Trump is Denying Sidney Powell

yes, nothing here states this was Trump's team, and it certainly does not state what Trump tweeted, which is true, that Sidney Powell was not Trump's lawyer.

yet, that does sound like a great team, I wonder why Trump does not say, "join our team".

Sounds like a team of lawyers that was not a team representing trump, but investigating election fraud. Further, no sooner was this announced than Powell left the team. I believe it was the next day, correct, that Powell left the team.
Your personal delusions are impressive.
Nothing there says Trump welcomed Powell to his legal team.

He commends the efforts of a team of lawyers protecting our rights, the peoples rights, the public.

If she is a member of Trump's personal legal team, there will be far more proof than one tweet. Go ahead and show us all, the proof.
The desperation in your post is making me sad.

JUst kidding, I'm laughing my ass off right now.
You used the wrong pic. Try this one.

Trump is denying that Sidney Powell . . . . .

Democrats are supporting terrorists,
arming Hamas,
Jews are being slaughtered,
Borders are wide open and we have a southern invasion,
Gas prices are though the roof,
Food prices are though the roof,
war in Ukraine,
China ready to pounce,
Democrats are pedo sexualizing children in schools,
And THIS is the stupid nonsense that concerns you? A lawyer who, by the way, was NEVER officially affiliated with Trump?

What a Fake News propagandist. Go get a clue.
About the only thing Powell could testify to might be her going into election machines.....'did Trump tell you to'.
Yes, the statement made by Trump said she was part of the team.....But, you can deny all you want it's a free country.
I never said, that Trump said, Powell was part of a team.

The claim in the OP is that Powell was Trump's lawyer.

Even you are stating that Powell was part of a team and not Trump's attorney.

Thank you for the help.
I never said, that Trump said, Powell was part of a team.

The claim in the OP is that Powell was Trump's lawyer.

Even you are stating that Powell was part of a team and not Trump's attorney.

Thank you for the help.
Again jackass.. for the tenth time… why do you find this distinction important?

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