Trump is Denying Sidney Powell

“Maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members,” she said in a clip released late Thursday.

Good ol' days under Obama.

I would ask you if you actually believe anyone is planning to arrest you for being a Trump supporter, but I don’t expect you to answer.
Bingo. Now she has to answer all questions about what Trump was told and what Trump said, and the Big Lie, and he can't do anything about stopping her.
And what went on in that Dec 18 meeting
Does it really matter.
She was there (or not in your theory)
She is a witness to what was said and probably has documents to share.

What's the advantage to trump if she was his lawyer or not?
I keep asking that question and have gotten zero responses.

Apparently Trump said it so the cult is bound to repeat whether it matters or not
You honestly think I want you arrested because you’re a Trump supporter? You honestly think that this is even a serious issue that may result in you being arrested over?

You’re a fucking idiot.

And before you think this is me coming after you, you have the right to be a fucking idiot.
Well, thank you very, it's not just Hillary, many prominent dems have suggested the very same vague crap...
It's only a big deal to prog morons like you.
Oh, you mean LIKE YOU.
The guy with Multiple Posts on this issue.
Get a grip dude, and quit BLAMING OTHERS for the things you do.
He didn't say Powell was his attorney, dumbfuck.

They will show she never worked for Trump, Bozo.
Moron, Dumbfuck, and Bozo.

Great vocabulary. LOLLOOLLOLL

So I guess you support the fact that trump can't claim Lawyer/Client Confidentiality.
Great Move Stable Genius.
Well, thank you very, it's not just Hillary, many prominent dems have suggested the very same vague crap...
“Vague crap”

And yet you translate it in a way that makes you look as retarded as possible. Well done.

Conservatives say that liberalism is a mental disorder. Does that mean that I’m to believe that conservatives plan to round us up and put us in mental hospitals? No, because I’m not a paranoid idiot. Maybe you should try it out.
Fuckin moron russian disinformation bitches
Way back in November 2020
Fuckin moron russian disinformation bitches
Way back in November 2020
Cool. So Trump is not protected by client-lawyer confidentiality, as has been pointed out more than once already.
Fuckin moron russian disinformation bitches
Way back in November 2020
And then the very next month, Trump brought his non-lawyer Sidney Powell into the Oval Office to discuss strategies on how to overthrow the election. Boy, that sure is some "distancing"! :lol:

Since Trump says she was not his lawyer, she is free to spill the beans.



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