Trump is better for the Economy than Biden

tRump is better for his rich buddies. Not for the rest of us.

Please don't pretend democrats care about working people. More Guatemalans, taxes, and shipping businesses out of the country as fast as possible doesn't sound like a plan. The redistribution scam has gone about as far as it can. No more elites surrounded by tent cities.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's republicans granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Taxes are going up no matter who's in office next, dOnald tRump has guaranteed that.

Offshoring is a republican technique to maximize profits. Nothing to do with Democrats.

You've fallen for the fake news.

Republicans are guilty of amnesty and inaction, however your party is currently fighting every measure at immigration reform such as catch and release, wanting to ban immigration offices, and now offering goodies such as free health care. If you had any honesty or awareness, you would see who is currently riding the illegal train.

Trump actually brought taxes down, and you guys howled like stuck pigs. You suddenly became interested in the deficit and Pelosi made a 3 billion dollar Chistmas list. If Biden wins, what do you think are going to happen to tax rates across the board?

Again, Republicans are guilty of offshoring, but your party is fighting tooth and nail to stop companies from coming back. Republicans finally grew a pair and are trying to get companies to come back, while you guys praise China and yack about a trade war.

Democrats use the middle class and tries to get rid of them at the same time. It is a sick scam. Name one good thing Biden would do to help people who have a job? Raise their energy bills for the green scam?
None of that is true. Democrats want immigration reform, but republicans resist that in order to push their complete anti immigration agenda.

tRump brought taxes down for his wealthy buddies and corporations, not the regular guy. The wealthy buddies and corporations promptly used it to enrich themselves further at the public's expense.

Nobody is against companies coming back to the US. Democrats as a general rule are against actually paying them to come back though, as anyone with any common sense should be.

Help people who have a job? How about insisting the companies they work for pay a living wage? Or guaranteeing they won't be bankrupted by an unexpected healthcare bill?

Your post is full of lies and twisted half-truths.

I'm glad you actually responded. Most people don't want to discuss anything. Taxes went down for most people, not just the rich. You can hate the rich, but don't downplay tax cuts the middle class actually received. How is healthcare for illegals due to reform being blocked by Republicans? What immigration reform do democrats actually want? You have mayors warning people that law enforcement is coming. Why would companies come back to the US if we make make it horrible to be here? If it is better everywhere else on earth to have a business, no one is coming back. Having the government set wages seems nice at first, but there are well documented problems with this. Government healthcare raised premiums, deductibles, and produced inferior care. Many dropped insurance instead of paying the penalty. Nice talkin to ya, got to go. I think we want many of the same things.
The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week. The wealthy folks and companies saved tens to hundreds to million of dollars in some cases. Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent. This was almost exclusively a tax cut for the the already wealthy, who incidentally aren't paying their fair share to start with.

I never mentioned anything about healthcare for illegal immigrants. But it's a nice straw man. Healthcare for everyone else now, there's a topic. You do realize that it was republican modifications to the ACA that made premiums increase steeply, right? Look up "risk corridors". It was also republicans interference that lower the standard of care.

Immigration reform. Separating families at the border is cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. It must stop. Dreamers must have a real.path to citizenship. We need real border security solutions, not this wall boondoggle.

It is not horrible for business to be here. They would just rather operate in third world countries where they can get labor for ¢0.20 an hour. The government is already setting wages. They subsidize big business by allowing them to pay less than a living wage and making up the difference for them, thus keeping wages artificially depressed. If the republicans were truly supportive of the middle class you would insist that those practices stop immediately and give the middle class back some self respect and security.

The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week.

View attachment 343460

How much did you make that your cut was so small?

Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent.

Pelosi could have written a bill to make the middle class cuts permanent, way back in Jan 2019.

Why hasn't she done that? Maybe Dems don't like cutting taxes for the middle class?
My taxes had a net increase because to offset a meager 3 percent tax cut, Trump deleted my personal tax exemptions and deductions for state and local taxes.

Corporations and billionaires saw no equivalent offsets
Mine too. Thats a good thing. We should pay more to help those that need the monies. Corporations saw a decrease so they could hire more people and invest in various projects.
Hire more people and invest in various projects...

Only they didn’t. They just kept the money
That is absolutely not true. Hence the record low unemployment and higher wages. We shut down the economy on purpose to deal with the virus. It didn't decline because of natural causes.

No. tRump fucked around and did NOTHING until.the governors decided they had to act without his guidance.

The economy was on edge before this anyway. That ridiculous Tax cut among other things was artificially propping it up. Who ever heard of cutting interest rates in a booking economy? The whole thing was smoke and mirrors.

WE! Not the Governors. It is the governors who opened it up per his guidance. Trump doesn't cut rates, the Fed does. You may blame him for the trade war, the fact that he didn't reopen the economy around Easter like he should have but not for acting too slowly. Plus the article I posted speaks volumes.
The pressure to open up wasn't "guidance". There was guidance, it got thrown out the window. At first tRump was talking outta both sides of his face. Saying "stay the course, it's too early" in press conferences and twitting about defying the governor's shutdowns. After a while his stopped even giving lip service to the reopening guidelines and just pushed reopening.

Trade wars are nobody but tRump.

tRump pushed his hand picked minion. If you think for one second Powell didn't cut rates because tRump wanted him to you aren't as intelligent as I thought you were.

And he acted so slowly that he still hasn't acted on some of the most important things.
Trump bullied the Fed? Maybe. What do you have against lower rates?

I dislike how Trump has handled the budget, albeit I will give him 4 more years to fix it, given his rationale. I dislike that he has allowed Leftists Governors to quell businesses over this COVID mess, which is an overreaction. We should open the economy now. Look at the riots. People don't give two shits about social distancing.

Nobidy got lower taxes except his chosen friends.

RT? Over our home.grown scientists?

My business did. Home grown flip flop kings like Fauci?
Mine didn't, and I know of no small business that did. I also tend to take tRump supporters with a grain of salt when they claim these things that are the exact opposite of the average experience.

No supporter of tRump is allowed to call anyone else a flip-flopper.
You can take the blame you're trying to assign to Pelosi and stick it where the sun don't shine.

If Dems wanted to "fix" the middle class tax cut, they could write the legislation in 5 minutes.
You think McConnell and Trump wouldn't sign it in a minute?
You're dumber than I thought possible.
tRump's ridiculous attempt at legislation is gone as soon as the adults are back in charge anyway.
Who do you consider to be "adults"? Kamala Harris and Adam Schiff?
For starters, sure.
That is pure insanity and hypocrisy. I could see if you mentioned those currently not in positions of power but should be. Those two are an embarrassment.
You've fallen for the fake news.
tRump is better for his rich buddies. Not for the rest of us.

Please don't pretend democrats care about working people. More Guatemalans, taxes, and shipping businesses out of the country as fast as possible doesn't sound like a plan. The redistribution scam has gone about as far as it can. No more elites surrounded by tent cities.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's republicans granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Taxes are going up no matter who's in office next, dOnald tRump has guaranteed that.

Offshoring is a republican technique to maximize profits. Nothing to do with Democrats.

You've fallen for the fake news.

Republicans are guilty of amnesty and inaction, however your party is currently fighting every measure at immigration reform such as catch and release, wanting to ban immigration offices, and now offering goodies such as free health care. If you had any honesty or awareness, you would see who is currently riding the illegal train.

Trump actually brought taxes down, and you guys howled like stuck pigs. You suddenly became interested in the deficit and Pelosi made a 3 billion dollar Chistmas list. If Biden wins, what do you think are going to happen to tax rates across the board?

Again, Republicans are guilty of offshoring, but your party is fighting tooth and nail to stop companies from coming back. Republicans finally grew a pair and are trying to get companies to come back, while you guys praise China and yack about a trade war.

Democrats use the middle class and tries to get rid of them at the same time. It is a sick scam. Name one good thing Biden would do to help people who have a job? Raise their energy bills for the green scam?
None of that is true. Democrats want immigration reform, but republicans resist that in order to push their complete anti immigration agenda.

tRump brought taxes down for his wealthy buddies and corporations, not the regular guy. The wealthy buddies and corporations promptly used it to enrich themselves further at the public's expense.

Nobody is against companies coming back to the US. Democrats as a general rule are against actually paying them to come back though, as anyone with any common sense should be.

Help people who have a job? How about insisting the companies they work for pay a living wage? Or guaranteeing they won't be bankrupted by an unexpected healthcare bill?

Your post is full of lies and twisted half-truths.

I'm glad you actually responded. Most people don't want to discuss anything. Taxes went down for most people, not just the rich. You can hate the rich, but don't downplay tax cuts the middle class actually received. How is healthcare for illegals due to reform being blocked by Republicans? What immigration reform do democrats actually want? You have mayors warning people that law enforcement is coming. Why would companies come back to the US if we make make it horrible to be here? If it is better everywhere else on earth to have a business, no one is coming back. Having the government set wages seems nice at first, but there are well documented problems with this. Government healthcare raised premiums, deductibles, and produced inferior care. Many dropped insurance instead of paying the penalty. Nice talkin to ya, got to go. I think we want many of the same things.
The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week. The wealthy folks and companies saved tens to hundreds to million of dollars in some cases. Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent. This was almost exclusively a tax cut for the the already wealthy, who incidentally aren't paying their fair share to start with.

I never mentioned anything about healthcare for illegal immigrants. But it's a nice straw man. Healthcare for everyone else now, there's a topic. You do realize that it was republican modifications to the ACA that made premiums increase steeply, right? Look up "risk corridors". It was also republicans interference that lower the standard of care.

Immigration reform. Separating families at the border is cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. It must stop. Dreamers must have a real.path to citizenship. We need real border security solutions, not this wall boondoggle.

It is not horrible for business to be here. They would just rather operate in third world countries where they can get labor for ¢0.20 an hour. The government is already setting wages. They subsidize big business by allowing them to pay less than a living wage and making up the difference for them, thus keeping wages artificially depressed. If the republicans were truly supportive of the middle class you would insist that those practices stop immediately and give the middle class back some self respect and security.

The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week.

View attachment 343460

How much did you make that your cut was so small?

Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent.

Pelosi could have written a bill to make the middle class cuts permanent, way back in Jan 2019.

Why hasn't she done that? Maybe Dems don't like cutting taxes for the middle class?
My taxes had a net increase because to offset a meager 3 percent tax cut, Trump deleted my personal tax exemptions and deductions for state and local taxes.

Corporations and billionaires saw no equivalent offsets
Mine too. Thats a good thing. We should pay more to help those that need the monies. Corporations saw a decrease so they could hire more people and invest in various projects.
Hire more people and invest in various projects...

Only they didn’t. They just kept the money
That is absolutely not true. Hence the record low unemployment and higher wages. We shut down the economy on purpose to deal with the virus. It didn't decline because of natural causes.

No. tRump fucked around and did NOTHING until.the governors decided they had to act without his guidance.

The economy was on edge before this anyway. That ridiculous Tax cut among other things was artificially propping it up. Who ever heard of cutting interest rates in a booking economy? The whole thing was smoke and mirrors.

WE! Not the Governors. It is the governors who opened it up per his guidance. Trump doesn't cut rates, the Fed does. You may blame him for the trade war, the fact that he didn't reopen the economy around Easter like he should have but not for acting too slowly. Plus the article I posted speaks volumes.
The pressure to open up wasn't "guidance". There was guidance, it got thrown out the window. At first tRump was talking outta both sides of his face. Saying "stay the course, it's too early" in press conferences and twitting about defying the governor's shutdowns. After a while his stopped even giving lip service to the reopening guidelines and just pushed reopening.

Trade wars are nobody but tRump.

tRump pushed his hand picked minion. If you think for one second Powell didn't cut rates because tRump wanted him to you aren't as intelligent as I thought you were.

And he acted so slowly that he still hasn't acted on some of the most important things.
Trump bullied the Fed? Maybe. What do you have against lower rates?

I dislike how Trump has handled the budget, albeit I will give him 4 more years to fix it, given his rationale. I dislike that he has allowed Leftists Governors to quell businesses over this COVID mess, which is an overreaction. We should open the economy now. Look at the riots. People don't give two shits about social distancing.

He has destroyed our country enough

The voters will send him packing
Again, you state an opinion as a fact. Do you know the difference between the two? Honest question.
Seems you can’t tell when someone posts an opinion
Have you always been so slow on the uptake?
HA! Triggered! Seems you cannot answer a question. Have you always been so evasive and or stupid?
I don't see that you asked a question other than rhetorical.

Who's being evasive here?
tRump is better for his rich buddies. Not for the rest of us.

Please don't pretend democrats care about working people. More Guatemalans, taxes, and shipping businesses out of the country as fast as possible doesn't sound like a plan. The redistribution scam has gone about as far as it can. No more elites surrounded by tent cities.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's republicans granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Taxes are going up no matter who's in office next, dOnald tRump has guaranteed that.

Offshoring is a republican technique to maximize profits. Nothing to do with Democrats.

You've fallen for the fake news.

Republicans are guilty of amnesty and inaction, however your party is currently fighting every measure at immigration reform such as catch and release, wanting to ban immigration offices, and now offering goodies such as free health care. If you had any honesty or awareness, you would see who is currently riding the illegal train.

Trump actually brought taxes down, and you guys howled like stuck pigs. You suddenly became interested in the deficit and Pelosi made a 3 billion dollar Chistmas list. If Biden wins, what do you think are going to happen to tax rates across the board?

Again, Republicans are guilty of offshoring, but your party is fighting tooth and nail to stop companies from coming back. Republicans finally grew a pair and are trying to get companies to come back, while you guys praise China and yack about a trade war.

Democrats use the middle class and tries to get rid of them at the same time. It is a sick scam. Name one good thing Biden would do to help people who have a job? Raise their energy bills for the green scam?
None of that is true. Democrats want immigration reform, but republicans resist that in order to push their complete anti immigration agenda.

tRump brought taxes down for his wealthy buddies and corporations, not the regular guy. The wealthy buddies and corporations promptly used it to enrich themselves further at the public's expense.

Nobody is against companies coming back to the US. Democrats as a general rule are against actually paying them to come back though, as anyone with any common sense should be.

Help people who have a job? How about insisting the companies they work for pay a living wage? Or guaranteeing they won't be bankrupted by an unexpected healthcare bill?

Your post is full of lies and twisted half-truths.

I'm glad you actually responded. Most people don't want to discuss anything. Taxes went down for most people, not just the rich. You can hate the rich, but don't downplay tax cuts the middle class actually received. How is healthcare for illegals due to reform being blocked by Republicans? What immigration reform do democrats actually want? You have mayors warning people that law enforcement is coming. Why would companies come back to the US if we make make it horrible to be here? If it is better everywhere else on earth to have a business, no one is coming back. Having the government set wages seems nice at first, but there are well documented problems with this. Government healthcare raised premiums, deductibles, and produced inferior care. Many dropped insurance instead of paying the penalty. Nice talkin to ya, got to go. I think we want many of the same things.
The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week. The wealthy folks and companies saved tens to hundreds to million of dollars in some cases. Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent. This was almost exclusively a tax cut for the the already wealthy, who incidentally aren't paying their fair share to start with.

I never mentioned anything about healthcare for illegal immigrants. But it's a nice straw man. Healthcare for everyone else now, there's a topic. You do realize that it was republican modifications to the ACA that made premiums increase steeply, right? Look up "risk corridors". It was also republicans interference that lower the standard of care.

Immigration reform. Separating families at the border is cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. It must stop. Dreamers must have a real.path to citizenship. We need real border security solutions, not this wall boondoggle.

It is not horrible for business to be here. They would just rather operate in third world countries where they can get labor for ¢0.20 an hour. The government is already setting wages. They subsidize big business by allowing them to pay less than a living wage and making up the difference for them, thus keeping wages artificially depressed. If the republicans were truly supportive of the middle class you would insist that those practices stop immediately and give the middle class back some self respect and security.

The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week.

View attachment 343460

How much did you make that your cut was so small?

Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent.

Pelosi could have written a bill to make the middle class cuts permanent, way back in Jan 2019.

Why hasn't she done that? Maybe Dems don't like cutting taxes for the middle class?
My taxes had a net increase because to offset a meager 3 percent tax cut, Trump deleted my personal tax exemptions and deductions for state and local taxes.

Corporations and billionaires saw no equivalent offsets
Mine too. Thats a good thing. We should pay more to help those that need the monies. Corporations saw a decrease so they could hire more people and invest in various projects.
But they did stock buybacks and lined their pockets instead.
Then how do you explain the record low unemployment and most companies are not public. Mid Market companies certainly benefited, hired and expanded.
Unemployment was already at historic lows. It didn't improve much at all.
Except it did and wages grew.
No, it didn't. And wages grew slower than inflation.

View attachment 343530
Lol, look at the chart as a whole,.not just the last year.
I did. Pretty good. Since 2017. Economy was cranking until the virus hit.
Go back further...

Like 2010. You gotta look at the whole chart to see the whole story. Things have been.going up since 2010. What you're seeing is the end of a trend, not a sudden change related to tRump.
Of course and they will go up now since we are at such a low point. Don't you work in the corporate sector? You didn't notice the uptick post his election? Seriously?
tRump is better for his rich buddies. Not for the rest of us.

Please don't pretend democrats care about working people. More Guatemalans, taxes, and shipping businesses out of the country as fast as possible doesn't sound like a plan. The redistribution scam has gone about as far as it can. No more elites surrounded by tent cities.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's republicans granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Taxes are going up no matter who's in office next, dOnald tRump has guaranteed that.

Offshoring is a republican technique to maximize profits. Nothing to do with Democrats.

You've fallen for the fake news.

Republicans are guilty of amnesty and inaction, however your party is currently fighting every measure at immigration reform such as catch and release, wanting to ban immigration offices, and now offering goodies such as free health care. If you had any honesty or awareness, you would see who is currently riding the illegal train.

Trump actually brought taxes down, and you guys howled like stuck pigs. You suddenly became interested in the deficit and Pelosi made a 3 billion dollar Chistmas list. If Biden wins, what do you think are going to happen to tax rates across the board?

Again, Republicans are guilty of offshoring, but your party is fighting tooth and nail to stop companies from coming back. Republicans finally grew a pair and are trying to get companies to come back, while you guys praise China and yack about a trade war.

Democrats use the middle class and tries to get rid of them at the same time. It is a sick scam. Name one good thing Biden would do to help people who have a job? Raise their energy bills for the green scam?
None of that is true. Democrats want immigration reform, but republicans resist that in order to push their complete anti immigration agenda.

tRump brought taxes down for his wealthy buddies and corporations, not the regular guy. The wealthy buddies and corporations promptly used it to enrich themselves further at the public's expense.

Nobody is against companies coming back to the US. Democrats as a general rule are against actually paying them to come back though, as anyone with any common sense should be.

Help people who have a job? How about insisting the companies they work for pay a living wage? Or guaranteeing they won't be bankrupted by an unexpected healthcare bill?

Your post is full of lies and twisted half-truths.

I'm glad you actually responded. Most people don't want to discuss anything. Taxes went down for most people, not just the rich. You can hate the rich, but don't downplay tax cuts the middle class actually received. How is healthcare for illegals due to reform being blocked by Republicans? What immigration reform do democrats actually want? You have mayors warning people that law enforcement is coming. Why would companies come back to the US if we make make it horrible to be here? If it is better everywhere else on earth to have a business, no one is coming back. Having the government set wages seems nice at first, but there are well documented problems with this. Government healthcare raised premiums, deductibles, and produced inferior care. Many dropped insurance instead of paying the penalty. Nice talkin to ya, got to go. I think we want many of the same things.
The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week. The wealthy folks and companies saved tens to hundreds to million of dollars in some cases. Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent. This was almost exclusively a tax cut for the the already wealthy, who incidentally aren't paying their fair share to start with.

I never mentioned anything about healthcare for illegal immigrants. But it's a nice straw man. Healthcare for everyone else now, there's a topic. You do realize that it was republican modifications to the ACA that made premiums increase steeply, right? Look up "risk corridors". It was also republicans interference that lower the standard of care.

Immigration reform. Separating families at the border is cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. It must stop. Dreamers must have a real.path to citizenship. We need real border security solutions, not this wall boondoggle.

It is not horrible for business to be here. They would just rather operate in third world countries where they can get labor for ¢0.20 an hour. The government is already setting wages. They subsidize big business by allowing them to pay less than a living wage and making up the difference for them, thus keeping wages artificially depressed. If the republicans were truly supportive of the middle class you would insist that those practices stop immediately and give the middle class back some self respect and security.

People giving actual positions, makes me want to pull up a chair and grab a beer lol.

Middle class tax cuts are considered insignificant unless they reach a threshold? At what point do they become meaningful? Remember, this isn't about punishing the rich.

I will agree the republicans fought the ACA as much as possible, but when it passed, the people who created it knew it wouldn't work and that it was harmful. To say the democrats are blameless because republicans didn't fix that mess is a stretch. Even if you got everything you wanted, I'm guessing premiums and deductibles would still be higher. As far as fixing it, if that is your plan, we have been trying to fix education and the VA forever. How is that working out?

As far as the border, the democrat party is currently trying to give healthcare to illegals in many states. Trump offered Amnesty to the Dreamers if they would sign on to four key immigration reform points. Pelosi told the Dreamers to go pound sand. She actually opposed immigration reform and the Dreamers at the same time.

Lowering corporate rates to be competitive with the rest of the world seems to be absolutely necessary. It isn't just about third world labor. Ask New York what they think about losing those Amazon jobs. Incentives for business can be a GOOD thing for the people who work for said businesses.
tRump is better for his rich buddies. Not for the rest of us.

Please don't pretend democrats care about working people. More Guatemalans, taxes, and shipping businesses out of the country as fast as possible doesn't sound like a plan. The redistribution scam has gone about as far as it can. No more elites surrounded by tent cities.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's republicans granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Taxes are going up no matter who's in office next, dOnald tRump has guaranteed that.

Offshoring is a republican technique to maximize profits. Nothing to do with Democrats.

You've fallen for the fake news.

Republicans are guilty of amnesty and inaction, however your party is currently fighting every measure at immigration reform such as catch and release, wanting to ban immigration offices, and now offering goodies such as free health care. If you had any honesty or awareness, you would see who is currently riding the illegal train.

Trump actually brought taxes down, and you guys howled like stuck pigs. You suddenly became interested in the deficit and Pelosi made a 3 billion dollar Chistmas list. If Biden wins, what do you think are going to happen to tax rates across the board?

Again, Republicans are guilty of offshoring, but your party is fighting tooth and nail to stop companies from coming back. Republicans finally grew a pair and are trying to get companies to come back, while you guys praise China and yack about a trade war.

Democrats use the middle class and tries to get rid of them at the same time. It is a sick scam. Name one good thing Biden would do to help people who have a job? Raise their energy bills for the green scam?
None of that is true. Democrats want immigration reform, but republicans resist that in order to push their complete anti immigration agenda.

tRump brought taxes down for his wealthy buddies and corporations, not the regular guy. The wealthy buddies and corporations promptly used it to enrich themselves further at the public's expense.

Nobody is against companies coming back to the US. Democrats as a general rule are against actually paying them to come back though, as anyone with any common sense should be.

Help people who have a job? How about insisting the companies they work for pay a living wage? Or guaranteeing they won't be bankrupted by an unexpected healthcare bill?

Your post is full of lies and twisted half-truths.

I'm glad you actually responded. Most people don't want to discuss anything. Taxes went down for most people, not just the rich. You can hate the rich, but don't downplay tax cuts the middle class actually received. How is healthcare for illegals due to reform being blocked by Republicans? What immigration reform do democrats actually want? You have mayors warning people that law enforcement is coming. Why would companies come back to the US if we make make it horrible to be here? If it is better everywhere else on earth to have a business, no one is coming back. Having the government set wages seems nice at first, but there are well documented problems with this. Government healthcare raised premiums, deductibles, and produced inferior care. Many dropped insurance instead of paying the penalty. Nice talkin to ya, got to go. I think we want many of the same things.
The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week. The wealthy folks and companies saved tens to hundreds to million of dollars in some cases. Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent. This was almost exclusively a tax cut for the the already wealthy, who incidentally aren't paying their fair share to start with.

I never mentioned anything about healthcare for illegal immigrants. But it's a nice straw man. Healthcare for everyone else now, there's a topic. You do realize that it was republican modifications to the ACA that made premiums increase steeply, right? Look up "risk corridors". It was also republicans interference that lower the standard of care.

Immigration reform. Separating families at the border is cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. It must stop. Dreamers must have a real.path to citizenship. We need real border security solutions, not this wall boondoggle.

It is not horrible for business to be here. They would just rather operate in third world countries where they can get labor for ¢0.20 an hour. The government is already setting wages. They subsidize big business by allowing them to pay less than a living wage and making up the difference for them, thus keeping wages artificially depressed. If the republicans were truly supportive of the middle class you would insist that those practices stop immediately and give the middle class back some self respect and security.

The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week.

View attachment 343460

How much did you make that your cut was so small?

Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent.

Pelosi could have written a bill to make the middle class cuts permanent, way back in Jan 2019.

Why hasn't she done that? Maybe Dems don't like cutting taxes for the middle class?
My taxes had a net increase because to offset a meager 3 percent tax cut, Trump deleted my personal tax exemptions and deductions for state and local taxes.

Corporations and billionaires saw no equivalent offsets
Mine too. Thats a good thing. We should pay more to help those that need the monies. Corporations saw a decrease so they could hire more people and invest in various projects.
Hire more people and invest in various projects...

Only they didn’t. They just kept the money
That is absolutely not true. Hence the record low unemployment and higher wages. We shut down the economy on purpose to deal with the virus. It didn't decline because of natural causes.

No. tRump fucked around and did NOTHING until.the governors decided they had to act without his guidance.

The economy was on edge before this anyway. That ridiculous Tax cut among other things was artificially propping it up. Who ever heard of cutting interest rates in a booking economy? The whole thing was smoke and mirrors.

WE! Not the Governors. It is the governors who opened it up per his guidance. Trump doesn't cut rates, the Fed does. You may blame him for the trade war, the fact that he didn't reopen the economy around Easter like he should have but not for acting too slowly. Plus the article I posted speaks volumes.
The pressure to open up wasn't "guidance". There was guidance, it got thrown out the window. At first tRump was talking outta both sides of his face. Saying "stay the course, it's too early" in press conferences and twitting about defying the governor's shutdowns. After a while his stopped even giving lip service to the reopening guidelines and just pushed reopening.

Trade wars are nobody but tRump.

tRump pushed his hand picked minion. If you think for one second Powell didn't cut rates because tRump wanted him to you aren't as intelligent as I thought you were.

And he acted so slowly that he still hasn't acted on some of the most important things.
Trump bullied the Fed? Maybe. What do you have against lower rates?

I dislike how Trump has handled the budget, albeit I will give him 4 more years to fix it, given his rationale. I dislike that he has allowed Leftists Governors to quell businesses over this COVID mess, which is an overreaction. We should open the economy now. Look at the riots. People don't give two shits about social distancing.

Nobidy got lower taxes except his chosen friends.

RT? Over our home.grown scientists?

My business did. Home grown flip flop kings like Fauci?
Mine didn't, and I know of no small business that did. I also tend to take tRump supporters with a grain of salt when they claim these things that are the exact opposite of the average experience.

No supporter of tRump is allowed to call anyone else a flip-flopper.

You're kidding right?? Mid Market companies paid less in taxes. This is a FACT. I may do as I please. Plus we have debated here many times. I am not inferior to you. Far from it.
You can take the blame you're trying to assign to Pelosi and stick it where the sun don't shine.

If Dems wanted to "fix" the middle class tax cut, they could write the legislation in 5 minutes.
You think McConnell and Trump wouldn't sign it in a minute?
You're dumber than I thought possible.
tRump's ridiculous attempt at legislation is gone as soon as the adults are back in charge anyway.
Who do you consider to be "adults"? Kamala Harris and Adam Schiff?
For starters, sure.
That is pure insanity and hypocrisy. I could see if you mentioned those currently not in positions of power but should be. Those two are an embarrassment.
You've fallen for the fake news.
That is possible. I saw Harris act like a witch with Kavanaugh and walk out like a child. Then I see her pandering to Biden. Hypocrite.
Bottom line, if my dad, a teacher, voted for a Democrat, would his taxes go up, his healthcare costs and his energy costs? Why would he want to do that? Supporting the middle class is not about a safety net. Safety nets are for disabled and elderly. They do not foster success, or raise people out of poverty.
tRump is better for his rich buddies. Not for the rest of us.

Please don't pretend democrats care about working people. More Guatemalans, taxes, and shipping businesses out of the country as fast as possible doesn't sound like a plan. The redistribution scam has gone about as far as it can. No more elites surrounded by tent cities.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's republicans granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Taxes are going up no matter who's in office next, dOnald tRump has guaranteed that.

Offshoring is a republican technique to maximize profits. Nothing to do with Democrats.

You've fallen for the fake news.

Republicans are guilty of amnesty and inaction, however your party is currently fighting every measure at immigration reform such as catch and release, wanting to ban immigration offices, and now offering goodies such as free health care. If you had any honesty or awareness, you would see who is currently riding the illegal train.

Trump actually brought taxes down, and you guys howled like stuck pigs. You suddenly became interested in the deficit and Pelosi made a 3 billion dollar Chistmas list. If Biden wins, what do you think are going to happen to tax rates across the board?

Again, Republicans are guilty of offshoring, but your party is fighting tooth and nail to stop companies from coming back. Republicans finally grew a pair and are trying to get companies to come back, while you guys praise China and yack about a trade war.

Democrats use the middle class and tries to get rid of them at the same time. It is a sick scam. Name one good thing Biden would do to help people who have a job? Raise their energy bills for the green scam?
None of that is true. Democrats want immigration reform, but republicans resist that in order to push their complete anti immigration agenda.

tRump brought taxes down for his wealthy buddies and corporations, not the regular guy. The wealthy buddies and corporations promptly used it to enrich themselves further at the public's expense.

Nobody is against companies coming back to the US. Democrats as a general rule are against actually paying them to come back though, as anyone with any common sense should be.

Help people who have a job? How about insisting the companies they work for pay a living wage? Or guaranteeing they won't be bankrupted by an unexpected healthcare bill?

Your post is full of lies and twisted half-truths.

I'm glad you actually responded. Most people don't want to discuss anything. Taxes went down for most people, not just the rich. You can hate the rich, but don't downplay tax cuts the middle class actually received. How is healthcare for illegals due to reform being blocked by Republicans? What immigration reform do democrats actually want? You have mayors warning people that law enforcement is coming. Why would companies come back to the US if we make make it horrible to be here? If it is better everywhere else on earth to have a business, no one is coming back. Having the government set wages seems nice at first, but there are well documented problems with this. Government healthcare raised premiums, deductibles, and produced inferior care. Many dropped insurance instead of paying the penalty. Nice talkin to ya, got to go. I think we want many of the same things.
The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week. The wealthy folks and companies saved tens to hundreds to million of dollars in some cases. Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent. This was almost exclusively a tax cut for the the already wealthy, who incidentally aren't paying their fair share to start with.

I never mentioned anything about healthcare for illegal immigrants. But it's a nice straw man. Healthcare for everyone else now, there's a topic. You do realize that it was republican modifications to the ACA that made premiums increase steeply, right? Look up "risk corridors". It was also republicans interference that lower the standard of care.

Immigration reform. Separating families at the border is cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. It must stop. Dreamers must have a real.path to citizenship. We need real border security solutions, not this wall boondoggle.

It is not horrible for business to be here. They would just rather operate in third world countries where they can get labor for ¢0.20 an hour. The government is already setting wages. They subsidize big business by allowing them to pay less than a living wage and making up the difference for them, thus keeping wages artificially depressed. If the republicans were truly supportive of the middle class you would insist that those practices stop immediately and give the middle class back some self respect and security.

The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week.

View attachment 343460

How much did you make that your cut was so small?

Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent.

Pelosi could have written a bill to make the middle class cuts permanent, way back in Jan 2019.

Why hasn't she done that? Maybe Dems don't like cutting taxes for the middle class?
My taxes had a net increase because to offset a meager 3 percent tax cut, Trump deleted my personal tax exemptions and deductions for state and local taxes.

Corporations and billionaires saw no equivalent offsets
Mine too. Thats a good thing. We should pay more to help those that need the monies. Corporations saw a decrease so they could hire more people and invest in various projects.
But they did stock buybacks and lined their pockets instead.
Then how do you explain the record low unemployment and most companies are not public. Mid Market companies certainly benefited, hired and expanded.
Unemployment was already at historic lows. It didn't improve much at all.
Except it did and wages grew.
No, it didn't. And wages grew slower than inflation.

View attachment 343530
Lol, look at the chart as a whole,.not just the last year.
I did. Pretty good. Since 2017. Economy was cranking until the virus hit.
Go back further...

Like 2010. You gotta look at the whole chart to see the whole story. Things have been.going up since 2010. What you're seeing is the end of a trend, not a sudden change related to tRump.
Of course and they will go up now since we are at such a low point. Don't you work in the corporate sector? You didn't notice the uptick post his election? Seriously?
Are you deliberately missing my point or can you really not see it?
tRump is better for his rich buddies. Not for the rest of us.

Please don't pretend democrats care about working people. More Guatemalans, taxes, and shipping businesses out of the country as fast as possible doesn't sound like a plan. The redistribution scam has gone about as far as it can. No more elites surrounded by tent cities.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's republicans granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Taxes are going up no matter who's in office next, dOnald tRump has guaranteed that.

Offshoring is a republican technique to maximize profits. Nothing to do with Democrats.

You've fallen for the fake news.

Republicans are guilty of amnesty and inaction, however your party is currently fighting every measure at immigration reform such as catch and release, wanting to ban immigration offices, and now offering goodies such as free health care. If you had any honesty or awareness, you would see who is currently riding the illegal train.

Trump actually brought taxes down, and you guys howled like stuck pigs. You suddenly became interested in the deficit and Pelosi made a 3 billion dollar Chistmas list. If Biden wins, what do you think are going to happen to tax rates across the board?

Again, Republicans are guilty of offshoring, but your party is fighting tooth and nail to stop companies from coming back. Republicans finally grew a pair and are trying to get companies to come back, while you guys praise China and yack about a trade war.

Democrats use the middle class and tries to get rid of them at the same time. It is a sick scam. Name one good thing Biden would do to help people who have a job? Raise their energy bills for the green scam?
None of that is true. Democrats want immigration reform, but republicans resist that in order to push their complete anti immigration agenda.

tRump brought taxes down for his wealthy buddies and corporations, not the regular guy. The wealthy buddies and corporations promptly used it to enrich themselves further at the public's expense.

Nobody is against companies coming back to the US. Democrats as a general rule are against actually paying them to come back though, as anyone with any common sense should be.

Help people who have a job? How about insisting the companies they work for pay a living wage? Or guaranteeing they won't be bankrupted by an unexpected healthcare bill?

Your post is full of lies and twisted half-truths.

I'm glad you actually responded. Most people don't want to discuss anything. Taxes went down for most people, not just the rich. You can hate the rich, but don't downplay tax cuts the middle class actually received. How is healthcare for illegals due to reform being blocked by Republicans? What immigration reform do democrats actually want? You have mayors warning people that law enforcement is coming. Why would companies come back to the US if we make make it horrible to be here? If it is better everywhere else on earth to have a business, no one is coming back. Having the government set wages seems nice at first, but there are well documented problems with this. Government healthcare raised premiums, deductibles, and produced inferior care. Many dropped insurance instead of paying the penalty. Nice talkin to ya, got to go. I think we want many of the same things.
The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week. The wealthy folks and companies saved tens to hundreds to million of dollars in some cases. Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent. This was almost exclusively a tax cut for the the already wealthy, who incidentally aren't paying their fair share to start with.

I never mentioned anything about healthcare for illegal immigrants. But it's a nice straw man. Healthcare for everyone else now, there's a topic. You do realize that it was republican modifications to the ACA that made premiums increase steeply, right? Look up "risk corridors". It was also republicans interference that lower the standard of care.

Immigration reform. Separating families at the border is cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. It must stop. Dreamers must have a real.path to citizenship. We need real border security solutions, not this wall boondoggle.

It is not horrible for business to be here. They would just rather operate in third world countries where they can get labor for ¢0.20 an hour. The government is already setting wages. They subsidize big business by allowing them to pay less than a living wage and making up the difference for them, thus keeping wages artificially depressed. If the republicans were truly supportive of the middle class you would insist that those practices stop immediately and give the middle class back some self respect and security.

The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week.

View attachment 343460

How much did you make that your cut was so small?

Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent.

Pelosi could have written a bill to make the middle class cuts permanent, way back in Jan 2019.

Why hasn't she done that? Maybe Dems don't like cutting taxes for the middle class?
My taxes had a net increase because to offset a meager 3 percent tax cut, Trump deleted my personal tax exemptions and deductions for state and local taxes.

Corporations and billionaires saw no equivalent offsets
Mine too. Thats a good thing. We should pay more to help those that need the monies. Corporations saw a decrease so they could hire more people and invest in various projects.
But they did stock buybacks and lined their pockets instead.
Then how do you explain the record low unemployment and most companies are not public. Mid Market companies certainly benefited, hired and expanded.
Unemployment was already at historic lows. It didn't improve much at all.
Except it did and wages grew.
No, it didn't. And wages grew slower than inflation.

View attachment 343530
Lol, look at the chart as a whole,.not just the last year.
I did. Pretty good. Since 2017. Economy was cranking until the virus hit.
Go back further...

Like 2010. You gotta look at the whole chart to see the whole story. Things have been.going up since 2010. What you're seeing is the end of a trend, not a sudden change related to tRump.
Of course and they will go up now since we are at such a low point. Don't you work in the corporate sector? You didn't notice the uptick post his election? Seriously?
Are you deliberately missing my point or can you really not see it?
You are the one denying that corporate confidence rose under DJT as he was and remains pro business. Do you run your own business? You're just a hater. If Trump found the cure for cancer tomorrow you would blame him for the job loss in cancer research.
tRump is better for his rich buddies. Not for the rest of us.

Please don't pretend democrats care about working people. More Guatemalans, taxes, and shipping businesses out of the country as fast as possible doesn't sound like a plan. The redistribution scam has gone about as far as it can. No more elites surrounded by tent cities.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's republicans granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Taxes are going up no matter who's in office next, dOnald tRump has guaranteed that.

Offshoring is a republican technique to maximize profits. Nothing to do with Democrats.

You've fallen for the fake news.

Republicans are guilty of amnesty and inaction, however your party is currently fighting every measure at immigration reform such as catch and release, wanting to ban immigration offices, and now offering goodies such as free health care. If you had any honesty or awareness, you would see who is currently riding the illegal train.

Trump actually brought taxes down, and you guys howled like stuck pigs. You suddenly became interested in the deficit and Pelosi made a 3 billion dollar Chistmas list. If Biden wins, what do you think are going to happen to tax rates across the board?

Again, Republicans are guilty of offshoring, but your party is fighting tooth and nail to stop companies from coming back. Republicans finally grew a pair and are trying to get companies to come back, while you guys praise China and yack about a trade war.

Democrats use the middle class and tries to get rid of them at the same time. It is a sick scam. Name one good thing Biden would do to help people who have a job? Raise their energy bills for the green scam?
None of that is true. Democrats want immigration reform, but republicans resist that in order to push their complete anti immigration agenda.

tRump brought taxes down for his wealthy buddies and corporations, not the regular guy. The wealthy buddies and corporations promptly used it to enrich themselves further at the public's expense.

Nobody is against companies coming back to the US. Democrats as a general rule are against actually paying them to come back though, as anyone with any common sense should be.

Help people who have a job? How about insisting the companies they work for pay a living wage? Or guaranteeing they won't be bankrupted by an unexpected healthcare bill?

Your post is full of lies and twisted half-truths.

I'm glad you actually responded. Most people don't want to discuss anything. Taxes went down for most people, not just the rich. You can hate the rich, but don't downplay tax cuts the middle class actually received. How is healthcare for illegals due to reform being blocked by Republicans? What immigration reform do democrats actually want? You have mayors warning people that law enforcement is coming. Why would companies come back to the US if we make make it horrible to be here? If it is better everywhere else on earth to have a business, no one is coming back. Having the government set wages seems nice at first, but there are well documented problems with this. Government healthcare raised premiums, deductibles, and produced inferior care. Many dropped insurance instead of paying the penalty. Nice talkin to ya, got to go. I think we want many of the same things.
The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week. The wealthy folks and companies saved tens to hundreds to million of dollars in some cases. Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent. This was almost exclusively a tax cut for the the already wealthy, who incidentally aren't paying their fair share to start with.

I never mentioned anything about healthcare for illegal immigrants. But it's a nice straw man. Healthcare for everyone else now, there's a topic. You do realize that it was republican modifications to the ACA that made premiums increase steeply, right? Look up "risk corridors". It was also republicans interference that lower the standard of care.

Immigration reform. Separating families at the border is cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. It must stop. Dreamers must have a real.path to citizenship. We need real border security solutions, not this wall boondoggle.

It is not horrible for business to be here. They would just rather operate in third world countries where they can get labor for ¢0.20 an hour. The government is already setting wages. They subsidize big business by allowing them to pay less than a living wage and making up the difference for them, thus keeping wages artificially depressed. If the republicans were truly supportive of the middle class you would insist that those practices stop immediately and give the middle class back some self respect and security.

People giving actual positions, makes me want to pull up a chair and grab a beer lol.

Middle class tax cuts are considered insignificant unless they reach a threshold? At what point do they become meaningful? Remember, this isn't about punishing the rich.

I will agree the republicans fought the ACA as much as possible, but when it passed, the people who created it knew it wouldn't work and that it was harmful. To say the democrats are blameless because republicans didn't fix that mess is a stretch. Even if you got everything you wanted, I'm guessing premiums and deductibles would still be higher. As far as fixing it, if that is your plan, we have been trying to fix education and the VA forever. How is that working out?

As far as the border, the democrat party is currently trying to give healthcare to illegals in many states. Trump offered Amnesty to the Dreamers if they would sign on to four key immigration reform points. Pelosi told the Dreamers to go pound sand. She actually opposed immigration reform and the Dreamers at the same time.

Lowering corporate rates to be competitive with the rest of the world seems to be absolutely necessary. It isn't just about third world labor. Ask New York what they think about losing those Amazon jobs. Incentives for business can be a GOOD thing for the people who work for said businesses.
Who is middle class to you? For the average worker the tax cut amounted to less than inflation. An extra $10 a week or so.

Republicans altered the ACA both before and after it's passage. Did you look up the risk corridors? And I'm not claiming they didn't fix it or even saying they should have, what they shoulda done was leave it alone!

At this point healthcare for illegals is a public safety issue. As far as tRump's offer for the dreamers? It was a joke. It included billions and billions of dollars for his ridiculous wall along with other untenable requirements. It was, as Moscow Mitch is want to say "a nonstarter".
tRump is better for his rich buddies. Not for the rest of us.

Please don't pretend democrats care about working people. More Guatemalans, taxes, and shipping businesses out of the country as fast as possible doesn't sound like a plan. The redistribution scam has gone about as far as it can. No more elites surrounded by tent cities.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's republicans granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Taxes are going up no matter who's in office next, dOnald tRump has guaranteed that.

Offshoring is a republican technique to maximize profits. Nothing to do with Democrats.

You've fallen for the fake news.

Republicans are guilty of amnesty and inaction, however your party is currently fighting every measure at immigration reform such as catch and release, wanting to ban immigration offices, and now offering goodies such as free health care. If you had any honesty or awareness, you would see who is currently riding the illegal train.

Trump actually brought taxes down, and you guys howled like stuck pigs. You suddenly became interested in the deficit and Pelosi made a 3 billion dollar Chistmas list. If Biden wins, what do you think are going to happen to tax rates across the board?

Again, Republicans are guilty of offshoring, but your party is fighting tooth and nail to stop companies from coming back. Republicans finally grew a pair and are trying to get companies to come back, while you guys praise China and yack about a trade war.

Democrats use the middle class and tries to get rid of them at the same time. It is a sick scam. Name one good thing Biden would do to help people who have a job? Raise their energy bills for the green scam?
None of that is true. Democrats want immigration reform, but republicans resist that in order to push their complete anti immigration agenda.

tRump brought taxes down for his wealthy buddies and corporations, not the regular guy. The wealthy buddies and corporations promptly used it to enrich themselves further at the public's expense.

Nobody is against companies coming back to the US. Democrats as a general rule are against actually paying them to come back though, as anyone with any common sense should be.

Help people who have a job? How about insisting the companies they work for pay a living wage? Or guaranteeing they won't be bankrupted by an unexpected healthcare bill?

Your post is full of lies and twisted half-truths.

I'm glad you actually responded. Most people don't want to discuss anything. Taxes went down for most people, not just the rich. You can hate the rich, but don't downplay tax cuts the middle class actually received. How is healthcare for illegals due to reform being blocked by Republicans? What immigration reform do democrats actually want? You have mayors warning people that law enforcement is coming. Why would companies come back to the US if we make make it horrible to be here? If it is better everywhere else on earth to have a business, no one is coming back. Having the government set wages seems nice at first, but there are well documented problems with this. Government healthcare raised premiums, deductibles, and produced inferior care. Many dropped insurance instead of paying the penalty. Nice talkin to ya, got to go. I think we want many of the same things.
The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week. The wealthy folks and companies saved tens to hundreds to million of dollars in some cases. Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent. This was almost exclusively a tax cut for the the already wealthy, who incidentally aren't paying their fair share to start with.

I never mentioned anything about healthcare for illegal immigrants. But it's a nice straw man. Healthcare for everyone else now, there's a topic. You do realize that it was republican modifications to the ACA that made premiums increase steeply, right? Look up "risk corridors". It was also republicans interference that lower the standard of care.

Immigration reform. Separating families at the border is cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. It must stop. Dreamers must have a real.path to citizenship. We need real border security solutions, not this wall boondoggle.

It is not horrible for business to be here. They would just rather operate in third world countries where they can get labor for ¢0.20 an hour. The government is already setting wages. They subsidize big business by allowing them to pay less than a living wage and making up the difference for them, thus keeping wages artificially depressed. If the republicans were truly supportive of the middle class you would insist that those practices stop immediately and give the middle class back some self respect and security.

The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week.

View attachment 343460

How much did you make that your cut was so small?

Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent.

Pelosi could have written a bill to make the middle class cuts permanent, way back in Jan 2019.

Why hasn't she done that? Maybe Dems don't like cutting taxes for the middle class?
My taxes had a net increase because to offset a meager 3 percent tax cut, Trump deleted my personal tax exemptions and deductions for state and local taxes.

Corporations and billionaires saw no equivalent offsets
Mine too. Thats a good thing. We should pay more to help those that need the monies. Corporations saw a decrease so they could hire more people and invest in various projects.
Hire more people and invest in various projects...

Only they didn’t. They just kept the money
That is absolutely not true. Hence the record low unemployment and higher wages. We shut down the economy on purpose to deal with the virus. It didn't decline because of natural causes.

No. tRump fucked around and did NOTHING until.the governors decided they had to act without his guidance.

The economy was on edge before this anyway. That ridiculous Tax cut among other things was artificially propping it up. Who ever heard of cutting interest rates in a booking economy? The whole thing was smoke and mirrors.

WE! Not the Governors. It is the governors who opened it up per his guidance. Trump doesn't cut rates, the Fed does. You may blame him for the trade war, the fact that he didn't reopen the economy around Easter like he should have but not for acting too slowly. Plus the article I posted speaks volumes.
The pressure to open up wasn't "guidance". There was guidance, it got thrown out the window. At first tRump was talking outta both sides of his face. Saying "stay the course, it's too early" in press conferences and twitting about defying the governor's shutdowns. After a while his stopped even giving lip service to the reopening guidelines and just pushed reopening.

Trade wars are nobody but tRump.

tRump pushed his hand picked minion. If you think for one second Powell didn't cut rates because tRump wanted him to you aren't as intelligent as I thought you were.

And he acted so slowly that he still hasn't acted on some of the most important things.
Trump bullied the Fed? Maybe. What do you have against lower rates?

I dislike how Trump has handled the budget, albeit I will give him 4 more years to fix it, given his rationale. I dislike that he has allowed Leftists Governors to quell businesses over this COVID mess, which is an overreaction. We should open the economy now. Look at the riots. People don't give two shits about social distancing.

Nobidy got lower taxes except his chosen friends.

RT? Over our home.grown scientists?

My business did. Home grown flip flop kings like Fauci?
Mine didn't, and I know of no small business that did. I also tend to take tRump supporters with a grain of salt when they claim these things that are the exact opposite of the average experience.

No supporter of tRump is allowed to call anyone else a flip-flopper.

You're kidding right?? Mid Market companies paid less in taxes. This is a FACT. I may do as I please. Plus we have debated here many times. I am not inferior to you. Far from it.
This is what you get when you google "mid market companies paid less taxes"

It's all about how huge companies paid no taxes on billions of dollars in profits, which is a whole other issue.

I didn't say I was superior to you, I tried to politely say that tRumplings sometimes say things that aren't supported by actual facts.
tRump is better for his rich buddies. Not for the rest of us.

Please don't pretend democrats care about working people. More Guatemalans, taxes, and shipping businesses out of the country as fast as possible doesn't sound like a plan. The redistribution scam has gone about as far as it can. No more elites surrounded by tent cities.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's republicans granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Taxes are going up no matter who's in office next, dOnald tRump has guaranteed that.

Offshoring is a republican technique to maximize profits. Nothing to do with Democrats.

You've fallen for the fake news.

Republicans are guilty of amnesty and inaction, however your party is currently fighting every measure at immigration reform such as catch and release, wanting to ban immigration offices, and now offering goodies such as free health care. If you had any honesty or awareness, you would see who is currently riding the illegal train.

Trump actually brought taxes down, and you guys howled like stuck pigs. You suddenly became interested in the deficit and Pelosi made a 3 billion dollar Chistmas list. If Biden wins, what do you think are going to happen to tax rates across the board?

Again, Republicans are guilty of offshoring, but your party is fighting tooth and nail to stop companies from coming back. Republicans finally grew a pair and are trying to get companies to come back, while you guys praise China and yack about a trade war.

Democrats use the middle class and tries to get rid of them at the same time. It is a sick scam. Name one good thing Biden would do to help people who have a job? Raise their energy bills for the green scam?
None of that is true. Democrats want immigration reform, but republicans resist that in order to push their complete anti immigration agenda.

tRump brought taxes down for his wealthy buddies and corporations, not the regular guy. The wealthy buddies and corporations promptly used it to enrich themselves further at the public's expense.

Nobody is against companies coming back to the US. Democrats as a general rule are against actually paying them to come back though, as anyone with any common sense should be.

Help people who have a job? How about insisting the companies they work for pay a living wage? Or guaranteeing they won't be bankrupted by an unexpected healthcare bill?

Your post is full of lies and twisted half-truths.

I'm glad you actually responded. Most people don't want to discuss anything. Taxes went down for most people, not just the rich. You can hate the rich, but don't downplay tax cuts the middle class actually received. How is healthcare for illegals due to reform being blocked by Republicans? What immigration reform do democrats actually want? You have mayors warning people that law enforcement is coming. Why would companies come back to the US if we make make it horrible to be here? If it is better everywhere else on earth to have a business, no one is coming back. Having the government set wages seems nice at first, but there are well documented problems with this. Government healthcare raised premiums, deductibles, and produced inferior care. Many dropped insurance instead of paying the penalty. Nice talkin to ya, got to go. I think we want many of the same things.
The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week. The wealthy folks and companies saved tens to hundreds to million of dollars in some cases. Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent. This was almost exclusively a tax cut for the the already wealthy, who incidentally aren't paying their fair share to start with.

I never mentioned anything about healthcare for illegal immigrants. But it's a nice straw man. Healthcare for everyone else now, there's a topic. You do realize that it was republican modifications to the ACA that made premiums increase steeply, right? Look up "risk corridors". It was also republicans interference that lower the standard of care.

Immigration reform. Separating families at the border is cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. It must stop. Dreamers must have a real.path to citizenship. We need real border security solutions, not this wall boondoggle.

It is not horrible for business to be here. They would just rather operate in third world countries where they can get labor for ¢0.20 an hour. The government is already setting wages. They subsidize big business by allowing them to pay less than a living wage and making up the difference for them, thus keeping wages artificially depressed. If the republicans were truly supportive of the middle class you would insist that those practices stop immediately and give the middle class back some self respect and security.

People giving actual positions, makes me want to pull up a chair and grab a beer lol.

Middle class tax cuts are considered insignificant unless they reach a threshold? At what point do they become meaningful? Remember, this isn't about punishing the rich.

I will agree the republicans fought the ACA as much as possible, but when it passed, the people who created it knew it wouldn't work and that it was harmful. To say the democrats are blameless because republicans didn't fix that mess is a stretch. Even if you got everything you wanted, I'm guessing premiums and deductibles would still be higher. As far as fixing it, if that is your plan, we have been trying to fix education and the VA forever. How is that working out?

As far as the border, the democrat party is currently trying to give healthcare to illegals in many states. Trump offered Amnesty to the Dreamers if they would sign on to four key immigration reform points. Pelosi told the Dreamers to go pound sand. She actually opposed immigration reform and the Dreamers at the same time.

Lowering corporate rates to be competitive with the rest of the world seems to be absolutely necessary. It isn't just about third world labor. Ask New York what they think about losing those Amazon jobs. Incentives for business can be a GOOD thing for the people who work for said businesses.
Who is middle class to you? For the average worker the tax cut amounted to less than inflation. An extra $10 a week or so.

Republicans altered the ACA both before and after it's passage. Did you look up the risk corridors? And I'm not claiming they didn't fix it or even saying they should have, what they shoulda done was leave it alone!

At this point healthcare for illegals is a public safety issue. As far as tRump's offer for the dreamers? It was a joke. It included billions and billions of dollars for his ridiculous wall along with other untenable requirements. It was, as Moscow Mitch is want to say "a nonstarter".
Middle class family to me in MA is a family that makes between $125 - $350k per annum.
tRump is better for his rich buddies. Not for the rest of us.

Please don't pretend democrats care about working people. More Guatemalans, taxes, and shipping businesses out of the country as fast as possible doesn't sound like a plan. The redistribution scam has gone about as far as it can. No more elites surrounded by tent cities.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's republicans granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Taxes are going up no matter who's in office next, dOnald tRump has guaranteed that.

Offshoring is a republican technique to maximize profits. Nothing to do with Democrats.

You've fallen for the fake news.

Republicans are guilty of amnesty and inaction, however your party is currently fighting every measure at immigration reform such as catch and release, wanting to ban immigration offices, and now offering goodies such as free health care. If you had any honesty or awareness, you would see who is currently riding the illegal train.

Trump actually brought taxes down, and you guys howled like stuck pigs. You suddenly became interested in the deficit and Pelosi made a 3 billion dollar Chistmas list. If Biden wins, what do you think are going to happen to tax rates across the board?

Again, Republicans are guilty of offshoring, but your party is fighting tooth and nail to stop companies from coming back. Republicans finally grew a pair and are trying to get companies to come back, while you guys praise China and yack about a trade war.

Democrats use the middle class and tries to get rid of them at the same time. It is a sick scam. Name one good thing Biden would do to help people who have a job? Raise their energy bills for the green scam?
None of that is true. Democrats want immigration reform, but republicans resist that in order to push their complete anti immigration agenda.

tRump brought taxes down for his wealthy buddies and corporations, not the regular guy. The wealthy buddies and corporations promptly used it to enrich themselves further at the public's expense.

Nobody is against companies coming back to the US. Democrats as a general rule are against actually paying them to come back though, as anyone with any common sense should be.

Help people who have a job? How about insisting the companies they work for pay a living wage? Or guaranteeing they won't be bankrupted by an unexpected healthcare bill?

Your post is full of lies and twisted half-truths.

I'm glad you actually responded. Most people don't want to discuss anything. Taxes went down for most people, not just the rich. You can hate the rich, but don't downplay tax cuts the middle class actually received. How is healthcare for illegals due to reform being blocked by Republicans? What immigration reform do democrats actually want? You have mayors warning people that law enforcement is coming. Why would companies come back to the US if we make make it horrible to be here? If it is better everywhere else on earth to have a business, no one is coming back. Having the government set wages seems nice at first, but there are well documented problems with this. Government healthcare raised premiums, deductibles, and produced inferior care. Many dropped insurance instead of paying the penalty. Nice talkin to ya, got to go. I think we want many of the same things.
The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week. The wealthy folks and companies saved tens to hundreds to million of dollars in some cases. Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent. This was almost exclusively a tax cut for the the already wealthy, who incidentally aren't paying their fair share to start with.

I never mentioned anything about healthcare for illegal immigrants. But it's a nice straw man. Healthcare for everyone else now, there's a topic. You do realize that it was republican modifications to the ACA that made premiums increase steeply, right? Look up "risk corridors". It was also republicans interference that lower the standard of care.

Immigration reform. Separating families at the border is cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. It must stop. Dreamers must have a real.path to citizenship. We need real border security solutions, not this wall boondoggle.

It is not horrible for business to be here. They would just rather operate in third world countries where they can get labor for ¢0.20 an hour. The government is already setting wages. They subsidize big business by allowing them to pay less than a living wage and making up the difference for them, thus keeping wages artificially depressed. If the republicans were truly supportive of the middle class you would insist that those practices stop immediately and give the middle class back some self respect and security.

The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week.

View attachment 343460

How much did you make that your cut was so small?

Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent.

Pelosi could have written a bill to make the middle class cuts permanent, way back in Jan 2019.

Why hasn't she done that? Maybe Dems don't like cutting taxes for the middle class?
My taxes had a net increase because to offset a meager 3 percent tax cut, Trump deleted my personal tax exemptions and deductions for state and local taxes.

Corporations and billionaires saw no equivalent offsets
Mine too. Thats a good thing. We should pay more to help those that need the monies. Corporations saw a decrease so they could hire more people and invest in various projects.
Hire more people and invest in various projects...

Only they didn’t. They just kept the money
That is absolutely not true. Hence the record low unemployment and higher wages. We shut down the economy on purpose to deal with the virus. It didn't decline because of natural causes.

No. tRump fucked around and did NOTHING until.the governors decided they had to act without his guidance.

The economy was on edge before this anyway. That ridiculous Tax cut among other things was artificially propping it up. Who ever heard of cutting interest rates in a booking economy? The whole thing was smoke and mirrors.

WE! Not the Governors. It is the governors who opened it up per his guidance. Trump doesn't cut rates, the Fed does. You may blame him for the trade war, the fact that he didn't reopen the economy around Easter like he should have but not for acting too slowly. Plus the article I posted speaks volumes.
The pressure to open up wasn't "guidance". There was guidance, it got thrown out the window. At first tRump was talking outta both sides of his face. Saying "stay the course, it's too early" in press conferences and twitting about defying the governor's shutdowns. After a while his stopped even giving lip service to the reopening guidelines and just pushed reopening.

Trade wars are nobody but tRump.

tRump pushed his hand picked minion. If you think for one second Powell didn't cut rates because tRump wanted him to you aren't as intelligent as I thought you were.

And he acted so slowly that he still hasn't acted on some of the most important things.
Trump bullied the Fed? Maybe. What do you have against lower rates?

I dislike how Trump has handled the budget, albeit I will give him 4 more years to fix it, given his rationale. I dislike that he has allowed Leftists Governors to quell businesses over this COVID mess, which is an overreaction. We should open the economy now. Look at the riots. People don't give two shits about social distancing.

Nobidy got lower taxes except his chosen friends.

RT? Over our home.grown scientists?

My business did. Home grown flip flop kings like Fauci?
Mine didn't, and I know of no small business that did. I also tend to take tRump supporters with a grain of salt when they claim these things that are the exact opposite of the average experience.

No supporter of tRump is allowed to call anyone else a flip-flopper.

You're kidding right?? Mid Market companies paid less in taxes. This is a FACT. I may do as I please. Plus we have debated here many times. I am not inferior to you. Far from it.
This is what you get when you google "mid market companies paid less taxes"

It's all about how huge companies paid no taxes on billions of dollars in profits, which is a whole other issue.

I didn't say I was superior to you, I tried to politely say that tRumplings sometimes say things that aren't supported by actual facts.
Mid market company is a Company that generates between $50 - $500mil in annual revenues. Wide ranging.
tRump is better for his rich buddies. Not for the rest of us.

Please don't pretend democrats care about working people. More Guatemalans, taxes, and shipping businesses out of the country as fast as possible doesn't sound like a plan. The redistribution scam has gone about as far as it can. No more elites surrounded by tent cities.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's republicans granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Taxes are going up no matter who's in office next, dOnald tRump has guaranteed that.

Offshoring is a republican technique to maximize profits. Nothing to do with Democrats.

You've fallen for the fake news.

Republicans are guilty of amnesty and inaction, however your party is currently fighting every measure at immigration reform such as catch and release, wanting to ban immigration offices, and now offering goodies such as free health care. If you had any honesty or awareness, you would see who is currently riding the illegal train.

Trump actually brought taxes down, and you guys howled like stuck pigs. You suddenly became interested in the deficit and Pelosi made a 3 billion dollar Chistmas list. If Biden wins, what do you think are going to happen to tax rates across the board?

Again, Republicans are guilty of offshoring, but your party is fighting tooth and nail to stop companies from coming back. Republicans finally grew a pair and are trying to get companies to come back, while you guys praise China and yack about a trade war.

Democrats use the middle class and tries to get rid of them at the same time. It is a sick scam. Name one good thing Biden would do to help people who have a job? Raise their energy bills for the green scam?
None of that is true. Democrats want immigration reform, but republicans resist that in order to push their complete anti immigration agenda.

tRump brought taxes down for his wealthy buddies and corporations, not the regular guy. The wealthy buddies and corporations promptly used it to enrich themselves further at the public's expense.

Nobody is against companies coming back to the US. Democrats as a general rule are against actually paying them to come back though, as anyone with any common sense should be.

Help people who have a job? How about insisting the companies they work for pay a living wage? Or guaranteeing they won't be bankrupted by an unexpected healthcare bill?

Your post is full of lies and twisted half-truths.

I'm glad you actually responded. Most people don't want to discuss anything. Taxes went down for most people, not just the rich. You can hate the rich, but don't downplay tax cuts the middle class actually received. How is healthcare for illegals due to reform being blocked by Republicans? What immigration reform do democrats actually want? You have mayors warning people that law enforcement is coming. Why would companies come back to the US if we make make it horrible to be here? If it is better everywhere else on earth to have a business, no one is coming back. Having the government set wages seems nice at first, but there are well documented problems with this. Government healthcare raised premiums, deductibles, and produced inferior care. Many dropped insurance instead of paying the penalty. Nice talkin to ya, got to go. I think we want many of the same things.
The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week. The wealthy folks and companies saved tens to hundreds to million of dollars in some cases. Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent. This was almost exclusively a tax cut for the the already wealthy, who incidentally aren't paying their fair share to start with.

I never mentioned anything about healthcare for illegal immigrants. But it's a nice straw man. Healthcare for everyone else now, there's a topic. You do realize that it was republican modifications to the ACA that made premiums increase steeply, right? Look up "risk corridors". It was also republicans interference that lower the standard of care.

Immigration reform. Separating families at the border is cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. It must stop. Dreamers must have a real.path to citizenship. We need real border security solutions, not this wall boondoggle.

It is not horrible for business to be here. They would just rather operate in third world countries where they can get labor for ¢0.20 an hour. The government is already setting wages. They subsidize big business by allowing them to pay less than a living wage and making up the difference for them, thus keeping wages artificially depressed. If the republicans were truly supportive of the middle class you would insist that those practices stop immediately and give the middle class back some self respect and security.

The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week.

View attachment 343460

How much did you make that your cut was so small?

Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent.

Pelosi could have written a bill to make the middle class cuts permanent, way back in Jan 2019.

Why hasn't she done that? Maybe Dems don't like cutting taxes for the middle class?
My taxes had a net increase because to offset a meager 3 percent tax cut, Trump deleted my personal tax exemptions and deductions for state and local taxes.

Corporations and billionaires saw no equivalent offsets
Mine too. Thats a good thing. We should pay more to help those that need the monies. Corporations saw a decrease so they could hire more people and invest in various projects.
But they did stock buybacks and lined their pockets instead.
Then how do you explain the record low unemployment and most companies are not public. Mid Market companies certainly benefited, hired and expanded.
Unemployment was already at historic lows. It didn't improve much at all.
Except it did and wages grew.
No, it didn't. And wages grew slower than inflation.

View attachment 343530
Lol, look at the chart as a whole,.not just the last year.
I did. Pretty good. Since 2017. Economy was cranking until the virus hit.
Go back further...

Like 2010. You gotta look at the whole chart to see the whole story. Things have been.going up since 2010. What you're seeing is the end of a trend, not a sudden change related to tRump.
Of course and they will go up now since we are at such a low point. Don't you work in the corporate sector? You didn't notice the uptick post his election? Seriously?
Are you deliberately missing my point or can you really not see it?
You are the one denying that corporate confidence rose under DJT as he was and remains pro business. Do you run your own business? You're just a hater. If Trump found the cure for cancer tomorrow you would blame him for the job loss in cancer research.
This is the first time the words "corporate confidence" have entered our conversation. To act as if it's something we've discussed and I've denied is dishonest.

Corporate executive types are indeed confident that tRump will continue to enrich them at taxpayer expense.

I'm not sure why that's supposed to be a good thing.

He's not pro business, he's pro rich people.
tRump is better for his rich buddies. Not for the rest of us.

Please don't pretend democrats care about working people. More Guatemalans, taxes, and shipping businesses out of the country as fast as possible doesn't sound like a plan. The redistribution scam has gone about as far as it can. No more elites surrounded by tent cities.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's republicans granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Taxes are going up no matter who's in office next, dOnald tRump has guaranteed that.

Offshoring is a republican technique to maximize profits. Nothing to do with Democrats.

You've fallen for the fake news.

Republicans are guilty of amnesty and inaction, however your party is currently fighting every measure at immigration reform such as catch and release, wanting to ban immigration offices, and now offering goodies such as free health care. If you had any honesty or awareness, you would see who is currently riding the illegal train.

Trump actually brought taxes down, and you guys howled like stuck pigs. You suddenly became interested in the deficit and Pelosi made a 3 billion dollar Chistmas list. If Biden wins, what do you think are going to happen to tax rates across the board?

Again, Republicans are guilty of offshoring, but your party is fighting tooth and nail to stop companies from coming back. Republicans finally grew a pair and are trying to get companies to come back, while you guys praise China and yack about a trade war.

Democrats use the middle class and tries to get rid of them at the same time. It is a sick scam. Name one good thing Biden would do to help people who have a job? Raise their energy bills for the green scam?
None of that is true. Democrats want immigration reform, but republicans resist that in order to push their complete anti immigration agenda.

tRump brought taxes down for his wealthy buddies and corporations, not the regular guy. The wealthy buddies and corporations promptly used it to enrich themselves further at the public's expense.

Nobody is against companies coming back to the US. Democrats as a general rule are against actually paying them to come back though, as anyone with any common sense should be.

Help people who have a job? How about insisting the companies they work for pay a living wage? Or guaranteeing they won't be bankrupted by an unexpected healthcare bill?

Your post is full of lies and twisted half-truths.

I'm glad you actually responded. Most people don't want to discuss anything. Taxes went down for most people, not just the rich. You can hate the rich, but don't downplay tax cuts the middle class actually received. How is healthcare for illegals due to reform being blocked by Republicans? What immigration reform do democrats actually want? You have mayors warning people that law enforcement is coming. Why would companies come back to the US if we make make it horrible to be here? If it is better everywhere else on earth to have a business, no one is coming back. Having the government set wages seems nice at first, but there are well documented problems with this. Government healthcare raised premiums, deductibles, and produced inferior care. Many dropped insurance instead of paying the penalty. Nice talkin to ya, got to go. I think we want many of the same things.
The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week. The wealthy folks and companies saved tens to hundreds to million of dollars in some cases. Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent. This was almost exclusively a tax cut for the the already wealthy, who incidentally aren't paying their fair share to start with.

I never mentioned anything about healthcare for illegal immigrants. But it's a nice straw man. Healthcare for everyone else now, there's a topic. You do realize that it was republican modifications to the ACA that made premiums increase steeply, right? Look up "risk corridors". It was also republicans interference that lower the standard of care.

Immigration reform. Separating families at the border is cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. It must stop. Dreamers must have a real.path to citizenship. We need real border security solutions, not this wall boondoggle.

It is not horrible for business to be here. They would just rather operate in third world countries where they can get labor for ¢0.20 an hour. The government is already setting wages. They subsidize big business by allowing them to pay less than a living wage and making up the difference for them, thus keeping wages artificially depressed. If the republicans were truly supportive of the middle class you would insist that those practices stop immediately and give the middle class back some self respect and security.

People giving actual positions, makes me want to pull up a chair and grab a beer lol.

Middle class tax cuts are considered insignificant unless they reach a threshold? At what point do they become meaningful? Remember, this isn't about punishing the rich.

I will agree the republicans fought the ACA as much as possible, but when it passed, the people who created it knew it wouldn't work and that it was harmful. To say the democrats are blameless because republicans didn't fix that mess is a stretch. Even if you got everything you wanted, I'm guessing premiums and deductibles would still be higher. As far as fixing it, if that is your plan, we have been trying to fix education and the VA forever. How is that working out?

As far as the border, the democrat party is currently trying to give healthcare to illegals in many states. Trump offered Amnesty to the Dreamers if they would sign on to four key immigration reform points. Pelosi told the Dreamers to go pound sand. She actually opposed immigration reform and the Dreamers at the same time.

Lowering corporate rates to be competitive with the rest of the world seems to be absolutely necessary. It isn't just about third world labor. Ask New York what they think about losing those Amazon jobs. Incentives for business can be a GOOD thing for the people who work for said businesses.
Who is middle class to you? For the average worker the tax cut amounted to less than inflation. An extra $10 a week or so.

Republicans altered the ACA both before and after it's passage. Did you look up the risk corridors? And I'm not claiming they didn't fix it or even saying they should have, what they shoulda done was leave it alone!

At this point healthcare for illegals is a public safety issue. As far as tRump's offer for the dreamers? It was a joke. It included billions and billions of dollars for his ridiculous wall along with other untenable requirements. It was, as Moscow Mitch is want to say "a nonstarter".
Middle class family to me in MA is a family that makes between $125 - $350k per annum.
That's not middle class. That's top 10-15%
tRump is better for his rich buddies. Not for the rest of us.

Please don't pretend democrats care about working people. More Guatemalans, taxes, and shipping businesses out of the country as fast as possible doesn't sound like a plan. The redistribution scam has gone about as far as it can. No more elites surrounded by tent cities.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's republicans granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Taxes are going up no matter who's in office next, dOnald tRump has guaranteed that.

Offshoring is a republican technique to maximize profits. Nothing to do with Democrats.

You've fallen for the fake news.

Republicans are guilty of amnesty and inaction, however your party is currently fighting every measure at immigration reform such as catch and release, wanting to ban immigration offices, and now offering goodies such as free health care. If you had any honesty or awareness, you would see who is currently riding the illegal train.

Trump actually brought taxes down, and you guys howled like stuck pigs. You suddenly became interested in the deficit and Pelosi made a 3 billion dollar Chistmas list. If Biden wins, what do you think are going to happen to tax rates across the board?

Again, Republicans are guilty of offshoring, but your party is fighting tooth and nail to stop companies from coming back. Republicans finally grew a pair and are trying to get companies to come back, while you guys praise China and yack about a trade war.

Democrats use the middle class and tries to get rid of them at the same time. It is a sick scam. Name one good thing Biden would do to help people who have a job? Raise their energy bills for the green scam?
None of that is true. Democrats want immigration reform, but republicans resist that in order to push their complete anti immigration agenda.

tRump brought taxes down for his wealthy buddies and corporations, not the regular guy. The wealthy buddies and corporations promptly used it to enrich themselves further at the public's expense.

Nobody is against companies coming back to the US. Democrats as a general rule are against actually paying them to come back though, as anyone with any common sense should be.

Help people who have a job? How about insisting the companies they work for pay a living wage? Or guaranteeing they won't be bankrupted by an unexpected healthcare bill?

Your post is full of lies and twisted half-truths.

I'm glad you actually responded. Most people don't want to discuss anything. Taxes went down for most people, not just the rich. You can hate the rich, but don't downplay tax cuts the middle class actually received. How is healthcare for illegals due to reform being blocked by Republicans? What immigration reform do democrats actually want? You have mayors warning people that law enforcement is coming. Why would companies come back to the US if we make make it horrible to be here? If it is better everywhere else on earth to have a business, no one is coming back. Having the government set wages seems nice at first, but there are well documented problems with this. Government healthcare raised premiums, deductibles, and produced inferior care. Many dropped insurance instead of paying the penalty. Nice talkin to ya, got to go. I think we want many of the same things.
The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week. The wealthy folks and companies saved tens to hundreds to million of dollars in some cases. Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent. This was almost exclusively a tax cut for the the already wealthy, who incidentally aren't paying their fair share to start with.

I never mentioned anything about healthcare for illegal immigrants. But it's a nice straw man. Healthcare for everyone else now, there's a topic. You do realize that it was republican modifications to the ACA that made premiums increase steeply, right? Look up "risk corridors". It was also republicans interference that lower the standard of care.

Immigration reform. Separating families at the border is cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. It must stop. Dreamers must have a real.path to citizenship. We need real border security solutions, not this wall boondoggle.

It is not horrible for business to be here. They would just rather operate in third world countries where they can get labor for ¢0.20 an hour. The government is already setting wages. They subsidize big business by allowing them to pay less than a living wage and making up the difference for them, thus keeping wages artificially depressed. If the republicans were truly supportive of the middle class you would insist that those practices stop immediately and give the middle class back some self respect and security.

The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week.

View attachment 343460

How much did you make that your cut was so small?

Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent.

Pelosi could have written a bill to make the middle class cuts permanent, way back in Jan 2019.

Why hasn't she done that? Maybe Dems don't like cutting taxes for the middle class?
My taxes had a net increase because to offset a meager 3 percent tax cut, Trump deleted my personal tax exemptions and deductions for state and local taxes.

Corporations and billionaires saw no equivalent offsets
Mine too. Thats a good thing. We should pay more to help those that need the monies. Corporations saw a decrease so they could hire more people and invest in various projects.
Hire more people and invest in various projects...

Only they didn’t. They just kept the money
That is absolutely not true. Hence the record low unemployment and higher wages. We shut down the economy on purpose to deal with the virus. It didn't decline because of natural causes.

No. tRump fucked around and did NOTHING until.the governors decided they had to act without his guidance.

The economy was on edge before this anyway. That ridiculous Tax cut among other things was artificially propping it up. Who ever heard of cutting interest rates in a booking economy? The whole thing was smoke and mirrors.

WE! Not the Governors. It is the governors who opened it up per his guidance. Trump doesn't cut rates, the Fed does. You may blame him for the trade war, the fact that he didn't reopen the economy around Easter like he should have but not for acting too slowly. Plus the article I posted speaks volumes.
The pressure to open up wasn't "guidance". There was guidance, it got thrown out the window. At first tRump was talking outta both sides of his face. Saying "stay the course, it's too early" in press conferences and twitting about defying the governor's shutdowns. After a while his stopped even giving lip service to the reopening guidelines and just pushed reopening.

Trade wars are nobody but tRump.

tRump pushed his hand picked minion. If you think for one second Powell didn't cut rates because tRump wanted him to you aren't as intelligent as I thought you were.

And he acted so slowly that he still hasn't acted on some of the most important things.
Trump bullied the Fed? Maybe. What do you have against lower rates?

I dislike how Trump has handled the budget, albeit I will give him 4 more years to fix it, given his rationale. I dislike that he has allowed Leftists Governors to quell businesses over this COVID mess, which is an overreaction. We should open the economy now. Look at the riots. People don't give two shits about social distancing.

Nobidy got lower taxes except his chosen friends.

RT? Over our home.grown scientists?

My business did. Home grown flip flop kings like Fauci?
Mine didn't, and I know of no small business that did. I also tend to take tRump supporters with a grain of salt when they claim these things that are the exact opposite of the average experience.

No supporter of tRump is allowed to call anyone else a flip-flopper.

You're kidding right?? Mid Market companies paid less in taxes. This is a FACT. I may do as I please. Plus we have debated here many times. I am not inferior to you. Far from it.
This is what you get when you google "mid market companies paid less taxes"

It's all about how huge companies paid no taxes on billions of dollars in profits, which is a whole other issue.

I didn't say I was superior to you, I tried to politely say that tRumplings sometimes say things that aren't supported by actual facts.
Mid market company is a Company that generates between $50 - $500mil in annual revenues. Wide ranging.
Multi million dollar businesses that got tax breaks.

This is supposed to excite the average guy?
The question voters are going to be asked is "Are you better off financially today than you were 4 years ago"? Which candidate asks that question dependents on what the economy does over the next 5 months.
Many will not be back to work.

They will look at the current administration and ask...

Do they care more about me or taking care of the corporations?
tRump is better for his rich buddies. Not for the rest of us.

Please don't pretend democrats care about working people. More Guatemalans, taxes, and shipping businesses out of the country as fast as possible doesn't sound like a plan. The redistribution scam has gone about as far as it can. No more elites surrounded by tent cities.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's republicans granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Taxes are going up no matter who's in office next, dOnald tRump has guaranteed that.

Offshoring is a republican technique to maximize profits. Nothing to do with Democrats.

You've fallen for the fake news.

Republicans are guilty of amnesty and inaction, however your party is currently fighting every measure at immigration reform such as catch and release, wanting to ban immigration offices, and now offering goodies such as free health care. If you had any honesty or awareness, you would see who is currently riding the illegal train.

Trump actually brought taxes down, and you guys howled like stuck pigs. You suddenly became interested in the deficit and Pelosi made a 3 billion dollar Chistmas list. If Biden wins, what do you think are going to happen to tax rates across the board?

Again, Republicans are guilty of offshoring, but your party is fighting tooth and nail to stop companies from coming back. Republicans finally grew a pair and are trying to get companies to come back, while you guys praise China and yack about a trade war.

Democrats use the middle class and tries to get rid of them at the same time. It is a sick scam. Name one good thing Biden would do to help people who have a job? Raise their energy bills for the green scam?
None of that is true. Democrats want immigration reform, but republicans resist that in order to push their complete anti immigration agenda.

tRump brought taxes down for his wealthy buddies and corporations, not the regular guy. The wealthy buddies and corporations promptly used it to enrich themselves further at the public's expense.

Nobody is against companies coming back to the US. Democrats as a general rule are against actually paying them to come back though, as anyone with any common sense should be.

Help people who have a job? How about insisting the companies they work for pay a living wage? Or guaranteeing they won't be bankrupted by an unexpected healthcare bill?

Your post is full of lies and twisted half-truths.

I'm glad you actually responded. Most people don't want to discuss anything. Taxes went down for most people, not just the rich. You can hate the rich, but don't downplay tax cuts the middle class actually received. How is healthcare for illegals due to reform being blocked by Republicans? What immigration reform do democrats actually want? You have mayors warning people that law enforcement is coming. Why would companies come back to the US if we make make it horrible to be here? If it is better everywhere else on earth to have a business, no one is coming back. Having the government set wages seems nice at first, but there are well documented problems with this. Government healthcare raised premiums, deductibles, and produced inferior care. Many dropped insurance instead of paying the penalty. Nice talkin to ya, got to go. I think we want many of the same things.
The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week. The wealthy folks and companies saved tens to hundreds to million of dollars in some cases. Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent. This was almost exclusively a tax cut for the the already wealthy, who incidentally aren't paying their fair share to start with.

I never mentioned anything about healthcare for illegal immigrants. But it's a nice straw man. Healthcare for everyone else now, there's a topic. You do realize that it was republican modifications to the ACA that made premiums increase steeply, right? Look up "risk corridors". It was also republicans interference that lower the standard of care.

Immigration reform. Separating families at the border is cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. It must stop. Dreamers must have a real.path to citizenship. We need real border security solutions, not this wall boondoggle.

It is not horrible for business to be here. They would just rather operate in third world countries where they can get labor for ¢0.20 an hour. The government is already setting wages. They subsidize big business by allowing them to pay less than a living wage and making up the difference for them, thus keeping wages artificially depressed. If the republicans were truly supportive of the middle class you would insist that those practices stop immediately and give the middle class back some self respect and security.

The middle class tax cuts were trivial amounts, a few dollars a week.

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How much did you make that your cut was so small?

Middle class tax cuts were temporary, cuts for the wealthy and companies were permanent.

Pelosi could have written a bill to make the middle class cuts permanent, way back in Jan 2019.

Why hasn't she done that? Maybe Dems don't like cutting taxes for the middle class?
My taxes had a net increase because to offset a meager 3 percent tax cut, Trump deleted my personal tax exemptions and deductions for state and local taxes.

Corporations and billionaires saw no equivalent offsets
Mine too. Thats a good thing. We should pay more to help those that need the monies. Corporations saw a decrease so they could hire more people and invest in various projects.
Hire more people and invest in various projects...

Only they didn’t. They just kept the money
That is absolutely not true. Hence the record low unemployment and higher wages. We shut down the economy on purpose to deal with the virus. It didn't decline because of natural causes.

No. tRump fucked around and did NOTHING until.the governors decided they had to act without his guidance.

The economy was on edge before this anyway. That ridiculous Tax cut among other things was artificially propping it up. Who ever heard of cutting interest rates in a booking economy? The whole thing was smoke and mirrors.

WE! Not the Governors. It is the governors who opened it up per his guidance. Trump doesn't cut rates, the Fed does. You may blame him for the trade war, the fact that he didn't reopen the economy around Easter like he should have but not for acting too slowly. Plus the article I posted speaks volumes.
The pressure to open up wasn't "guidance". There was guidance, it got thrown out the window. At first tRump was talking outta both sides of his face. Saying "stay the course, it's too early" in press conferences and twitting about defying the governor's shutdowns. After a while his stopped even giving lip service to the reopening guidelines and just pushed reopening.

Trade wars are nobody but tRump.

tRump pushed his hand picked minion. If you think for one second Powell didn't cut rates because tRump wanted him to you aren't as intelligent as I thought you were.

And he acted so slowly that he still hasn't acted on some of the most important things.
Trump bullied the Fed? Maybe. What do you have against lower rates?

I dislike how Trump has handled the budget, albeit I will give him 4 more years to fix it, given his rationale. I dislike that he has allowed Leftists Governors to quell businesses over this COVID mess, which is an overreaction. We should open the economy now. Look at the riots. People don't give two shits about social distancing.

Nobidy got lower taxes except his chosen friends.

RT? Over our home.grown scientists?

My business did. Home grown flip flop kings like Fauci?
Mine didn't, and I know of no small business that did. I also tend to take tRump supporters with a grain of salt when they claim these things that are the exact opposite of the average experience.

No supporter of tRump is allowed to call anyone else a flip-flopper.
When did I say “small”? I said Mid market. Rates dropped. It is simple math. You’re go to is always “Trump supporters are idiots”. Let’s compare resumes right now from education to work experience. You game?

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