Trump is Denying Sidney Powell

I'll offer you the same bet as Boo. $10,000 that your goddess Letticia never calls her as a witness
I already told you that only a maroonie would take that bet. Leticia James is the New York Attorney General so you are correct, Leticia will never call those witnesses from the Georgia case. (Go Bulldogs) The flipping is going on in the Georgia election interference case. Those flips will also be relevant to Jack Smith's Jan 6th case.
I already told you that only a maroonie would take that bet. Leticia James is the New York Attorney General so you are correct, Leticia will never call those witnesses from the Georgia case. (Go Bulldogs) The flipping is going on in the Georgia election interference case. Those flips will also be relevant to Jack Smith's Jan 6th case.
LOL But Comrade Smith's case is in DC (Boo logic)
LOL But Comrade Smith's case is in DC (Boo logic)

Benedict Donald had fingers in many pies. (GOP Denialism)

"At the federal level, the special counsel Jack Smith and his team brought charges against Trump and his allies over their attempts to overturn the 2020 election results, which include the fake elector scheme. Several states have confirmed they are cooperating with Smith’s investigation, and news reports have indicated Smith offered limited immunity to some fake electors for their testimony."

someone doesn't know what "flipped" means.
Benedict Donald had fingers in many pies. (GOP Denialism)

"At the federal level, the special counsel Jack Smith and his team brought charges against Trump and his allies over their attempts to overturn the 2020 election results, which include the fake elector scheme. Several states have confirmed they are cooperating with Smith’s investigation, and news reports have indicated Smith offered limited immunity to some fake electors for their testimony."

Generally speaking, the prosecution (be that NY, Ga of the feds) puts a flippee before a recording device, and the flippee then must confess to each, and every, crime he/she admits too. And the flippee must give details of what he did, why, and what others said that could be incriminating. The flippee must also sign a paper confession of the recording, under penalty of perjury.

I don't know if James' team will ask Powell or anyone else about facts that would derail Trump's federal defense against TRYING TO FIX AN ELECTION. But I tend to guess, she will. ;)

Then, in other trials, the prosecution calls the flippee to testify. HE/she has not 5th amend right because to anything in their confession/statement because .... they already pled guilty.

JFC, this is better than either the Sopranos or the Wire! (-:
I'll offer you the same bet as Boo. $10,000 that your goddess Fanny never calls her as a witness
She’s already given testimony. It’s required to get the deal. It’s how the prosecution determines what testimony the defendant can offer, its relevance and if they can corroborate it. With every guilty plea, useful testimony is implicit. Otherwise there is no incentive for the prosecution to make a deal.

You really need to get yourself up to speed.
She’s already given testimony. It’s required to get the deal. It’s how the prosecution determines what testimony the defendant can offer, its relevance and if they can corroborate it.

If they had, by law, Fanny had to turn it over to Trump. They haven't. Safe to say there is nothing incriminating.
With every guilty plea, useful testimony is implicit. Otherwise there is no incentive for the prosecution to make a deal.

LOL This isn't a criminal trail, this is a political circus. The incentive is to get guilty pleas so braindead partisan trained seals can start barking SHE FLIPPED SHE FLIPPED

They did it to you with RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, Ukraine impeachment, January 6th Committee Partisan Lolapalooza ... "We got him this time." "The walls are closing in"

When are you stooges going to figure out they are playing you for .... stooges?

"You really need to get yourself up to speed."
She’s already given testimony. It’s required to get the deal. It’s how the prosecution determines what testimony the defendant can offer, its relevance and if they can corroborate it. With every guilty plea, useful testimony is implicit. Otherwise there is no incentive for the prosecution to make a deal.

You really need to get yourself up to speed.
You mean she's already been asked questions about stuff other than just the misdemeanors she pled to? That's MEAN.
Benedict Donald tried to tear down more that one of the founding principles of the Republic. Democratic elections by the people and the Justice system. He should have been removed from office and arrested on Jan 6th.
You can say that with a straight face? Ridiculous lies only make you look ridiculous. J6 was a set up and it is as obvious as the fraud that bought those people to DC.
/d/You can say that with a straight face? Ridiculous lies only make you look ridiculous. J6 was a set up and it is as obvious as the fraud that bought those people to DC.
Another Neo-GOP confession?

Obviously it was the fraudulent "Benedict Donald" who called his people, thugs like the Proud Boys really, to DC on that specific day to help persuaded Pence to 'Play Ball' and help the "Dirty Don" subvert the election.
If they had, by law, Fanny had to turn it over to Trump. They haven't. Safe to say there is nothing incriminating.

LOL This isn't a criminal trail, this is a political circus. The incentive is to get guilty pleas so braindead partisan trained seals can start barking SHE FLIPPED SHE FLIPPED

They did it to you with RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, Ukraine impeachment, January 6th Committee Partisan Lolapalooza ... "We got him this time." "The walls are closing in"

When are you stooges going to figure out they are playing you for .... stooges?

"You really need to get yourself up to speed."
It’s definitely a criminal trial and the prosecution definitely knows what all of those who have flipped will testify about. They are now witnesses for the state. This is fact. Regardless of your ability to understand or accept it.
It’s definitely a criminal trial and the prosecution definitely knows what all of those who have flipped will testify about. They are now witnesses for the state. This is fact. Regardless of your ability to understand or accept it.
Third time. Not a fact, your masturbatory fantasy. Fanny will not call any of them as witnesses against Trump. Look at what they pleaded guilt to.
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One wonders if Trump will be offered a plea deal and when he sees the evidence against him whether he will take that deal?

Jail sucks. No golden toilets
One wonders if Trump will be offered a plea deal and when he sees the evidence against him whether he will take that deal?

Jail sucks. No golden toilets
There is no evidence that isn't already in the public domain.

The SC will throw out any convictions.
Dims are the ones who forced banks to grant mortgages to people who couldn't pay them, dumbass.

Bull shit.

"Contrary to conservative arguments, the 2008 housing crisis was caused by unregulated and loosely regulated private financial entities—not the federal government’s support for homeownership.

These conservative arguments should be treated with skepticism. The evidence shows that the usual targets of the conservative attack did not play a significant role in the housing and financial crisis. Government policies that make it more affordable to buy a home were not responsible for the crisis. In fact, consumers who already had mortgages and who had built up equity in their homes were more likely to be targeted for predatory subprime loans than first-time homebuyers.6

Instead of too much government, it was the lack of sufficient government oversight in key areas—including consumer protection, private label mortgage securitization, bank capitalization, and financial markets—that transformed a housing bubble into a global financial crisis.

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