Trump is fucking with China again..are liberals scared?

The big problem for Taiwan is it will be the first victim of any aggression on China's part. If the US starts causing problems and annoys China, they might just decide to invade.

The last thing the PRC wants is for the ROC to develop close relationships with a great power. Military invasion is a serious threat, but if the US in particular had formal relationships with Taiwan, then the PRC would play scorched earth on the American economy. You cannot forget how dependent Americans are on China.

Tell China to go the Fuck ahead...I dare them...

Remember cupcake we dont spend more then every other nation combined on our military for the hell of it.

This is what I love about liberals you cant stand that fact that the U.S. is the only remaining super power.


And still lost to the Vietnamese, still has failed to control Afghanistan, didn't manage to defeat the Muslim extremists in Iraq. A lot of money and yet...... There's a reason why the US doesn't invade countries stronger than Iraq. China is a lot more difficult that Iraq. Also they have NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

Btw we didnt let our military win in nam..

We have been having an aircraft fleet protecting her forever...just a stones throw away and china knows it

Is that your grand argument? The US imperialists have a presence everywhere, near every potential conflict zone. That hardly means the US terrorists are willing to engage anywhere.

Look at the map and yes we will.

Remember cupcake we dont spend more then every other nation combined on our military for the hell of it.

No, the pentagon spends all that money to increase the profits of the defense industry. Didn't anybody ever teach you about the military industrial complex?

The reality is that the US military is ten times weaker than its excessive spending would lead you to believe.

Btw we didnt let our military win in nam..

Most of you do not even know why the US military was in Vietnman. What would of a victory looked like? Do you truly believe the US military could of completely eradicated all communist resistance within the country? That would require the deaths of millions.
Btw we didnt let our military win in nam..

Most of you do not even know why the US military was in Vietnman. What would of a victory looked like? Do you truly believe the US military could of completely eradicated all communist resistance within the country? That would require the deaths of millions.

Soo now this little snowflake wants to lecture me, a 51 year old war history buff why we were in nam`

Ok amuse me child tell us a bed time story why you think we were in nam`?

Soo now this little snowflake wants to lecture me, a 51 year old war history buff why we were in nam

Isn't it obvious. You are an illiterate trailer spawn without even the most basic understanding of just about anything. Cheers!
Soo now this little snowflake wants to lecture me, a 51 year old war history buff why we were in nam

Isn't it obvious. You are an illiterate trailer spawn without even the most basic understanding of just about anything. Cheers!
Last time I saw an incoherent rant like that it came from a child with downs. Then again I guess this is just another example of the same situation so please carry on.
Soo now this little snowflake wants to lecture me, a 51 year old war history buff why we were in nam

Isn't it obvious. You are an illiterate trailer spawn without even the most basic understanding of just about anything. Cheers!

Go ahead and run run run as far away from me as possible..because I was just starting to warm up and crush your dumb ass..
Soo now this little snowflake wants to lecture me, a 51 year old war history buff why we were in nam

Isn't it obvious. You are an illiterate trailer spawn without even the most basic understanding of just about anything. Cheers!
Last time I saw an incoherent rant like that it came from a child with downs. Then again I guess this is just another example of the same situation so please carry on.

Yea I know I shouldnt beat up on 20 something college kids..but it is so fun sometimes.

The big problem for Taiwan is it will be the first victim of any aggression on China's part. If the US starts causing problems and annoys China, they might just decide to invade.

The last thing the PRC wants is for the ROC to develop close relationships with a great power. Military invasion is a serious threat, but if the US in particular had formal relationships with Taiwan, then the PRC would play scorched earth on the American economy. You cannot forget how dependent Americans are on China.

Tell China to go the Fuck ahead...I dare them...

Remember cupcake we dont spend more then every other nation combined on our military for the hell of it.

This is what I love about liberals you cant stand that fact that the U.S. is the only remaining super power.


And still lost to the Vietnamese, still has failed to control Afghanistan, didn't manage to defeat the Muslim extremists in Iraq. A lot of money and yet...... There's a reason why the US doesn't invade countries stronger than Iraq. China is a lot more difficult that Iraq. Also they have NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

So? They cant find ours.. But we know where their nukes are.


Er... it's not about finding the nukes, it's about launching them.
The big problem for Taiwan is it will be the first victim of any aggression on China's part. If the US starts causing problems and annoys China, they might just decide to invade.

The last thing the PRC wants is for the ROC to develop close relationships with a great power. Military invasion is a serious threat, but if the US in particular had formal relationships with Taiwan, then the PRC would play scorched earth on the American economy. You cannot forget how dependent Americans are on China.

Tell China to go the Fuck ahead...I dare them...

Remember cupcake we dont spend more then every other nation combined on our military for the hell of it.

This is what I love about liberals you cant stand that fact that the U.S. is the only remaining super power.


And still lost to the Vietnamese, still has failed to control Afghanistan, didn't manage to defeat the Muslim extremists in Iraq. A lot of money and yet...... There's a reason why the US doesn't invade countries stronger than Iraq. China is a lot more difficult that Iraq. Also they have NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

Btw we didnt let our military win in nam..


Okay, and what has changed since? The US can't win wars, it might win the fighting against smaller weaker countries, but China isn't smaller. But then what? The US defeats China in battle, and then tries to control China? It's not going to happen. You're living some kind of dream.
I wonder what spin liberals will say now, To excuse their messiah of incompentance and from running away.

This liberals is how a real leader should act......

Trump renews China criticism, visits Ohio State attack victims on 'Thank You' tour

Trump accused Beijing of "massive theft of intellectual property" and of levying "unfair taxes on our companies," as well as "not helping with the menace of North Korea like they should."

"Other than that, they have been wonderful, right?" Trump asked rhetorically, to laughter from the Des Moines crowd.

Trump also brought Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad onstage and praised his pick to be the next ambassador to China, saying Branstad "knew how to get things done" and would improve "one of the most important relationships we have."

Trump cited Branstad's friendship with Chinese President Xi Jinping and vowed there would be "mutual respect" between Washington and Beijing.

"We're going to have mutual respect, and China is going to benefit and we're going to benefit," Trump said. "And Terry is going to lead the way."


Yeah, just poke the shit out of China. Trump wants an arms race with China. Maybe even a war. I foresee a huge increase in military spending. Just be ready to sign up for the military draft (Conscription) when the time comes.

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