Trump is getting ready to save Americans in democrat run SHIT HOLES

Democratic policies are slowly but surely destroying what is the most beautiful and prosperous state in the country.

You can blame Capitalism & your tribe for that, most of all.

Can you answer this one questions honestly?
If you didn't need to be funded by others would you be so opposed to capitalism?

Capitalism means unregulated freedom of enterprise without interference.

Social programs can exist in a Capitalist society, like they have in the Nordic countries it's called Social Democracy.

Of course, Capitalist & Individualism conflicts with nation.

- Capitalists hiring Illegals.
- Capitalists hiring H2B Visa people.
- Capitalists outsourcing jobs.
- Individual rights for Abortions.
- Individual rights for Illegals.
- Individual rights for Islamic refugees.
- Capitalist Porn Industry.
- Capitalist Prostitutes.
- Capitalist Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners.
- Capitalists printing Che Guevara T-Shirts.
- Capitalist Hollywood smut shoot 'em up & Liberal degenerate raunchy films.
- Capitalist Music industry selling Gangster rap music with violence, degeneracy & curse words.
- Capitalist Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube silencing Right-WIngers.
- Capitalist MSNBC, CNN, Google promoting Liberal biases.
- Capitalist drug dealers of illicit drugs.

You really need to get a proper education & some critical thinking skills.

Because obviously you're as mentally slow as the Beanies you mock & belittle.
Democratic policies are slowly but surely destroying what is the most beautiful and prosperous state in the country.

You can blame Capitalism & your tribe for that, most of all.

Can you answer this one questions honestly?
If you didn't need to be funded by others would you be so opposed to capitalism?

You don't even know what Capitalism is, because like most Western Europeans you're a race of knuckling dragging savages.

A.) Social programs aren't necessarily anti-Capitalist measures.

B.) Capitalism is a greed motivated system, which puts greed above Nation.

C.) Just because someone favors social programs doesn't mean they're necessarily on them.

I know logic & empathy don't connect very well with you Western Europeans genetic trash heaps.

LefTard Logic:
"Those smart, hard working, ambitious, positive contributors paying my way are such greedy bastards...don't they know they owe me a free ride because I breathe oxygen on their soil."

Unity and togetherness is always a great thing...However, you need to wrap your head around the fact that life is not a team sport...Thanks to our great Constitution you degenerates do not get to ride the coattails and leech off of others who worked harder and smarter and made better decisions than you did.
Under the General Welfare mandate social programs must benefit the GENERAL public and not degenerate lowlife individuals. Sorry bud, just get a better job...that's a much easier, much more rewarding route to take.
Democratic policies are slowly but surely destroying what is the most beautiful and prosperous state in the country.

You can blame Capitalism & your tribe for that, most of all.

Can you answer this one questions honestly?
If you didn't need to be funded by others would you be so opposed to capitalism?

You don't even know what Capitalism is, because like most Western Europeans you're a race of knuckling dragging savages.

A.) Social programs aren't necessarily anti-Capitalist measures.

B.) Capitalism is a greed motivated system, which puts greed above Nation.

C.) Just because someone favors social programs doesn't mean they're necessarily on them.

I know logic & empathy don't connect very well with you Western Europeans genetic trash heaps.

LefTard Logic:
"Those smart, hard working, ambitious, positive contributors paying my way are such greedy bastards...don't they know they owe me a free ride because I breathe oxygen on their soil."

Unity and togetherness is always a great thing...However, you need to wrap your head around the fact that life is not a team sport...Thanks to our great Constitution you degenerates do not get to ride the coattails and leech off of others who worked harder and smarter and made better decisions than you did.
Under the General Welfare mandate social programs must benefit the GENERAL public and not degenerate lowlife individuals. Sorry bud, just get a better job...that's a much easier, much more rewarding route to take.

You're intellectually equal to the beanies from the border.

You don't know anything about Capitalism.

Capitalism is basically unregulated business.

Kind of like all the outsourcing & Illegals being hired.

Social programs are irrelevant.

I just support National Healthcare because contrary to the opinions of Republican numb-skulls, it will lower costs for society.

We pay the most for healthcare in the World, and that's a good thing?

I care about the Collective society.

Republicans just care about "Me, Mine & Now"

You are mega simpletons, who struggle with logic & empathy.
Democratic policies are slowly but surely destroying what is the most beautiful and prosperous state in the country.

You can blame Capitalism & your tribe for that, most of all.

Can you answer this one questions honestly?
If you didn't need to be funded by others would you be so opposed to capitalism?

You don't even know what Capitalism is, because like most Western Europeans you're a race of knuckling dragging savages.

A.) Social programs aren't necessarily anti-Capitalist measures.

B.) Capitalism is a greed motivated system, which puts greed above Nation.

C.) Just because someone favors social programs doesn't mean they're necessarily on them.

I know logic & empathy don't connect very well with you Western Europeans genetic trash heaps.

LefTard Logic:
"Those smart, hard working, ambitious, positive contributors paying my way are such greedy bastards...don't they know they owe me a free ride because I breathe oxygen on their soil."

Unity and togetherness is always a great thing...However, you need to wrap your head around the fact that life is not a team sport...Thanks to our great Constitution you degenerates do not get to ride the coattails and leech off of others who worked harder and smarter and made better decisions than you did.
Under the General Welfare mandate social programs must benefit the GENERAL public and not degenerate lowlife individuals. Sorry bud, just get a better job...that's a much easier, much more rewarding route to take.

You're intellectually equal to the beanies from the border.

You don't know anything about Capitalism.

Capitalism is basically unregulated business.

Kind of like all the outsourcing & Illegals being hired.

Social programs are irrelevant.

I just support National Healthcare because contrary to the opinions of Republican numb-skulls, it will lower costs for society.

We pay the most for healthcare in the World, and that's a good thing?

I care about the Collective society.

Republicans just care about "Me, Mine & Now"

You are mega simpletons, who struggle with logic & empathy.

Look bud, it's all good...the truth is; if I needed a free ride like you clearly do, I'd be right there along side you begging for free shit...I totally get it, it makes perfect sense for lowlifes to beg.
Do yourself a favor and stop writing your own'll lose credibility fast doing that.
  1. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
    "an era of free-market capitalism"
Further, American capitalism as we know it is full of socialist components already...FUCK, we pay ShaQuita to stay home and smoke weed...we encourage and pay Guadalupe to make more filthy babies...we incentivize her through our tax code...we provide free healthcare for illegal wetbacks...WTF else does your begging ass want?
We have uncontrolled capitalism in the USA and Broker Loser you know it. You know the major corps have a neg tax rate.
Trump Slams Gavin Newsom over Homelessness in Christmas Tweet | Breitbart

Trump tells democrats to stop creating homelessness with your disastrous policies!
Tells shitty democrat mayor fix it! Or I will!

So tell me, what is his plan?? To take them all on ocean liners and drop them in the water and let them swim back.

Perhaps he should give more to Medicaid and Hud, but no he just wants to complain about the Democrat states.
Get them help .. many are sick because of over regulation! DEREGULATE!

Deregulation equates to Illegal Immigrants being hired, and our waterways burning with pollution.
Dude we didn’t have illegals when we had free speech..
You can blame Capitalism & your tribe for that, most of all.

Can you answer this one questions honestly?
If you didn't need to be funded by others would you be so opposed to capitalism?

You don't even know what Capitalism is, because like most Western Europeans you're a race of knuckling dragging savages.

A.) Social programs aren't necessarily anti-Capitalist measures.

B.) Capitalism is a greed motivated system, which puts greed above Nation.

C.) Just because someone favors social programs doesn't mean they're necessarily on them.

I know logic & empathy don't connect very well with you Western Europeans genetic trash heaps.

LefTard Logic:
"Those smart, hard working, ambitious, positive contributors paying my way are such greedy bastards...don't they know they owe me a free ride because I breathe oxygen on their soil."

Unity and togetherness is always a great thing...However, you need to wrap your head around the fact that life is not a team sport...Thanks to our great Constitution you degenerates do not get to ride the coattails and leech off of others who worked harder and smarter and made better decisions than you did.
Under the General Welfare mandate social programs must benefit the GENERAL public and not degenerate lowlife individuals. Sorry bud, just get a better job...that's a much easier, much more rewarding route to take.

You're intellectually equal to the beanies from the border.

You don't know anything about Capitalism.

Capitalism is basically unregulated business.

Kind of like all the outsourcing & Illegals being hired.

Social programs are irrelevant.

I just support National Healthcare because contrary to the opinions of Republican numb-skulls, it will lower costs for society.

We pay the most for healthcare in the World, and that's a good thing?

I care about the Collective society.

Republicans just care about "Me, Mine & Now"

You are mega simpletons, who struggle with logic & empathy.

Look bud, it's all good...the truth is; if I needed a free ride like you clearly do, I'd be right there along side you begging for free shit...I totally get it, it makes perfect sense for lowlifes to beg.
Do yourself a favor and stop writing your own'll lose credibility fast doing that.
  1. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
    "an era of free-market capitalism"
Further, American capitalism as we know it is full of socialist components already...FUCK, we pay ShaQuita to stay home and smoke weed...we encourage and pay Guadalupe to make more filthy babies...we incentivize her through our tax code...we provide free healthcare for illegal wetbacks...WTF else does your begging ass want?

You're a retard, and should be treated as such.

1.) I have friends on Medicaid & Social Security Disability.
That's why I care.
I know Republicans are basically emotionally detached & detached of logic.
But there's actually a society out there of people in need.

2.) Most of your taxes goes to people who shouldn't have to work, kids schools, the elderly's retirement, and those with disabilities.
Leave it to Republican savages to attack the kids, the elderly & the disabled.

3.) Capitalism is responsible for all our societal ills.
Be it the illegals, the outsourced jobs, the obesity epidemic by sugary foods & processed foods, or the drug epidemic, the smog & pollution issues, the degenerate music, porn, Hollywood films, and everything else.

Republicans are basically little more than Baboons, and your leader Trump is the King of the Baboons.
Trump Slams Gavin Newsom over Homelessness in Christmas Tweet | Breitbart

Trump tells democrats to stop creating homelessness with your disastrous policies!
Tells shitty democrat mayor fix it! Or I will!

So tell me, what is his plan?? To take them all on ocean liners and drop them in the water and let them swim back.

Perhaps he should give more to Medicaid and Hud, but no he just wants to complain about the Democrat states.
Get them help .. many are sick because of over regulation! DEREGULATE!

Deregulation equates to Illegal Immigrants being hired, and our waterways burning with pollution.
Dude we didn’t have illegals when we had free speech..

Uh, you must have taken a giant nap.

The USA has always been a country of greedy commerce importing people from far away places.

First it was Black slaves.
Then it was Germans & Irish.
Then it was Italians, Jews & Poles.
Then it was Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and a few Mexicans.
Now it's Illegals from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Ecaudor, China, Jamaica, Haiti, Brazil etc. etc.
Trump Slams Gavin Newsom over Homelessness in Christmas Tweet | Breitbart

Trump tells democrats to stop creating homelessness with your disastrous policies!
Tells shitty democrat mayor fix it! Or I will!

So tell me, what is his plan?? To take them all on ocean liners and drop them in the water and let them swim back.

Perhaps he should give more to Medicaid and Hud, but no he just wants to complain about the Democrat states.
Get them help .. many are sick because of over regulation! DEREGULATE!

Deregulation equates to Illegal Immigrants being hired, and our waterways burning with pollution.
Dude we didn’t have illegals when we had free speech..

Uh, you must have taken a giant nap.

The USA has always been a country of greedy commerce importing people from far away places.

First it was Black slaves.
Then it was Germans & Irish.
Then it was Italians, Jews & Poles.
Then it was Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and a few Mexicans.
Now it's Illegals from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Ecaudor, China, Jamaica, Haiti, Brazil etc. etc.
Dude I lived where immigrants were, Latinos never came here when we’re were more conservative because we used to tell them
To assimilate,,, they have only came since assimilating period was over
So tell me, what is his plan?? To take them all on ocean liners and drop them in the water and let them swim back.

Perhaps he should give more to Medicaid and Hud, but no he just wants to complain about the Democrat states.
Get them help .. many are sick because of over regulation! DEREGULATE!

Deregulation equates to Illegal Immigrants being hired, and our waterways burning with pollution.
Dude we didn’t have illegals when we had free speech..

Uh, you must have taken a giant nap.

The USA has always been a country of greedy commerce importing people from far away places.

First it was Black slaves.
Then it was Germans & Irish.
Then it was Italians, Jews & Poles.
Then it was Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and a few Mexicans.
Now it's Illegals from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Ecaudor, China, Jamaica, Haiti, Brazil etc. etc.
Dude I lived where immigrants were, Latinos never came here when we’re were more conservative because we used to tell them
To assimilate,,, they have only came since assimilating period was over

Anybody who thinks Capitalist Commerce isn't responsible for Illegals, must have more than a few screws loose.

I've seen in Brewster, NY & Danbury CT the Illegal Latinos waiting out on the street corners, waiting for contractors & day jobs as day laborers.

That doesn't begin to sp(c, or speak of all the NON-Day laborer Illegal Latinos, found in restaurants, landscaping firms, masonry fir,ms, construction firms, ,maid firms, and so forth.

The problem is Capitalism.
Get them help .. many are sick because of over regulation! DEREGULATE!

Deregulation equates to Illegal Immigrants being hired, and our waterways burning with pollution.
Dude we didn’t have illegals when we had free speech..

Uh, you must have taken a giant nap.

The USA has always been a country of greedy commerce importing people from far away places.

First it was Black slaves.
Then it was Germans & Irish.
Then it was Italians, Jews & Poles.
Then it was Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and a few Mexicans.
Now it's Illegals from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Ecaudor, China, Jamaica, Haiti, Brazil etc. etc.
Dude I lived where immigrants were, Latinos never came here when we’re were more conservative because we used to tell them
To assimilate,,, they have only came since assimilating period was over

Anybody who thinks Capitalist Commerce isn't responsible for Illegals, must have more than a few screws loose.

I've seen in Brewster, NY & Danbury CT the Illegal Latinos waiting out on the street corners, waiting for contractors & day jobs as day laborers.

That doesn't begin to sp(c, or speak of all the NON-Day laborer Illegal Latinos, found in restaurants, landscaping firms, masonry fir,ms, construction firms, ,maid firms, and so forth.

The problem is Capitalism.
Well democrats are offering them sanctuary,, deputize us to take then out
Trump Slams Gavin Newsom over Homelessness in Christmas Tweet | Breitbart

Trump tells democrats to stop creating homelessness with your disastrous policies!
Tells shitty democrat mayor fix it! Or I will!

So tell me, what is his plan?? To take them all on ocean liners and drop them in the water and let them swim back.

Perhaps he should give more to Medicaid and Hud, but no he just wants to complain about the Democrat states.
Get them help .. many are sick because of over regulation! DEREGULATE!

Deregulation equates to Illegal Immigrants being hired, and our waterways burning with pollution.
Dude we didn’t have illegals when we had free speech..

A large problem is that less kids were born, partly because of Abortion, and that the kids born, ended up going to college more readily.

Meaning that there's been labor shortages.

That's why Trump's economy is a double edged sword.

Don't be so quick to rejoice at record low unemployment rates, it means more Illegals & or Legal immigrants will be imported to support Capitalists.
Trump Slams Gavin Newsom over Homelessness in Christmas Tweet | Breitbart

Trump tells democrats to stop creating homelessness with your disastrous policies!
Tells shitty democrat mayor fix it! Or I will!

So tell me, what is his plan?? To take them all on ocean liners and drop them in the water and let them swim back.

Perhaps he should give more to Medicaid and Hud, but no he just wants to complain about the Democrat states.
Get them help .. many are sick because of over regulation! DEREGULATE!

Deregulation equates to Illegal Immigrants being hired, and our waterways burning with pollution.
Dude we didn’t have illegals when we had free speech..

A large problem is that less kids were born, partly because of Abortion, and that the kids born, ended up going to college more readily.

Meaning that there's been labor shortages.

That's why Trump's economy is a double edged sword.

Don't be so quick to rejoice at record low unemployment rates, it means more Illegals & or Legal immigrants will be imported to support Capitalists.
America is a place where you struggle
To make it, it’s what makes us strong, it’s why I don’t like Latinos they are protected
So the right wing is the issue, the republicans love their money , always voting for tax cuts and cutting all social programs.

Hatred and class warfare are your bread and butter, Lefty. Thank Nobody that George Soros doesn't "love his money" and neither do Nancy Pelosi ($100 million net worth) or John Kerry (married into a billion or more), or Maxine Waters (lives in a $4.5 million mansion outside her black ghetto district), or socialist Bernie Sanders, who owns three homes and is a multimillionaire from his work as a congressman, or the Obamas who just bought a $15 million waterfront mansion in white Martha's Vineyard, or Richard Bloomberg a billionaire, or Pete Steyer, another billionaire running for Democrat President. And you're right! There are NO MORE SOCIAL PROGRAMS anywhere in America. Everyone but you giving, loving Leftists wants all the poor people slain immediately. Oh wait, never mind. That's abortion that slays 1,000,000 innocents every year. You love it. You champion it, especially for black women, just what Margaret Sanger wanted.
So tell me, what is his plan?? To take them all on ocean liners and drop them in the water and let them swim back.

Perhaps he should give more to Medicaid and Hud, but no he just wants to complain about the Democrat states.
Get them help .. many are sick because of over regulation! DEREGULATE!

Deregulation equates to Illegal Immigrants being hired, and our waterways burning with pollution.
Dude we didn’t have illegals when we had free speech..

A large problem is that less kids were born, partly because of Abortion, and that the kids born, ended up going to college more readily.

Meaning that there's been labor shortages.

That's why Trump's economy is a double edged sword.

Don't be so quick to rejoice at record low unemployment rates, it means more Illegals & or Legal immigrants will be imported to support Capitalists.
America is a place where you struggle
To make it, it’s what makes us strong, it’s why I don’t like Latinos they are protected

Latinos don't struggle?
How do you figure that?

What's going on is pathetic, The people who hire & appease this near serfdom of Illegal Immigrant labor should be truly embarrassed.

My friend lived in Smith street in Pawling, which is the only part of Pawling that's like 95% Guatemalan.

She lived in a Boarding house in 1 room, while that worked okay for her, her neighbor was of a family of 6 Guatemalans living to 1 room.

I mean NOT a studio apartment, but just 1 room, a shared bathroom & shared kitchen.
Get them help .. many are sick because of over regulation! DEREGULATE!

Deregulation equates to Illegal Immigrants being hired, and our waterways burning with pollution.
Dude we didn’t have illegals when we had free speech..

A large problem is that less kids were born, partly because of Abortion, and that the kids born, ended up going to college more readily.

Meaning that there's been labor shortages.

That's why Trump's economy is a double edged sword.

Don't be so quick to rejoice at record low unemployment rates, it means more Illegals & or Legal immigrants will be imported to support Capitalists.
America is a place where you struggle
To make it, it’s what makes us strong, it’s why I don’t like Latinos they are protected

Latinos don't struggle?
How do you figure that?

What;s going on is pathetic, The people who hire & appease this near serfdom of Illegal Immigrant labor should be truly embarrassed.

My friend lived in Smith street in Pawling, which is the only part of Pawling that's like 95% Guatemalan.

She lived in a Boarding house in 1 room, while that worked okay for her, her neighbor was of a family of 6 Guatemalans living to 1 room.

I mean NOT a studio apartment, but just 1 room, a shared bathroom & shared kitchen.
They are buying ocean front property in Guatemala, we are staying here for a few years and moving back, destroying our wages! Democrats need to fix immigration now! Go back to raids!
Deregulation equates to Illegal Immigrants being hired, and our waterways burning with pollution.
Dude we didn’t have illegals when we had free speech..

A large problem is that less kids were born, partly because of Abortion, and that the kids born, ended up going to college more readily.

Meaning that there's been labor shortages.

That's why Trump's economy is a double edged sword.

Don't be so quick to rejoice at record low unemployment rates, it means more Illegals & or Legal immigrants will be imported to support Capitalists.
America is a place where you struggle
To make it, it’s what makes us strong, it’s why I don’t like Latinos they are protected

Latinos don't struggle?
How do you figure that?

What;s going on is pathetic, The people who hire & appease this near serfdom of Illegal Immigrant labor should be truly embarrassed.

My friend lived in Smith street in Pawling, which is the only part of Pawling that's like 95% Guatemalan.

She lived in a Boarding house in 1 room, while that worked okay for her, her neighbor was of a family of 6 Guatemalans living to 1 room.

I mean NOT a studio apartment, but just 1 room, a shared bathroom & shared kitchen.
They are buying ocean front property in Guatemala, we are staying here for a few years and moving back, destroying our wages! Democrats need to fix immigration now! Go back to raids!

Apparently Obama had deported more Illegals than Trump has.

As for our wages, absolutely a mix of Capitalists who hire Illegals & Capitalists who outsource solid manufacturing jobs have stagnated our wages.
He should fix it partially by arresting and jailing the Sacramento government and appointing a provisional one comprised of learned, sane and responsible people.
Something has to be done, Democrats are destroying America

No, the right wing evangelicals are a lot of the issue, they feed the homeless, without the homeless they would not be needed, they give them a sermon first.

The homeless have always been, no worst now than since the beginning of time.

So the right wing is the issue, the republicans love their money , always voting for tax cuts and cutting all social programs.

Hear, hear.

Homelessness would definitely be far worse under Republicanism.

Homelessness is common in states with a lot of migrants from other states & other countries, like California, New York, Florida, Washington etc.

I suspect its actually the migrants driving up the homelessness.

Rather than the Democrat policies.
Dude we didn’t have illegals when we had free speech..

A large problem is that less kids were born, partly because of Abortion, and that the kids born, ended up going to college more readily.

Meaning that there's been labor shortages.

That's why Trump's economy is a double edged sword.

Don't be so quick to rejoice at record low unemployment rates, it means more Illegals & or Legal immigrants will be imported to support Capitalists.
America is a place where you struggle
To make it, it’s what makes us strong, it’s why I don’t like Latinos they are protected

Latinos don't struggle?
How do you figure that?

What;s going on is pathetic, The people who hire & appease this near serfdom of Illegal Immigrant labor should be truly embarrassed.

My friend lived in Smith street in Pawling, which is the only part of Pawling that's like 95% Guatemalan.

She lived in a Boarding house in 1 room, while that worked okay for her, her neighbor was of a family of 6 Guatemalans living to 1 room.

I mean NOT a studio apartment, but just 1 room, a shared bathroom & shared kitchen.
They are buying ocean front property in Guatemala, we are staying here for a few years and moving back, destroying our wages! Democrats need to fix immigration now! Go back to raids!

Apparently Obama had deported more Illegals than Trump has.

As for our wages, absolutely a mix of Capitalists who hire Illegals & Capitalists who outsource solid manufacturing jobs have stagnated our wages.
No he didn’t he counted catch and release as a deport
He should fix it partially by arresting and jailing the Sacramento government and appointing a provisional one comprised of learned, sane and responsible people.
Something has to be done, Democrats are destroying America

No, the right wing evangelicals are a lot of the issue, they feed the homeless, without the homeless they would not be needed, they give them a sermon first.

The homeless have always been, no worst now than since the beginning of time.

So the right wing is the issue, the republicans love their money , always voting for tax cuts and cutting all social programs.

"So the right wing is the issue, the republicans love their money , always voting for tax cuts and cutting all social programs."
Huh? Hold on a minute, it seems like Mexicrats "love" Republicans money just as much as they seem to always be begging for a piece of it...haha
Meanwhile, in the real world it is Mexicrats whom seek to compartmentalize the citizenry and pander to factions, the dregs of society. They need their chosen factions to disregard the importance of platforms and policies and only vote on their own personal FEELZ.

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