Trump is DOJ target

What happens to Trump when all his white wing warriors run away? 😄



This is the most important case, out of all of them imo, except maybe Georgia's which is the same theme. It's the only one I personally really care about, and to me the most significant for our Nation!
The politics of this are such as I see it.

It may be bad news for Biden; if I'm Biden, I want Trump. My calculus is this.

The average Trump supporter is the same guy who voted for Romney, McCain, and would have voted for Satan himself if there was an R next to his name on the ballot. They will turn out for whomever has an R next to their name in November 2024 whether it's the blob or not.

The average Republican who can't stand Trump will stay home if it's the blob on the ticket. They will find a way to stomach a woman, a black, or anyone else. Not the blob.

So I think this actually hurts Biden.
The politics of this are such as I see it.

It may be bad news for Biden; if I'm Biden, I want Trump. My calculus is this.

The average Trump supporter is the same guy who voted for Romney, McCain, and would have voted for Satan himself if there was an R next to his name on the ballot. They will turn out for whomever has an R next to their name in November 2024 whether it's the blob or not.

The average Republican who can't stand Trump will stay home if it's the blob on the ticket. They will find a way to stomach a woman, a black, or anyone else. Not the blob.

So I think this actually hurts Biden.

WTF? "If I'm Biden, I want Trump"?????

Cute little word salad.

All I can say is you better get him, because if you don't. Millions of Americans are going to realize how evil the democrats are, he will win next year. Then he will gut the fbi and doj and will have the backing of most Americans to do it. Put you loons out of power for years to come.
Do you think the 2020 election was stolen?
His plan is to win the presidency and use the power of the office to throw out the federal charges and strong arm any state prosecutions into being dismissed as well..which is what power is all about....

But the separation of powers is supposed to prevent things like that - isn't it???
It's coming out. We do know now that 20 fbi agents knowingly lied about Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation. To influence an election.
They said it had the "appearance" of misinformation.

That's a lie I believe I have corrected you on before.

But that is what trumpers do. They lie in a thread, get called out in it; and then repeat the same lie in other threads.

No shame. No integrity. Only lies.
Looking forward to seeing the direction Smith is going to take, after all this.

Also, is this Mar A Lago or the Insurrection? Espionage or Sedition?

Trump's legal prospects provide a smorgasbord of allurements.

Conveniently, whether federal, New York, Georgia, or elsewhere, the Trump, off-the-rack, one-size-fits-all, universal defense strategy is whipped out: Hysterically vilify the public servant and his or her family.

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