Trump is Denying Sidney Powell

Bull shit.

"Contrary to conservative arguments, the 2008 housing crisis was caused by unregulated and loosely regulated private financial entities—not the federal government’s support for homeownership.

These conservative arguments should be treated with skepticism. The evidence shows that the usual targets of the conservative attack did not play a significant role in the housing and financial crisis. Government policies that make it more affordable to buy a home were not responsible for the crisis. In fact, consumers who already had mortgages and who had built up equity in their homes were more likely to be targeted for predatory subprime loans than first-time homebuyers.6

Instead of too much government, it was the lack of sufficient government oversight in key areas—including consumer protection, private label mortgage securitization, bank capitalization, and financial markets—that transformed a housing bubble into a global financial crisis.
I was going to point all that out but didn’t want to get sucked into THAT nonsense again
Bull shit.

"Contrary to conservative arguments, the 2008 housing crisis was caused by unregulated and loosely regulated private financial entities—not the federal government’s support for homeownership.

These conservative arguments should be treated with skepticism. The evidence shows that the usual targets of the conservative attack did not play a significant role in the housing and financial crisis. Government policies that make it more affordable to buy a home were not responsible for the crisis. In fact, consumers who already had mortgages and who had built up equity in their homes were more likely to be targeted for predatory subprime loans than first-time homebuyers.6

Instead of too much government, it was the lack of sufficient government oversight in key areas—including consumer protection, private label mortgage securitization, bank capitalization, and financial markets—that transformed a housing bubble into a global financial crisis.
"unregulated and loosely regulated loosely regulated private financial entities?"

Only a complete fucking moron believes that. Bush didn't repeal any financial regulations, numskull. There are thousands of pages of financial regulations.

American Progress is a Soros funded propaganda organ.
Flippity floppity is the sound that's music to Fani's ears. The GA legislature better get busy throwing her out of office or she's going to get convictions/guilty pleas for all of the defendants. With Jack Smith waiting in the wings, anticipating how the sworn testimony of the GA defendants who have turned state's evidence will help him with his case.

Hey Jenna, wipe that stupid grin off your face, you're a felon.

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"unregulated and loosely regulated loosely regulated private financial entities?"

Only a complete fucking moron believes that. Bush didn't repeal any financial regulations, numskull. There are thousands of pages of financial regulations.

American Progress is a Soros funded propaganda organ.
Don't remember the no money down, two year fixed rates that ballooned into adjustable rates after that. Those were not banks that did that shit. Those were the mortgages that were bundled and sold as A+ with the help of deceptive evaluations.
You can say that with a straight face? Ridiculous lies only make you look ridiculous. J6 was a set up and it is as obvious as the fraud that bought those people to DC.
If it was a Democrat party set up, why did POS45 watch it while throwing plates against the wall? Why wasn't he demanding the NG get there post haste?
Why did it take multiple calls to get the NG deployed?
Let's hear your best lies, LOSER.
Benedict Donald tried to tear down more that one of the founding principles of the Republic. Democratic elections by the people and the Justice system. He should have been removed from office and arrested on Jan 6th.
Horse shit. You and every leftist are doing exactly what you claim Trump did
If it was a Democrat party set up, why did POS45 watch it while throwing plates against the wall? Why wasn't he demanding the NG get there post haste?
Why did it take multiple calls to get the NG deployed?
Let's hear your best lies, LOSER.
He authorized the use of the national guard. It was refused by the democrats
Now don't starting whining because there are laws that prevent a president from using the military on U.S. soil
He authorized the use of the national guard. It was refused by the democrats
Now don't starting whining because there are laws that prevent a president from using the military on U.S. soil
How did the "democrats" refuse the authorization of the NG by the POS45? Name them. Find one of your fake news sources to back up your claim, LOSER.
No one mentioned the use of the military on US soil. That came from your scattered brain. Recharge those few molecules before responding. LOSER.
Horse shit. You and every leftist are doing exactly what you claim Trump did
Which President wanted to call out the Military to seize all voting machines in the swing states, but was stopped cold by the Military. Who wanted to suspend the constitution? Who constantly attacks the courts?
How did the "democrats" refuse the authorization of the NG by the POS45? Name them. Find one of your fake news sources to back up your claim, LOSER.
No one mentioned the use of the military on US soil. That came from your scattered brain. Recharge those few molecules before responding. LOSER.
Because the democrats were calling the shots. The Sargent of arms went on the advise of the speaker of the house.
He authorized the use of the national guard. It was refused by the democrats
Now don't starting whining because there are laws that prevent a president from using the military on U.S. soil
He never called for them on Jan 6th during the civil disturbance (aka Benedict Donald's Riot). Just talking about it with his advisors is not a formal request is it? He definitely had the authority on Jan 6th to quell the riot. He just didn't want to, he liked what he was seeing at the Capitol.

"This provision authorizes the president to use the military to suppress "any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy" if local law enforcement is unable to provide sufficient protection. It doesn't require the request — or even the permission — of the state. President Dwight D. Eisenhower used the power to send elements of the 101st Airborne Division to Little Rock, Arkansas, and to federalize the entire state National Guard to enforce court-ordered school desegregation."

Don't remember the no money down, two year fixed rates that ballooned into adjustable rates after that. Those were not banks that did that shit. Those were the mortgages that were bundled and sold as A+ with the help of deceptive evaluations.
"unregulated and loosely regulated loosely regulated private financial entities?"
That's right. The ones who took advantage of relaxed underwriting standards. The lack of traditional standards and the ability of newly minted mortgage underwriters to sell RBMS' to a bond market hungry for a higher return fueled the fire. All because the rating agencies were giving AAA ratings to bundles of mortgages, sold as bonds, that were unworthy of that rating because they contained subprime loans. The ones people defaulted on in record numbers.
How did the "democrats" refuse the authorization of the NG by the POS45? Name them. Find one of your fake news sources to back up your claim, LOSER.
No one mentioned the use of the military on US soil. That came from your scattered brain. Recharge those few molecules before responding. LOSER.
Pelosi had to authorize the use of the NG, moron. Trump can force it on them. The NG has to be requested/invited.

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