Trump is giving another live speech.

Scrap EPA safety regulations for clean air and clean water, they only want to shut down the coal and steel industries and we aren't going to let it happen.

The Heritage Foundation says Obama's economy plans will cut the economy by 2 trillion.

Under Obama wages have gone down.

We are going to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Hillary's plan will cost the economy 5 trillion.

His plan will increase revenues by over 20 trillion over 40 years.

Obama holds up all kinds of projects.

We have a trade deficit of 800 billion and that's gonna change so fast.

We are allowing companies to move overseas. Our intellectual property moving overseas.

He lists all the jobs killing trade deals. (No applause since Obama wages has gone down)

Wages have declined

People making less

We need our wealth back

This includes the following

Identify every trade infraction

End trade abuses

We have political hacks negotiating trade deals.

We will let business negotiate trade deals (applause)

Label China a currency manipulator. Can't allow it to happen.

We have a trade deficit with China of 500 billion. Bring trade cases against China and I intend to enforce the rules. They are not playing fairly.

China stealing America intellectual property. Block that and it will create two million jobs a year.

Stop the outflow of jobs to China.

Can't type right now. He's just kind of babbling. Not sure what he's talking about.

We have to build up our military. People receiving welfare will finally be able to find jobs.

Get rid of regulations

unleash American energy

Take care of our vets

Save second amendment

Stop immigration and drugs

Build wall, Mexico will pay for it.

reNegotiate trade deals. Only make great deals.

We will rebuild everything.

new factories will come rushing back to our shores.

We will make America great again.
Yeah, i think all American cites should resemble Democrat Paradises like Detroit and Flint...


I'm from Michigan. "Kaz" is short for my home town, Kalamazoo. I've never been to Flint. It's not an accident ...

I take it Kalamazoo hasn't been overrun by Democrats yet. Make sure it stays that way. Remember, all of our communities are only a few Democrats away from becoming Third World Hellholes like Flint, Detroit, Chicago, and so on. God Bless. Take care.
Mr. FixIt is promising so much. I don't like that Ford is building a 2.6 billion dollar plant in Mexico instead of in Detroit, but they're going where the wages are lower. You can't blame them, but it is so ironic that FORD, the quintessential American product is outsourcing. I have relatives who have never bought anything but Fords their whole lives. Wonder if that will change with Ford's unpatriotic move.

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