Trump is going to be a horrible president and it's certain because of the following facts:

The North Carolina Republican Party condemned [wink wink] the Ku Klux Klan on Friday after the racist group announced a parade in the Tar Heel State to celebrate President-elect Donald Trump's win....then they thanked them for supporting Trump...
1) He has the emotional maturity of a 14 year old girl.

2) His impending court cases.

3) He knows nothing about public policy or business. There's plenty of evidence for that.

4) His vocabulary and speech sophistication is no better than a 6th grader's.

5) He has an unhealthy relationship with Putin.

6) He wins World's Ugliest National Leader
I laughed so muche when I read your #1 fact :biggrin:
Anyway maybe he's not a gentleman and his vocabulary is not perfect but nobody should judge him because he has no power now.
From Jan.20 all the world will see what kind of President he will be!
Sometimes people can surprise ;)
1) The has the emotional maturity of a 14 year old girl.

2) His impending court cases.

3) He knows nothing about public policy or business. There's plenty of evidence for that.

4) His vocabulary and speech sophisticatioo is no better than a 6th grader's.

5) He has an unhealthy relationship with Putin.

6) He wins World's Ugliest National Leader
Aren't you the guy who guaranteed he'd never win a single primary?
Nope wasn't me, but I don't think anyone could have predicted Americans really are this retarded.

I said he would win the whole thing the day after he announced. Why? Because when Trump mentioned Mexico is sending us rapists, and the ladies in the media all went into the usual hysterics, gasping in horror and shrieking and fanning themselves, TRUMP DID NOT APOLOGIZE. HE DOUBLED DOWN. I told my mom: he keeps that up he'll take the whole thing.
Well republicans are stupid, emotional voters. They ignore basic facts. Here's three:

1) Obama has deported more immigrants than any other president

2) Net immigration from Mexico is at zero: more Mexicans are leaving the US than entering

3) Crime among illegal immigrants is statistically low. Why? Because obviously they are at greater risk of being deported

Crime among ILLEGAL immigrants is 100%, FYI.
The North Carolina Republican Party condemned [wink wink] the Ku Klux Klan on Friday after the racist group announced a parade in the Tar Heel State to celebrate President-elect Donald Trump's win....then they thanked them for supporting Trump...
Like the Democratic Party condemns violence [wink wink] then stays silent on the protests of violent protesters attacking people, violating the rights of others and destroying both public and private property.
Like the Democratic Party condemns violence [wink wink] then stays silent on the protests of violent protesters attacking people, violating the rights of others and destroying both public and private property.

‘Trump! Trump! Trump!’: Group of white men assault black woman student at Villanova University
A black woman studying at Villanova University was attacked by a group of white men chanting “Trump! Trump! Trump!” on campus Thursday night.

Muslim high school teacher left note by student telling her to hang herself with her ‘headscarf’
“Your headscarf isn’t allowed anymore," the note began before telling her to kill herself.

Trump supporters threaten and harass stars of HBO’s ‘Silicon Valley’ in L.A. bar
Two actors from the HBO comedy series 'Silicon Valley' were accosted and threatened by a pair of Trump supporters in a Los Angeles bar on Friday night. 0

BUSTED: Teacher caught taunting students their parents will be deported now that Trump is president
“If you were born here, then your parents got to go. Then they will leave you behind, and you will be in foster care,” the 6th graders were told.
LOL a Septuagenarian dog is not going to learn new tricks...the only ones who are going to be surprised are Trump voters who think Trump is in power to do for them ...:badgrin:
True, but like Obama, he must either adapt or be relegated to the dust bin of history.
4 million names have been gathered in the last 3 days on a petition that will be delivered with this letter to the electoral college members. At this rate there should be more than 40 million signatures by that time.

Letter to
Electoral College Electors
Electoral College make Hillary Clinton president on December 19,

The Founders created the Electoral College to balance two important values: the will of the people, and the need for a President who is fit for office.

Denying Mr. Trump the Presidency accomplishes both goals while violating no Constitutional principle.

In Federalist No. 68, Hamilton explains that the "sense of the people", must be expressed in the outcome. But, "Men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice," should make the final decision.

Hamilton pointed out that, "Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity, may alone suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union, or of so considerable a portion of it as would be necessary to make him a successful candidate for the distinguished office of President of the United States".

Casting your ballot for Hillary preserves majority rule - the "sense of the people" - and prevents the most unqualified candidate in history from taking office. Never in our Republic's 240 years has our President had no previous experience in an office of public trust, be it elected or appointed, civilian or military. Never has a President admitted to sexual assaults. Never has a President encouraged violence at campaign events.

There is no reason electors cannot vote with their conscience. They are not taking away the majority vote, and are not violating the Constitution.

Please protect our Constitution and our Republic by casting your ballot for Hillary Clinton.

Sore losers, eh? Do you know the purpose of the electoral college?
Like the Democratic Party condemns violence [wink wink] then stays silent on the protests of violent protesters attacking people, violating the rights of others and destroying both public and private property.

‘Trump! Trump! Trump!’: Group of white men assault black woman student at Villanova University
A black woman studying at Villanova University was attacked by a group of white men chanting “Trump! Trump! Trump!” on campus Thursday night.

Muslim high school teacher left note by student telling her to hang herself with her ‘headscarf’
“Your headscarf isn’t allowed anymore," the note began before telling her to kill herself.

Trump supporters threaten and harass stars of HBO’s ‘Silicon Valley’ in L.A. bar
Two actors from the HBO comedy series 'Silicon Valley' were accosted and threatened by a pair of Trump supporters in a Los Angeles bar on Friday night. 0

BUSTED: Teacher caught taunting students their parents will be deported now that Trump is president
“If you were born here, then your parents got to go. Then they will leave you behind, and you will be in foster care,” the 6th graders were told.
So the far Left now considers yelling "Trump, Trump, Trump" an assault? What if it's LWers yelling "Not my President, Not my President". Is that different?

A note? One asshole writes a bigoted note and you use that to broad brush everyone who didn't vote for Hillary? Can those who are not LWLs do the same to you or is that different?
The Electoral College system gives a fixed number of votes to each state, linked to the size of its population. Each state gets the number of “electors” equal to its delegation to the Senate (2) and House of Representatives (ranging from 1 to 52). The total number of EC votes up for grabs is 538, with 270 being the number to reach to win the election.

The idea is that doing it this way people living in smaller, often more rural states, would get their voices heard too. If the U.S. had elections based on popular votes alone, the candidates would focus most of their attention on areas with large populations. Would it be fair that policies benefitting California or New York, where a big chunk of Americans lives, should be the main ones enacted, at the expense of policies that would focus, let’s say, on the Rust Belt states, who were key in deciding the current election?

On the flip side, the Electoral College creates a situation where candidates focus their attention mostly in a small number of “battleground” states instead of the whole country. Case in point - Clinton’s campaign.

Hillary Clinton didn’t even visit Wisconsin since the primaries (when she lost there to Bernie Sanders), becoming the first major party candidate since 1972 to not visit the state during the general election period. The Democrats relied on polling that told them they had the state locked up. In contrast, Donald Trump was in Wisconsin on November 1st, shaking hands and not believing polls. As the state was decided by just 27,000 in his favor, even after millions voted, it’s hard not see Clinton’s failure to participate in old-fashioned politics in the state as responsible for not turning out her voters there.

Why the Electoral College Exists (and Not Going Anywhere Soon)
Like the Democratic Party condemns violence [wink wink] then stays silent on the protests of violent protesters attacking people, violating the rights of others and destroying both public and private property.

‘Trump! Trump! Trump!’: Group of white men assault black woman student at Villanova University
A black woman studying at Villanova University was attacked by a group of white men chanting “Trump! Trump! Trump!” on campus Thursday night.

Muslim high school teacher left note by student telling her to hang herself with her ‘headscarf’
“Your headscarf isn’t allowed anymore," the note began before telling her to kill herself.

Trump supporters threaten and harass stars of HBO’s ‘Silicon Valley’ in L.A. bar
Two actors from the HBO comedy series 'Silicon Valley' were accosted and threatened by a pair of Trump supporters in a Los Angeles bar on Friday night. 0

BUSTED: Teacher caught taunting students their parents will be deported now that Trump is president
“If you were born here, then your parents got to go. Then they will leave you behind, and you will be in foster care,” the 6th graders were told.
So the far Left now considers yelling "Trump, Trump, Trump" an assault? What if it's LWers yelling "Not my President, Not my President". Is that different?

A note? One asshole writes a bigoted note and you use that to broad brush everyone who didn't vote for Hillary? Can those who are not LWLs do the same to you or is that different?

Racist Incidents, Attacks Surge at US Universities
Chances are, as in previous such situations, when the elections fade from memory, so will most calls for reform. Thus, the battle to somehow amend or completely abolish the Electoral College is not likely to pan out in changes any time soon. In the meantime, Democrats could learn that showing up and rallying their voters in every state of the country, as well as offering programs that benefit voters in rural areas as well as large cities, could be one classic way to make sure the Electoral College works for them, a lesson they seemed to have forgotten in 2016.
The electoral college is putting a man in power who is going to lose the popular vote by possibly as much as 2 percent...The white rural voters have inflicted their politics on the majority...that is why there is going to be unrest..the majority of "We the People" is not being serve3d ...make no mistake about it ..the Majority REJECTED Trump... Do not lecture me about the system ... I am aware the system uses the Electoral college and that Trump will be Inaugurated ....that still does not refute that the majority of the US population rejected Trump...the system did not reject him it will inaugurate him...
...before Bush 2000 was Inaugurated while losing the popular vote that had only happened once in the history of our it has happened twice in the span of 16 years .........
The electoral college is putting a man in power who is going to lose the popular vote by possibly as much as 2 percent...The white rural voters have inflicted their politics on the majority...that is why there is going to be unrest..the majority of "We the People" is not being serve3d ...make no mistake about it ..the Majority REJECTED Trump... Do not lecture me about the system ... I am aware the system uses the Electoral college and that Trump will be Inaugurated ....that still does not refute that the majority of the US population rejected Trump...the system did not reject him it will inaugurate him...

That's Hillary's fault.

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