.
If only he were that smart.

Come on, do you know anyone as dumb as he is and can still figure out how to breathe? I think not! :)
Good point!
Obama's base included over 50% of American voters.
Trump's base is at best 15% of American voters and that number continues to shrink.

If it wasn't for Russia's help Trump would not be in office today.

in my view of things.

I slightly and respectfully disagree about how much Russia helped to place this orange stooge in the WH....

Clinton has her own various flaws.....and Clinton was going to pretty much have another 8 years of the Obama's policies....Ergo, the hatred of Hillary and the hatred of Obama rallied enough morons to show up at the polls......

Some of these latter voters were easy victims of demagoguery ......some were enamoured with Trump's rhetoric of an 8th grader which matched their level of education.....and some were just closeted racists and misogynists who saw a champion of their biases in the Trumpster.
(tried to explain it to you before, just because it concerns Trump, it's not always political.)

Fucking "brilliant".......but you're correct...Anything concerning Trump should be in a category of circus clowns......

If an idiot like you does NOT see "politics" in my original post, you should find a job as (speaking of circuses) head of cleaning up after the elephants.
(tried to explain it to you before, just because it concerns Trump, it's not always political.)

Fucking "brilliant".......but you're correct...Anything concerning Trump should be in a category of circus clowns......

If an idiot like you does NOT see "politics" in my original post, you should find a job as (speaking of circuses) head of cleaning up after the elephants.

If an idiot like you does NOT see "politics" in my original post,


I see a bait thread making the claim no one but Trump supporters accept him as President.

Like I said earlier, either conspiracy, or rubber room
You might do some introspection and ask yourself, "Self, why is it that none of the shit I say is going to happen never happens?"

begin planning for a new screen name after next November..... Ducki.....lole

I see a bait thread making the claim no one but Trump supporters accept him as President.

Like I said earlier, either conspiracy, or rubber room

First; learn to COMPREHEND what you read, Willi....and then,

Do it.....go on....that's the ONLY little power you have.......Why don;t you review your right wing buddies' posts and see how much they responded to the thread title??

Is that like Obama only being the President of the Negroes, Illegals, Muslims and queers?

I see a bait thread making the claim no one but Trump supporters accept him as President.

Like I said earlier, either conspiracy, or rubber room

First; learn to COMPREHEND what you read, Willi....and then,

Do it.....go on....that's the ONLY little power you have.......Why don;t you review your right wing buddies' posts and see how much they responded to the thread title??


First; learn to COMPREHEND what you read, Willi....and then,

Better idea, gnat

Learn to read what you wrote

I see a bait thread making the claim no one but Trump supporters accept him as President.

Like I said earlier, either conspiracy, or rubber room

First; learn to COMPREHEND what you read, Willi....and then,

Do it.....go on....that's the ONLY little power you have.......Why don;t you review your right wing buddies' posts and see how much they responded to the thread title??

Youā€™re thread title, like you is ignorant and false.
Better idea, gnat

Learn to read what you wrote Flash's post and tell us how fucking "political" your buddies' posts are and adhering to your rules..........and, I already have a puppy, so I don't really need a bunch of Trump ass lickers following me around (as they do on this forum.)
Better idea, gnat

Learn to read what you wrote Flash's post and tell us how fucking "political" your buddies' posts are and adhering to your rules..........and, I already have a puppy, so I don't really need a bunch of Trump ass lickers following me around (as they do on this forum.)

if you don't want people following you around, stop with the trainwrecks.

The only people that take you seriously, are fools as partisan as you are

I see a bait thread making the claim no one but Trump supporters accept him as President.

Like I said earlier, either conspiracy, or rubber room

First; learn to COMPREHEND what you read, Willi....and then,

Do it.....go on....that's the ONLY little power you have.......Why don;t you review your right wing buddies' posts and see how much they responded to the thread title??


Here we go again, they're ALL against you. What a whiny ass.
Be it because of rabid hatred for Clinton.....or be it for one's reluctance to admit he or she voted for an idiot in 2016.....or (in the case of elected republicans) be it for dowright fear of Trump's tweets, Trump's base remains somewhat loyal to this charlatan.

However, this "base" is starting to dwindle a bit...Sure, his rallies are still well attended by screaming and ever-smiling sycophants....but they will NOT be enough as saner republicans will either not vote....or in some increasing cases, choose to vote for a moderate democrat candidate.

If we look at Trump's rallies, we simply see a low self-esteemed, buffoon searching for approval by empty, rhetorical bullying of all his perceived enemies.....At rallies, Trump mostly speaks of HIMSELF regardless whether the rally was to support some republican candidate.

Given his constant attack of what he perceived the "enemy of the people"....the would NOT be a surprise that some Trump cult member and NRA nut-case may show up and shoot at a journalist....It would not be the first time that Trump would encourage violence against his perceived foes.

In a nutshell, Trump encourages his base to believe ONLY his lies, and not what media and opponents may state......regardless if those accusatory statements are well-documented, supported and often just a recap of Trump's OWN flip-flops.

I would simply ask the many Trump supporters on here (a majority of posters, by the way) if they really and objectively agree with Trump's policies on:

Foreign affairs......(Trump's approval ratings are high ONLY in Russia and Israel...besides his domestic base.)

Tariffs.........(one wonders how long the mantra of "short-term pain for long-term gains" will last for farmers and U.S. exporters.)

Tax cuts........(objectively, only an idiot would deny that the 83% of tax cuts were skewed toward the 2% of wealthy Americans......and the "gains' in middle class voters' wages have proven miniscule.)

Deficit spending.........(to finance the tax cuts WITHOUT any substantial reduction of government programs,has caused a massive increase in our debt which....given how the tax cut law was written.......will have to be eventually paid by the middle class.)

Immigration and border security........(Trump's policies on this issue are downright shameful...just ask his own daughter.)

Support and efficacy of our Intelligence agencies.......(basically, we have patriotic republicans in charge of our intelligence, defying Trump's rhetoric to his ignorant base.)

All in all, a personal storm of legal and ethical issues is about to hit Trump squarely in his orange forehead, and his base will have to decide whether "loyalty" to a charlatan will be enough to reject reality.

The USA has one president. So he is your president.
Unless you are revoking your citizenship and leaving the county.
If so, why are you still here?
Do you need help getting to Sicily? Let me know...

I don't care what the laws/rules say...Trump is not my President. No one rules another so long as one rejects that rule. They can physically force me to do something. But they cannot force my respect or my acknowledgement of his authority.

And I will follow nothing he orders...unless to do so is too problematic to be worth it.

His directives I will not follow, his requests I will ignore and his orders I will laugh at.

And if he was standing right in front of me - I would probably spit in his face.

He is NOT my POTUS.
hahahhahahahahh and hahahahhahahahahahahha
I don't care if he murders someone

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