Trump is going to be a horrible president and it's certain because of the following facts:

Hillary's campaign even stooped to calling the American people, taxpayers, who pay her salary, names. Think about that! Really think about it for a minute. Disgusting and despicable.
Look here is graceful Donald like ?

2012, Trump tried to incite supporters of defeated Republican nominee Mitt Romney to take to the streets in protest of President Barack Obama’s re-election.

Again, attacking the opponent does absolutely nothing to elevate you or your side.
Again, attacking the opponent does absolutely nothing to elevate you or your side.
LOL that sounds like a rejection of Donald Trump to me seem to have "Irony deficiency"

Here is Trump elevating your side

you do know that the Hallmark of Trump is mockery of other Correct LOL
Again, attacking the opponent does absolutely nothing to elevate you or your side.
LOL that sounds like a rejection of Donald Trump to me seem to have "Irony deficiency"

Here is Trump elevating your side
View attachment 98226
you do know that the Hallmark of Trump is mockery of other Correct LOL

He wasn't mocking the democrats there. Donald Trump told me some things he wanted to do. He told me that he loves this country and it's people, and he wants to make it a better place for ALL of us. Hillary failed because she ran a crappy campaign and had NO plans.
He wasn't mocking the democrats there. Donald Trump told me some things he wanted to do. He told me that he loves this country and it's people, and he wants to make it a better place for ALL of us. Hillary failed because she ran a crappy campaign and had NO plans.

He told folks in contracts he would pay them then he stiffed them....

He loves White Americans he hates on others and had to be sued in order for him to allow Blacks to rent in his buildings
Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words.
I agree the action of hiring lobbyist to run Trump's administration speak much louder than the "Drain the swamp" meme

I'm pretty sure he is picking these people because they are GOOD at what they do. If anyone is familiar with the ins and outs and how to get things done in Washington, it's those people.

And . . .

Trump, of course, isn’t alone in relying on entrenched political insiders to shape his future administration. The Hillary Clinton transition team is led by Ken Salazar and Tom Donilon, two former Obama administration officials who now serve on the lobbying teams of major law firms. Though the Clinton campaign gained headlines for banning registered lobbyists from managing her transition, the distinction between registered and unregistered lobbying is largely a question of semantics.

Donald Trump Recruits Corporate Lobbyists to Select His Future Administration
He wasn't mocking the democrats there. Donald Trump told me some things he wanted to do. He told me that he loves this country and it's people, and he wants to make it a better place for ALL of us. Hillary failed because she ran a crappy campaign and had NO plans.

He told folks in contracts he would pay them then he stiffed them....

He loves White Americans he hates on others and had to be sued in order for him to allow Blacks to rent in his buildings

His prior business transactions are really not relevant here. OTOH, Hillary has a history of political corruption and being a part of the establishment which hurts the country.
Trump, of course, isn’t alone in relying on entrenched political insiders to shape his future administration.
That is an odd way to "Drain the swamp"......Blind Faith will lead you to precipice LOL

Its already written that today will be one to remember
The feelings the same as being outside of the law
Do you support the voter suppression effort of the GOP



Voter fraud is small, less than 2% from what I've read, and it's never swayed a national or state election. OTOH, I think it is very important that our nation stay with the times and eliminate all voter fraud. As the fears of a possible Russian hacking attempt to sway the election brought about, I believe it is very important that the vast majority of American have complete confidence in our election system. If that requires voter ID, so be it. If so, then it's equally important that it not be used to disenfranchise voters. Those IDs must be taxpayer funded and free to all who need them.
Whine, whine, whine. You almost gotta laugh that the left claims that a self made billionaire has the "emotional maturity of a 14 year old girl" when his opponent's wife defended her freaking husband for molesting a girl not much older than 14 in the freaking Oval Office and then lied about it.
1) He has the emotional maturity of a 14 year old girl.

2) His impending court cases.

3) He knows nothing about public policy or business. There's plenty of evidence for that.

4) His vocabulary and speech sophistication is no better than a 6th grader's.

5) He has an unhealthy relationship with Putin.

6) He wins World's Ugliest National Leader
1.Trumps competitive. Now that he's the boss he will have a different swagger.
2. No one cares he is a shaddy business man. If they did he wouldn't have won
3.He has a team that knows
4. I can't wait for first sotu speech
5. He will fuck with Russia like they fucked with us.

Every new president gets tested by guys like putin
OTOH, I think it is very important that our nation stay with the times and eliminate all voter fraud. As the fears of a possible Russian hacking attempt to sway the election brought about, I believe it is very important that the vast majority of American have complete confidence in our election system.

A federal appeals court decisively struck down North Carolina’s voter identification law on Friday, saying its provisions deliberately “target African-Americans with almost surgical precision” in an effort to depress black turnout at the polls.

decision by a panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

Second time

Do you support GOP vote Suppression efforts


He's officially now a politician just like Obama and Hillary. He's also going to be your President in January for up to 4 years.

He will be POTUS...I reject him and will work in whatever small ways I have to obstruct him and oppose him as bitterly as Obama was opposed

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