Trump is further left than Hillary


Senior Member
Mar 7, 2015
I would rather vote for Trump than clinton because Clinton is a warmongering psychopath that LOVES war. She hates democracy (and I mean she HATES it) and thinks that other races are inferior (go look at the types of rallies she was participating in before she was in the pollitical spotlight).

Trump says crazy things, we all know, but aside from the Mexican border wall he isn't serious about any of it. He understands that you have to compromise with people and be a reasonable human being as president for the sake of the world. Clinton would release our entire nuclear arsenal on Russia, trump would never do that because it'd mean the whole world would die. Clinton wouldn't care.

so please DNC voters and independent voters if you don't vote for Jill Stein PLEASE vote for Trump over Clinton.
I would rather vote for Trump than clinton because Clinton is a warmongering psychopath that LOVES war. She hates democracy (and I mean she HATES it) and thinks that other races are inferior (go look at the types of rallies she was participating in before she was in the pollitical spotlight).

Trump says crazy things, we all know, but aside from the Mexican border wall he isn't serious about any of it. He understands that you have to compromise with people and be a reasonable human being as president for the sake of the world. Clinton would release our entire nuclear arsenal on Russia, trump would never do that because it'd mean the whole world would die. Clinton wouldn't care.

so please DNC voters and independent voters if you don't vote for Jill Stein PLEASE vote for Trump over Clinton.

There must be a lot of aerosol cans on your planet if you think either of them have such principles, or any principles at all. Especially Rump.
I am astounded that so many would still support a lying, sack-of-shit, murdering, incompetent POS c**t like shrillary over anyone else. A piece of dog shit is more qualified and better suited to be POTUS than that rapist-enabling, crooked be-atch.
I actually became Dem-for-a-day to caucus for Bernie. It would have been so embarrassing if Alaska had actually gone to that sad-sack, criminal shit-tard, shrillary. I was most certainly not the only Alaskan to do so.
I would rather vote for Trump than clinton because Clinton is a warmongering psychopath that LOVES war. She hates democracy (and I mean she HATES it) and thinks that other races are inferior (go look at the types of rallies she was participating in before she was in the pollitical spotlight).

Trump says crazy things, we all know, but aside from the Mexican border wall he isn't serious about any of it. He understands that you have to compromise with people and be a reasonable human being as president for the sake of the world. Clinton would release our entire nuclear arsenal on Russia, trump would never do that because it'd mean the whole world would die. Clinton wouldn't care.

so please DNC voters and independent voters if you don't vote for Jill Stein PLEASE vote for Trump over Clinton.

I hear all the time that Hillary is a Hawk, war monger, why do you think she is. She is pro on the Iran nuke deal. Why do people think she is a war monger? Give examples please.
Trump and Hillary are about the same politically: not much difference.
I would rather vote for Trump than clinton because Clinton is a warmongering psychopath that LOVES war. She hates democracy (and I mean she HATES it) and thinks that other races are inferior (go look at the types of rallies she was participating in before she was in the pollitical spotlight).

Trump says crazy things, we all know, but aside from the Mexican border wall he isn't serious about any of it. He understands that you have to compromise with people and be a reasonable human being as president for the sake of the world. Clinton would release our entire nuclear arsenal on Russia, trump would never do that because it'd mean the whole world would die. Clinton wouldn't care.

so please DNC voters and independent voters if you don't vote for Jill Stein PLEASE vote for Trump over Clinton.

I hear all the time that Hillary is a Hawk, war monger, why do you think she is. She is pro on the Iran nuke deal. Why do people think she is a war monger? Give examples please.
Libya and Iraq and Syria. Look at her time in Obama's cabinet. Her department massively expanded the war machine and pushed forward with reckless abandon in ways reminiscent of Cheney. She also supported her husband's terrorism in Haiti and Sudan.
I would rather vote for Trump than clinton because Clinton is a warmongering psychopath that LOVES war. She hates democracy (and I mean she HATES it) and thinks that other races are inferior (go look at the types of rallies she was participating in before she was in the pollitical spotlight).

Trump says crazy things, we all know, but aside from the Mexican border wall he isn't serious about any of it. He understands that you have to compromise with people and be a reasonable human being as president for the sake of the world. Clinton would release our entire nuclear arsenal on Russia, trump would never do that because it'd mean the whole world would die. Clinton wouldn't care.

so please DNC voters and independent voters if you don't vote for Jill Stein PLEASE vote for Trump over Clinton.

I hear all the time that Hillary is a Hawk, war monger, why do you think she is. She is pro on the Iran nuke deal. Why do people think she is a war monger? Give examples please.
Libya and Iraq and Syria. Look at her time in Obama's cabinet. Her department massively expanded the war machine and pushed forward with reckless abandon in ways reminiscent of Cheney. She also supported her husband's terrorism in Haiti and Sudan.

Hillary really had nothing to do with it, just following through.
I would rather vote for Trump than clinton because Clinton is a warmongering psychopath that LOVES war. She hates democracy (and I mean she HATES it) and thinks that other races are inferior (go look at the types of rallies she was participating in before she was in the pollitical spotlight).

Trump says crazy things, we all know, but aside from the Mexican border wall he isn't serious about any of it. He understands that you have to compromise with people and be a reasonable human being as president for the sake of the world. Clinton would release our entire nuclear arsenal on Russia, trump would never do that because it'd mean the whole world would die. Clinton wouldn't care.

so please DNC voters and independent voters if you don't vote for Jill Stein PLEASE vote for Trump over Clinton.

I hear all the time that Hillary is a Hawk, war monger, why do you think she is. She is pro on the Iran nuke deal. Why do people think she is a war monger? Give examples please.
Libya and Iraq and Syria. Look at her time in Obama's cabinet. Her department massively expanded the war machine and pushed forward with reckless abandon in ways reminiscent of Cheney. She also supported her husband's terrorism in Haiti and Sudan.

Hillary really had nothing to do with it, just following through.

You only addressed Iraq from my post and I'm not sure why you thought I meant the start of the Iraq war. The United States still has deep involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm talking about while she was Secretary of state.
I would rather vote for Trump than clinton because Clinton is a warmongering psychopath that LOVES war. She hates democracy (and I mean she HATES it) and thinks that other races are inferior (go look at the types of rallies she was participating in before she was in the pollitical spotlight).

Trump says crazy things, we all know, but aside from the Mexican border wall he isn't serious about any of it. He understands that you have to compromise with people and be a reasonable human being as president for the sake of the world. Clinton would release our entire nuclear arsenal on Russia, trump would never do that because it'd mean the whole world would die. Clinton wouldn't care.

so please DNC voters and independent voters if you don't vote for Jill Stein PLEASE vote for Trump over Clinton.

I hear all the time that Hillary is a Hawk, war monger, why do you think she is. She is pro on the Iran nuke deal. Why do people think she is a war monger? Give examples please.
Libya and Iraq and Syria. Look at her time in Obama's cabinet. Her department massively expanded the war machine and pushed forward with reckless abandon in ways reminiscent of Cheney. She also supported her husband's terrorism in Haiti and Sudan.

Hillary really had nothing to do with it, just following through.

You only addressed Iraq from my post and I'm not sure why you thought I meant the start of the Iraq war. The United States still has deep involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm talking about while she was Secretary of state.

What did she do as SOS, that was not already in the works? I am aware that the physical war in Iraq from 03 is still going on and she was not involved in that.
Wall is great then I wonders if both Trump and Clinton want Fascist State of America. Even maybe Cruz want this if he take all 14 last.
I would rather vote for Trump than clinton because Clinton is a warmongering psychopath that LOVES war. She hates democracy (and I mean she HATES it) and thinks that other races are inferior (go look at the types of rallies she was participating in before she was in the pollitical spotlight).

Trump says crazy things, we all know, but aside from the Mexican border wall he isn't serious about any of it. He understands that you have to compromise with people and be a reasonable human being as president for the sake of the world. Clinton would release our entire nuclear arsenal on Russia, trump would never do that because it'd mean the whole world would die. Clinton wouldn't care.

so please DNC voters and independent voters if you don't vote for Jill Stein PLEASE vote for Trump over Clinton.

I hear all the time that Hillary is a Hawk, war monger, why do you think she is. She is pro on the Iran nuke deal. Why do people think she is a war monger? Give examples please.
Libya and Iraq and Syria. Look at her time in Obama's cabinet. Her department massively expanded the war machine and pushed forward with reckless abandon in ways reminiscent of Cheney. She also supported her husband's terrorism in Haiti and Sudan.

Hillary really had nothing to do with it, just following through.

You only addressed Iraq from my post and I'm not sure why you thought I meant the start of the Iraq war. The United States still has deep involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm talking about while she was Secretary of state.

What did she do as SOS, that was not already in the works? I am aware that the physical war in Iraq from 03 is still going on and she was not involved in that.

Just because Bush was the one that started the Iraq war doesn't mean that all decisions regarding the war made by later administrations are HIS administrations' decisions. The Obama white house has made many many choices which hillary clinton was intimately involved in regarding Iraq and Afghanistan.
I hear all the time that Hillary is a Hawk, war monger, why do you think she is. She is pro on the Iran nuke deal. Why do people think she is a war monger? Give examples please.
Libya and Iraq and Syria. Look at her time in Obama's cabinet. Her department massively expanded the war machine and pushed forward with reckless abandon in ways reminiscent of Cheney. She also supported her husband's terrorism in Haiti and Sudan.

Hillary really had nothing to do with it, just following through.

You only addressed Iraq from my post and I'm not sure why you thought I meant the start of the Iraq war. The United States still has deep involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm talking about while she was Secretary of state.

What did she do as SOS, that was not already in the works? I am aware that the physical war in Iraq from 03 is still going on and she was not involved in that.

Just because Bush was the one that started the Iraq war doesn't mean that all decisions regarding the war made by later administrations are HIS administrations' decisions. The Obama white house has made many many choices which hillary clinton was intimately involved in regarding Iraq and Afghanistan.

That's true of course, but the mess continued, even to this day.
I hear all the time that Hillary is a Hawk, war monger, why do you think she is. She is pro on the Iran nuke deal. Why do people think she is a war monger? Give examples please.
Libya and Iraq and Syria. Look at her time in Obama's cabinet. Her department massively expanded the war machine and pushed forward with reckless abandon in ways reminiscent of Cheney. She also supported her husband's terrorism in Haiti and Sudan.

Hillary really had nothing to do with it, just following through.

You only addressed Iraq from my post and I'm not sure why you thought I meant the start of the Iraq war. The United States still has deep involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm talking about while she was Secretary of state.

What did she do as SOS, that was not already in the works? I am aware that the physical war in Iraq from 03 is still going on and she was not involved in that.

Just because Bush was the one that started the Iraq war doesn't mean that all decisions regarding the war made by later administrations are HIS administrations' decisions. The Obama white house has made many many choices which hillary clinton was intimately involved in regarding Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hillary Clinton was one of the Senators warning of the danger of Saddam Hussein and WMDs before the war. She was as much a supporter of getting rid of him as anyone else. But then again, so was Trump. Both changed their tune later.

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