Trump is hemorrhaging older voters

The Boomers were Trump's base in 2016 that ultimately carried him over the edge in the key swing states. If he loses them, it's hard to see how he stands any chance whatsoever in getting reelected. There are simply too many headwinds facing his campaign. This election is looking more like 1932 than 2016.

Yep. Once Trump embraced the "let them die" policy, quite a few Americans realized their interests were no longer represented.

One of your more stupid statements.

And that is saying a lot.
In what way(s) is it stupid?
Tell us about his testing, tracing and quarantine plans.

If you missed the post about who is dying where, you see that governors of the N.E. have truly fucked over their constitutents.

So that is why it is stupid.
It's about population density.

It's about how the government handles the population.

It's about how it allows the health care professionals to treat the disease.

The Boomers were Trump's base in 2016 that ultimately carried him over the edge in the key swing states. If he loses them, it's hard to see how he stands any chance whatsoever in getting reelected. There are simply too many headwinds facing his campaign. This election is looking more like 1932 than 2016.

I think the following sign from a trump supporter sums up why old people are leaving trump in droves.

They see that trump and his younger supporters want to kill them with the virus just for money and trump reelection.

They see their friends dying in droves with trump doing nothing to stop it, in fact taking actions that will cause more to die, and worry if they will be next.

View attachment 337822
No one is seeing friends dying in droves. No one is seeing many deaths at all. Most people don't know anyone who got sick much less died. Hospitals have opened after staying empty waiting for the surge without ever having seen a single Chinese virus patient. This is a picture of a wishful thinking democrat.

Trump can rightfully say he bent over backwards, shut down the border with much resistance and gave governors all that they asked to the point even his opponents gave him credit. In the end, it's all on the governors now as to how they operated their state during this crisis. Just as Premiers in Canada are facing the same judgement.
The Boomers were Trump's base in 2016 that ultimately carried him over the edge in the key swing states. If he loses them, it's hard to see how he stands any chance whatsoever in getting reelected. There are simply too many headwinds facing his campaign. This election is looking more like 1932 than 2016.

The summer will be very interesting.

Trump's team will need to get control of the narrative.

Otherwise, I would agree...he is toast.
Imo that's the push towards Obamagate. It energizes the birther base, and also confirms Trump's status of a guy who doesn't play by the rules because the rules favor the other guy, which plays to the non-racist segment of his base. Or, so maybe he coulda done better on the virus, but he's still the only game in town.

But the danger is Obama is still by far the most popular pol in America. And while his presidency may have been disappointing in some ways, he's not gonna back away from a public fight with Trump.
The Boomers were Trump's base in 2016 that ultimately carried him over the edge in the key swing states. If he loses them, it's hard to see how he stands any chance whatsoever in getting reelected. There are simply too many headwinds facing his campaign. This election is looking more like 1932 than 2016.

If Biden picks Warren or Harris as his VP, Trump will win again.
The big money is on that beauty, Stacy Abrams.
The Boomers were Trump's base in 2016 that ultimately carried him over the edge in the key swing states. If he loses them, it's hard to see how he stands any chance whatsoever in getting reelected. There are simply too many headwinds facing his campaign. This election is looking more like 1932 than 2016.

The summer will be very interesting.

Trump's team will need to get control of the narrative.

Otherwise, I would agree...he is toast.
Imo that's the push towards Obamagate. It energizes the birther base, and also confirms Trump's status of a guy who doesn't play by the rules because the rules favor the other guy, which plays to the non-racist segment of his base. Or, so maybe he coulda done better on the virus, but he's still the only game in town.

But the danger is Obama is still by far the most popular pol in America. And while his presidency may have been disappointing in some ways, he's not gonna back away from a public fight with Trump.
If shitstain obama were really that popular the Netflix project would have gone better instead of crashing and burning.
This report relies on both fivethirtyeight and the NYT.

Are Older Voters Turning Away From Trump?

The NYT piece

In reality voters are blaming Democrats for whatever public pain they are in. Democrat states are in a state of rebellion. Blaming Trump is not working. Yet for some bizarre reason Democrats honestly believe the fairy tales they tell themselves. Women overwhelmingly support Joe Biden in Tara Reade's complaint. Democrats believe this. The public endorses closing beaches and parks. They believe this too. It's very easy to tell the true believers that Trump is being blamed.
What's the weather like in that alternative world you live in?
The Boomers were Trump's base in 2016 that ultimately carried him over the edge in the key swing states. If he loses them, it's hard to see how he stands any chance whatsoever in getting reelected. There are simply too many headwinds facing his campaign. This election is looking more like 1932 than 2016.

Great source! They reference a poll no one else has heard of, and cite Politico and the New York Times. That is a typical libtard "Big Lie" tactic!
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Great source! They reference a poll no one else has heard of, and cite Politico and the New York Times. That is a typical libtard "Big Lie" tactic!

AKA: Ad Hominem, Personal Attack
Basically, this fallacy entails declaring that an argument or statement is wrong or flawed simply because of who it came from, or by casting unfounded aspersions upon the person who made the statement or argument, rather than addressing the validity of the statement or argument itself.
Great source! They reference a poll no one else has heard of, and cite Politico and the New York Times. That is a typical libtard "Big Lie" tactic!

AKA: Ad Hominem, Personal Attack
Basically, this fallacy entails declaring that an argument or statement is wrong or flawed simply because of who it came from, or by casting unfounded aspersions upon the person who made the statement or argument, rather than addressing the validity of the statement or argument itself.
Who said it was personal? You did, and need to take your meds. Many of these sources are biased. There is no fallacy there.

Despite Trump's missteps, imo he'll still do well in rural Wis Mich and Pa with the older voters. I'm not saying the polls are wrong, but they seem to be national polls. But then again, who knows about Az and Fla. And Ohio
Great source! They reference a poll no one else has heard of, and cite Politico and the New York Times. That is a typical libtard "Big Lie" tactic!

AKA: Ad Hominem, Personal Attack
Basically, this fallacy entails declaring that an argument or statement is wrong or flawed simply because of who it came from, or by casting unfounded aspersions upon the person who made the statement or argument, rather than addressing the validity of the statement or argument itself.
Who said it was personal? You did, and need to take your meds. Many of these sources are biased. There is no fallacy there.
Not personal perhaps, but willfully not attempting to follow the links in the OP
Great source! They reference a poll no one else has heard of, and cite Politico and the New York Times. That is a typical libtard "Big Lie" tactic!

AKA: Ad Hominem, Personal Attack
Basically, this fallacy entails declaring that an argument or statement is wrong or flawed simply because of who it came from, or by casting unfounded aspersions upon the person who made the statement or argument, rather than addressing the validity of the statement or argument itself.
Who said it was personal? You did, and need to take your meds. Many of these sources are biased. There is no fallacy there.
Not personal perhaps, but willfully not attempting to follow the links in the OP
Why should I pay to read an NY Toilet Paper Times to see their information is biased?
This is all about the left wing conspiracy to make Trump look bad.

They throw everything against the wall hoping something sticks. Unfortunately there are some simple minded people falling for the left's lies about Coronavirus.
No conspiracy. No secret. Trump was bad news from his early years. He was a Democrat supporting Democrats most of his life, but when it came to elective office, they wouldn't have him. They knew him. You should have picked someone else. It is out in the open. He has been weighed, measured and found wanting. At the moment he and his ilk want the people over 60 to pay for his next election with our lives, if that is what it will take to get the economy moving quicker. FK trump, he is bad for American and even a traitor to every American in his age group. That is why he is losing support of seniors. Joe Biden will be voted into the Presidency, come November. Get used to it.
The Boomers were Trump's base in 2016 that ultimately carried him over the edge in the key swing states. If he loses them, it's hard to see how he stands any chance whatsoever in getting reelected. There are simply too many headwinds facing his campaign. This election is looking more like 1932 than 2016.

I think the following sign from a trump supporter sums up why old people are leaving trump in droves.

They see that trump and his younger supporters want to kill them with the virus just for money and trump reelection.

They see their friends dying in droves with trump doing nothing to stop it, in fact taking actions that will cause more to die, and worry if they will be next.

View attachment 337822
It is a damn shame some bozo from my own state would hold a sign like that.
Great source! They reference a poll no one else has heard of, and cite Politico and the New York Times. That is a typical libtard "Big Lie" tactic!

AKA: Ad Hominem, Personal Attack
Basically, this fallacy entails declaring that an argument or statement is wrong or flawed simply because of who it came from, or by casting unfounded aspersions upon the person who made the statement or argument, rather than addressing the validity of the statement or argument itself.

I would also add from fact check:


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The New York Times

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